
Not What's Expected [Pack Meeting!]



8 Years

06-28-2017, 05:40 AM (This post was last modified: 06-28-2017, 07:30 AM by Váli.)
She didn't expect it to all come crashing down on her. She didn't expect all the worries, all the stress, all the fears to fall onto her in the course of a night and a day. She didn't expect the conversation she had the night before, or the farewell she said this morning. She didn't expect all the worries after that, either, when watching one of her closest friends leave with one of his daughters. And there were a lot of worries. Would he be okay? Would he find Storm's pups? Would he be able to stay in contact? Who else did he tell - or was it really a split decision when he saw her? Did any of his other children know? Any of the pack?

Well, she supposed she would find out. Taking a deep breath, she glanced at his den. He'd normally call meetings from there, but... she swallowed hard, blinking away the tears that threatened to form. There was no way she could keep her composure if she held the meeting there. She'd be bawling before she even had a chance to call the pack together. Instead, she went further, and further, and further - until she found another pile of rocks, much different; not good for a den, but decent enough for her to leap up and sit on.

Taking a breath, she howled for the pack. It was not a happy howl, and it was one that spoke of urgency and importance; the pack needed to come, and quick.

Due date: July 6th!

***IMPORTANT*** Anyone who does not post by July 6, and does not have an absence posted up by July 2nd will be removed from the pack/ the roster! In addition to that, if you are on absence, just like with alpha check rules, if you post between July 2nd and July 6th with any character, the absence is invalidated.


[Image: aGjjkVy.png]



4 Years
06-28-2017, 01:06 PM

He had known to some extent what had happened, he of course noticed that the alpha had come to visit them less and less until he stopped coming altogether. When the pretty woman he had met in the Autumn called for a meeting he suspected the worse, and he knew exactly who was at fault. His sisters had officially become more than a personal annoyance, they were now a problem . It hadn’t been bad enough that their mother had begun to neglect them, especially when Cloud didn’t deserve it. Corentine most certainly did, but CB was the best brother in the entire world and had never done anything wrong.

He was the first to arrive at the rock pile where the white woman sat and took his seat near the front, looking up at her expectantly. A lot had changed since the Autumn, aside from being nearly twice the size he had been he had become much more…serious. He seemed generally unamused, perhaps even disgusted, His stride was one of cold mindfulness like a large predatory cat with total domination of its territory, most of all however was the darkness resting behind his golden eyes, a seething hatred for his sisters, and Bass for being an old fool, and the vermin fox that lived in their borders. When he was primo things would be completely different. He would make sure of it.


Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



9 Years
06-28-2017, 08:54 PM (This post was last modified: 06-28-2017, 08:55 PM by Storm.)

She had started to clean out her herb den, getting things prepared for the spring that was just around the corner. Two of her children were still missing and Storm was still feeling completely helpless. She had wanted to desperately talk to Bass, but the Primo had been disappearing leaving her no chances to catch him. She didn't really know the reason because she had been sort of keeping to herself lately. She felt horrible for being that way especially when her three remaining children needed her. Once Spring hit each of her children would be getting plenty of one on one time with her and a chance to get out of the pack lands and explore. She would take them with her while she herb hunted in hopes to get more time with her little ones, clinging to the ones she had left. She didn't want to take them out this winter, it was to easy to get lost or for a storm to pop up and she couldn't take loosing another child.

Her ears perked at an urgent call to the pack and her ears flattened. It was from a fellow healer and immediately the only thing Storm could think about, was death or medical emergency. Her fur bristled at the thought and she rushed back into her herb den grabbing a couple things before taking off towards the call, desperately hoping her thoughts were wrong. She tried her best to navigate like she normally did, but the panic that was threatening to take over made her slower and more confused then normal. It also was not at the normal meeting spot which through her off and made her panic even more.

When she finally found the meeting spot relief washed over the women and she dropped her bundle before approaching the meeting. She couldn't smell any blood so there must not be anyone who needed tending to. There was Only Vali and her son Ty so far, according to her nose, that were here. Moving over beside Ty she gently nuzzled her son on the shoulder in a typical greeting. Taking a gentle whiff so looked for new and old wounds briefly before being satisfied that he was in good health.

"Talk" & 'Think"

[Image: pV7voRu.png]
[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times



8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
07-01-2017, 09:03 AM (This post was last modified: 07-01-2017, 09:04 AM by Brandr.)

Brandr was excited that spring was around the corner.  He'd been working himself half to death trying to keep the pack fed and hoped that with the return of spring the prey would flourish and he could have another attempt at holding a pack hunt.  Hopefully the second time would turn out less disastrous than his first.  He'd been scouting the plains and the thicket, taking as many notes on the prey's movements as he possibly could in preparation for an early spring hunt.

It was late in the morning of a clear, sunny, winter day and he was just returning to the plains when he heard a sorrowful howl ring out.  Brandr's heart dropped into his stomach, his good mood dissipating in an instant.  Whatever that call was about it was not going to be good news.  Brandr shifted his course to arrive at a small gathering of wolves.  He was trying to remember their names but the only one he recognized for sure was the pup Tyrannis.  Dipping his head in greeting to the wolves there he sat quietly by himself, waiting for the news to drop.

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
Athena I
07-01-2017, 09:14 AM

Piper had one paw across the border when she heard Vali's howl. She stopped mid step and listened, her ears alert to catch the unexpected sound. In all honesty Piper had spent little time within Abaven's borders in recent memory. Sometimes her wanderlust got the best of her. It also didn't help that her family was scarce at best and being where they weren't made her sad. The responsible thing would be to stick around the pack and help out, but she was in more of a avoid all her problems sort of mood.

However, when she heard the urgency in Vali's howl she didn't hesitate to break into a run toward the meeting. What really had her on edge was the fact that her father wasn't calling the meeting himself. What had she missed in all her time abroad? She slowed to a trot as she neared the edge of the clearing and came over to join the few wolves that had gathered so far. She gave Vali a concerned look as she settled uneasily on her haunches a short distance away. She could only hope nothing bad had happened.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years

07-01-2017, 09:23 AM (This post was last modified: 07-01-2017, 09:33 AM by Lillianna.)

She never went to Bass with the problem with Sparrow. It wasn't that she never tried, it was that he... was never around. She was never able to catch him the few times she went, so she just stewed in silence, and occasionally in the company of Lark... well, often in the company of Lark. She had somehow managed to purposefully estrange herself from everyone in the pack, and yet for some reason she didn't really feel bad about it - was that wrong of her? It probably was, but her desire to socialize had waned as her years increased.

When a meeting was called, though, she knew she had to respond - and she did so willingly. She remembered what happened the last time... Ach. Embarrassment made her ears flick out, though a smile flickered on her face as she stood and stretched, trotting over to where the meeting was being called. She was frowning, though - why wasn't it Bass that called the meeting? She didn't understand? Was something wrong - with Bass? Or was this another reason? The urgency in the meeting was... much different than the sound it'd be for a training, so she knew it wasn't that for sure.

When she arrived and saw only Vali, and no Bass, she eyed Vali with concern. Where was their alpha?

Not many wolves had arrived yet; only a few wolves who weren't incredibly known to her. She recognized them all, of course... just never really had conversations with them. Sandpiper, Storm, the new hunter whose name she should really get, and one of Storm's kids. Thatw as all. Humming thoughtfully, she flopped herself down not too far from Sandpiper. Eh, there would work.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.



7 Years
Extra large

07-01-2017, 02:16 PM
Lark had been expecting another meeting soon. It'd been awhile since he'd really talked to his dad, and he'd been waiting to find him so he could prod at him about the weirdness between Lillianna and Sparrow. Still, the fact that he wasn't around lately was.. mildly concerning. His worries only grew when he heard a summoning call, not from his father, but from Vali. Uhhh.

A frown touched his lips. That was definitely not normal, unless perhaps she was becoming a leader alongside Bass? They'd been quite affectionate the last time he'd seen them, but he would be surprised still if that's what was happening. Without hesitation he responded to the call, making his way to the gathering in the plains - not quite near the usual spot that his father preferred to call them to - and finding only a few had arrived, and that his father was absent.

That definitely didn't help his confusion. His attention fell on Sandpiper first, noting worry on her features, and likewise Lillie looked just as confused. His frown deepened as he moved to sit between the two of them, touching his nose to his sister's cheek first, before eyeing Lillie. "The fuck you think this is about?" He whispered, his voice already aggravated as he turned to eye her.

Sparrow I


7 Years
07-02-2017, 04:06 PM
She heard the call- quick and urgent. Sparrow made haste to grab whatever herbs she had left in her den and head over. She wasn't right by her den when the call sounded, so the small girl took a while longer than some others to get there.

When she came, she quickly nudged Lark and Sandpiper- ignoring Lillianna, much to even her own surprise- before pushing towards the front of the gathering. Vali sat up at the front, having also called the meeting. Did she have an injury? Sparrow came close, but noticed Vali was fine. She looked around, but there was no one to be healed, Sparrow dropped her herbs. It appeared that Storm had brought some herbs too.

Her father wasn't there, but she could smell him on Vali. Her eyes glinted with suspicion. Sparrow lowered herself into a sitting position, though she remained ready to spring back up in an instance.

"Vali, what's this about? Where's dad?" she asked, her eyes going to her her herbs for asecond, then back to Vali. If something happened to her father...

Her heart clenched. She looked back to Lark as if for support, then once again back to Vali.

"What's happened?"



6 Years
07-02-2017, 06:33 PM

She was still in the den, peacefully resting from her late night. She had spent the night tracking the nocturnal creatures that lived within the pack lands. Ever since her tracking adventure with Brandr she was thinking about attempting another solo hunt, but she wasn't sure what animal to choose. She knew rabbit tasted good and groundhog was okay, but she wanted to try something else. She stretched out, her eyes fluttering open to discover the den empty. She sat up looking around, suddenly alarmed that she was the only one left in the den. Then her ears heard the summoning call making her get up from her comfy spot. She crawled out of the den and shook out her fur before taking off towards the call. The den was a decent distance from where the call came from and took her a while to get there.

So when she arrived she wasn't surprised to see that she was one of the last few to trickle in. She didn't understand the seriousness of the meeting because she hadn't paid attention to the emotion in the call. She approached with her tail wagging and first went over to Brandr and gently nose bumped him before going over to sit by her mother. Settling on the other side of her mother she gave a big yawn before focusing on who made the call. Then is when she realized that it wasn't Bass. So she was a little confused, but quietly waited for an explanation.

"Talk" & 'Think"

Brandr, Lucine, & Halation is allowed in any of her threads regardless of the tag



9 Years
07-06-2017, 01:37 AM

>>It was...weird. Bass hadn't called the pack together, but rather it was someone he didn't know. A woman, by the looks of it when he arrived. And before him, a few of the other members. Maybe not everyone, but he wasn't the last. Slowly he walked into the meeting, crimson eyes searching the crowd for his old friend, but he was nowhere to be found. His scent was barely there...on the woman? Weird...To top it all off, he noticed the meeting was nowhere near where they usually had it, and he could see that he wasn't the only one that looked confused. What the hell was going on? Where was Bass? It seemed he wasn't the only one thinking it, because one of his daughters spoke up and asked what they were all thinking. He couldn't find it in him to sit, so he stood there as they all waited for an answer.




11 Years
Dragon Mod
07-06-2017, 01:45 AM

Well this was interesting. The meeting wasn't in its usual place, so he followed the crowd to somewhere new. Heeding the call of someone who...well, he actually had no idea. Even when she came into view, he had no damn clue who it was. Bass wasn't there, obviously, so the slate male sat and waited for Quake to catch up to him. Crimson gaze looked around steadily, noting all the confused faces. He supposed they had a right to be confused, because there was some old woman calling them together instead of the old man. Even the fox looked confused, though he didn't know what kind of relationship he had with the old dog. Anywho, he sat and waited. Quake would surely be here soon, and she had mentioned something to him...the question was whether or not she was brave enough to go through with it, though he encouraged her to do what would make her happy.




9 Years
Dragon Mod
07-06-2017, 01:52 AM

She was...confused. A howl had called for the pack together, wasn't Bass? Worry and anxiety gnawed at her belly, and she wasn't sure what to do. She wasn't the type to ignore calls like that, so hesitantly she followed her uncle. The closer she got, the more the anxiety tugged at her. It didn't take long to reach their destination, but what she found made her anxiety grow worse. Bass wasn't here. Instead, it was a woman that Quake didn't know. Someone she had sort of seen around, someone that was supposed to mentor her but didn't, so she was practically a stranger to her. She sat down with her uncle, curling up against him as her eyes wandered towards the others for a brief moment. They all seemed just as worried, and already she expected the worst news.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



8 Years
07-06-2017, 05:43 AM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2017, 12:46 PM by Shrapnel.)

There came a time where Asha realize that she spent more time away from the pack than she did within it. When she'd first joined she'd been excited about it. Ready to devote herself to something better and far greater than her own selfish desires. The life of the loner hadn't interested her then. Being alone was too boring, too bland, and far too lonely and depressing to be of any use to her. Now? Now she had returned to the pack lands and wondered why she'd stayed. She'd only familiarized herself with a few faces at most. Storm, Pyrrhus, and Bass had really been the only ones she'd communicated with and that hadn't been often. Now she came to the realization that it was probably time to take her leave. She wanted to wander and explore before she got to old to continue to do so and she was doing nothing but wasting space and resources in a pack.

Of course the day she was going to speak to Bass about leaving the pack was the day everything would change.

The howl caught her attention and the strange thing was it was feminine. A spark of irritation and confusion flickered within her. There were no higher ranked females. Unless she'd really missed that much when she'd been gone? The other odd thing that caught her attention was that the sound had come from a different location that the last. What the hell was going on?

She padded towards the new meeting place to see that a good group had mustered already with some white bitch she couldn't recall seeing. Her silver gaze lingered on the caller for only a moment as her gaze shifted over the crowd. Huh. No Bass. What the fuck? No matter. She was still going to request to take her leave regardless of who was running the meeting. She'd just stick around for answers first. She took a seat near the edge of the group and waited impatiently for the meeting to begin.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: Cg2w8lq.png]


07-07-2017, 10:08 AM

The large female had been restless, her heart, her mind, her very soul unsettled within Abaven. She found herself being drawn away from the pack bit by bit… and like Asha, the female who had joined shortly before her, Pyrrhus felt a feeling of restlessness in her paws. She had been debating talking to Bass about leaving, about seeing more of the world, but when the call for the pack to gather came it was not a call from Bass’ lips. The female twitched her ears as fiery gaze shifted uncertainly. What was this…? Where was their alpha? Was something amiss? The female got to her paws, shaking out her coat.

No matter… she was going to make her request to leave either way. The scarred femme made her way to the gathering and sat near Asha, the one she felt the closest kinship to in this pack. She gently bumped the older woman’s shoulder, speaking in a whisper. “...any idea why the fuck she’s the one calling the meeting?” Pyrr didn’t necessarily have it out for Vali… but the woman was not the alpha she joined under. Her gaze flicked towards the white and black furred femme, giving her a slight dip of her head. Regardless… Pyrr showed her at least that much respect. If Bass wasn’t here, and this woman was, there was surely a reason.

Walk, "Talk" Think



8 Years

07-20-2017, 12:29 AM (This post was last modified: 07-20-2017, 12:35 AM by Váli.)
Vali sighed quietly as her gaze drifted to the ground. He was already gone; leaving at dawn without a final goodbye - though really, he'd said those goodbyes the night prior. There was no need for a second farewell, and it seemed he and his daughter thought that as well. She only hoped they'd return soon. It didn't take long for wolves to start showing up - first Tyranis, the ambitious child, and then... whoops.

Guilt flashing in her eyes, she eyed Storm apologetically, not that the other woman could see it. "There are no wounds," she said quietly. Ah, why hadn't she thought? She had didn't even think about how an urgent call might sound to a healer when called by another healer. She was an idiot.

As each wolf appeared, sans a few, and a questioning glance tossed her way, her heart clenched. She greeted each one respectfully, even the pups; a simple dip of the head each time someone else appeared. Still, though, she wondered. Did he tell no one but her? Was she the only one in the know? Even his children were looking questioningly at her - and Sparrow. Oh gods, Sparrow. Her jaw tightened and she blinked back tears rapidly, though probably not quick enough for Sparrow not to notice. The suspicious look in Sparrow's eyes, her questions. It was clear that Sparrow trusted no one and nothing, and that she was already panicking inside. "I'll answer that in a minute, Sparrow," she replied quietly, her voice only cracking once on the words.

Everyone arrived quickly, including a couple wolves that only roughly scented of Abaven. In the back of her mind, she realized that only two of Storm's remaining 3 pups had appeared. Fear clenching her heart as she hoped that another pup hadn't disappeared, she began.

"It seems... that I was the only one told. I'd like to apologize ahead of time. I had no idea that I was the only one..." Her voice trailed off, and she swallowed hard before continuing. "As you all may have noticed, Bass was spending more and more time outside pack lands with one of his daughters, Finch. Last night I ran into him - and that was when he spoke to me. He said that he couldn't be the alpha anymore, not right now - not until Storm's pups are found. Not until he found the source of all the baseless rumors that we've heard." Coming out of her mouth it sounded worse, so much worse than it actually was. "He wanted to go look for them. Without the duties of a pack, without the duties of anything other than himself. He asked me to temporarily lead the pack until he returned - with Storm's pups. He took with him Finch, who is supposed to act as a messenger between us at times, so I can keep him updated about the pack and he can send information back to the pack. He left... He left early this dawn." Before she woke up. "That's also why it was passed to me. I'm only supposed to hold the pack until he comes back; he isn't supposed to stay gone for very long, I hope." Hope was a very strong word here - she hoped it with all her heart, and all her being.

She fell quiet then, not really knowing what else to say. Perhaps just let others speak? She glanced at Sparrow, the suspicious young woman - who seemed wary and distrustful, though Vali had never given any sign otherwise. If anyone were to say anything or snap, she expected it to be this girl... and she hoped the explanation would be enough.

Due date: July 27th!

***IMPORTANT*** Cloudburst and Starling are being removed from the pack roster! Also, I'm so sorry this is so late. I, uh... might have forgotten that I had this meeting up. This won't be happening again, as it's unacceptable.




4 Years
07-24-2017, 11:39 AM

“I hope.” She had said but Tyranis couldn’t agree. He hoped Bass never found his sisters, he hoped they stayed missing forever; and if Bass never returned? Well, that was no great loss. Bass had withheld what he considered his destiny and even with him gone it seemed he would continue to do so. If Vali was simply “Holding” Abaven until Bass “Returned” she would most likely wait until Bass gave her the final order, and Bass had proven to be a fool. He knew the logistics of inheriting a pack of course, He wouldn’t be old enough to even attempt to challenge for another year, but he could still plant the seed of thought in Vali’s mind that passing the pack to him would be her best option. He looked at the other pack members and felt the warm flame of ill-intent beginning to brew. Most of them were loyal to Bass, and would most likely lose interest in Abaven now that he was gone.

speaking Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



9 Years
07-25-2017, 01:18 AM

It didn't take long for the meeting to start, but in the time it took for it to begin, he only had one question on his mind. Where. Was. Bass. He glanced around, everyone looking just as confused as he felt. It wasn't like Bass to not be around, for as long as he knew him he'd always been there. But was...this Vali. A woman he didn't personally know in any way except by name. Before his thoughts could run rampant, she began to speak. He sat there in silence, stunned and shocked by what she'd said. He was sure he wasn't the only one, and it seemed the whole pack fell incredibly silent. It seemed like the world stood still, not a sound to be made. What...what did she say? He felt...numb. His brain worked to process the information. At first, he thought maybe he was dreaming. But as the silence felt even heavier, and with the lack of Bass' began to feel all too real. find someone else's kids...and left her in charge? That didn't sound like him at all...sure he had a big heart, but to abandon the pack to find kids that could be anywhere in the world? And then to give this woman the pack instead of one of his own kids?

Crimson gaze found the form of Bass' eldest son, Lark. And he wondered how the male felt. How the rest of the kids felt. Finch had left too. To go on some wild goose chase with Bass...He was at a loss for words. Each time he tried to speak, his voice wouldn't come. He was...upset. Sad. Angry. Bass had left without telling him, his oldest friend, anything! Instead, he had told this woman that the fox knew nothing about except a name. For as long as he'd been in Abaven, Bass had been the leader. he just felt betrayed. That the man he considered a brother would up and leave without saying a god damn thing! Not even to his own kids!

His chest started to heave with the pent up emotions. All the times he had supported Bass and tried to be there for him, and the wolf had turned his back on him. Typical of a wolf...wasn't it? All these years he thought he could trust them. Maybe it was just the anger that burned inside that made him think this, he didn't know. Maybe it was wise for him to just stick with his own kind...and then he thought of Amaryllis. The vixen he'd met a few weeks ago. If Bass had decided to betray him and turn his back on the pack for selfish reasons, then there was no reason that he needed to stay any longer. He had no other friends here. No other attachments left. "I...I can't believe this..." He uttered, not so quietly. His voice rattled with anger before his head shot up, crimson gaze snapping up to Vali. "It's not like Bass to do something like that! It's not like him to take off without saying a word to anyone!" He snapped, fur bristling. He was angry, and rightfully so. The usually happy fox was feeling anger for the first time in...well, ever, he supposed. He couldn't remember when he'd been this angry.

"Yet he spoke to you and left everything to you of all wolves! Not even his own kids!" His mouth snapped shut in frustration, bushy tail lashing...he couldn't stay here anymore. He needed to leave. Had Lark or someone who rightfully deserved to inherit the pack been chosen, then he might have considered staying. But he wouldn't stay. Not with how things had happened. "Sorry, but I'm just not buying it. Abaven has been my home since it's first year. Bass and I had been best friends since we were yearlings. And then he decides to just abandon us? Without saying goodbye or giving us a real reason?" He shook his head, the Todd standing up. "I...I can't stay here anymore. I'm leaving Abaven."

He looked towards all of Bass' kids. Or at least, those that were present. A pained look was plain as day on his face, his heart hurting for them. Dart knew what it was like to be abandoned. Cast out, even. But did Bass' kids? It hurt. And it hurt like hell. "Destruction kids, I've known you guys for a long time...if you ever need me for anything, just call. I'm sorry." With a heavy heart, he turned and left the group of wolves. He was in disbelief. Many questions going unanswered. Most of all...he was angry with Bass for what he'd done. How he'd chosen to do it. It wasn't fair. He was selfish. And Dart doubted that the former alpha would ever come back.

-Exit unless stopped-




9 Years
07-25-2017, 07:31 AM

Storm settled down to laying sternally, Ty was close by and she waited for the rest of them to gather. She was unsure of what was going on and why it had been Vali to call the meeting, but really it hadn't bothered her. Both Vali and Bass had been a big help with her and her children, she couldn't thank either of them enough. When she had thought about her two missing girls her heart ached and it made her feel as though she had failed her children. She had grieved for quite some time, but she had realized that she still had three of her children and they needed her attention and her care. She didn't want to loose them also.

Though as others arrived her ears shifted and swiveled on her head seeking out the last two children missing from the meeting. She had no doubt they would be along because they knew they must attend. Corentine was within the last few to arrive and Storm's nose picked her up before her ears could hear her. She came over and sat on Storm's left side and she smiled greeting her daughter with a gentle nuzzle just like she had done with Ty when she had arrived at the meeting. Then her senses went back into searching for her Cloud. When Vali started the meeting she felt her heart once again sink within her chest. Where was Cloud? Mentally she struggled though her mind made up excuses for him. Maybe he was sick and laying back at the den.

She had to try vary hard to refocus her attention back on Vali. Her mind was swirling, but she had to pay attention. She needed to know what the other healer had to say and it had to be vary important if she had called the whole pack together. Though the women's words made her head whirl again. Bass' lack of being around was all the fault of her missing children, he wanted to find them. So he was leaving the pack until they were found. It made her heart sink more. What would the pack think? What would his kids think? And it was all at fault of her family. She sighed and lowered her head to her paws just wanting this meeting to be over.

"Talk" & 'Think"

[Image: pV7voRu.png]
[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times



8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
07-25-2017, 06:27 PM

Brandr sat quietly as other wolves filled in and he noted the tension in the air. Everyone was keenly aware of Bass' absence and he could only imagine what terrible conclusions everyone was drawing. Brandr had liked Bass a fair bit but they weren't really close. Even so it would be a terrible shame if something happened to him. Time seemed to stand still as everyone waited with baited breath for the woman to speak. When she finally did it was heavy news but not the worst. Brandr had fully been preparing himself for Bass' death but in a way he supposed this was similar. He was still new to the pack and had not realized that Storm had pups missing.

Something about the timing of it though and the fact that Bass had not mentioned it to him made him feel that whatever this was was a lost cause…. it also made him seriously doubt Bass was ever coming back.

He ignored the fox as it spoke out. These were deep relationships that he knew nothing of. When silence fell again he spoke. "I intend to stay in Abaven. If anyone else is staying that wishes to vent frustration I will call a pack hunt after we finish here."

"Talk" "You" Think


07-25-2017, 07:02 PM

Pyrrhus listened, frowning thoughtfully at the explanation. “While I understand Bass’ reasoning for leaving quite suddenly I still wish he would have told us himself.  The pack should have worked together.” Pyrrhus narrowed her eyes slightly. “But… in some regards I agree with his decision even still. To sit and do nothing is to get nothing… and I’m afraid I’ve not found my place in Abaven as I had hoped to.” She glanced towards Asha apologetically before continuing.

“...and being as how there is no guarantee with how long Bass will be gone… I’m afraid I can not delay any longer. My heart may be that of a fighter, a warrior, but this pack is too quiet for the moment for my liking.” She paused. “Sorry, but I’m out too. I’ve met with some of Storm’s children… should I find them in my travels you can be sure as Hell I’ll bring them home to their mother and family as thanks for what Abaven’s done for me. If any of you need to talk in the outer lands, or need a sparring partner, feel free to hit me up.”

Walk, "Talk" Think