
Fade to Black


08-29-2017, 09:54 AM
Elpis had been brought back to the island by force by her captor. She was scared, so very, very scared. Especially since after her failed escape Forsaken made it clear that another stunt like that would bring her a lot of pain. She was trembling, sniffling as she holed herself up in the den. He had already given her a scar across her right cheek to think about. It hurt... Gods it hurt... but she didn't want to think about what might happen if she looked for herbs to try and make it feel better. She was sure if she left the den right now and Forsaken found out he'd beat her black and blue... The youth felt tears sliding down her face; why couldn't she still be with her fathers? With her brother? She curled tighter into a ball, her heart heavy... It felt like ages since she'd seen a friendly face other than Viho's... had he made it safely away? Or was he in trouble still too...? She curled up tighter... She wanted to disappear... just disappear and fade away into the dirt of this den. So long as it meant she never had to see Forsaken again...