
You Can Call Me Queen Bee



4 Years
07-23-2014, 03:47 PM (This post was last modified: 07-23-2014, 10:02 PM by Anzhelika.)
The pale hued babe would find herself around the sandier parts of Alacritis, enjoying the heat. She would find herself following a slithering creature, it's tail making a wonderful rattling noise whenever she would get too close.She would run up behind it and grip it's rattling tail in her maw, laughing as she tossed it up into the air. She would be playing with danger, her life always an exciting one. The snake would land on the ground with a loud 'thump', the thing unconscious when she would poke it with her paw. "Oh well," she would say with a smirk, continuing down the sandy river bank. She would see another form slithering ahead, but this one was bigger. It was about two feet long, and it's body was full of thick and glorious scales. "I want that one," she would say in an awestruck tone, quickly bounding after it. The large ivory sadist would close the distance between the two, Anzhelika stopping right in front of the snake. It would give a hiss and bare his razor sharp teeth at her, rattling it's tail loudly for Anzhelika to back off. But, she ignored it, opening her maw to speak. "Well hello there, beautiful," she would say with a low rumble, seating herself in front of the creature. "My name isssn't beautiful.. It'sss Sssssabre,' he would say with a hiss at Anzhelika. "Well, Sabre. Care to be the Queen's pet?" She would ask in a low purr, her eyes landing in his beautiful rattle. "What'sss in it for mee?" He would question her, tail rattling loudly. "Murder, royalty, blood. All you could ever dream of," the creme painted babe would say with a long sigh, knowing those things would one day come true. "Sssoundss good to meee," Sabre would say as he would slither himself around her leg, then up on her neck. There, he draped himself over her neck, like the best fashion accessory the female could have ever gained. The snake would give her cheek a lick with his red tongue, wrapping himself around her neck affectionately. [s]"You're quite beautiful, my Queen',[/i] he would say with a pleasured rattle of his tail. "Why thank you, Sabre. My name is Anzhelika. What are you?" She would ask in a curious tone, still unaware of the animal that draped itself over her neck. "I am a Dussskyy Pygmy Rattlesssnake," he would say with another rattle of his tail, nodding at Anzhelika. "Interesting, my little Sabre."
[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!


07-23-2014, 04:31 PM
Time. The line of everlasting existence through events and history? Or was it something more? Fact was, time was not something that could truthfully be explained by anyone. It was infinite. Just like the mysteries it held deep within its roots. Many thought of time as a way to recognize the present...Others believed it to be so much more. A force beyond comprehension doing its work unintentionally and perfectly all at once. The stubborn existence of organization that held the past within a seal. The bringer of the future and the giver of the present. Some believed time to be a god all itself, invisible to the naked eye and unheard through religion. It very well could have been. When phrases are shouted out like ?we are out of time!? or ?Times up.? To some they are just phrases, to others they are tribute to the all mighty god of time. Whoever it may be weather it was real or not. Or perhaps?for something to be real one must simply believe it to be real? Faith was a powerful substance in many cultures throughout history.

Consisting side by side with time was the gift of memories. A function of history stored within the subconscious of ones mind throughout the period of their lives. Of course?there were always memories better left forgotten. Despite the fact memories would always eventually be forgotten in the downward spiral called time. The memories of the past, of those before us. Never told from the beholder but often from the witness. Stories and legends passed down generation to generation but with each generation only losing more and more of the truth as the line between reality and fantasy grows ever so thinner. It was the same with the beings that traveled the world. Over time ones blood does not strengthen. It weakens. If one were to make a copy, of a copy, of a copy it would not come out stronger. But weaker. This has always been true. The memories that held the truth where lost?forgotten In time.

Shadows stretched over the tall grass of the shadow valley as if to create a web of darkness. The trees echoed with the raw silence, other than the droplet of a single dewdrop from a dessert Flower landing on a nearby pond. Near the pond, stood a young man with eyes of violet. Staring at his reflection with a look of disgust and displeasure as if he were not pleased with something about himself. The man stood, growling and mumbling to his reflection. The lofty pines needles underneath his feet made the earth cool and spongy beneath his weight. The boys vision never left the pond as it glistened in the moonlight, turning it a variety of sharp colors. The male turned his neck and cracked it softly. His eyes left the point and now were directed to the glittering stars overhead. "The plot thickens..." He whispered bitterly to himself, lowering his head he sighed heavily and thought long and hard about something. His breath caught in his chest when sudden footsteps approached his position with a quickened pace. Shadows stirred as he immediately swung around, his shadow going crazy and swirling around him. His eyes searched the landscape for the source of the sound which had startled him. A rabbit, jumped out of the bushes and ran off. Forcing a breath of relief to escape Sparda's lips.

He gave the bush another look, nodded, then turned away. and stalked off. As he did so he turned his head over her shoulder and smiled. Before heading off again with a nod. Smiling deviously Sparda chuckled lightly and looked to the side of him as he turned to face the entrance of the grasslands. "Your Savior...has returned..." He whispered, placing his hands into his pockets and stalking off into the sea of sand to proceed with his journey. It took him all night, but eventually. He reached the dessert in search of something...yes. That was why he was here. A sly grin spread across his muzzle as he padded through the sand with ease.

Eventually, as if to distract him with his trip. His attention was brought to a young female who was...chasing a snake around? Interesting. The male lifted his head and gave a toothy grin, wondering what knowledge this female held in that...rather small dome of hers. "Appears i have my first contact...lets see what entertainment she may provide." He mused to himself, following her to wherever it was she was going. Once she came to a stop and made a new...serpent friend. Sparda made himself known. "It appears you quite the snake charmer." He said with a hint of devious intent...was going to be fun.



4 Years
07-23-2014, 04:55 PM
A voice would distract her thoughts, the deep baritone of the boy would sing out to her, to the ivory babe. "I can charm anything, if I put my mind to it," she would say with a seductive purr, a smirk upon her lips. Sabre would slither off of her and slide down her leg, slithering up the male and hissing in his face. "Ssshe isss a Queen. Underssstand that, pretty boi?" He would bare his fangs at the male, oh so tempted to dig his venom into his neck for even showing his Queen the slightest bit of respect. Anzhelika wouldn't dare hold her little Sabre back, for he did as he pleased. The snake would slither himself down the male and back up the female, draping himself upon her ivory and creme colored neck. "Are you going to tell me your name, stranger? Or do I have to drag it out of you?" she would say with a low growl, sitting back upon her haunches as hips kissed the ground she was sitting upon. "You can call me Anzhelika. Or Queen, whichever you prefer," she would say with a flick of her tail, violet and golden dagger gaze watching him.
"Anzhelika's speech" "Sabre's words"
[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!


07-23-2014, 05:17 PM
Violet eyes would look to the sky with interest as the sun blazed overhead...such a nice little territory. Such a shame it was so inhabited...the Sheikah could of done will in such a barren wasteland. Either way, considering everything went according to Sparda's design would ultimately decide rather or not the Sheikah would be making their move. So far, he heard word from an old informant of his that a pack of tyrants have been running around as of late in these lands...and as a result. He was here. The Dark Messiah had at last arrived to purge the souls he deemed unworthy of life...just as his mother did before him. And his was after all the family business to guide wolfkind into a new world order...whether they liked it or not. Regardless, the savior would bring his attention back to the young female who stood before him. He held back a snicker when she told him she could 'charm' anything she put her mind about a tree? That would be something Sparda would want to see. Either way, he stood and watched her with interest. "Yes...of course you can. I don't doubt that." He told her with a hint of sarcasm.

His eyes remained on her as the ladies little...companion. Slithered up to him and hissed. Sparda smiled and shook his head...believe it or not. He could understand the snake as well...hell. Sparda spoke many languages throughout his life. Living in total darkness would natrually do that. Not even glancing at the snake he would speak in snake tongue...the true language of the serpent. "Slarhar hashisith, marselo varsalimi." He would say smoothly, the translation being 'I couldn't care less who she is's what she could become that interest me.' Assuming the serpent even responded, a chuckle would escape Sparda's lips as he sighed. "Queen eh?" he would say smoothly, walking over to her and touching noses with her smiling. "Ohhh Wolves are in a pack who follow the alpha...whats a alpha to a king...whats a king to a god...whats a god to a nonbeliever who does not believe in anything?" He would ask cryptically, pulling his muzzle away and turning his back on her slightly, strolling away with such charismatic gusto she may or may not be allured by it. He swished his tail on her nose to tickle her senses before walking away, looking over his shoulder at the 'queen.' He smiled gently and spoke once more. "At any may call me 'queen.'" He teased.



4 Years
07-23-2014, 11:04 PM
She would be taken back a bit in surprise when the male would press his nose against her's, the act causing a soft hued red color to appear on her ivory cheeks. She would growl when he would wiggle his tail infront of her nose, holding her breath as she expected a sneeze. Luckily though, it would be a false alarm and her nose would keep sneezes out of it.

She would snarl and snap at his tail, her jaws so close to clamping onto the fluffy thing and just tearing it off, a small snack for the ivory sadist. He would introduce himself as Sparda, the girl never hearing a name like that. Though, her name was pretty unique as well.. Anzhelika Zinaida Rusakov.

He would call her his Queen, a smile being brought upon her lips as he did so. The creme painted babe would seat herself next to him, opening her maw to speak. "Yes, Sparda. It seems my time of royalty has begun. Have anything for me to rule?" She would ask him with a smirk.

Sabre would twist around her neck affectionately, tounge sliding across her maw with a rattle of his tail. "You already rule me, my Queen," he would say with a hiss, continuing to slither across her neck affectionately.
[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!


07-23-2014, 11:22 PM
It was never unusual for a child to dream of greatness. For the weak to dream of being strong. For the lonely to dream of companionship. For the lost to dream of being found. But what are dreams? A series of thoughts, images, and sensations within the subconscious of the mind. Or a cherished aspiration of ideal of something? These are thoughts that constantly haunted the young males mind day in and day out as did the merciless memories. Spiraling through his brain like water down a drain. A soft sigh escaped his soft lips as the wolf calmly recoiled his tail from the woman's jaws. Smiling at her with a glimmer of light in his violet eyes.

Bright eyes stared at the sun as the giver of light descending back into the depths of the horizon giving off an Erie twilight. Shadows stretched over the sea of sand that surrounded them. The sky became a mix of several different colors to offer its luminous beauty to the barren vegetation. Light dappled through the sprawled clouds above. The wind blew whispering through the lands a melody of shadow. Sparda carefully observed the environment as if analyzing the mystery of the dessert before returning his attention back to the 'queen.'

She stalked up next to him and took a seat, spewing words that forced a small giggle from Sparda. After everything he had just said she was still climbing up that tree eh? The bi colored male glanced at her and shrugged. "That depends...would you rather rule an entire kingdom with a high profile...or something a bit more...elusive?" Teased, walking around her before stopping at her front. Pressing his chest into hers as their hearts beat he stares into her eyes with devious intention as a a smile that could make a snake blush spread across his lips. "Besides... what's a dessert flower such as yourself looking to rule in the first place? With beauty as obvious as yours. I thought you'd already rule the world." He complimented with a wink before backing away from her to avoid being snapped at.



4 Years
07-23-2014, 11:32 PM (This post was last modified: 07-23-2014, 11:35 PM by Anzhelika.)
She would feel the two being's hearts beat as one, a shaky sigh escaping her lips. Never had a male treated her like this. It was nice though, different from the usual snazzy comments of being called a bitch and so on.

He would flash a smile at her, saying words of how she should already be ruling the world. He would also call her a desert flower... Aww, how pathetic. Her jaws would barely miss his muzzle as she snarled and snapped them in his face, ivory daggers showing as her lips curled in a snarl.

He was good, but she wasn't trying to play a game.. She did actually want to be a Queen- because she was all royalty- but because she would make a perfect one, ruling a little pack of mutts, the dogs commanding her very say. Wouldn't that be nice? Indeed it would, almost as nice as ripping the male's head off. She would think to herself, looking at Sparda with a smirk.
[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!


07-23-2014, 11:44 PM
There many kinds of monsters in the world...Monsters who do not show themselves and cause trouble. Monsters who abduct children. Monsters who devour dreams. Monsters who deceive us...and monsters...who always cause pain. But the scariest monster that no one seemed to think about...was the monster know one knew about. The unknown. And as of right now...a pair of monsters seemed to be in a battle of some sort. But not a battle of the body no...but one of the mind. The bi colored wolf would merely chuckle at the female as her attack just barley missed his muzzle..."Now now, lets not be so hasty." He told her teasingly. His violet eyes would continue to examine her as she growled at him.

"And please...put those pearly whites of yours away. That comes later...for now. You still have yet to answer my question. What kind of queen-ship exactly are you looking to rule? Depending on your answer depends on if rather or not i can help you...IF i'm willing to help you. So far, all you've tried to do is snap at far i'm not liking the attitude to much." He would tell her carefully, walking next to her as he eyed her with interest.



4 Years
07-23-2014, 11:58 PM
"I don't know.. It depends what you have in store, really." She would say as she looked at him, violet and golden gaze staring into his violet one.

He would say how she had been all rude and snappy, but the hell with it, this was her attitude, her personality!! Unless, of course he could somehow strain her from the angry, large ivory sadist he was, though it would be a hard task, especially for a brute like him.

The ivory and creme colored babe would look him over, her eyes scanning over his bodice of a form. He was quite attractive, though he was shorter than her. If he were to protect the Queen, shouldn't he have been at least a bit more... Intimidating? She knew she was a large fae herself, standing proudly at thirty six inches and weighing 141 pounds. Now, her friend Sparda.. He didn't seem quite close to that.
[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!


07-24-2014, 12:27 AM
Sparda stood still...slowly turning his head and glancing at her sideways. "What i have to offer eh?" He echoed. His shoulders bouncing as a laugh began to rattle his entire body. Suddenly, in a sudden burst of energy, he turned to face her fully and smiled deviously. "What i have to offer, is not what you seek...but so much more. Wolves now a days only seek glory, popularity, or simply power. What i beyond these typical desires. A life in the shadow of wolfkind, manipulating events from behind the scenes and guiding wolfkind into a new world world order." He began, his eyes becoming slanted as his smile grew wider. "Make no mistake dear flower...i intend to change this world...even if i must first destroy it. I will purge those i feel unworthy and purify this land of all sin...this...this is the will of the Sheikah Clan. And the Seraphim family, and i will fulfill my birthright. Just as my father did before me." He explained with such charismatic gusto he made it obvious he enjoyed what he did.

He would wait...yes..wait with interest as he watched her reaction. Was she good enough to fulfill the will of god?



4 Years
07-24-2014, 01:04 AM
Destroy, purge, unworthy, purify, sin. The were the words that would catch her attention. Her royal attention that he seeked. "Then yes, Sparda. I will be your Queen. And your Queen will stay loyal to you as long as the King stays loyal to his Queen," she would say with a nod, looking at him.

He didn't seem like the un loyal type, I mean.. He had already stayed this long with her, even with her repulsive attitude.. Maybe she should give him a go? And not like a sexual drive go, but like a Queen bee go.

She would look at the male and open her maw, quickly looking down at Sabre as he would rattle his tail. "So, what do you say- Sparda..? You can call me Queen bee," she would say with a polite smile on her face, the gesture the only real kind one she's shown this male.
[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!


07-24-2014, 01:30 AM
"Then yes, Sparda. I will be your Queen. And your Queen will stay loyal to you as long as the King stays loyal to his Queen,"

He heard her say this and a soft smile spread across the males lips...well then. Wasn't she eager? He supposed she held little interest in him as much as she did the actual aspect of power and royalty...a shame really. Sparda really liked her, despite her nippy attitude which to be honest. Was something he was going to have to drive out of her. One way or another. Shrugging it off, he craned his neck to the side and cracked it. watching at she made her way next to him and asked him an important question. Lowering his head and closing his eyes the male smiled. " dear queen bee...shall we go?" he asked her with a chuckle, turning tail and looking back at her. "Ladies first." He would inquire.



4 Years
07-24-2014, 02:05 AM
Ahh, how eager he was to make Anzhelika Zinaida Rusakov his Queen. And as a Queen she would strive, for she had deserved royalty all of her life and she was about to begin it. He would gesture himself behind the female, stepping out of the way with a cheesy "ladies first" move. Probably to just stare at that glorious body of her's, honestly. She would place herself in front of the male, looking down at Sabre as he would hiss out words. "Your royalty beginsss now, my Queen bee," she would smile at his words, thinking of where the male and the ivory babe could meet after this to discuss King and Queen duties.
{OOC; ~Exit Anzhelika~}
[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!