
The Kazema Tribe


IT'S OVER 9000!

13+ Years
09-06-2017, 03:54 AM (This post was last modified: 09-08-2017, 01:57 AM by Shrapnel.)
Kazema Tribe

Here is Nyko's profile

Adoption Rules
  • I reserve the right to reclaim the adopt if you fall inactive, have no ic posts after 1 ooc month, or break any of my rules. By applying that means you’ve read and agreed to all of my rules.
  • If you do fall inactive.give the character back to me then you are giving me permission to adopt the account out to whomever I see fit with the name/personality/appearance/design to stay the same. If you made any purchases with the character then I expect those to go with the character as well if it is taken away from you.
  • Other than that, those are my only two rules. I just want people to be active with their character. Please keep in mind that all of these adopts have a very rich culture based loosely off native american heritage so I expect to see in depth histories/personalities that are very religious. There shouldn’t be a bunch of wolves who don’t believe in the gods listed below or that were kicked out, aka rebellious little assholes who didn’t want to follow the laws and customs of the tribe as, most likely, they would have been banished or killed. I’ll let you know if there’s any problems with your application and we can work something out.

Kazema Tribe Summary

The Kazema tribe is a complex group made up of very diverse individuals. They are naturally suspicious of outsiders, but occasionally accept a few in their ranks from time to time if they prove themselves worthy. Loyalty to the tribe, partnership, and devotion to their gods is the foundation. The pack has a love for nature and most wolves within the tribe are often almost hippie-like at times. They waste nothing and almost everything has a use in the end. The tribe prides themselves on their intelligence in crafting and their use of fire is one of their most coveted secrets. They’re well known for experience in crafting weapons, tools, huts that serve as homes, as well as the jewelry that they’re made. They have a healthy relationship with other animals - they often use them for companionship and other uses that require building things. Primates tend to be the most common companion, though it’s not uncommon to see others as well. While the tribe can come off as strict, and often times oppressive to its members, those within it have grown up with such customs and it is normal for them. They obey the laws almost always without question and life is peaceful for the majority. Everyone works as a unit and the pack thrives under the watchful eye and care of their gods. Each ritual and prayer is done in service to their gods and to please them. In return the gods grace them with bountiful prey, good weather, and a fruitful life.


Here is a complete folder of designs I have that can be used ON SITE ONLY - DESIGNS HERE - Here are a couple things to remember if you pick one of these designs.
  • I retain all rights to these images as I have either spent real money on them, gems, or points on devianart.
  • I would not suggest paying real money to commission art of them as I do not want these designs to be used off site as they are mine. This means that you do not own this design or have any rights to it outside of ardent.
  • If you ignore rule two and commission art of them anyways, I would like permission to use the artwork if I ever happen to use the character later on down the road on another site. I also reserve the right to download the art on my computer and store it away with the character’s design. (I most likely won’t ever use the majority of these designs, or join another site, but you never know.)
  • If I find out that these designs are being used elsewhere without permission then I will blacklist you from ever adopting from me again and I will take the character from you as a result for not following the rules.
  • That being said, you are free to use your own design if you wish. If you do provide your own design then I would like for permission for it to stay with the character’s account should you fall inactive or give the character back to me to readopt it out again.
  • If you do choose to use one of my designs, but don’t like something about it then you may request a minor edit. (i.e. eye color change, easy stuff like that. For the ones with mutations, if you don’t want them, then I will do a new ref for you with just the colors/markings on a new lineart. For example, a couple of them have a long hair mutation. I would color the design on a new lineart that doesn’t have the hair.)
  • I understand that most of these designs would be expensive to bring in (Nyko is taking me quite a bit of time) so you are allowed some time to get the gems to be able to bring them onto the site.

Here are some things you should know about the appearance of most of these wolves
  • Most of the wolves, if they were born in the tribe, should have very short fur. They live in a very humid jungle climate so their fur would be short to accommodate for the high temperatures.
  • Height can be any size you want ranging from midget to dire wolf.
    Most of the tribe have very strange markings. It is not uncommon to see wolves with stripes, odd colors, spots, swirls, or other tribal-like design patterns on their fur.
  • Odd colors wouldn’t be considered rare in their culture, but mutations such as horns, glowing markings, long mane-like fur, ect would be considered a gift from the gods and these characters would be looked on as divine beings.
  • War paint is not uncommon and it’s typical for them to paint themselves in different colors for ceremonies, hunts, war, ect.
  • Accessories and companions are very common among the tribe. Higher ranked members would wear more jewelry and ceremonial garbs to display their status within the tribe. Companions are there for usefulness for the most part whether it be with hunting, healing, fighting, or even with crafting. Animals with opposable thumbs are highly revered as they help with the building of tools, weapons, huts, pens for animals, building fires, making jewelry, and even putting jewelry onto the wolves themselves.
  • Piercings are believed to help open a wolf’s connection to the spirit world and are most commonly used by Shaman’s, pack leaders, elders, and council elders.


Wolves take on the last name of their tribe, whether or not they are of blood relation. For instance, the minute an outsider is accepted their previous last name is forsaken and they take on the name Kazema.

Oen (Oh - n)- God of the hunt and war: Often prayed to for guidance when hunting or defending oneself against another predator. Oen is also prayed to for guidance in battle and tracking enemies.

Betah (Bee - tah) - God of nature: This is the god of the mortal plane. They have favor for all animals, creatures, plants, and natural elements on earth. They control all elements of fire, air, water, earth, and even the spiritual plane. Betah is prayed to to prevent natural disasters, for fair weather, good health and fortune, and when the shaman wishes to convene with the spirits.

Aemah (A - mah) - The God of the sun. Aemah is considered an all powerful god to the tribe and is also the creator of the universal plane. A prayer is sent to them every morning believing that their offerings will ensure that the sun will rise once more and prevent droughts.  

Aesa (A - sah) -  The god of the moon and stars. Aesa is another all powerful being and also a creator of the universal plane. She is more spiritual to Aesa and often seen as a motherly figure to her subjects on the earthen plane. She is prayed to for guidance.

  • Initiation Rite - A rite of passage held at midnight where a new initiate (not of the pack’s blood) is accepted into the ranks. The Shaman, Leader, and the council of elders gather around the initiate to decide if they’re worthy of being a part of the pack.

  • Ascension - A special ceremony where the shaman gathers the pack together on a clear night where the stars can be viewed with perfect clarity. Fires are built and incense is burned before the shaman begins the ritual. The Shaman then convenes with the gods, after drinking a special concoction of herbs, and a new leader for the pack is chosen.

  • Death ceremony - If a member of the tribe dies, then the pack forms together to perform a burial ceremony. The body is covered with various earthen gifts after being put in the ground. A prayer and a song is then provided before the body is buried.

  • Birthing ceremony - Pups are a joyous occasion within the tribe and every new life is celebrated. Each time there is a new litter, the tribe convenes and throws a celebration in honor of the new children and their parents. Gifts are given and various amounts of food is shared and the party rages on well into the night.

  • Shaman ceremony - Choosing a new shaman is a more tedious celebration. There are very few shamans that come and go as most typically remain in their position until the time of their death. Before a shaman gets too old they select a young wolf, younger than the age of a year, that they want to take on as their successor. Much like when a leader is chosen, the shaman convenes with the gods to decide who will fill the position next, though a ceremony isn’t held. It isn’t until the Shaman dies and the apprentice takes on the role, that the tribe comes together to celebrate.

  • The Gods’ teaching and laws are always to be followed. Speaking ill of the gods or disgracing them is punishable by banishment or even death.
  • Prayer’s are a daily ritual and expected to be performed. Prayers are typically done after a hunt/before eating, in the morning after waking up, or during ceremonies.
  • Attacking another tribe member without good reason will lead to banishment. Attacking a tier 4 member or above is punishable by death. Killing another tribe member is also punishable by death.
  • All members are expected to pull their own weight. Laziness is not tolerated within the tribe.
  • Incest isn’t frowned upon considering the pack’s wariness of outsiders, but it is preferred that it isn’t a common occurrence.
  • Weddings are sacred and the bonds between partners is considered sacred. A wolf may take on only one mate and must request permission for a divorce should they find they no longer wish to be with their partner. Cheating is a high offense and will lead swiftly to banishment.
  • Nature is sacred and it is required to uphold the balance within it. Wastefulness and disrespect will not be tolerated.
  • I’ll probably add more later as I come up with it. For now I’m open to suggestions.


(eventually I will come up with creative names for the ranks themselves. Until then this can just be used as a reference.)

Tier 1

Leader - Can only be chosen by the shaman through a rite of passage.
Leader mate - Leader’s mate, can only be chosen by arranged marriage or, in rare cases, can be chosen by leader if the council elders/shaman approve that said mate would be a suitable second in command.
Heir - destined to take over as leader. Can only be picked by the shaman. Ceremony is held to decide this.

Tier 2

Shaman  - Nyko’s old rank - In charge of ceremonies, spiritual things, leading prayers, and overall acting as an advisor to the pack members, no matter their status. They are highly revered within the pack and are often involved in most pack matters. They are also a master of healing/herbs and are expected to be experts of their craft as well as excel in other areas such as hunting and fighting.
Beta 2 - typical beta rank, helps lead the pack, oversee stuff, advise the leaders, ect.
Beta 3  - another beta, helps oversee stuff, overall keeps pack running.

Tier 3

Council of elders - (3-5) - The council is made up of wolves over the age of six years of age. They are carefully elected either by tier 2 members and above and serve as advisors to the tier 2 and tier 1 members. If there are major decisions to be made then they all offer their input and overall serve to keep the tribe’s best interest at heart. While they can’t make the final decisions, their word is often well revered.

Tier 4

War Chiefs (2) - Masters of fighting who are in charge of all those within the fighting rank. They guard the borders, protect tier 3 members and above, and handle anything that involves battle whether it be sieges, raids, or protecting against predators.
Hunting Chiefs (2) - Masters of hunting. They are in charge of organizing pack hunts and making sure hunters are doing their jobs. They don’t always hunt prey though and can sometimes be used to track predators that have endangered the pack.
Medical Chiefs (2) - Masters of healing. They are in charge of the pack’s wellbeing and are expected to be able to handle any illness or injury that may befall the tribe or its members.
Scouting Chiefs (2) - Masters of their trade, scouting chiefs are expert trackers. They often fall in line to help with hunting when able, but overall they’re used to track high quality targets. They often work as spies when needed and are expected to excel in fighting as well. If there’s a bounty on a traitor’s head then they are the ones to track the target. They also keep an eye on the tribe’s enemies to keep tabs on movements to ensure the tribe’s safety.
Trading/crafting/smithing Chiefs (3) - There is one master for each specialty, unlike the rest of the chief ranks which allow for two of them. Trading chiefs are in charge of finding suitable packs to trade with to ensure that scarce items are gotten a hold of. Crafting chiefs are in charge of making sure animal pens, huts, and other items needed in daily use are built and in good condition.

Tier 5

Fighting rank - Rank for average warriors. Charged with defending the pack, doing border patrol, battles, typical fighting stuff.
Hunting Rank - Hunters are in charge of providing food for the tribe and making sure there’s no predators nearby. Will often help with border patrol as well.
Medical rank - Typical healers. In charge of basic healing duties and ensuring injuries and illnesses are treated.
Scouting rank - Spies. These are wolves trusted enough to keep an eye out for the pack’s well being. The work in coordination with the chief to keep an eye on enemies. They serve as hunters when their normal duty is not required.
Trading/crafting/smithing rank - Traders, crafters, builders, and blacksmiths fall into this rank. They’re charged with building all the important things like huts, animal pens, weapons, jewelry, as well as finding necessary resources.

Tier 6

Regular tribe members - Members that don’t have a specific rank. Either they’re new, a new mother, or just a regular civilian with no particular talent. They often help out wherever they’re needed, but have no particular duty that they do specifically.
Apprentices - Wolves over the age of three months, but under the age of a year. They train in every duty until a year when they pick the one they wish to improve upon.
Kids - Pups under the age of three months that aren’t old enough to become an apprentice.
Elders - Wolves that are 8 years or older. It’s not necessary for wolves to retire at 8, but most do to make way for the younger generation.

Tier 7

Banished/Traitors - This isn’t exactly a rank within the tribe itself. This is just a list of those who have forsaken the laws of the tribe and have been labeled as traitors and banned. Banishment is for the more mild offenses, but death is not uncommon should it be deemed necessary.

What do I expect from you?

I’m mostly looking for lower ranked wolves within the pack that would have been Nyko’s friends or family. Making a sibling or parent isn’t required - instead focus more on how your character could have benefited the pack. Were they a warrior, a scout, a healer, or maybe even a crafter? I’m excited to be able to expand on the crafting part and the fun part about this is it’s a plot open for many possibilities. I definitely want to see wolves with companions as those play a big part in the crafting part. Wolves with accessories/piercings aren’t required unless you’re applying for a higher ranked/more important character. Feel free to be rather crazy/creative with your application. If it seems as though there might be a problem somewhere I’ll be sure to tell you.

I am looking for someone to play the wolf that took over as Nyko’s successor when he left to be Roseus' body guard. Other than that, there are no specific roles to apply for.

I haven’t fully decided on what I want to do yet, but I’m hoping to eventually get this ide started as a pack on ardent. I’m not sure if it’s something I’d run myself, or let someone else run, but I will let people know once it’s decided. If you do feel as though it’s a pack you could successfully run then feel free to say so somewhere in your form. If I feel like you might be a good candidate then I will message you. I wouldn’t focus too much on this for now though as I’m more interested in just getting the tribe onto Ardent.

For now it can just be assumed that the tribe decided to relocate to a new area and Ardent was where they ended up at. I assume Auster would be their preferred location as it has the climate they’re used to.


<b>Ooc Name:</b>
<b>Name:</b> (Name of your char. Last name should be Kazema)
<b>Alignment:</b> (Can be anything, but be reasonable.)
<b>Design:</b> (Keep in mind of the rules above. If using your own, do I have permission to adopt it out with the account should I have to take the character back from you)
<b>Changes:</b> (If you’re using one of mine, do you have any changes you want made to it. You can do this yourself or request that I do it.)
<b>Rank:</b> (What rank did/does your char have? Keep in mind I’m going to be super picky about tier 4 and above ranks)
<b>Relation:</b> (How are they related to Nyko? Parent, cousin, sibling, friend, enemy, or just a pack mate. The options are endless.)
<b>Appearance:</b> (Should be 100+ words minimum.)
<b>Personality:</b> (Should be 200+ words minimum as I’d like to see these fleshed out.)
<b>History:</b> (Not required, but I would suggest it. Look at Nyko’s and Roseus’ history to get an idea.)
<b>Outsider:</b> (Were they born in the pack or were they an outsider that was accepted? I don’t want to see too many outsiders though.)
<b>Other:</b> (Anything else I might have missed above in the form can go here.)
<b>RP Sample:</b> Not required, but I am curious how you’d play your character if you got them.)

List of wolves so far

Name of char - played by - rank - relation to Nyko
Alyria - Cat - Fighter - Tribe-mate



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022Rapid Poster - GoldCoder - RainbowToys for Tots
09-06-2017, 11:27 AM (This post was last modified: 09-08-2017, 03:42 PM by Shelby.)
Ooc Name: Shelby

Name: Meda Kazema

Age: Four, born in summer

Gender: Female

Alignment: Neutral Good

Design: Link!

Rank: Shaman

Relation: Nyko's apprentice

Appearance: A monochromatic mix of grays and whites, the interesting aspect of Meda's coat doesn't come from the coloring. Darker charcoal and white swirl together all over her body forming waves and curls. These colors form defined swirls on her thighs, sides, over her shoulder blades and along her tail. This same pairing forms two lines under each eye - accenting them and showing off the rich purple hue of her eyes. Her legs are covered in a medium gray while each paw is dipped in the darker gray hue. Meda is decorated with a set of three small, silver hoops along the edge of her right ear, a silver bangle that sits right over the middle joint of her left hind leg, and a thin, leather necklace adorned with two round, silver beads on either side of three purple-hued feathers. She is a moderately tall wolf at thirty-six inches with a healthy, medium build. Her fur is on the shorter side along her body and legs with slightly thicker fur around her neck and tail.

Personality: Meda is incredibly down to earth. She has a hard time viewing anything about herself as important or of any worth. In a way this makes her easily swayed to put herself in harm's way if it means helping someone else. Knowledge and well being of others are two things that are her highest priorities. Meda loves nature and sees the greatest beauty in the elements and creations that come from the earth. The ability to take herbs from plants to heal those close to her or the ability to take hides and feathers and create something beautiful from them is knowledge is holds dear. Meda firmly believes that her gods have blessed her with these abilities and that she was put here to use them to the best of her abilities. Not only that, but she takes the role of being a teacher very seriously. All of these skills she has been blessed with are hers to share and pass on to the next generation.

She has a strong moral compass and a deep devotion to her beliefs that guides her actions. In her mind her instincts are just instructions from the gods and nothing can keep her from following her instincts. Even still, she is too kind hearted and merciful to do anything that might endanger or hurt someone else that doesn't deserve it. She doesn't see her knowledge and skills as a result of hard work. Everything she has and every opportunity she has been given has is because of the gods. She only sees her hard work as a repayment to the gods for those opportunities.

History: Meda's mother was a medical chief among the pack while her father was a smith. Her mother had been close with Nyko's predecessor, coming to him often with questions about healing. She was a devoted and hardworking healer who firmly believed that all of her skills were gifts of the gods. Of her parents her mother was the brains while her father was the heart. As soon as her father found out that his wife was pregnant he began collecting and crafting jewelry for his children as gifts for them. He knew that pups were raised by all in their pack, but he was overjoyed by the idea of having children in this world. By the time they were born he had more jewelry than they could ever possibly wear saved up for them. He had never been the most masterful in his crafts, but he worked tirelessly to make sure everything he had for them was perfect.

Meda was born in a litter of three pups. Her father was so excited that when they had the birthing ceremony that evening he ran around the pack handing out the jewelry and crafts that he had made an abundance of. He saved the most well crafted piece for Nyko and offered it to him, requesting to introduce him to his new family personally. Her father lead the Shaman to see the pups with his chest swollen with pride. It was then that the new parents learned that their daughter would be Nyko's successor. Before Meda went away to train with Nyko, her father gave her the first of her piercings, wanting to give her the best start in this new path she was being taken down.

Much like her mother, Meda picked up on healing techniques quickly even at a young age. Knowlege of herbs and techniques came easily to her and she soaked up information about the gods and their ceremonies like a sponge. While she dutifully trained with the warriors, she found a special joy in learning crafting and smithing. Her father was able to stay close to her in this way and taught her everything he knew, giving her two more piercings and a bracelet in the process.

Her Shaman ceremony came much more quickly than she would have ever anticipated. With Nyko's departure Meda was placed in this important role just before she turned a year old. At the ceremony her father gave her the necklace the now wears daily. Her mother came to her in the evenings in the months to come to help in completing her training in healing. Meda rose to the challenge and settled into her role well. In the winter after her first birthday she was out collecting herbs with the other healers and came across the vervet monkey that would become her lifelong companion.

Shortly before her third birthday, in her prayers to the gods she felt that a change was coming. Early on in her life she had fully given her trust into the gods so when they urged her to seek out the next shaman she did without question. Her prayers and rituals led her to a young woman that was heavily pregnant. The next day the woman gave birth and just like Nyko had done for her and Nyko's predecessor before that - she chose the pack's next shaman. Meda spent the next year carefully training this boy and teaching him everything he needed to know. She never questioned why her time as a shaman had been so short. In her mind she knew there must be a reason and that she would learn of that reason soon enough.

Right before her fourth birthday she was alone, praying to the gods as she often did when Nyko came to mind. It had been years since her former teacher had come across her memories, but something about that thought stuck with her. She had to find him. Certain that she had taught everything she could to her apprentice, Meda left the pack and set out to find her mentor with no idea of what might be in store for her.

Outsider: Nope, born in the pack

Other: She will have a vervet monkey for her companion

Gabriel I


6 Years
Dire wolf
09-06-2017, 08:28 PM
Hi yes hello

I'm offended

these tempts

Samael, as Gabriel's brother/stalker, will likely be making appearances in any/all of his threads to distantly stare at his interactions. Just an FYI.

**Also, his face is heavily scarred on the left side, none of his tables reflect this yet. Missing fur on the cheek, below the eye, and scars across the bridge of his muzzle and down his neck.


IT'S OVER 9000!

13+ Years
09-06-2017, 09:25 PM
Yes, all the tempts



6 Years
09-06-2017, 09:58 PM
I shouldn't have looked. I knew better, and yet I did it anyways. If I wasn't about to go move my life to a goat farm for six months to a year I'd be alllllllllll over this. All over it. Everywhere.



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Navigator (0)

2 Years
09-08-2017, 01:45 AM (This post was last modified: 09-08-2017, 02:39 AM by Keahilani.)
Ooc Name: Cat
Name:  Alyria Bran Argent Kazema
Age: 3
Gender: Female
Alignment: Lawful Good.
Design:  This little babe here.
Changes:  No design changes! The addition of two raven’s feathers, behind her left ear, with the bottoms/base(whatever it's called?) woven in or just disappearing into the fur there. Feather reference here. 
Rank: Fighting rank.
Relation:  Friend, Alyria thrives on harmony within the tribe and likes to network and have plenty of friends.
Appearance: Alyria is a large canine, standing at an unusual 41” tall and weighing 163 pounds, she’s a damsel who’s never in distress. A heavy build and a usually quiet disposition, she can oftentimes appear more intimidating to those upon initial meeting. Alyria is elegant even with more heavy features, some soft curves displaying that she is, indeed, a female. She’s a mixture of brown shades, the base of her coat being a rich, medium, almost dark, brown that shows through from the underside of her tail, along her belly, on the middles of all her legs, and up her chest to her muzzle. Her paws are a lighter color, a light cream that graces all along the top of her head down her back, almost to the tip of her tail. Between those two colors are some other shades, that are mixed in on her back, her legs, and her face. There is also some white just underneath her eyes, while the tips of her ears are dark brown, and her paw pads are black. Her eyes themselves stand out, an almost mossy green color, that nicely contrasts and compliments her multi-colored coat. She has a decently short coat, thicker in some parts like her cheeks, hind, tail and neck, that puts on display her muscular build, proof of her deserving the rank of a fighter.
Personality: Upon initial meeting, Alyria is quite straightforward, serious and disciplined, she does as told and strives to be the best she can be. Her purpose is to work and provide for her tribe as needed, doing her job and living with the personal code of protecting those who cannot protect themselves. She wants to defend her tribe, her family, those who she trusts and respect, who need it the most. When she’s working, if you’re not part of her patrol or a close friend, she’s firm and quiet, observing with a tight-lipped smile and a raised brow, sticking to what she’s been tasked with. When she’s not directly doing a task concerning her ranking, she’s more outgoing. She’s incredibly strong-willed and sometimes hard headed when it comes to defending her faith and herself.
With friends, and her tribe mates, as she views them as family, she’s friendly and playful, sometimes even cheeky. Alyria loves to play wrestle with her close friends, not sparring but more of a pup-like tussling, getting down in the dirt and messing about. The large wolf is bold and confident in herself, unabashedly herself when she’s around those she trusts. She doesn’t disobey, she believes to break the tribe’s law is a sin so unspeakable, she can’t imagine what would compel another to do so.
Alyria despises few things, mainly those that go against the tribe laws, betrayal, whether personal or on a larger scale, and those who needlessly cause chaos and harm wherever they go. She’s devout to their beliefs, highly revering their way of life and not quite understanding outsiders who don’t live as they do. She tries to be compassionate, but it’s hard for her to extend friendship to those who would scorn or offend her beliefs.
Earning this dame’s trust is highly difficult if you’re not of the tribe, she has many defensive walls set up. While she will protect strangers if they can’t fight for themselves, that doesn’t mean she’ll let down her guard for one second. Although, once you’ve earned her trust, it’s incredibly hard to truly lose it. She would lay down her life for those she has full faith in, and wouldn’t hesitate to come to their side should they need it.
Even though she’s young, she’s fairly set in her ways. The outside world may influence her slightly in her actions should she be exposed to it extensively, but while still in the community of her tribe, she feels they’re unbreakable and she’s quite proud of her culture and home.
i was born with silver between my teeth
both on paper and the kind that makes you bleed
my daddy told me it wasn’t enough just to learn
so i bit my tongue and taught myself ten ways to burn"

The Early Years: (1 - 12 months)
Months 1-6: Alyria was the only one of her litter of three that made it past two months, merely the choice of nature. She was the largest of the pups, strong from birth, blindly wriggling her way to nurse and making her place clear from the start. Much of her childhood was easy, learning her place in the tribe, who her immediate family was, playing and being an all around nuisance. She was curious and outgoing from a young age, trying to sneak from the den to watch the adults move about their days, eager to someday serve her tribe in the best way she could.
Months 6-12: Once the female was bigger, showing that she was going to take more after her father height-wise, and more after her mother in the looks department, she began tussling more often. She loved to mess with the other youths, wrestling and challenging the boys in a teasing and friendly manner. She wasn’t a flirt, but she loved a good challenge, and showing her growing strength through tussles was one of the ways she sought to find one.
Year 1: At a year, she was in training to be a fighter, although she had already started learning prior to hitting the yearling mark. She was quick-witted, always eager to learn and soak up all the information, tips, and tricks that she possibly could. Alyria asked questions, always trying to puzzle things out in her mind, observant and clearly one who studied others, consistently sizing them up and trying to objectively judge how she would fare should she ever seriously spar against them. She was never dismissive, never rude to others, although sometimes she could be a bit sarcastic, if you got on her nerves enough. Despite any annoyances, however, she was always kind and willing to defend her tribe with all she had.
"et je dois me rappeler (and i have to remind myself)
sous cette lune toute blême (under this moon so pale)
que nous protégeons ceux (that we protect those)
qui ne peuvent pas se protéger eux-mêmes (who cannot protect themselves)"

The Middle Years: (2 - 4)
Year 2: The move to Ardent was a change, one that the multi-colored dame didn’t particularly desire, but she enjoyed it nonetheless. It was an adventure, and she was sure that they would encounter hardships and challenges along the way, ones that would bring them together more, bring them out stronger and on top as they always had been. She wasn’t afraid of the outside world. If anything, she believed the outside world should be fearful of themselves, of their sins, the way they didn’t believe in any gods, or that they worshipped false idols, their own greed and selfish desires. Surely, they could bring about a positive influence on the cruelty and savagery of some of the rogues and outsiders of these lands, it was just a matter of time.
Year 3: TBA
Year 4: TBA
"i’m not scared of your eyes, whatever color they be
and i could thread a needle through war or in my sleep
but there is a kind of fear i can’t touch; that sort blinds
and standing my ground is the only remedy i can find"

The Older Years: (5 - 7)
Year 5: TBA
Year 6: TBA
Year 7: TBA
"but not every monster has black blood or claws
at least not the one with my heart tight between its paws
‘cause not every monster has black blood or claws
mine picks me apart at the stitches, follows no code or laws"

The Ending Years: (8 - 10)
Year 8: TBA
Year 9: TBA
Year 10: TBA
"now i walk the line of a sharpened blade
half-open eyes from midnight crusades
if i’m being honest, i don’t always come with a plan
and to this day sometimes i can’t tell the difference between beast or man
i was born with silver between my teeth
and now i know when to shine and when to sting."

Outsider: No. Born in the pack.
Other: Alyria has a raven companion, named Merle. Also, she has a pair of feathers that Merle lost tied into her fur. // Voice actress is Allison Argent (Crystal Reed)
RP Sample:

Alyria was always strong-willed, fierce and never one to back down from a fight. She was one that could be counted on to stand her ground, called to her friends or family’s side in times of distress. So, when an outsider, an ignorant and crass rogue, challenged one of her friends, she stepped forwards, shoulder to shoulder with her tribe mate to stare down the outsider. They were defending the borders, marking them as was their usual duty, when a reckless stranger barreled in. This wolf ignored their clear and fresh markings, growling and trying to puff himself up at the small patrol, clearly not acknowledging the fact that he was outnumbered, and the size differences in some of the canines.
The fighter was one of the larger of the patrol, standing at an impressive 41” tall, bulky and muscular, with feminine curves and a dark green gaze fixed on the intruder. She waited for her friend, the patrol leader, to do the talking, inquiring as to why the other canine was here, what their business was. The other hardly spoke, merely uttering about a den nearby and the stench of the tribe wolves. She was mildly offended, tossing a sidelong glance and a deep frown to another tribe mate, tail lashing once and ears flicking back.
The patrol leader continued to attempt to converse with this canine, slowly taking steps forward as the stranger took steps back, keeping his distance. When he began to toss wary glances at the patrol, Alyria flashed a tight lipped grin, waiting to see if he would try and dart passed them into the territory, or if he would turn tail and run. The male picked the latter option, and the fighter relaxed slightly, snorting before joking, “Well, I thought that would prove to be more eventful.”
One of the female tribe wolves merely threw her an amused look, rolling her eyes as they continued on, the larger she-wolf grinning cheekily. “C’mon, he was scrawny. I could’ve taken him easily.” She mockingly boasted, ears perked and swiveling around, capturing the sounds of their homeland. Her nose twitched at the scent of prey, but she focused on the task at hand, striding quickly to match pace with the leader of the small patrol. They didn’t stay out too awfully long, making their rounds and heading back to camp, where each dispersed to their separate duties or personal time.
Alyria herself opted to go rest against a rock, taking a well-needed nap in the warmth of the sun, her body stretched out and tail curled to rest on her hind legs. She watched the bustle of camp for a bit, before her eyes fluttered shut and she slid off into dreaming about a fun spar.

Purchases: TO BE DONE (once i have enough hehe)
Small Companion
Small Accessory
keahilani // enya // masou
little survivor princess

avvie creds to Shrapnel <3


IT'S OVER 9000!

13+ Years
09-08-2017, 01:56 AM
Cat I LOVE her! She's all yours c:


IT'S OVER 9000!

13+ Years
09-09-2017, 02:26 AM
Shelby, Meda looks great! Accepted!