


07-23-2014, 11:54 AM
I know it is soon but I wanted to change up the pack. the alignment will be more of chaotic neutral now. but anyone is still welcomed if ur not scared of a cannibal queen. she is no savage but yeah obviously on the darker side. it is open to anyone but MANDATORY for current members.

FIRST ROUND ENDS on the 27th. Please hurry.

It was time. It was time for her final reign to be lifted from her old shoulders. Svanerna had led on and off for a good six years of her life. For she was the matriarch of the Finnvi family. Now, it was time to give the crown of bone to her only lasting daughter. The daughter that killed to be by her mothers side. No other of her offspring had done such. They left her, she found one. The other still missing. Svan did not take any of it to heart except the fact that her Kappy and Schon found her after all. After all she had been through. Yet, she had been given rank by her lovely Vi of Covari, which her permission, it was time to give it off to a more rightful being. A being of youth and faith. Divinity and perfection. Her daughter was wonderful. She was a bit on the wrong side. Believing the only way to Valhalla was to honor the dead by eating their flesh. To be a part of creature you killed. Flesh is the only way to really feel a creature. Though, Svanerna knew the beliefs were wrong, she did not waver her daughter of such. The Gods would honor Schon for trying at the least.

The woman marched into the stone circle with an expressionless face. Her metallic eyes were keen but slightly nervous. She really hoped she was doing the right thing. But, Viridiana agreed with such a decision as well, so it would be the only thing to do. The Elder Kaiser rolled her shoulder, approaching the scene. Her daughter had decorated the scene with the being Ubivat killed for Schon. The ebony pelt laid where they would stand. The skull in the corner. Bones spread out everywhere. Blood painted the ground and Schons fur. It was a glorious site. It smelled of death, but her daughter also gathered various flowers that were spread all over the place to waver the deadly scent with smells of lavender and roses. The older girl slithered to where the ebony pelt laid at the back of the Stone circle to give room for the others to gather. The woman stood, her daughter not far behind. Svanerner Finnvi would raise her head and let forth a luxurious call, beckoning each of there members to meet them , The lady had no time for waiting, but she would have to be patient if others were far.




9 Years
07-23-2014, 12:05 PM

Schon had been horribly busy. The girl was a perfectionast. Vain. Obseesive. It was all a curse in those faithful moments. She took a moment, closing her eyes to pray to the Gods. Any of them. Beckoning their will to grant her a peaceful day. The lady opened her eyes and zoomed around. Spread the ebony pelt from the cutthroat wolf down as a rug. The skull being on the corner of the pelt, showing off the kill. Bones were spread around the stone circle in a very fashionable way. Dark but fashionable. Roses and Lavender were tossed about on the bones and the spread. She wanted it to look, delightful. Schon had even decorated her own fur with blood. It drizzled down the ebony bits of her face and along her legs. The girl looked of a Daemon, which was the point. It was her time to reign, her mother had grown old. Beginning to get feeble. Schon was in her prime. The babe would be a tough, harsh Kaiser. But, it would all be worth it. Her meeting with Vi went well. Which was lovely. But, as her mother got ready so did the white and black babe. Her blood painted bodice moved to stand next to the Queen. She stepped a little back from her mother, but soon she would be the one in the front. In charge. Schon smiled softly, waiting for others to come. It was time for a new era of the Finnvi reign.


Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.



4 Years
07-23-2014, 04:30 PM
She would hear a howl break through the eerie silence, Sabre poking up his head from the ground. "My Queen, sssomeone hasss sssumonned usss," he would say as he would slither himself up against her body and take his place on her neck. "Yes, we shall go investigate," Anzhelika would say as she would pick herself up of of her haunches and make her place to where the call was given at- Druid's Moor. She would find find herself to be one of the first to survive, the ivory sadist dipping her crown to the two females already there. Her violet and golden gaze would land on a familiar form of an alabaster and ebony female, Anzhelika opening her maw to talk. "Schon Finnvi, heir of Valhalla. Greetings," she would say in a polite tone, seating herself around in almost a circle shape of a group, awaiting for other wolves to arrive.
[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!


07-23-2014, 05:38 PM

The cold pickings of the world would leave their waste laying around without another thought. That was reality, one far different from the one they dealt with as children. Things grew up however, became twisted, became evil. And it was up to them to decide how to please themselves in order to make the gods appease. His tail flicked, muscles twitching mildly even if he could not feel them himself. As he reached the meeting, the ghoul would settle himself next to Schon. He too had been busy, but in other ways. Trying to make sure the pack was safe, patrolling borders. Things that a wolf his rank would only go above and beyond to do. Most days he would run into Schon and they would have a conversation. She was his queen in his eyes, his salvation in which the gods bestowed on him. That was where his loyalty lied, and where it would stay for a very long time. The dead man's eyes would move from the wolves gathered, curious as to see what was going to happen next.



07-24-2014, 07:03 AM

The howl was one that was swiftly becoming familiar - her Kaiser, her leader. Not a captain, no, whatever Svanerna was, it was a far cry from the leader of the motley crew that One-Eyed Joe had been. But now he was gone and Svanerna was not and Kellen's loyalty to him was gone, vanishing as he had vanished. She had been abandoned, but she had found a new home in this Valhalla, and the russet creature had a summons to answer.

Stirring, she began to pick her way towards Svanerna, casting only a momentary glance at the rather dead wolf at her Kaiser's paws. She was not one to comment, however, as Kellen's paws weren't exactly clean. And what was death, at any rate, to fear? It wasn't the worst fate in the world - surely it had to be worse to grow old and lose touch with the world, and come to dwell only within your memories. Eesh. Kellen shuddered at the thought, turning her attention towards her Kaiser in the moments that followed. She would incline her head towards the woman, showing her respect for the wolf that had offered her a home so soon after her own crew had abandoned her.



07-24-2014, 01:29 PM

Drums of song would rise, roaring in his auditories. His ebony banner would raise, before settling at a position as where his hocks would just kick them gently in his large stride. The Raven's figure was held strong and pridefully, topaz gems of giddiness at the sound of the ebony queen's call. No moment was to be w a s t e d, no time to be spared in her presence. Each word to be spoken by the tempest was one to be savored, to be well-thought and studied for it's true undying meaning. From the shade the Raven would appear, topaz gems shining at the sight of an already gathering crowd, at the front, the spawn of the ebony queen. A dip of his ebony crown of respect to the heir was given, before he would settle beside her, ebony auditories focused upon the direction whence his Queen sat. "Your words will hold my loyalty in your paws, m'Queen." His voice came in his classic baritone growl, low and smoky, only spoken to himself.



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
07-25-2014, 08:21 AM

Cascade had been wandering aimlessly once again. Neios had vanished, and Nausica had been in a rage and wont to take that rage out on anyone around her, so Cascade had thought it the wisest thing to make herself scarce for a while too. It was curiosity that had pulled her to the edges of this pack land when she heard the call from an alpha welcoming any who wished to join. Did she wish to join? She hadn't been in a pack since she was a very small pup - she wasn't even sure she remembered what was expected of pack wolves.

But something still urged her on, so the young Saxe gave in to her curiosity's demands and crossed the border at a decisive trot to follow the call in. Purple-tinted ebony tail wagging behind her, the girl came in amongst the Valhallan wolves with a smile. "Hello," she said in a somewhat loud whisper, not wanting to disturb whatever ceremony was going on with the wolf skin and whatever. "I am just going to sit here and watch if you don't mind. You are accepting new members at the moment, I hope?" Her voice was friendly as she seated herself neatly beside a big black fellow and turned mismatched eyes back to watching the goings-on with avid interest.

Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!


07-25-2014, 08:40 AM

The petite woman had been growing bored as of late, and for a long time now she had been debating whether to join a pack. A Call would loudly ring in the air, and almost instantly the ageing lady would pick herself up to check it out. Her steps where soft and delicate as she tiptoes onto the scene. Wolves where gathering up quickly, and she would nod towards the queen in the hopes of acceptance. She was capable of healing as well as being a skilled warrior, and she would make a great asset to the new valhalla. " i Dont mean to intrude, my queen, but i wish to join." She would speak quietly, but enough to be heard. She hopes her family will be close by, Friction or even cynrik would be good. Though, she had grown accustomed to not putting her goals so high. Lux would put herself mainly in the back, wishing to be listened and not seen.




2 Years
07-25-2014, 08:53 AM

Bored. Her father had gone of to god knows where and meinx was not going to wait around for him any longer to prove that he was the king that he was. She would shift her huge mass towards the call, wishing to be within the ranks once again. She wanted to fight to earn her place, or even just loyalty would be enough. She would pass through the Valhallan borders, meandering to the scene and coming to a halt somewhere around the back. She would nod to the leader respectably and show she was here to be no threat or party crasher. She would sit down upon the floor and listen, hoping that it'd be worth her valuable time. The current leader looked rather old, but meinx would not underestimate her capabilities to lead, with age came wisdom the black pearl always believed. She would then look towards her daughter, youthful she was. A lot like meinx in many ways. The Adravendi would sigh, eager to see where the meeting leads.
Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.


07-25-2014, 01:50 PM

They had left the island, made swim back across the waters to the mainland. She had found a secluded den, leaving their daughter there for now, well protected and away from any stranger. They would move towards Covari, but a call would catch her attention. With a brief look at Kylar, she would pick up a lope and head towards the call. She wanted to know what this new pack was about. It would take some time, but they would cross the borders, a brief howl announcing their arrival. She wouldn't slow until a group of wolves came into sight. She would walk, moving towards the woman that seemed to be in charge. Pausing several feet away, she would speak. "I am Cataleya, friend of the Covari Queen and former of Queen of Arcanum. I heard your call and would like to now a little about your pack and possible join its ranks if you will have my mate and daughter." Tones fell confidently from her lips, her head high but not disrespectfully so. Tail curled gently at her hocks, coral pools resting easily on the Queen. Nostrils quivered, her scent only light on the land. Perhaps she was knew here? Ideas began to form. Perhaps the new Queen would like some guidance from a prior ruler. The silver woman would not object getting in bed with another ruler and befriending them. Though she could only hope that leader was as dark and twisted as herself, otherwise, things may not turn out so nice.



07-27-2014, 11:08 AM (This post was last modified: 07-27-2014, 11:09 AM by Svanerna.)
** is where she addresses -everyone- <3 next round ends on the 30th
no one reply before i reply with schon !! <3

It was her last day as a leader. But, it would never die in her soul. The Gods and Goddesses were smiling down upon her and Schon in those moments. Her eyes glistened as her members slowly piled in. But, first it was new female. A girl of cream and gold. "Schon Finnvi, heir of Valhalla. Greetings." The Kaiser looked down upon the tall girl with keen eyes. Her metallic orbs danced up and down across the femme's tall bodice. "Greetings, I am Schon's mother. Svanerna Finnvi. I assume you are here to seek entry into my pack? If so do sit and listen for a little." The mother would smile softly, nodding to the new arrival before her attention was turned to another entering the stone circle. It was her daughters friend, Ubivat. He had been spending quite some time with her twisted offspring which made her slightly wear, but she would not fret. A little nod would be shown to the cobalt boy.

A russet girl slithered into the meeting. Svanerna let her gold and silver eyes follow the fae with ease. She opened her jaws and let forth her own delicate voice. "Kellen, it is nice to see you. How have you been fairing?" Svan would smile, waiting for an answer before her eyes shifted to another sauntering in. "Your words will hold my loyalty in your paws, m'Queen." A devious smirk spread across her beautiful lips as her eyes fell upon his ebony form. "My Raven, I am glad to see you. Make yourself comfortable, Hades." She would let her eyes connect with his in an intense moment before looking over to another joining them. "Hello," would be heard quickly. Svanerna eyed the creature of ebony and alabaster. An aura of power was spread across her. The Finnvi smiled and nodded before more of the girls words were heard. "I am just going to sit here and watch if you don't mind. You are accepting new members at the moment, I hope?" The Viking smiled a little more and quickly nodded once more. "Of course, sit and listen, darling. And yes, we are accepting new members as long as you like what you hear." The older fae was happy that a new girl would be interested in joining.

" i Dont mean to intrude, my queen, but i wish to join." A fae of earhty tones slithered her way into the meeting with ease. Svanerna connected her eyes with the girl's orbs with ease. She eyed the beauty's form before responding with a friendly attitude. "Greetings, may I have a name? And of course you may join as long as you like what you are going to hear in a few moments." Svan nodded again before another beauty moved in. No words came but the girl sat down and observed, obviously hear to listen and possibly learn. Though, as the next girl would have an aura of leadership. Svanerna's metallic eyes slithered across the silver and black lady with ease. Her own eyes connecting with the pink ones the new fae wore. Svan smiled as words slithered from the silver ladies mouth. "I am Cataleya, friend of the Covari Queen and former of Queen of Arcanum. I heard your call and would like to now a little about your pack and possible join its ranks if you will have my mate and daughter." The Viking nodded and let forth her reply quickly. "It is wonderful to have a former Queen in our midst. We do indeed have a place for your family as long as you like what you hear as well. We will be explaining everything very shortly."


The lady would take a half step up before glancing at her daughter. The Kaiser would let forth her delightful voice to the entirety of the pack. "Again, hello everyone. I know it is quite soon for another meeting, but I have something very important to announce." She would pause for a good moment before the fae began to speak some more. "Upon my Daughter seeking me out she has shown great potential and wonderful leadership. I have put greta weight upon her and she has taken it with complete ease. I am handing my throne and the title of Kaiser to her. This pack needs a capable, youthful, fresh leader and I am granting you with one. I will remain in the ranks, but I wish to stay out of most of the politics unless needed. I shall let my daughter continue on now with the meeting." The woman turned to her daughter, gave her a little lick on he cheek before giving her a chest to chest hug. "Congratulations, Tochter. I know you will be a wonderful leader. I will always be here for you, Schon. May your reign be long and lively." The Viking Queen would finally step down for the final time. Her final reign was completed. She would move from the ebony pelt they stood upon and sit in the back of the meeting, watching as her daughter took the iron throne.




9 Years
07-27-2014, 12:57 PM
everyone can post now. remember post by the 30th

Schon listened to her mother speak to all the newcomers. As Anzy joined the girl smiled softly. "Anzhelika Rusakov, nice to see you again, dove." The future Kaiser giggled softly before watching the others pile in. The lady nodded here and there to the people slithering in until Ubivat sauntered forth. "Ubivat, thank you for coming, darling." Schon would watch a few newer Wolves come in. The first dressed in ebony and alabaster, asking to watch and perhaps join. The cannibal was happy in those moments. She observed the two next earthy toned girls moving in. One of all russet and the other of alabaster and brown colors. The lanky fae nodded to them bother, watching them. Though, as the last girl entered the area Schon smirked. A former Queen. The Viking rolled her shoulders slightly, enjoying the thought of a former Queen rolling up her ranks. That could be very good for the pack. Schon nodded to her as well. Though, as her mother began to speak to the entirety of the pack and aspiring members, Schon smiled. Her mother explained what would happen and why. The princess let her paws flex before her mother turned to her. "Congratulations, Tochter. I know you will be a wonderful leader. I will always be here for you, Schon. May your reign be long and lively." Schon returned the embrace, muzzling her mothers scruff. "Thank you, mutter. This means everything to me. I will not let you down. The Gods smile down upon us in these moments. I love you." She would watch as her mother slithered away and Schon would step up, moving to the center frontal bits of the pelt, taking her rightful throne becoming Kaiser of the new pack.

Schon stared at them all for a few moments before a little grin spread across her divine lips. The babe would began her speech with ease. "Greetings, I am Schon Finnvi. I am very excited for this opprotunity, I hope you all are as well. I will not be changing the pack much rank wise, due to the fact that the way my mother has it set up seems quite perfect. Though, I do have a name change in mind. Valhalla seems a little used due to the fact that the previous pack of Valhalla reigned for a long time. It is remembrance for past members of that pack and I do not want to bring on foul feelings just because of a name. I am changing the name of this pack to Niflheim." The woman would look around to observe the reactions if there were any at all but her jaws would open once again. "I am very happy to see new faces, the Gods have blessed us to flourish. Yet, I must discuss the basics of the pack." Schon paused for a moment before starting once again. "First, I do not deal with slacking. If you are willing to join my pack then you will need to pull your own weight. If I call a meeting, show. If your Estern calls a training session you must go. If I get reports of slacking it will be noted and punishments will be given accordingly." The fae snorted softly. "A prime example of this would be our Botschafter, he has no shown his face to this meeting nor the previous hunt. He will be demoted the next time I see him until he deems himself worthy again. Though, one of our current warriors has already proven himself to me multiple times. I would like to promote Ubivat to Gro?herzog. You are to be an overseer of the pack, to ensure punishments are seen through. You are allowed to accept others at the borders and demote as you deem fit, though come to me first. If I catch you slacking, I will demote you with a blink of an eye. My high rank members are not to laze about my territories." The woman looked around for a moment.

"Secondly, you must not have a weak heart. You will need to deal with harsh behavior, tough situations, and more. I allow any into this pack as long as you do not harm another pack member or anyone within our current alliances. Do not start drama either, I am not here to break up simple quarrels because someone looked at you the wrong way." The beauty would ease up before speaking some more. "Our current alliances include the new pack of Solstice, they are our closest allies. Our neighbors Olympus have a peace treaty active as long as Ludicael. Abaven is not to be touched either." Schon would roll her shoulders, enjoying the feeling of the pelt beneath her paws. "Third, any rank is able to be challenged for. The heir rank is to be kept for Finnvi blood though. But, I shall explain the ranks with generalization now. If you would like more of an in depth explanation you may ask after I am done."

The girl would take a moment before explaining the ranks. "Kaiser is the rank of King of Queen. Obviously I hold this rank. K?nig is to be my secondary, usually held for my mate, but if I deem another fit, or if challenge for, it could be held by anyone I deem fit." Schon smiled softly, rolling through the next ranks. "Kurf?rst is heir. Erzherzog is to be lead beta. You must accept others at the borders. You have permissions to punish as you deem fit. Promote or demote. As long as you stay within normal limitations. Also, you must insure everyone is doing their duties correctly. Gro?herzog has already been explained." Schon looked to her mother for reassurance before moving her eyes back to the group. "Botschafter is a rank for ambassadors, to ensure alliances are kept in tact. You may also go check up on alliances to make sure everything is smooth. Ersten Krieger is the rank of lead warrior. You are to train the Kreigers in the art of battle and host training sessions frequently. Ersten J?ger is lead hunter, you must teach J?ger's how to hunt properly and ensure the pack stock of food is kept in tact. Ersten Heiler is the lead healer. You are to teach the Heilers how to be a proper medic and make sure the stores of herbs are filled." Schon would grow tired of speaking but continue anyways. "Krieger are the warriors. J?ger are the hunters. Heilers are the healers. If you are of the ranks you must attend any mandatory training or meeting your Esterns host or punishment will be given. Bote are the messengers of the pack and H?hlenmutter are the den mothers." The babe would pause one last time, finally finishing up. "If you in fact still wish to join Niflheim please speak up now and announce the rank you want. You can only gain the ranks of Kreiger, Jager, Heiler, Bote, and H?hlenmutter without challenging at the moment." Schon was finally finished, waiting for oncoming reactions or anything of the sorts.


Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.


07-27-2014, 03:58 PM

It would seem as though the women in this pack had sense. She would welcomed, an older woman seeming thoroughly pleased to have a former Queen amongst them. She would listen idly, not particularly caring for the chit chat of discussing politics. She wanted to get down to the nitty gritty. Audits would swivel forward when the mentioning of ranks. Now she would listen closely. Immediately she knew that she wanted either leader beta or lead hunter. She would mull it over carefully, before speaking. "I would like to challenge for the rank of Ersten Krieger. I held several of my own training sessions within my old pack. I believe I am more than capable of doing so again." Words rang out confidently, she didn't care if others thought her arrogant, she was, and she had the right to be so. She had been a Queen.

But before she did anything for this pack, she would need to find Sora and Senka. She had been separated from her two kids for far to long. She would need to gather them and bring them here to this pack, should she decide to stay, or rather should she be allowed to stay. She had been a blood thirsty woman from the start, and now that her and Kylar had killed together, now that they had sucked the life from another together she was even more ruthless. Her desire to kill, to taste blood, had grown substantially. There was no controlling her anymore, there was no sating her desires, she was a loose cannon, waiting to be fired.



07-27-2014, 04:20 PM

ooc: Ubivat is challenging for K?nig, he can fight in a separate thread if it's needed.

Ubivat's muscles would tense underneath the pressure of the words he was listening to. The inside of his veins flexed with their dead black liquid filling in the cracks. The woman cataleya would speak before he got a chance to speak his own mind. Though his calm behavior got the best of the dead man as he waited for the right moment. The woman he was following to the very ends of the earth he was to be very subtle about his movements. His dying emotions were still a broken bridge to be built up. But the strength in his tone would become clear as he stepped forward from his spot next to Schon who had rather taken the stage since she was now all of their ruler. But he would be the one to serve as closest to her as possible, he had yet to know why though. If anything was to happen between them, Schon would probably have to be the one to say it as she grew older and closer to him.
"I would like to challenge for the spot of K?nig, you may test me as you wish Kaiser but I do believe I am the best for this position." He would say now. Just before anyone else could, even if he wasn't her mate yet and he didn't know of his gesturing feelings inside of his empty cavity. Claws digging into the terrain his face did still remain emotionless but determined. Though he was looking forward to working with the others even if he lost, he still had his overseer position. The gods smiled down on him.



07-27-2014, 05:57 PM

Fog curled in tendrils around her paws, reaching up towards his belly like claws attempting to drag him down into it's midst. Smirk would curl along the edges of his lips as he would stand there and watch it, verdant eyes glittering sadistically. He had followed Cataleya here, as he would follow her anywhere, but at the boarder a familiar scent had stuck him and he had followed it. Cynrik was leaving? They had not spoken, Kylar had only seen the golden male from afar as he had retreated from Veronica Plains. Now what did that mean? Kylar had stood there for a time before returning to the moor and slithering through the shadows to listen to the meeting in secret. Cataleya was already there, she wished to join? Strange? Kylar had heard of his sister's antics in the time since they had left, had learned that Vi had handed this pack over to another as Vi had handed Cataleya's pack over to Sibelle when they had decided to leave. But now there were back and the woman he had fallen so madly in love with had decided to be a simple grunt? Would there be more to these plans? He would remain still, listening to the once queen speak and hand the title down to a younger woman. A smile would slide over frayed lips as a cackle bubbled up his throat. What was this bitch talking about? He would slip from the shadows as she began explaining the ranks, another chuckle bubbling up his throat. He would move to Cataleya's side and stare unblinking at this so called queen.

His wife would speak and it was the only time he would break eye contact. Lead warrior? That was it? What was she doing? No? He would sneer, turning a harsh look back to the queen as some idiot spoke and asked to challenge for secondary? "How is fighting her going to prove anything. She is barely even two, has never seen war no doubt? She hasn't even fought for this pack. No it was handed to her mother and then by blood alone handed to her? But I will trust in my sisters judgment at least for the time? Words were a snarl then a sigh as if admitting defeat. But there was still something in his eyes as he transferred his gaze from his minuscule male to this child queen. Fucking children running packs? What a laugh? If he wishes the rank then I wish to fight him for it. Iwill take whatever rank you deem fit for me but I wish for him to prove to the pack and its members that he could fight? I had to prove myself in Cataleya's pack, I was worthy of beta there?" He would toss a wink to his queen, a sneer passed towards her as if inviting her to join in on this thin ice he was treading on. "Or? I would ask that she fight him?" Nod would be tossed to Svan, he recognized her as the queen Vi had appointed, obvious his sister had seen something in her worth crowning.



07-28-2014, 01:38 PM

The woman was not one to steal the spotlight, for she would prefer to live the life of exploring or to be on the sidelines. Witnessing for herself every key aspect that comes into play that others may forget of even not notice. Lux would sit and wait quietly, listening to the ex queen and then the former queen speaking. There was no denying that many would question the girls capabilites to lead, for she was only a babe, a youth with many experiences and life choices ahead. But alas the lady was not one to judge, for she rather liked to see the events play out. The Sovari was no doubt growing old, reaching seven years of age in merely a few months. But with age came her wisdom and advice, a wolf that many wolves shall need when things get harder. Once the speeches would end Luxuria would stand, slithering her way past all of the able bodies and peering near the front. Though before she could say anything another wolf would waltz upon the scene rather boldly, though he did make an extremely valid point. The Sovari would nod her crown in respect, her lips departing. " My queen, This man is right- he must prove his worth by battling another, one who is strong and a worthy opponent." Lux thought it was far to bold to become a secondary so quickly, Perhaps even rude by stripping everyone else the chance to prove themselves. but if the newcomer wouldn't fight him then she would. Afterall it'd do everyone well to know that the ambitious man can outmatch atleast a healer. " But for the time being id like to say announce i have an interest in being lead healer , and im willing to give any advice which is needed, i may be aging but my wisdom is growing."



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
07-29-2014, 10:14 AM

Cascade listened with bright interest as the two Finnvi women spoke their piece. She had no interest in being under the authority of another but with Neios missing she would need the protection of a pack while she awaited his return. In all honesty this had been a rather random choice of her, an eeny meeny miney moe of the closest packs when she'd realized that she needed to get away from Nausica for the time being. And this girl who was also a yearling being given the pack... Really no worse than any other possible alpha, in Cascade's rather cynical worldview.

Wolves spoke up, offering what rank they wished to have and some requesting to challenge for ranks. Cascade's ears pricked at that, but she had done little in the way of fighting in her nearly-two years of life and she was in no way ready to challenge for a rank... though the idea of actually having a rank that sent her out to negotiate with other packs was very, very interesting.

One of the wolves disagreed with another's request to challenge for a rank - still unfamiliar with the foreign terms this pack used, Cascade thought that it might possibly be secondary alpha? - and Cascade laughed aloud, a burbling sound of mirth. "Calm down big guy," she said as soothingly as she could, purple-tinted ebony tail wagging against the ground. "I am quite certain that... uh... Schon will acquit herself quite well in deciding ranks. And after all, with a strong handsome fellow like you around I am sure we will all be well protected no matter who is Konig." She didn't speak quite flirtatiously, but still cheerfully friendly. She wasn't intimidated by his height, as used to her siblings' equal sizes as she was, and his frightfully angry appearance drew merely interest. The way he looked at one of the other female wolves did cause her to sigh in disappointment though - the warrior was taken it seemed. Oh well. She didn't want to do anything anyway, but being noticed by someone like that would be a plus...

She stood then to turn her attention to the young alpha. "I am still interested in joining your pack, and I believe I shall request simply the rank of messenger... Bote I believe you said? I have much training to do before I would be comfortable in any higher rank I'm afraid." A wry smile creased her muzzle as she bowed her head to the alpha before sitting once again.

Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!


07-29-2014, 08:33 PM

Kellen listened to the words from her new Kaiser as the creature essentially rehashed much of what Svanerna had said when Kellen had originally joined the pack. The russet female was quiet, however, keeping her faint irritation under control as she wrapped her tail easily around her paws. It was not until others began to speak their mind, making their requests for ranks that Kellen stirred, lifting her voice in the silence that fell after Kylar's aggressive words. "For now, I would like to remain a J?ger." Kellen said simply, voice carefully polite.

There was no need to be rude or angry, not just yet. And the grumpy pirate lass had seen nothing that would irritate her enough that she felt the need to snap at anyone - which was a pretty impressive thing for her.

ooc: this is awful sorry lmao but i have work sooper early tomorrow and i needed this up before i went to bed ~



07-30-2014, 06:49 PM

Svanerna silently listened to her daughters words. She was quite proud of her offspring. Schon showed her that her recent decision was completely solid. Though, with the reactions the former Kaiser rolled her shoulders. First, the other former Queen would announce her with to challenge for the rank of Estern Kreiger. Svanerna observed for a moment before the cobalt boy her daughter was fond of stepped up. He announced that he wished to challenge for the rank of Konig, which was secondary. The former queen let forth a snort of disapproval and hoped her daughter would deny him of such. But, as another male waltzed in the woman went wide eyed. The former Queen desired to step up and smack the brown boy. But, she would slowly wait for her daughter to react before she stepped in. The rest was a blur but her metallic orbs were set upon the earthy toned boy with a harshness that could not be masked by another. The Viking was pissed, but she knew her darling daughter would handle it.




9 Years
07-30-2014, 08:39 PM
The only people now required to post are Cataleya, Kylar, Ubivat, and Luxuria. These people must post before Aug 2nd. That does not mean others cannot post. But by the end of the meeting, i will note the ending when it comes, you must post an exit. ty :3

Soon after the Kaiser was complete with her speech the former Queen of Arcanum filled the air with her tones. "I would like to challenge for the rank of Ersten Krieger. I held several of my own training sessions within my old pack. I believe I am more than capable of doing so again." The yearling would nod, before her own words escaped her jowls. "I have no issue with such, Cataleya." A half was made by the fae before she addressed the entirety of her pack. "Does anyone object? If so step up and challenge this woman in a trial of combat. The winner taking the title of Estern Kreiger, the loser taking the title of Kreiger." The babe looked around to see if anyone would truly challenge a former Queen of her aspirations. Yet, before she could sya anything else the cobalt boy named Ubivat stepped up. But, he did not say what she expected him to. "I would like to challenge for the spot of K?nig, you may test me as you wish Kaiser but I do believe I am the best for this position." A secondary Alpha so soon? The fae would hear her mothers digression, a snort. Yet, her words were sucked from her mouth as a brown man sauntered in.

"How is fighting her going to prove anything. She is barely even two, has never seen war no doubt? She hasn't even fought for this pack. No it was handed to her mother and then by blood alone handed to her? But I will trust in my sisters judgment at least for the time?" Schon bristled, her hackles puffed up quickly. But, he was apparently not done. "If he wishes the rank then I wish to fight him for it. Iwill take whatever rank you deem fit for me but I wish for him to prove to the pack and its members that he could fight? I had to prove myself in Cataleya's pack, I was worthy of beta there?" He paused. "Or? I would ask that she fight him?" The girl would shake her head before her beautiful vocals filled the air. "You will fight him. If you win, you are granted whatever rank you wish. If he wins, you are to take the simple rank of Botschafter in replacement of Cynrik and he is granted the rank of Konig." The babe was furious, but she would not let that show as she spoke to him. Her eyes were narrowed to the tee. But, the babe would watch him closely with his reaction.

" My queen, This man is right- he must prove his worth by battling another, one who is strong and a worthy opponent." The words would come from the fae of brown and alabaster fur. Schon nodded. "I completely agree." Yet, aparently the aspiring member was not complete. " But for the time being id like to say announce i have an interest in being lead healer , and im willing to give any advice which is needed, i may be aging but my wisdom is growing." The lady smiled, happy with the decision. She truly did need healers and to have one so advanced caused her to ease up slightly. "I would be glad to have you as my Estern Heiler, my beauty. I do not require any sort of trial at this moment. But, I wish to meet with you after this." The Kaiser nodded softly before glancing to Cascade. Who had budded in with her opinions and reasonable yet calm comments on the situation. A nod would be seen, but the ebony and alabaster babe was obviously not done. "I am still interested in joining your pack, and I believe I shall request simply the rank of messenger... Bote I believe you said? I have much training to do before I would be comfortable in any higher rank I'm afraid." Schon was impressed with the fae's honesty, she could see herself getting along with the beautiful girl. "I would be quite happy to accept you into my ranks as Bote. Just know, you still must remain active. Which means participating in events. Hunting. Helping patrol the borders. But, again, I am very happy to have you withing Niflheim."

"For now, I would like to remain a J?ger." The Kaiser nodded and smiled. "Wonderful." Schon looked to the entirety of her pack before letting forth her words once again. "Any challenges can begin now if you please, but due to no one stepping in and challenging Cataleya, she is now Esterm Kreiger of Niflheim. This means you must host battle training for the members frequently. This could include specific people. Or the entire pack. Or one on one. But, you must remain active or I will step in." The fae smiled. "Besides that, I am completely happy to have you as an Estern." Crimson eyes slipped to Ubivat and Kylar, waiting.

Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.