
if i'm being honest

Gabriel I


6 Years
Dire wolf
09-04-2017, 09:31 PM

The trip to the north had been.. eventful. The older male, Spider, he was someone the herald wanted to spend more time with. Regardless, he wouldn't pester the wolf about it. That would be cruel, given his demeanour. Instead, he would move on. There were packs somewhere, and he was on a mission to spread the word of the Lord to anyone who would listen. Extending olive branches and helping where he could, as was his creed. Defending the weak, helping the helpless. With Spider, he had not been so successful.

Here, it was warm and humid. His thin, sleek pelt thanked him for the reprieve from the chill of the north. The grass underfoot was plush and soft again. Titanic form would slip easily over the terrain, elegant strides no longer tentative. The plains tended to be very straightforward, so he wasn't worried about tripping. Falling into a small burrow, sure, but not tripping. Lately, he hadn't seen too much of Samael in terms of real contact. Mostly, the male had been simply stalking him like a wounded animal. Which he most certainly wasn't.

The whereabouts of his siblings was beginning to worry him. Since they had separated upon their arrival, he had scented hide nor tail of them. Were they alright? Worry strained his heart at all hours of the day, when he found himself unoccupied. CRACK! His foot collided with a rock. A very harsh, very loud yelp of pain escaped him. What in the Lord's name was that? Shaking his paw pitifully, he whimpered unabashedly. He should have seen that coming, most likely. Stooping, with his throbbing paw cradled against his narrow chest, he sought the offending rock.

He was now a little concerned. His confidence deflated, he sighed heavily. Having to move cautiously was so disheartening, and always reminded him of his shortcomings. Now seemed as good a time as any to rest. Wait for his toes to regain their feeling. Were they broken? Lord, he hoped not.



Samael, as Gabriel's brother/stalker, will likely be making appearances in any/all of his threads to distantly stare at his interactions. Just an FYI.

**Also, his face is heavily scarred on the left side, none of his tables reflect this yet. Missing fur on the cheek, below the eye, and scars across the bridge of his muzzle and down his neck.



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Navigator (0)

2 Years
09-04-2017, 10:09 PM (This post was last modified: 09-04-2017, 10:10 PM by Keahilani.)
Keahi hadn't been exploring the East for long, her desire to find things that gave some semblance of her old home, despite how much she insisted to herself that she didn't miss it and she may see it again someday. This led her to the Rock Garden, a plain with a collection of rocks littered throughout, treacherous if you didn't pay careful attention to your step. Or if you were clumsy. Luckily, the dame was neither, having spent time playing in the forests and ruins of her homeland as soon as she could. 

Thus, she eagerly trotted along, watching her step and keeping a comfortable pace, head lifted high and chest fur puffed out. Her tail wagged low behind her, a welcoming expression taking residence upon her features. The land here was warm, comfortable to her, a little hotter than what she had grown up in, but she would learn how to adjust. It was surely warmer than the lands of Feral that she had come to Boreas from, and far less muggy than some of those areas.

The Irish princess sought more conversational partners, and the sound of an injured canine came to her ears. Keahi wasn't a healer, but she could surely lend support to get the wolf to an ally of theirs or help somewhere nearby. There had to be friendly faces willing to heal if this wolf needed it. She picked up her pace, nose twitching as she caught the scent upon growing closer to the direction of the voice. "Are you alright, lad?" She called out in greeting once she caught sight of a massive figure, eyes widening at the height difference. Another giant? She thought the wolves here might be more average sized, but perhaps she was incorrect.

As the tan and reddish-orange canine drew closer, she slowed down, pausing a decent distance away, in case they weren't friendly. "My name is Keahi. I heard your shout and came to see if you were alright." Hopefully this wolf wasn't angry when injured, or lashed out, but would instead be approachable and friendly in response to the Masou's introduction.
keahilani // enya // masou
little survivor princess

avvie creds to Shrapnel <3

Gabriel I


6 Years
Dire wolf
09-04-2017, 10:27 PM

A female approached, recognised only by the soft and high lilt of her voice as she called out. "You alright, lad?" Now that was one he hadn't heard in these parts. The male turned his head in the direction of her voice, audits swivelling to capture anything further. The accent was unfamiliar, but it only meant this heathen land attracted others from far away. The gentle sound of her approach gave the impression that she was smaller than himself, which was not shocking. Apparently he was not of common stature. The sound of her steps ceased, not too close to where he was seated in the grass. "My name is Keahi. I heard your shout and came to see if you were alright." She said next. The herald rotated his body, shuffling in the grass until he was facing her better. Apparently most strangers preferred to have one's full attention.

A tiny smile would tug at dark lips. "I'm alright, miss." Soft vocals would rumble in reply. Golden banner would thump gently upon the terra. "It appears I haven't paid much attention to where I was walking. My toes hurt a little, but otherwise I'm unharmed." He added, lifting the injured paw a little for emphasis. Stretching the toes a little, he tested his pain levels. Nothing too intense. He'd start walking again soon. Again, he had let his manners lapse. "Forgive me, miss Keahi, my name is Gabriel Morningstar." He added warmly, dipping his head in greeting. Pupilless gaze would be directed somewhere just over her shoulder, though his features were turned to her.



Samael, as Gabriel's brother/stalker, will likely be making appearances in any/all of his threads to distantly stare at his interactions. Just an FYI.

**Also, his face is heavily scarred on the left side, none of his tables reflect this yet. Missing fur on the cheek, below the eye, and scars across the bridge of his muzzle and down his neck.



5 Years
Dire wolf
09-04-2017, 10:41 PM
The sound of his brother's yelp ahead had his ears perking and his pace quickening. The worry for his brother's safety and well being gnawed at him and he was bursting onto the scene before he knew it. He was bristling and his lips peeled back as his voice came in a snarl. His eyes darted for any offense to his brothers safety and he was rewarded with nothing. Though he stood there for a moment trying to connect the prices and appearing as large and ferocious as he knew he could be.

It took him a moment to lay his defenses aside and approach Gabe. His hair still refused to lay flat but it was more out of instinct. His next want was to figure out where his brother had been hurt and fix it however possible. If that entailed cuddling him Sam was down for it. He was careful not to spook Gabe anymore than he likely had but refused to break his silence yet. His nose started prodding his brother for signs of breaks in the leg he saw risen. Once he was certain of no breaks he was fast in looking down for the offending culprit. He was quick in placing his paws on the rock and shouldering Gabe onto a more agreeable path.

Only then did he look to the female and give her a dip of his head. "Samael Morningstar. Pleasure to meet you." his voice wasn't cold but it wasnt exactly warm either. He was a man who couldn't have his love after all.

As his brother and current stalking interest Gabriel is allowed in any of his threads regardless of tags. Also as the father of Leviathan, Sathanus, and Mammon Sam is allowed to pop into any of their threads as he sees fits regardless of how they are marked.



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Navigator (0)

2 Years
09-04-2017, 11:24 PM
Keahi had only ever met a blind elder, not a canine that didn't look that old, who seemed to be in their prime, a massive wolf that she was surprised to find in these lands. She was relieved that this stranger was polite in return, not turning on her rudely, but greeting her carefully. "That's good to hear," she dipped her head to him, happy that she wouldn't have to support this wolf's weight considering her stature in comparison. Not that she wouldn't have tried had it come to that, but she likely wouldn't have had that much success.

She was ready to speak once more when another male rushed forwards, worriedly checking over Gabriel, yet another incredibly large statured wolf. The Irishwoman kept quiet, maintaining her friendly and relaxed posture, watching him with a wary gaze. He seemed upset, understandably so as it appeared these two maintained a close bond. It wasn't until he introduced himself that she put together that they were related, assuming they were brothers.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both, Gabriel and Samael," Keahi nodded to them both in turn, "Are you both from around here?" From sniffing the air she couldn't detect a pack scent on them, but she hadn't been to see all the rumored packs of the lands yet, so she couldn't be sure. If not, they were just loners such as herself, which led her to be curious about if they knew these lands decently enough or were newcomers.
keahilani // enya // masou
little survivor princess

avvie creds to Shrapnel <3

Gabriel I


6 Years
Dire wolf
09-04-2017, 11:43 PM

A cacophony- in the form of approximately twelve bison contained by a mortal vessel- approached very quickly. Samael. The herald sighed heavily, making no attempt to hide his annoyance. He could hear the girl speak, over the raucous approach. "That's good to hear." She was nice. Gabriel wanted to continue this one on one, but it was not meant to be. This conversation had been going rather well, and now it was being interrupted. All he did was trip up, and here was his brother to save the day. Honestly, the male must think him inept. Snarling and spitting like a cornered wildcat, the bulky male stood still for half a moment. "Glad you could join us, Luci." The golden male drawled sarcastically. Within a few beats, Samael was there and nosing at him like an anxious mother. Snuffling at his toes as though they were going to disappear, Samael only served to irritate him. A careless swat was aimed at his snout, meant to get him out of Gabriel's personal space.

He was shouldered and manhandled into a different spot like an infant. Which didn't surprise him. Once Samael was done with whatever he was doing, the golden wolf settled back down. He heard his brother introduce himself, proving he hadn't fallen so far- yet. The tone was brisk and far from inviting, and Gabriel was a little appalled. He sighed again. "Pay Luci no mind, he seems to think me incapable." It was a thoughtless jab, meant to dissuade his brother from continuing to pursue him so relentlessly. He also meant to reassure the girl, who had yet to say anything on the matter. All he wanted to do was live his life without being babied. Before his Fall, Samael had not treated him like this. He had respected Gabriel. Or so he assumed.

The train of thought was cut off. Keahi spoke. "It's a pleasure to meet you both, Gabriel and Samael," She said, in far better manners than it seemed had been offered. Bless the Lord, she had patience. It was so rare these days. "Are you both from around here?" She asked next.

"We are not, miss Keahi." He said simply, at first. "The pair of us, along with several family members, hail from a land across the sea. Though we came here with different intentions." A tiny twitch of the ears in Samael's direction. The younger male had been banished, while Gabriel had been sent on a divine mission. That would be left out, though against his better judgement. He cleared his throat, just a little. His chest would puff with confidence before he spoke, proud of his mission. "I was sent with my siblings on a holy mission, to spread the gospel of our Lord to the heathen lands beyond our own. Unfortunately, that appears as though it may take some time." The last few words were said with a small smile, and a light chuckle. Yes, it was going to be some time before their mission was complete. However, he was content to spend more time here. So far he was pleased with the heathen lands, and what they had to offer.



Samael, as Gabriel's brother/stalker, will likely be making appearances in any/all of his threads to distantly stare at his interactions. Just an FYI.

**Also, his face is heavily scarred on the left side, none of his tables reflect this yet. Missing fur on the cheek, below the eye, and scars across the bridge of his muzzle and down his neck.