
I see fire


07-26-2017, 07:37 AM
She padded onward. Her head was held low and her purple eyes on the ground. She lost her friend because her uncle was a prick. She guessed it couldn't be helped, man thought he was a fucking god after all. She doubted it now a days. Miach had given her a new view on mortals. He was kind, and unlike her family actually fun. "Oh! Who am I fucking kidding.... I'm fucking adopted and it's not like Ana can get her head out of her ass long enough to realize she's made an ass of me. And Adra disappearing hasn't helped shit." a snarl passed her lips as she stopped and plopped on her ass. Her leg propped out, it wasn't healed properly and thanks to that she walk funny and couldn't sit properly. Thanks to Amon her fucking leg was useless. Didn't the fucked know how to watch how much weight he put into punishments? "Of course he does, Amon's just a fuckin prick. God's I could scream for days about how he's a fucking asshole!" she was of course yelling into the nothingness of the night. She was unaware that another lurked and this one could very well cause the end of her. Or that this one was one of those that she cursed about in what she assumed was a lonely and silent night.



3 Years
Dire wolf
07-26-2017, 08:04 AM

She had been out for an evening walk, to of course get a meal for herself and possibly Pyr if she caught something big enough. She hadn't met many of the family still but didn't much concern herself with that. After all, she was working on budding up with her elder cousin Pyralis and eventually Amon, if she could ever catch him when he wasn't performing fatherly duties. She of course was also busy finding a suitor to bring her own strength into the folds of the family. She moved quietly, sure Pyralis was indeed following her soon enough. She had of course invited her cousin to stretch her legs with Skia. If she had she wasn't completely certain but she didn't want to stop and check. The canyon was nice but not Skia's personal favorite. Though she knew when she had her own children she would indeed choose to den there to ensure there was one way in and out. It didn't hurt that her family was there either. Safety for holdings layed within them.

Her ears perked at the sound of shouts ahead. She would of ignored it if it were not for the scent and the words. It was a young female and ice blue eyes locked on the backside of the kid. She cursed out names Skia knew as her family. What truly brought a flick to her tail of anger was that this brat called herself adopted and furthered the anger by disrespecting Amon and her oldest cousins. What self respecting abraxas would allow such a thing to happen? To adopt? It was blasphemy. She was quick to decide what to do.

She pushed off with her legs and let her paws eat up the distance before she pounced. The kid would not live. The abraxas that caused such a stain would be called for then after this girls carcass lay upon the canyon floor. Teeth met sinew as she ripped into the child's neck at the side, ripping flesh from it. Her eyes narrowed with their deadly intent and folded ears heard the girls scream but they fell on deaf ears this night. A goddess of war would not have mercy upon this child now that she had disrespected such a family. As the child fell on her side screaming in pain Skia pressed a paw to her cheek and her eyes gleaned from anger at such an abomination that thought itself good enough to call itself an Abraxas. Her teeth then snapped, closing upon the girls throat, silencing her and giving a swift rip. She wouldn't last more than mere minutes now. It was the only kindness Skia would show. She was silenced and Skia let the flesh fall from her mouth as the girl sputtered wide eyed. Skia seated herself then and watched the desolate land surrounding them. "You are no Abraxas mortal, Amon will learn of this and all will be made right." eyes turned then towards the canyon. Skia was swift and effective. There would be much to discuss with Amon.

Walk, "Talk", Think