
Idols And Anchors [Fight Training]



5 Years
07-10-2017, 09:30 AM
ooc: So this is just training for fledglings, though anyone else is welcome to attend if you want. First round is due July 20th! There will be no sparring with the upcoming raid, just a quick thread for skill points (if we can get that far in rounds) and so the apprentices will have some knowledge before the raid starts.

Kharnage was getting more than a bit antsy as spring progressed. Surely Dragon would be calling them all together to leave soon. Hopefully Gryphon hadn't managed to make him change his mind about raiding? He didn't think so, but it was always so hard to tell. At least enough members had still been interested at the meeting. Maybe ten or so? That was certainly more than enough for a raiding party. He wanted to go already and kick some ass. It was really his main motivation with the supplies for Talis being his second.

Then of course it brought on the thought, how prepared were the fledglings? He knew some of them were two years old now, old enough to take a rank, and yet their lack of training prevented them. Part of that had been his fault. He had been assigned Greed, and yet he'd forgotten all about training the kid. Whoops. He felt a fair amount of guilt for it, but Kharn had done alright without a mentor for the longest time. He'd figured things out on his own.

Still now was his time to make up for it. He found a relatively dry and flat spot. Most of the grass here was dead and flat so it would allow a comfortable spot to sit. He let loose a howl summoning the pack. Sparring had been an entertaining thought, but he figured that beating each other up would ruin the raid for some. No use going into a serious battle with other wounds from previous fights. No, today would just be going over the basics. Defenses and where to attack mattered and maybe, just maybe, he could give some good tips on where to maim a wolf at if it boiled down to it.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
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[Image: 0GsPiXm.png]



5 Years
07-10-2017, 11:22 PM
Faine had always found herself with somebody, and she was almost never alone. What was nice was that when she was with somebody she was usually with a member of her own pack too. Her travels to go scout out the lands of Auster had been rather unsuccessful, finding just barely a few herbs here and there and it was disappointing to her. She had left it at that and had found herself waiting around for Dragon to call for the raid. She had decided that now was the time to stick to herself and prepare herself for such circumstances.

She had organized her small herb stock as best as she could, keeping it neat and such so she could take them to the raid for those who would return wounded. She had trained herself to get enough rest and to take care of her body in case she needed to rush into battle. Speaking of battle, she didn’t really know much about that stuff. She had the natural instinct of a predator to fight, to sink her teeth into flesh, but she knew that there were probably strategies out there that could help her out either way.

Her body was not one for battle, she was a fast wolf. If she had not been a healer she would have made out to be a great huntress, which she was sharpening her skills at anyways. Yet, she was sure that even a thin wolf like her could probably take a wolf down if she tried hard enough? Right? She knew that Dragon must know about battle, but she decided not to bother him because he was probably busy. Kharnage was a rather large brute, and from what she had learned Fern was also a fighter. Some other wolves said they would fight in the raid, but really Kharn was the one she was closest too. Hopefully, he wouldn’t mind if she asked, right? She flicked her tail and left her den, nose twitching to go find the male and easily finding him. A playful smirk on her face, “We meet again, knight in dark armor,” she teased. “Wanna teach me how to fight?” she asked as she trotted up to him and stretched, readying her muscles for some nice exercise if he agreed.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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07-10-2017, 11:24 PM
Fern lifted her head as a call rang out across the plains. It was a summons for training, it seemed. Fern looked over towards where it came from, debating on whether or not to go. She was out of shape, yes, but the last thing she wanted was to be amongst other wolves, all who were likely far less rusty than herself. However, if she were to go on the raid mission, she'd need some sort of training, even if it was just to brush the cobwebs off.
With a deep sigh, Fern pushed herself up from the soft grass that had become her primary resting spot, the small shoots brushing her ankles tentatively. She shook herself, charm smacking her ear, and trotted towards where the howl had originated.
Upon arrival, Fern saw the Dark Wolf-- Kharnage?-- who had spoken out at the raid meeting. He was sitting in a large area of flattened grass. It looked like Fern was the second wolf to show up. The other was Faine, the thin crimson she-wolf that Fern had previously met. Fern dipped her head towards the woman, a quick hello.
She figured greetings were in order, as Fern hadn't yet properly met Kharnage. "Hello. I'm Fern," she said simply. Normally with males she'd try quite a different manner of introducing herself, but this wolf stood far too tall and proud for that. She could tell simply by looking into his crushing blue eyes that he was far too intelligent to fall to Fern's feminine charms.

OOC: We haven't started the thread where Fern and Kharnage really meet yet, so I figured this would take place beforehand? If you want me to change that up then that's no problem whatsoever. Thanks!



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
07-14-2017, 07:49 PM

Valdís had been settling well into Talis. She felt renewed with a new sense of purpose and a new path in her life. The news of the planned raid filled her with excitement and she couldn't wait to show her pack members just what she was capable of. She also felt pressure being the lone Crusader. This was to be her area of expertise and she needed to prove to Dragon that he had ranked her well.

The morning was bright and clear, dew still clung to the grass as Autumn moved it's way into Talis but the temperature was still warm. She assumed when Dragon said they would raid in the spring he meant the spring in Boreas and thus the fall here. Valdís wasn't sure she could wait two more seasons to begin. As she was going out for a morning walk she heard a summons and curious she went to investigate. She came upon a dark-pelted male. The one she figured made the call and two females. Dipping her head in greeting she took a seat. "You're holding fight training correct? Can anyone listen in?"

"Talk" "You" Think


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
07-20-2017, 12:05 AM

A call for the youth of Talis, or rather, the pack in general had risen and he would answer. Greed had been growing bored, waiting for the moment their alpha would take them out to raid one of the other packs. He didn't know who'd be the unlucky ones, but he would be ready nonetheless. Swiftly he'd head towards the howl, and there he'd find Kharnage and a few others he didn't know. All three females were the new members, though one had most recently joined. He sat among them, blue gaze shifting between them before settling on Kharnage. He sat tall, wanting to be noticed and recognized. He wanted to do well and rise up the ranks and serve with all that he had. After all, it's not like he had anything else left. This pack was his family. They were the only ones ever there for him. And he wanted to pay it back, one way or another.


Art||Plot with me!

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



7 Years
07-20-2017, 10:53 PM
As usual, Sterling was a little far from home when Kharnage called to the younger members of the pack for some fight training. Stirring with excitement, the girl went bounding in the direction of the call, leaving behind her mundane discoveries. When she arrived, there were four other wolves gathered, none that she was particularly familiar with, although she recalled seeing Fern, Faine and Greed previously. She remembered the black and white young man for as long as she'd been attending meetings since puphood. As her emerald orbs wandered to the unfamiliar female, she realized she didn't recognize the young woman. She found her eyes lingering on the uniquely painted woman for a while, taking in the details of her coat and eyes as she slowly wandered around the group, waiting for the others to quiet down so she could greet Kharnage as well. Realizing she shouldn't be staring, she tore her eyes away from the stranger, and looked to the brute in charge of this fighting session.

She pranced over to him when the others had finished speaking, her dark-tipped gray tail flashing through the air. "Hey, you gonna show us some moves today?" she was buzzing with enthusiasm, this whole raid thing bringing her out of her usual quiet and introverted existence. She didn't particularly enjoy bringing attention to herself, but right now she didn't mind if the others noticed her. Besides, she had a lot to prove with this raid, and she didn't want to go overlooked when it came time to move up in rank.



4 Years
07-20-2017, 11:16 PM
Ramsay's black-rimmed ears flicked as he heard the call for the young members of the pack to gather for some fight training. Curious, as he hadn't been to any training in some time, he rose from the place he'd been lazing, and stretched out his lengthy legs before heading for the gathering. When he arrived, he cast his green gaze around the others, noticing his brother, as well as the young ladies that had gathered. He spotted Fern near the front of the group, and he decided to pass in front of her. He eyed her sidelong as he stalked by, grinning at her slightly without uttering a word, then moving over to where Greed sat. He wasn't sure if his brother would care for him to sit nearby, but Ramsay would try anyways. He didn't want the distance to always remain between them,
no matter how much tension there was.

As he got closer to Greed, he waved his tail at the brute, nodding his head. "Hey," he said in greeting, seating himself nearby but not within Greed's personal space. Now, he faced Kharnage,
waiting for the training session to begin, wondering what they would be doing today.
All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!



8 Years
07-20-2017, 11:42 PM

Muddied paws carried him towards his elder brothers call, the male wondering what his brother had in mind for them. Arke was trying to prepare for the upcoming raid, trying to store the little bit of herbs he had so he could treat his pack mates when they came back. He was willing to participate if he needed to, but he was also content with just helping out the wounded when it came down to it. With a wagging tail, he approached the group of others in his rank, and he noted there were a few others that weren't apprentices. The newer members, at least, to him they were new. He'd yet to meet them, but he knew them by name at least. He peered curiously at the three females, each one appeared strong, fierce, maybe even dominant. Were they friendly too? It'd be nice to make some new friends in the pack, so he'd try to seek them out later and perhaps learn some more about them.

He sat closer to the edge, hoping his other sisters would show up soon. The only sibling he had here was Kharnage, but he wasn't quite sure how his elder brother felt about him still. "Arke reporting for duty! What're we doin' today?" He questioned Kharn with a wag of his tail. He'd prove to his brother that he was just as good as he was.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



2 Years
07-24-2017, 04:28 PM
Oh crap - she was late again! Jade really wasn't good at this whole showing up on time thing, and definitely was even worse with showing up to meetings and training sessions, apparently. Hurriedly she made her way to the gathering, hoping she wasn't the last one there. She'd been thinking lately about the raid, and though totally baffled at what she was to expect, she had decided she definitely wanted to be part of it. To work alongside her sister and parents, if nothing else, as well as contribute to Talis/

She wore a grin when she showed up, though her tail tucked slightly against her belly as she bashfully approached. She was definitely the last one there, as far as she could see, and she quietly made her way to sit at Sterling's side. "Didn't mean to be late!" Jade chirped quietly against her sister's ear as she plopped down on her hindquarters, and glanced toward Kharnage.