
A Moment Of Your Time, If You Please


07-23-2014, 05:17 PM

Well, it was quite an interesting experience, meeting a tigress. More so since she was able to speak the tongue of a wolf, and to a point where she was understandable as well. It went to show then that there were creatures all over who could be allies of their pack. Had any of the children met her, he would wonder? Perhaps Aiko would enjoy it... The little girl had yet to fully come out of her shell, especially since her father?s passing, and had been more withdrawn to the confines of the den shared between Quelt, Irune, and her siblings.

The male would come to a stop near Bass? den, tilting his head back and calling for the Azat of their pack. He wanted to speak with Bass... Express some things that needed to be said between the two. He was grateful, so eternally grateful that they had found a new home. He would not abandon what family he had left... and he would walk beside him for as long as he was able. Then, when he passed, he would join Hajime and his sister in Somnium. Perhaps he would even meet some other Walker?s there.

"Speech", 'Thought'



7 Years

07-24-2014, 06:21 PM

The howl had been loud, echoing into his rocky den. Bass had slipped away to sneak in a nap, there had been many late nights back to back with wolves wanting to join his ranks in the dead of night. Shaking his head at the sound, he poked his head out and looked up at Allen, a surprise visit? "I'm right here you goof." He said teasingly, pulling his body away from his comfy nest and shook himself, bits of moss flying every which way. Bass smiled at the brute, his golden eyes sparkling. He felt very rejuvenated after that nap, and seemed to be in quite the chipper mood.

Flopping down on his rump, Bass tilted his head as he looked at the brute. What had made him come here? "Is there something you wished to discuss?" The young wolf asked, his tail slowly wagging behind him. Bass knew that Allen had been helping out with those poor pups, and he was thankful. He wished he had more time to check up on the children, but he was so busy with, well, Alpha stuff. He knew that they were in good hands though.


07-25-2014, 05:49 PM

The male would give a bit of a sheepish smile as he heard Bass? voice, looking to the Azat. He honestly hadn?t expected him to be within the den, being so busy with his duties, but he supposed that made things easier, didn?t it? His dark forest green eyes would settle on the other with a gentle look, and he would dip his head respectfully as Bass pulled himself out of his den and sat down. He honestly felt a little bad now, for Bass had probably been enjoying a moment of rest, when he had called. Still, they were already here, so they may as well discuss things now.

?There was, actually.? His voice would come out respectful, and the male would lift his head so that his gaze could meet with the golden orbs of the Azat. ?I feel that I?ve not been as active within Abaven as I should be. My nephews death cut into me deeply... But I think I?ve managed to find some peace with it now.? The time he spent in his dreams within Somnium, speaking with Hajime, had helped him lay some of that hurt to rest.

?I want to do more for the pack that has so graciously taken us all in, for you, Azat, to return the favor you have done for us all.? The calico male spoke the words sincerely, hoping that perhaps the leader of Abaven might have some task he had use of him for. He would do his best no matter what was asked of him... And when he returned he would see if any of the children wished to spend time with him.

"Speech", 'Thought'



7 Years

07-27-2014, 02:24 AM (This post was last modified: 07-27-2014, 02:26 AM by Bass.)

Bass' head tilted to the side as his ears perked, fully attentive on the male as he spoke. With a soft heart and an open mind he listened to his words, touched by the meaning behind him. Offering the brute a soft smile, he stretched out and bumped his shoulder with his ebony nose. "I am glad to hear your interest, and I will always help you out if you wish to do more. There is always much to do, and I appreciate the help." Bass was young, running a pack as large as Abaven was getting was beginning to really weigh on the boy. He had a task in mind as well, but he was unsure on how Allen would take it. His ears folded slightly, a soft sigh passed through his lips.

After a few moments of mulling it over, Bass finally spoke. "There is something I would like for you to do, but it is not fun news. I would like you to go to Ebony with the news of Hajime's death. I know that it is his old pack, and even though there is bad blood I want things set right." His golden gaze searched the calico male's face, trying to see if there was any resentment. "I will not make you do this of course, I could always send someone who did not hand strong ties with him as you did." Another sigh was uttered from Bass' lips, his eyes casting to the green blades beneath their feet. "His death hasn't been easy on us, and it is never a fun thing to do with. To be honest, Hajime is the first wolf that I have known and lost. Even though I did not know much about the man, I still feel an ache at his loss, and for his children. I just wish that I could erase the sadness from their little hearts, its not fair that they have to go through this."

Looking up at the male once more, a look of seriousness crossed his pale face. "I believe that some pups may wish to return to Ebony. It is where the spirit of their mother resides, as well as there their adoptive mother had been. If you do carry this message, I wish for you to also ask Katja if she will receive the pups if they wish to come. I will take them to her borders myself, if she will have them and if they wish to leave."

Walk "Talk" Think