
Prayer Of A Refugee



5 Years
07-23-2014, 05:59 PM
Some Nights - Fun

It was late. The sun was soon to clock out, with only a little orange and pink light still lingering in the horizon. It was also hot. With spring came the rising temperature. But also life. Life was very important, and very much worth living. But that was no longer in question for the brute as he walked along the bank of the river. No. Now that he had a few names in his corner, and now that he had Avalon, Newol didn't question himself anymore. Now there was only one thing that he was concerning himself with. Living. He would live, regardless of what the future held. It was like a slamming drum beat in his heart driving him ever forward, this shear determination to be Happy. And it was the determination that he was entertaining right now as he walked through the dim light. It may have taken him a while to come around full circle, but he'd finally done it. He'd finally worked all the pissy moany anger out of his system and was now his ass was back into high gear to get some work done. There was only one acceptable direction to move in now. And that was forward.

He actually found him self wishing his mother, both his birth and his adopted mother, could see him right now. Every inch of him from head to toe was dripping, his fur soaking wet after having taken a dive into the river for his dinner. There was a bounce to stride and a sway to his tail as he moved along with a large catfish held lightly in his jaws, his lips pulled back in a hearty smile with his slightly large ears standing straight on end. You'd be surprised just how much a woman's touch could improve you. Finding Avalon had helped him remind himself, all this sorrow and heavy heart crap, man, that was for other people. It wasn't for him. He was not going to give up or let up. It wasn't him. Someone had to stand where he stood. Someone had to be a bright light in this dark world. To at the very least keep the scales even, until it could finally be turned in the light side's favor. So, he couldn't afford any of this down and angry crap. No.

Now it was time to move forward.


07-26-2014, 12:47 PM

Perhaps it was simply his nature, his wayward adventuring ways that caused him to wander now and then. His heart belonged to the world, and sometimes it made the male wonder how he had ever once been part of a pack. Wandering seemed to open up a new life for him... and he found himself finding his happiness more readily now. The fact that he would someday soon be a father definitely helped to improve the mood of the male. Eyes were lit with happiness, so much so that he didn't even mind where he was going. He just knew that he was going somewhere, and that at the end of the day he would return to his mate and share the evening with her.

His left forepaw was still sore, but thanks to Nalyda it had healed. That woman was a blessing in his life, truly. He thanked the great goddess Siri for her with each passing day. He would lift his gaze, lime green orbs falling across another brute. He looked rather happy, actually, and it made him feel good to know that there were others out there enjoying their lives. His overly trusting nature, at least until proven that others could not be trusted, would encourage Kar to stride up to the stranger, and so that was what Kar did. He would tip his head to the man, who currently had a mouthful of fish, and gave a smile. "Hello there good sir. Do you mind if I join you for a small period of time?"

Speech, Thought



5 Years
07-27-2014, 10:18 PM
The friendly stranger would approach the male, which only helped to improve his mood that much more. It was nice to meet someone else who had a friendly approach to strangers as he did. Now, Newol was not a wolf without caution, the events of the current time had left there mark. But he was still a good soul, and strove to be so. So when the stranger asked if he could remain for awhile, he smiled around his hearty mouthful and gave a nod of his head to indicate that he didn't mind. The male was more than welcome to stay for awhile.

Stopping for a moment, he violent shook himself in an attempt to remove some of the water from his fur. It was funny, actually. He had developed a taste for fish sense he'd been staying in the East, but his fishing skills where something in need of improvement. After this, he meet the male's gaze and spoke around his mouth full a simple question. "Head half, or tail half?" His friendly smile still in place.