
Crystal Spring


08-17-2017, 04:07 PM

Gaius wandered the lands all day every day. He wanted desperately to join a pack just to do something with his life. But he didn't know where to go, how to do it. He was born into a pack; into royalty. He had never been homeless. At least he knew how to survive on his own.

It was noon or maybe a little later. He needed to find a place to rest for the night soon. He never wanted to make a den, he did that once and found out quickly it was easier to just travel and sleep. Too much work to make a forever home you may not find or come back to.

The rushing sound of water came through his ears but it faded as he got used to the sound. Soon enough he could see the mist above a thick line of shrubbery and couldn't help but be interested in what was on the other side. He stuck his nose in first, having some trouble with his large, muscular shoulders and hind quarters, but somehow made it the other side of the wall with some branches and leaves intact on his pelt. He ignored them and instead came to the gorgeous scene before him. Sitting at the pool of water, he looked up and tried to see where it was coming from, but the mist was to full.

Walk "Talk" Think



3 Years
08-21-2017, 05:21 PM

As much as Hirondelle was very much sure she wanted to scale the mountain, she was also very much sure she would not feel that way by the time she got about half way up it's bulk. She was slowly starting to realize she was just not meant for scaling heights, and the last thing she wanted was a repeat of her last adventure with giant stone formations... even if her "savior" had been attractive.

The day was slipping by quickly and even as her paws carried her further away Dell's mind turned to her den. She likely would not make it back before dark at this rate which would have been fine if the girl wasn't already starting to feel the long day's trek wearing on her. But then she had pretty much already accepted she likely wasn't going to be returning home today anyways. She had wanted to keep exploring the northern region and if that meant spending a night or two away from her own den, then so be it.

A violent pounding noise and the appearance of mists on the horizon drew the girl's attention back to her surroundings, the base of the mountain was lush and verdant but the foliage here seemed even thicker than before. Curiosity piqued the girl pushed easily through the dense shrubbery to appear before a pool of water, it's source a giant cascading curtain that was the source of all the mist.

For a moment the dappled woman stood, neck craning as she gazed up, jaw agape. Then slowly she lowered her gaze to a shape on the other side of the pool. A stranger. The quickly ran her gaze over his form, though he was somewhat obscured by mist what she saw brought a smile to her face. She supposed if she had to spend a night away from home there were worse wolves to do so with.

She took a few steps closer to him, though remained a respectful distance away and gave a friendly bark.

Hear me roar

[Image: 2lvy346.png]


08-23-2017, 07:33 PM

Gauis would quickly look to the barking woman, not startled but surprised. Most wolves didn't just jump into someone's space and start a conversation. It's different when you have pack mates but two loner wolves? Not likely. He couldn't help but pull a tiny curve to a corner of his maw. A sight most would never see. He just found it amusing. At least he wasn't a dick, some would threaten to kill her.

"Hey." He spoke casually. "Gaius." He tilted he chin afterwards, hoping that she would introduce herself. He wondered if she was like himself, the whole world was his home, or if she had a place to go back to every night. He wasn't used to the scents here and it would take some time to study the different pack and land smells. 

"Did the mist draw you in?" He looked up at the waterfall, in a way stating why he had come here. But who knew, she could have been a healer or just looking for a place to sleep before the night came.

Walk "Talk" Think



3 Years
08-24-2017, 09:58 PM

Hirondelle rarely feared she was overstepping bounds or intruding, though one particular meeting had reminded her not everyone was as eager to see a new face as she was. So it was a relief when the unknown man seemed at least receptive to her approach. The stranger returned her greeting and offered a name. Dell smiled and returned the gesture. "Hirondelle, though I prefer Dell." She responded, sweeping a paw in an awkward gesture she had picked up from an old acquaintance; though she had never been able to master the grace needed to really pull it off.

Gaius spoke again and Dell nodded, turning her gaze briefly towards the cascade of water again. "I've always been ruled by my curiosity." Her tone was light, mildly joking even as she recognized the truth in that statement. "Though it's just as easily satiated with good company." She smirked, though not unkindly, and gave a meaningful brow raise. She took a small step towards him, breaking the respectful barrier, her move was slow, deliberate and almost cat like in it's grace.

Hear me roar

[Image: 2lvy346.png]


09-05-2017, 07:56 PM

"Alright then, Dell." He would consider her comment about her curiosity, "I just enjoy the different sights around, something new to see everyday."

But her next move was something he wasn't expecting, and not really something he would be offended by. His good company made him feel a charm but not a feeling he would let the woman see. But in that, her feline steps toward him he would only move his face slightly from her, the tiniest grin on the corner of his maw. He remained sitting, not sure what the fem would do next. He was usually a shoulder to cry on or just a form of support. This wasn't really something he wasn't used to, regardless of having an ex-wife and all that.

As it got a little dimmer, he looked forward to the rush of water. "Beautiful, isn't it?" The mist continued to fade as he got used to the darkening skies, eyes blinking a few times here and there. The flirtatious girl not bothering him even the slightest.

Walk "Talk" Think