
Take the Heartland


07-23-2014, 12:18 PM

before they even know what I've come here for

The large brute had been walking for miles since arriving in this land two weeks ago. He was slowly making his way toward the lands owned by the Olympus clan, stalking every scent he could find. Of course, he allowed himself to be a bit distracted along the way, picking fights and seducing females when it suited him. But today, one scent in particular was capturing his attention. His father. The older brute had left their home at the same time he had, but had probably practiced a lot more focus in getting to their destination. Still, his dark son had caught up with him.

Ebony head would hang between massive shoulders. Gold trimmed legs would move quickly through long fresh grass. He would find his father so they could regroup before heading to Olympus, each going by his own way. Plans of domination stirred in Charon's mind, and powerful jaws would part in a vicious grin. Pink tongue sliding across ivory fangs as he caught a glimpse of his father in the distance. Pace would quicken again, muscles and sinew rolling as he powered himself along. He was not fatigued at all, not even after these long days of traveling. This was something his body could handle. Jaws parted again as the man barked loudly, announcing his presence to Remus. Wait for me, father, he whispered in the confines of his mind. We have some things to talk about.


07-23-2014, 06:01 PM

i dreamed of you

The man of will had lost his prized possessions. His sons and daughters. Yet, he was on the scent of his largest son. Charon. The golden and ebony boy from his loins. He had a mix of both Remus' and Rhea's fur. His head was tilted down to keep track of the scent. He knew he was close and he had absulutly no time for games. Yet, when a call rang out the rather large man flew forth. His fur shifted with each bounding stride until his eyes fell upon the creature of his seed. Charon. The man did not stop for he would slither to his son and allow his body to attempt to embrace his offspring. He would attempt to nuzzle his son. "Never leave me again, my boy Charon." The man took a few half steps back and eyed his son. He was not one to remain emotional for longer then a minute. Unless his sister-wife was truly brought up. Remus rolled his scarred shoulders as his baritone vocals were emitted again. "Tell me of your travels. And your siblings? Any word?" The only of his family he had met was Chy and she was Rom's son. Though, stillf family.

"speech" ?


07-23-2014, 06:28 PM

before they even know what I've come here for

The large black brute quickly reached his father, where he was promptly snuggled and embraced. It was something he was used to around the old man, but it still managed to throw him off a little bit. The man stumbled under the pressure of the embrace and eventually chose to return the affection, but his heart wasn't really in it. Now was not the time for love, hugs, and rainbows. Now was the time for domination, blood, and death. Death would come from his own two paws, delivered to those who had murdered his mother. Charon grumbled out a low snarl, pulling away from his father at last. Those thoughts always stirred such a fury in him. But he tried to listen as his father spoke, telling him not to leave. How would he ever get anything done? Bright golden eyes would roll, out of sight of Remus. "No father, no word of my siblings. They did not arrive with us, it seems, so I have not seen them since our departure."

Charon had to be honest with himself. He was worried about his siblings as well. But what could he do? They obviously hadn't arrived in this land yet. There was no way to change that, and no way to go back and search for them now. "I know you worry, father. But all we can do now is move forward, and wait for them to follow. They are smart enough to know what needs to be done." His eyes would lift, meeting his father as he stood tall and strong. "In the meantime, there is much that we should do. Places to be, plans to be formed. What say you?"


07-25-2014, 11:10 AM

death proof

Sure, the man wanted revenge for his family's passing. But, there was no reason for anyone to get head over heals with it. He had more reason then anyone to slaughter, but he would take it easy. As he should. Though, a voice filled his pointed ears. "No father, no word of my siblings. They did not arrive with us, it seems, so I have not seen them since our departure." His soon would soon give into the embrace before the man took a step back as well. Letting his own baritone voice fill the air. "We shall find them I am sure." The father was quite optimistic but he still worried quite a lot. Though, his son would quickly spill out more tones to his own demise. "I know you worry, father. But all we can do now is move forward, and wait for them to follow. They are smart enough to know what needs to be done." He would not let his son tell him not to worry. Remus would constantly worry for his family. They were the only things he had. It was obvious. "Do not brush them off so easily, boy. Without our family we have nothing. We are nothing." It was true. Without family they would have no army or anything. Though, the boy would speak again. "In the meantime, there is much that we should do. Places to be, plans to be formed. What say you?" Remus would emit a rumble from his chest. He sat down on the ground and thought for a few moments. "Do not get ahead of yourself boy. They have an enitre pack of outsiders as well. We have four people so far. I have no time for ignorance and little men running about ruining everything. We will take this slow. I am thinking we will first try to converse with their leader, who I am assuming is Virgil. But, I am not so sure. Then perhaps we can move from there."

"speech" ?


07-25-2014, 12:03 PM

The young man would nod at his father as he spoke. "Yes, or they will find us," he said with a slight smile. With all of the chaos they would be causing soon, it would be impossible to lose track of them. They would leave paths of burning fire in their wake. All would be destroyed. But then Charon felt his thoughts dissolve as his father began to scold him. Do not brush them off so easily, boy, as he reminded him that family was all they had left. Do not get ahead of yourself, boy, as he cut short his plans for domination. That part surprised him most of all.

But as the deep, soothing voice continued to fill his ears, Charon understood why his father hesitated. They couldn't be stupid and just go marching into Olympus. They would be slaughtered. Olympus was a pack, not only a family, and they also consisted of outsiders. Charon let himself take a deep breath and think things through like he normally did. His father introduced the first step - speak to their leader. Enter their ranks.

"There is no perhaps in this plan, father. We must make each move carefully, and if we do, we shall be successful. Revenge will finally belong to us, as will the Olympus throne." Warm pink tongue would run across sharpened fangs as Charon grinned at Remus. "It will be ours. All of it. The tables have officially turned."



07-25-2014, 02:07 PM

Such serenity could be found in the dark catacombs of the rustling thickets. He seemed to wander about the lands of Alacritia in his free time to bide the hours of boredom he suffered from. A meeting intrigued the Raven so, topaz gems beginning to take on a shimmering hue. Ah, such familiar blood they were of. Both of dark pelts such as the Raven himself. Silently in the thickets he would watch, ebony auditories taking in any words spoken by the duo. Ah, Charon and Remus Olympus. So nice to see you two. A sinisterly heard thought came to mind as he spoke, hearing of the plots the two were creating. His ebony figure rose, his bodice moving fluidly to avoid the thorns. Only a simple rumble from his chest could be heard as he merged into the shadows, the only trace of him being his scent and burning coals. He had emerged at the tail-end of the gold intwined brute's speech, and his own voice would sound. No such thing as perhaps exists, my dear uncle and cousin. His vocals would come as deep and sinister, disregarding greetings and catching up with the recent events, I have no plans but to rip the crown from the current matriarch of the sinned. Olympus must belong to those who have lived in the shadows for far too long, and upon that throne, must lie u s. Though his words were masked in honesty, lies wove into each word. Only he could hold the crown of the Olympus family matriarch, entitled the K i n g of Hell. Few were worthy of such a title, and what creature of spawn of the god would be most fitting of the title other than he?

hear me ROAR.