
Pink Pandoracorn[festival spar]



5 Years
07-23-2014, 08:25 PM

Chocolate paws would carry the restless father-to-be back and forth against the shore of the lake. With the tourney coming up he felt as though he needed more practice before the real challenges began. Novella was a great partner, but he always felt himself holding back. He could never lay tooth to her and so, he would look for an opponent who would more be able to handle their weight. Fire and ice gaze would search the gathered wolves, hoping to pick out someone who might come battle him.
He had a slight memory of the man Dayton, he had asked the first day for a practice spar. Frith had every intention of taking him up on that offer. Bright eyes would catch a glimpse of the smaller male, and a friendly bark would call him forward. He'd await the other's presence before beginning their spar.

image by yumpy <3
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



07-24-2014, 02:04 PM

Dayton would be pacing as well, keeping his muscles warm should any sparring opportunities arise. The man hadn't expected himself to be so open to the idea, considering his unimpressive height and average muscle mass... which could be overlooked if he had plenty of skill, which he did not. But what harm could there be in a friendly match? It wasn't a fight to the death or anything. Just a showing of skills, a game even. He had nothing to worry about.

But his heart still jumped a bit when he heard another wolf bark in his direction. When amber eyes targeted the source of the sound, he saw the brown male from yesterday, the one he had asked to spar with. Apparently he was being taken up on that offer. Very well. Dayton nodded to show that he had heard and put on a big smile as he approached. "Good day, stranger. I see you remembered. My name is Dayton, from the Tortuga pack." With this he gave a slight bow, just to be polite. "And who may you be?"

After giving the other brute some time to respond, Dayton would roll his neck a bit and loosen his shoulders, preparing for combat. He bowed once more, that smile still on his lips. "You may have the first move. Best of luck."


Round ZERO of ? for SPAR




5 Years
07-24-2014, 03:12 PM

Dayton was easy to get out of the crowd, he would nod in greeting as he squared himself. He'd let himself smile, this would be nothing competitive really. He wanted to get warmed up, not much more than that. "Good to see you again. I'm Frith, Chapter of Ludicael." As the niceties would complete Dayton would offer Frith the first move. Much as he had done for Novella. Frith too would nod towards him opponent, his own feet wanting to back from the dusty man. He would feel his hackles raise as his eyes narrowed, ears would fall to his head as he let his lips pull back and his jaws part from one another.
His knees would bend as he shifted his weight to become evenly distributed over his fours paws. Tail would align with his spine as he lowered his chin and rolled his shoulders, Taking a deep breath the chocolate covered wolf would finally act upon his impulses. Frith would push his legs into the earth, claws would grip for traction as he wished to propel himself towards the slightly smaller wolf. Paws would hit the ground with fury as he aimed to make his approach slightly to his own left.
If he got close enough he would aim the point of his right shoulder at the junction of Dayton's chest and right shoulder, if let in Frith would pull back at the last moment to avoid damage. At the same time he'd want to swing open the hinge of his jaws to reach for the right side of Dayton's face. He would aim to grab the loose fur of his cheek so his teeth would not make any punctures. Should his shoulder land he will also want to use his retreating right paw to grab at Dayton's right ankle, wanting to pull it from under him and disrupt Dayton's balance as his own weight would settle in his three standing legs.

image by yumpy <3
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



07-25-2014, 08:26 AM

Dayton would smile with anticipation as he watched the other man prepare himself. The smaller boy would then prepare his defenses as well, first spreading his legs evenly apart and then distributing his weight equally. His knees would bend slightly to give him more freedom of movement. Ears flattened themselves to his skull as lips would curl and scrunch the skin around his cheeks and nose. Jaws would unhinge and Dayton would tuck his chin to protect his throat. Eyes would narrow and brows would scrunch. Back and stomach muscles would tighten and the man would splay his toes against the ground, claws digging into the earth. He would make his tail and head parallel to his back as a final defense when Frith began to move forward.

Dayton let a quiet growl sit in his chest as the chocolate man powered forward. Dayton then realized that Frith meant to crash into the vulnerable part of his chest. So out of instinct, the smaller brute darted to the side. He wasn't quite fast enough, though, and both of their right shoulders would hit. Dayton felt the short burst of pain that would lead to some light bruising, but most damage was avoided as Frith pulled back at the last second. More attacks were to come, however. The darker brute would swing his jaws forward, grabbing at the soft flesh on Dayton's cheek. But the skin would not be broken. Frith was playing it very friendly, which Dayton could help but feel grateful for. This was just a warm up. If the russet man got hurt now, how would he be able to fight later?

The smaller brute would take this chance to make a counterattack. His head would move to the side, pulling out a bit of fur as he tried to escape his opponent's grip. Then Dayton would move forward and snap his jaws in the same manner, aiming to grab Frith above his right shoulder, near the beginning of his neck. The fur was plush there too, so he would be able to get a hold of Frith without digging his teeth into flesh or muscle.

Frith would then swipe a right paw under Dayton's right ankle, causing him to lose his balance slightly before recovering. His teeth would drag down a bit as he struggled to regain his composure, which meant that a bit of Frith's flesh could be torn. Dayton would leap forward as a final attack, using his small amount of falling momentum to shove into the other brute's chest. This would be a difficult fight to maneuver if both competitors were avoiding injury.





5 Years
07-25-2014, 04:32 PM

Shoulders would collide, as his hackles bristled the slight pain of impact would alert him to the possibility of a future bruise. As he made contact he would want to pull away as intended, hoping to reduce most all of that damage. The chocolate brute's abdomen was tense, as Dayton's ankle was pulled from beneath him. With ears pulled to his skull and eyes narrowed Frith's jaws would come into contact with Dayton's cheek. Frith would want to continue his backpedal as Dayton tried to loose the teeth from his face, as Dayton pulled himself free of his dark hold, Frith would want his back legs and torso to swing to the left. He would aim to make his body perpendicular to Dayton. Frith wanted to remove himself from the way of Dayton's jaws and falling shove. He'd shift so Dayton would hopefully go sprawling to the earth from his unstable takeoff.
Frith would center his balance, all four paws again on the ground as his tail lined back up with his spine. Lips would draw back as open jaws would show off his incisors. Knees would bend as claws dug into the earth for traction, he'd want to leap toward Dayton and aim his pointed left shoulder at the broad side of Dayton's right shoulder, again only wanting to cause minimal damage. Frith would tuck his chin and roll his shoulders as he aimed his jaws to grab the majority of Dayton's scruff.

image by yumpy <3
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



07-26-2014, 06:31 PM

Dayton was successful in shaking himself free, but that was the only thing that went well for him. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as the brute lost his balance and fell forward, aiming to use this as he crashed into Frith. But Frith was already backpedaling and in continuing to do so, he was able to avoid the attack. With his heavy forward momentum, Dayton was sent sprawling to the earth. He grunted in surprise and was preparing to push himself up when Frith ran into his right shoulder blade. Minimal damage was intended, but Dayton was already anticipating a bruise from his original right shoulder attack, so this hit made the pain even worse. Then it happened.

Frith moved again and reached for Dayton's scruff. Of course he wasn't biting hard, but still it sent the abused boy into a small panic attack. He yelped in shock and rolled away as strange patches of black began to cloud his vision. Then a similar memory entered his mind. On the beach. When Misha had grabbed him by the scruff. He had gone into much heavier panic, having hallucinations of his father, fleeing the scene, and eventually passing out from the stress on his mind. This was different in many ways. Frith did not have as rough of a grip, but he did bear resemblance to Kaine. Dayton blinked as the image blurred, and he saw Frith and his father, but never at the same time. Finally he was able to steady his breathing to avoid passing out. This fight was over either way.

"Frith?" he murmured, head swinging briefly to one side as he regained full consciousness. "Frith, I'm sorry, but... I don't think I can fight anymore. You win. Good fight, my friend." His words were a bit choppy, but eventually he was able to get his point across. Dayton rose to his feet, a bit shakily, and gave a small smile. "I guess I won't be fighting in the tournament. But I wish you the best of luck." Then, with a bow, Dayton closed their spar for good.


The Judge


10-23-2014, 09:23 AM

Frith v Dayton for SPAR

Round 1

5 for clarity. -2 which angle is he approaching Dayton from? You say from his left but be more concise, -1 I?m a bit confused on how he is both aiming toward Dayton's chest/shoulder junction and pulling back at the same time, this is difficult to picture, -1 for a bit of confusion, you say his shoulder is aiming at Dayton?s but only at the end do you clarify it was actually trying to collide with it, -1 for not specifying which right ankle he is trying to trip (could be front or back)

10 for powerplaying.

10 for defenses. Hackles raised, eyes narrowed, ears against skull, lips pulled back, jaws parted, knees bent, weight evenly spread, tail aligned with spine, head lowered, shoulders rolled, claws gripping the soil.

4 for attack. +1 for aiming to collide his shoulder with the junction of Dayton?s chest and right shoulder, +3 for aiming to bite his face, +1 for trying to trip his right paw

10 for injuries.First round.

Round one FRITH Total: 39/50


6 for clarity- -2 Which side did Dayton dart to, to try to avoid Frith's shoulder attack?, -1 "his head would move to the side" which side, and at what angle? There is a lot left up to the imagination here, -1 What do you mean by ?leaping forward?? It is hard to envision this while a wolf is grabbing onto the flesh of another.

8 for powerplaying. -2 I don?t think Dayton could leap forward while holding onto his shoulder/neck, though I suppose he could attempt to push forward?

7 for defenses. Spreading legs to distribute weight, 'knees' bending slightly, ears flattened against skull, lips curled to scrunch skin around face, chin tucked to throat, toes splayed against the ground, head and tail parallel to his back

2 for attack.+2 for aiming to grab the flesh between Frith?s right shoulder and neck

10 for injuries. First round. (light bruising to right shoulder, bitten right cheek)

Round one DAYTON Total: 33/50

Round 2


7 for clarity- -1 "he'd shift so Dayton would hopefully go sprawling to the earth" how exactly is he shifting?, - 2 ?aimed his jaws to grab the majority of Dayton's scruff? what scruff do you mean? I?m guessing you mean the right side of Dayton?s neck but this is just an ssumption.

10 for powerplaying.

6 for defenses. Centering his balance on all fours, tail straight with spine, 'knees' bending slightly, claws digging into earth for traction, chin tucked, shoulders rolled

3 for attack. +1 aiming his left shoulder to collide with Dayton's right, +2 jaws aiming to grab his scruff

9 for injuries. -1 bite to junction of shoulder and neck

Round two Frith Total: 35/50


8 for clarity- -2 ?and rolled away? where did he roll away to? Is he literally rolling?

6 for powerplaying. -4 you stated he ?rolled away?, which is blatant powerplaying to say he managed to get out of an attack without acknowledging the enemy?s counter

0 for defenses. none seen.

0 for attack. no attacks

8 for injuries. -1 slight bruising to right shoulder, -1 small lacerations to his scruff

Round two DAYTON Total: 22/50


FRITH: 74/150

DAYTON: 55/150

And the winner is...

Frith! Dayton must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Frith- very minimal bruising/soreness.

Daytonvery minimal bruising/soreness, and a small laceration to his cruff.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

For Frith
You slacked a bit on defenses in the second round -- remember to keep those up! Also work on clarity in regards to how your character is approaching the opponent.

For Dayton
Besides the last round (as it seemed to be done for sake of accurately portaying his character), you could work on clarity. It was often difficult to envision exactly what Dayton was doing to move. Try to use more body parts in reference to movements, such as ?leaping? and ?rolling away? so the reader can visualize exactly what he?s doing.

PS Sorry it took so long, hopefully this helps still! :)

- By [Nyx]