
Down by the River



5 Years
07-09-2017, 05:31 PM

Fiori's Baron traveled out of the pack lands today in search of some new land to explore. He was particularly interested in the lands directly around the pack that he hadn't visited before curious to track some other game for once. He headed towards the delta that led directly out to the ocean. He was interested in the waters that led to the ocean, to look at the wildlife that fallowed the river. He was hoping to fins some easy prey for once and many get a few pack members together to take some easy prey with him back to the pack lands

Making his way to the river the male stopped at the shore looking down into the water, first studying his reflection, then looking past it to try and find some fish. After a brief moment he tore away and moved down river, nose to the ground and looking for prey. This had to be a good water source for them so he was certain that he would find some prey to trail.

"Talk" & 'Think"

[Image: vjotmk1.png]
[Image: AaEsQ1h.png]



2 Years
07-16-2017, 03:51 PM
After meeting Bluemoon and hearing word that there was someone in Fiori with markings similar to her own, Saffron had become curious and decided to go looking for the man. She wasn't sure what caused her to become interested in finding someone that might be related to her, but something from within pulled at her. Saffron still remembered her mother, even though the woman had left their family so early on - she didn't miss Limno, in fact she still harbored bitter feelings about her mother. She remembered her features well; she saw Limno in herself any time she saw her own reflection. Memphis had resembled her quite a bit as well. Her cousin, too, had shared similar qualities, most noticeably the white eye patch. It seemed to be a trademark of their bloodline, and Saffron didn't know whether to embrace it or reject it. She knew too little, and cared too little. After all, family had been a fleeting concept in her young life.

It would seem that today, the girl craved answers to inner turmoil, or at the very least, she wanted to connect with someone. She'd wandered around the borders of Fiori, where Bluemoon came from, and where this other wolf apparently lived as well. Now, she was exploring territory that was unclaimed, wondering how she might come across the wolf she was looking for. As luck would have it, the man was wandering the same lands as she was. In the distance she could see a wolf running down the side of the river, and even from here, she could tell he fit the description she'd been given. Deciding to give chase, the girl took off, trying to keep her footing on the soft and uneven ground. The man seemed to have his nose to the ground searching for something, so she was lucky to have time to catch up.

Saffron kept running until she could howl lightly to alert the other wolf to her presence. Hopefully he would notice and slow down, or turn to face her. "Wait up!" she called out when she was close enough, "You're just the wolf I've been looking for!" She couldn't wait to get a good glimpse at his face, and she was curious to see if he would recognize her markings, as well.



5 Years
07-31-2017, 08:27 PM

Soon the male had caught a rather hot trail and his tail began to wag in excitement as he took off on the trail, heading down the river to try and find the prey the trail belonged to. He was excited to track it down, take it down, and return home with his prize. He wanted to help the pack as much as he could and with his rank he had to keep his efforts active. He didn't want Heather to think he was slacking on his duties.

He was off on the trail running down river with his nose to the ground, though something pulled his concentration. A female called out to him wanting him to wait. He slowed to a stop raising his head with his ears perked forward. He was itching to chase down a meal, but he wasn't a rude man. If someone wanted to chat, he would chat and hunt another time. He looked in the direction the trail went, before turning himself away and turning around to face the women just as she had caught up and spoke again.

Confusion riddled his face at her words. He didn't recognize her, but yet she had been looking for him? He then looked again and that's when he noticed the white eye patch and his dual gaze zeroed in on it. It was on her right eye, which his was on his left though as far as he knew the eye marking came from his mother's side of the family. He also remembered that it was a strong trait since each of his siblings had the same marking, but Jackson didn't recognize her.

"Looking for me?" he said still a little shocked and unsure how to act in this situation.

"Talk" & 'Think"

[Image: vjotmk1.png]
[Image: AaEsQ1h.png]



2 Years
08-04-2017, 01:45 AM
The girl smirked with satisfaction as the fox-coated male stopped what he was doing to acknowledge her. She trotted forward until she was standing in front of him, where she planted her paws, white-tipped tail swishing back and forth. Seeing him close up now, her silver eyes scanned him carefully. She looked over his white eye patch, the shading of his face and ears. She could see the resemblance that he bore to her, as well as to her sister and mother, and the cousin she'd met long ago as a pup. She grinned widely, although her eyes held on to their cold demeanor, as the look of confusion spread upon the male's face and he expressed his shock through words.

Blinking slowly, Saffron nodded, opening her eyes to meet his duo-toned gaze. "Yes, you're definitely the one," she said with certainty, "I met a wolf named Bluemoon. He said there was someone in his pack who had the same eye patch as me." She paused, allowing several moments to pass so that her words would sink in with the male. Her weight shifted from one paw to the other, and she parted her lips to speak again. "My mother had the same marking, as did my sister," she continued, "I even had a cousin, too, but... I haven't seen any of them for a long time.." Her last few words were spoken more quietly. She cleared her throat as she fell silent, realizing there was some pain twisting her heart as she spoke, something she hadn't experienced or thought about for a long time now. Was this why she'd been so eager to seek out this male? It was quite possible that he was her relative, and with her mother being murdered, her family split up seasons ago,
she was curious about any possible connections she might have. She wanted to know more; was there a reason her family had become so dysfunctional? What was the history of her lineage?