


07-20-2017, 02:54 PM (This post was last modified: 07-20-2017, 03:20 PM by Dragon.)

Large paws kissed the ground with force as he wandered the base of the mountain. Cerberus had not a clue what to do, but he certainly didn't want to go back to where his sister was. If he did, he just might be inclined to rip out the tongue of the male who had knocked her up, moreso because the guys accent was annoying on his ears. He couldn't promise that he wouldn't eventually hurt the guy...or anyone for that matter. It was simply who he was. Constantly agitated and needlessly being a dick, but in his world, he was perfect. Fine. Normal. Oh how far from all of that he was...the brute never thought anything was wrong with him, he and his sister both had bad attitudes and it was how they'd been their entire lives. Why would he change just because his sister now had..."Disgusting little rats..." A shudder ran through him. He despised kids, though truth be told he probably had a bunch of little rats running around. After all, he had forced many women to sleep with him, so he was sure somewhere down the line something came out of it all. But of course, that was never really a thought of his at the times he did it. He simply did it all for pleasure. For power. And above all, to be in control of those he can force to kneel before him.

He huffed, his thoughts now wandering to had been a while since he'd had any, and he was growing agitated by it. Mara had gotten some, obviously, and now he wanted some too. Lashing his tail, he supposed he'd have to wait till he found something good.



07-20-2017, 03:14 PM

The brown girl had found refuge in a den to sleep in, it was the perfect size for her and hidden away by the shrubs that grew heavily around the area. Her sleep patterns were all over the place, the worry and fear of being alone was set in her mind. Athesia knew the risks of when she had run away from her previous group, slinking off into the night when no one would notice until the next day. If they were looking for her, she would be able to identify them by scent and try to keep out of their way to be found if they came across her trails.

As she could hear the sound of the waterfall that should have been soothing to her nerves, she heard another noise nearby. Disgusting little rats. It was a voice and it definitely belong to a male, it wasn’t a mistake to assume such. Slowly Athesia got onto her feet, her actions were foolish yet she was simply following her curious instincts to see who this stranger was. She made sure her steps were quiet as she treaded out of the den, her body moving through the shrubbery.



07-31-2017, 12:37 AM

He was fuming, though he'd try to calm himself. It was no good for him to be pissed with nothing to take it out on, it'd only end up with him taking it out on himself, and he struggled to not do that again. He had to admit though, biting his own flesh just so he could at least feel something other than what he felt now sounded the male lifted his left foreleg and sharply cut his fang across it. He saw a few drops of blood fall on the ground before he set his foot back down, and then he felt the warmth of it trickle down his leg until it seeped onto the ground. He shuddered with delight, a new feeling other than the fury he had moments before. This was a common thing for him, especially when no others were around. It calmed his nerves a bit at least, and it was one more scar he just added to his collection. Breathing a sigh of satisfaction, he made to turn so he could head back to where Mara and Feli were, but then something caught his attention.

A rustling in the brush alerted him to another presence, the large males eyes narrowing with suspicion. Someone was spying on him!? A low growl slipped up his throat as his calmness began to dissipate into anger again. Who the fuck was spying on him!? I bet it's Mara's fucking boy toy! I'll show that slime dog a lesson! He roared in his head. Without hiding his presence, Cerberus headed directly towards where he heard the sound, though as he drew closer, he noted it wasn't a male's scent at all, but a female's! Oh ho ho! Was he in luck? Had the fates started to work in his favor? He supposed he'd find out soon enough. Lumbering through the shrubbery, he hastily headed towards his target. He made no effort to hide himself nor move quietly. And it wasn't until he was nearly upon her did he stop, the male soon finding her.

She was smaller than he was, darker fur, too. Though in the darkness, she appeared to be of black coloring. Sharp gaze bored into her, a smile curving upwards as his teeth glinted in the moonlight. "Hello there, darling." His voice was sickly sweet, like velvet. Had she been the one spying on him? He guessed he would find out.



07-31-2017, 09:57 AM

Athesia continued to move as quietly as she could, her steps were cautious as she proceeded forward. Her eyes warily taking in her surroundings and flicker to any movement she caught in the corner of her eye. Ears swivelled forward on top of her cranium, listening to see if the male spoke any more or if he was moving around. But the low growl, she assumed came from the male, she heard it. A light gulp stuck in her throat as she completely froze in her place, the only movement she made was breathing.

Her gaze widened slightly as the large masculine soon came through the shrubbery to where she stood, she would meet his eyes for a brief moment before lowering them to the ground. She would flatten her ears upon her skull as she would take on a submissive posture. “Hello there, darling.” The vocals of his made her skin prickle with goose bumps, she knew deep down that she most likely would regret being found by this male. “H-hello,” she said in response of his greeting, her voice almost a whisper.