
Pssst This Way!



8 Years
09-19-2017, 09:47 PM
**Set During the raid, just didn't see any point in posting before anyone got injured lol**

The small male hurried behind his mother as the pair headed towards a location close to the planned raid. Avalon led the way since she knew the lands of Boreas better than they did, and he was quite glad she was here with them. It meant he could keep an eye on her, considering her instability as of late. He didn't know what was going on with her, she didn't really like to talk much about it and he didn't want to pry the information from Dragon, either. If his mother didn't want to talk about it, that was fine. It wasn't his place to make her tell him. The scent of herbs filled his nose as he dropped those thoughts, the raiding party splitting off to go off on their own plan, while the healers ventured the other direction to set up a camp of sorts to tend to those who came out injured. He carried a small bundle of herbs, a different array of things for injuries both minor and severe. Or at least...whatever he had managed to store before the drought had killed almost everything off. Hopefully, he wouldn't have to tend to severe injuries, but he also didn't know exactly what he would be dealing with. This would be his first time actually tending to wounds possibly more severe than simple scratches, but he knew enough that he was more or less confident he could help.

Once the pair arrived at the moore, he would put his bundle down and wait for the others. Faine was supposed to be with them, so he hoped that she could help him out if he needed it. Avalon as far as he knew, would be keeping guard...or at least, that's what she told him. She seemed a little off, as if she were apprehensive or...well, he wasn't quite sure what to name it. On edge, maybe? Restless? There were so many things she was displaying, or trying not to display, that it was making it hard for him to figure her out at the moment. She was pacing, and the boy watched her go back and forth repeatedly while her companion watched from a nearby tree. He was worried, but felt like asking her anything right now might not be the best move...

It wasn't long before he began to hear the telltale sounds of a battle beginning, and knew that the attack was underway. His heart began to pound, and he gazed off towards the sounds. From the corner of his eye, he noticed his mother had also stopped her pacing and was staring in that direction as well. He hoped his pack mates came out safe...or at least, as safe as one could come out in a thing like this.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



6 Years

09-23-2017, 08:05 PM
Steel wasn't quite sure if he had expected to win or not. Part of him had hoped that, as inexperienced as he was, that the sheer will he had in protecting his family might give him the advantage. Of course, he'd been sorely mistaken.

He felt defeated. Luckily Jade hadn't gotten into a fight, but Sterling seemed to be holding her ground - as much as he could tell - and Esarosa hadn't gotten targeted either. He was sure his daughter would be fine, though it was hard to think about much the way he felt his face suddenly aching. As soon as he realized he was defeated he had submitted, slinking off like a pup with his tail between his legs. Pathetic. He would've cursed at himself if he wasn't so fatigued, and if the side of his face wasn't throbbing painfully.

He'd felt the blood start trickling down his cheek as soon as the bite had landed, and only as he walked away did he realize how serious his injuries were. Not fatal, but certainly something that would give him permanent scars. His entire right side ached, and he found himself limping slightly as he padded away from the battle. Gingerly his tongue left his mouth to lap at his lips, removing some of the blood that had dried there. Steel sniffed lightly at the air, following the scents of his packmates away from Celestial's lands, toward where they'd decided to gather after the raid.

He felt vaguely grateful when Arke came into view, his gait slowly as he let out a quiet huff in greeting. It was obvious he hadn't come out on top, though he hoped overall that Talis might succeed, and he wasn't particularly interested in discussing it.


10-08-2017, 02:50 PM
Fern had lain in the dirt by the battlefield for what could have been minutes or hours. Through the red haze, she had watched those from her pack fight, barely absorbing their motions. The dirt below her turned to mud, and though the bleeding had slowed, it hadn't stopped.
And it hurt like hell.
She'd lain in a daze, her world consisting of the stench of blood and the throb of her eye until she saw a Talis wolf leave the battlefield, purposefully heading in another direction. Something within Fern roused, and called for her to follow. With a grunt, she'd lifted herself, and began to follow far behind, face angled so she could keep an eye on him.
That had led her where she now stood, stepping out from the treeline with a chuff, attempting to catch a brown youth's eye. Her face hurt, and she probably looked like a total mess. Her fur was clumped all over the right side of her face, matted with blood, and her right eye was shut tight. Her initial appearance didn't bother her, no. What did was the loss. She'd lost against a mere youth. A little girl. Her face wrinkled at the thought. Her chest burned with anger, like a swirling mass of flame. Fern suppressed a growl, trying to get her emotions under control. She would find the amethyst-eyed female again, and win. In the meantime, she needed medical attention so as not to lose her vision.



6 Years
10-12-2017, 04:46 PM
the colors of my life
are painted in black and white

She had trailed behind Arke and the others as the left. Nox remained with her and watched the silver healer curiously, but the odd pair said nothing as they walked. As they had traveled towards Celestial she'd managed to gather some fresher herbs along the way. She'd also managed to store some before the drought, but the supply was meager at best. The northern continent had at least had a better array of plants to choose from. Overall she hoped that what she had gathered was enough to handle the wounds they'd come back with. She'd never been in a raid, or seen the aftermath, so she felt unprepared for it.

Finally she'd caught up to the rest of them. Both her and Nox set down their bundles of herbs near Arke and Avalon and Armai sat down to wait. Gray tipped ears flicked back and forth nervously and she felt as though a hard knot had formed in her her stomach. She remained silent and it wasn't long before howls split into the air in the distance and the sounds of battle broke out. Well, it had begun, but who would win?

Eventually one wolf came back and she was disappointed to smell a fair bit of blood. Judging from the scent his wounds didn't seem to be as bad so she decided to sit back and see if Arke could handle it. Another Talis wolf came behind him and her scent seemed to be a bit more heavy with blood so she rose to her feet and took her bundle with her. She padded over to Fern and sniffed around the woman for a moment to locate where the bleeding was coming from. It took her a moment to realize it was coming from her face.

Already she was pulling out some horsetail from her rolled up leaf bundle and began to chew. She didn't have a whole lot for pain relief, but she'd managed to find some wintergreen on the way so she chewed that up too until it made a nice paste. She spat it onto her paw and waited for a moment before she tried applying it to Fern's face. "You need to make sure not to scratch at your face or get dirt in it so you'll want to clean it daily and let me put a new poultice on it when we get home. After that come back daily until it scabs over." She instructed in a stern tone. She wasn't going to have wounds become infected just because anyone thought they didn't need to take their injuries seriously. "Do you have any other wounds that need bandaged?" She questioned.

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[Image: Cri2E5V.png]
Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.