
Harder than a bullet could hit ya



10 Years
Athena I
06-23-2017, 09:46 PM

Well this still wasn't very far from home, but it was progress! She padded through the open field at a light trot. She had been here before and seen how this place looked in full bloom so seeing it as a flat expanse of snow wasn't nearly as exciting. There were spots where the snow was beginning to melt away and the grasses and wildflowers were beginning to poke through, but it would be a while still till the prairie was back in full swing. Baine decided she would have to come back again in the spring to see it in full bloom again.

She remembered all the times she used to go on adventures and leave for several days at a time without really thinking about it and for some reason now she felt even more tied to home than when she was younger. It made more sense for her to adventure now that she was older and more sure of her skills and able to keep herself safe, but no, she wanted to adventure back when she was young and not as strong. She she smiled and shook her head at her naive, younger self. Ah well, little ventures away from the pack from time to time were good for her. She loved to stretch her legs and get some miles under her paws.

Baine looked up and slowed to a stop when she saw a small herd of buffalo shuffling by in the distance. There were only four or so of them. She was used to seeing them in much larger groups, but it seemed this bunch either got slit from their herd or perhaps something had happened to the larger group of them. She watched them curiously for a while, considering if it would be worth it to try and hunt the smallest of the bunch. It probably wasn't a good idea to do on her own. But perhaps she could find some smaller prey around? She knew hares and prairie dogs were pretty plentiful around here, but would they be hibernating?

"Talk" "You" Think