
those hardest to love need it most


07-24-2014, 07:29 PM

Hel had wandered a decent distant from her current home in the prairie - with Aksel thinking about leaving and her father more absent than Hel could properly understand, it was hard for her to stay put. She wanted her family to worry about her a little, to question where she'd been when she came back after being gone for a few days. But it didn't seem to be happening and lately, Hel had taken to wandering further and further, testing her limits and letting her paws carry her as they would. In this way, Hel had begun to discover the more interesting things that Alacritia had to offer, such as a beach with pure black sands and . . . this area too, she supposed. Not that much was happening here.

The black and gray female settled back on her haunches, emerald gaze sliding shut for a moment as she tilted her head back, basking in the late spring sun. It was a little bit after high noon, with the sun beginning to slide down in the sky - the day was definitely well underway. And yet Hel hadn't managed to do anything productive except walk. Maybe that counted as something. Or maybe she could do something a little more productive...

With that in mind, Hel tilted her head back and let out a soft, summoning howl. It wasn't much, but if it drew someone to her side then she would have met a new wolf and then she would have done something today, at least. Good enough for her.
