
Danger! Danger! High Voltage!



4 Years
07-31-2017, 07:12 PM

As he grew closer and closer to his adolescence Tyranis began to rebel more and more, which of course meant spending less and less time in the pack’s lands and more exploring the east. He hated all of them, hated the traitors who had left Abaven, hated his sisters for making everyone still in Abaven turn on him, and hated Cloud for disappearing when he knew he was the Lightning Bolt’s only brother.  He approached the lake, his dark coat practically invisible at night and looked at his reflection in the still lake before swatting at it angrily. They didn’t deserve the largest pack in the East, they didn’t deserve to have a strong leader, especially when they were so weak themselves. He sat in a huff, head craned down to look at the settling water with narrowed eyes.

Maybe Abaven itself was weak. Maybe Bass- the old fool- had been wrong from the very beginning. The gears in his mind began to turn, his eyes blazing as a new vision formed in his mind; A pack for the strong that didn’t tolerate lesser creatures, or idiots who turned their backs on their pack-mates just because some idiot had flown the coop on a fools errand. A pack where no one backed out or else . A pack for the Dauntless. Dauntless.  

Speech Thought

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  


07-31-2017, 08:39 PM
Cold. It engulfs the woman's frame as she glides, paws churning silently in the water as she swam. Spring was not the best time to be getting wait but she loved the way the icy waters stole her breath, the way it made her nerves burn until finally they gave up their fight and became numb. Having been exploring the lands she would eventually call home she had been pleasantly surprised to come upon this lake. The pebbled shores had almost beckoned her into their depths and who was she to defy them. To give them what they want. Legs turn and turn, muscles pulling and loosening in rhythm ever so slowly increasing their mass. Before Quill had left the pack her training had been rigorous as she tried to be as fit as possible for the fights, now she almost found comfort in continuing the habit and pushing her body to the limit when possible.

Something along the water's edge catches her eye though and she turns, striking out forward towards it. As she gets closer she recognizes the stature of a pup and curiosity lights into a blaze. Within a short while she is upon him, unless he had left the lake's edge. Everything about the pup seemed to drip with what was possibly anger and disappointment and it was as if her belly grumbled in anticipation. She longed to feast upon the sour emotions and feed them until they would threaten to consume him, as she so often let happen to her. It made her strong, but would that make this pup strong or would it destroy him?

"Lost?" Question breaks forth from cream and ebon maw as paws find purchase in the pebbles. Slate and ebon cloak clings fast to warrior built frame as the woman emerges, slithering upon the bank like a sea monster approaching for a feast. Once she is fully upon the shore she gives her bodice a rough and unfeminine shake, sending showers of droplets each way. Cerulean blues turn to the boy, steeled gaze hoping to hold uncomfortably long.



4 Years
08-02-2017, 09:11 AM

He looked up at the woman and then looked back down. “No.” He said seriously, his voice not quite deep enough to be an adolescent’s but deeper than the shrill high pitch of a pup in his first season. The woman’s lingering vision annoyed him, or maybe it was his already worn down nerves at the root of his anger, but her fixed vision certainly didn’t help. “What’s your problem?” He asked incredulously, his tone spiteful, his muzzle wrinkling to flash his needle-sharp pup teeth, and blazing yellow eyes narrowing on hers. She was far from the first stranger he had encountered, but she was the only one that seemed content to grate on his nerves, or at least the only one to have caught him in such a foul mood. He was already large enough to pass his mother in height at 28 inches but still not quite large enough to match the stranger’s height. Not yet anyway. He had never fought before but he wouldn’t back away if it came to that, of course it wouldn’t matter if he won or lost, his mother and Vali would be sure to put her in her place afterwards.

Whatever the loner’s issue was it was probably irrelevant. One of the few lessons he had learned from Bass, although he may not have intended it, was to look down on loners. He was convinced that anyone who couldn’t function with a pack was an invalid, unable to use the simple and mostly inherent skill of cooperation. If a loner sought to change their status, that was entirely different in his mind, but in his mind a wolf that intentionally chose to live alone was a wasteful example of the greatest species on earth.

speaking Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  


08-08-2017, 06:39 PM
His gaze pulls from her own but her eyes remain upon him. It seems the boy is shutting her out, everything about him serious and brooding. Parts of her wonders if she is getting to him, almost assumes it and feels the pleasantness of satisfaction. Quill hoped to stoke the fires in those she met, feeding off of negative energy and anger. Violent outbursts giving her an almost euphoric sense. What’s your problem? Tone is rough and teeth glint in her direction. Finally his gaze returns to hers, fierce yellows clashing against icy blues.

”No problem here, although something seems to be eating at you.” Lyrics take on an almost sugary tone, slithering between her lips with a soft smirk. Eyes dance mischievously, begging for the boy to indulge her curiosity. Eyes break from the stranger, giving him a break to resituate himself and give those raw nerves a breather. She moves to sit, hoping a comfortable length between them but facing the same direction he is.

”Would you like to talk about it?” Words are dripping with over exaggerated sympathy and concern. She stares straight ahead and her tail curls around her, as if expecting to be here a while. Come on kid. Entertain me.

OOC: yuck! So sorry this sucks, I promise the next one will be better!



4 Years
08-11-2017, 12:21 PM

“Not with YOU! He said, incredulously, offended that she would even think she could begin to understand his troubles. His teeth flashed again, golden eyes burning with fury, he wanted to scream, to sink his teeth into something and draw blood but the woman was far bigger than him and his teeth were sharp but frail.  He snorted and wandered away from the lake, attempting to brush the woman off or at least give the impression that he was trying to ignore her, but he couldn’t help himself from looking over his shoulder to see if she had followed.  

Some part of him, however small, wanted to be talked to, and as much as he wanted something to take his frustration out on he wanted just as badly to be talked to and listened to, and for a moment, just once, be cared about. He wanted to hear that his frustrations were valid and that he deserved to be angry, that everyone he currently hated deserved his scorn. There was no one in Abaven he could talk to, he was convinced that what few remained in the pack hated him. He wanted to cry out that he hated his sisters as much as they all did and that he was different, but he felt that he couldn’t, he was guilty by association.

He sat on a rock not too far from where the girl was and glanced over his shoulder again before turning his head away and lifting his snout with a pround “Hmph!” as if he were some miserable brat all the while hoping that she would be right behind him, willing to listen to him and hear his miserable whining.

Speech Thought You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  