
Pushing My Limits



2 Years
10-09-2017, 08:57 PM
A snowy white wolf stood nervously at the edge of the woods, gazing at the plains before her with a restless quiet. A pack, she knew, had claimed the land before her as theirs. The borders had been clearly marked, she could smell it. She shifted her weight to her right side, her tail slowly scraping the forest floor. Azura could not deny that she needed more to keep her busy than she was getting. The girl was used to living full-time with an Aunt, and she had never truly been alone for more than a few days. The loneliness she was experiencing was slowly driving her crazy; she had no one to talk to, no one to help her hunt, no one to gather herbs with. So far, she had only run into a few wandering wolves, but it wasn't enough to satisfy her. The canine had never appreciated her pack until she left it; at least when she still there, she had a bit of company. She sighed and bit her cheek, still uncertain. Azura was not sure she would be able to stand it if her time with this group turned out as bad as it had with her last. But then, no one knew her here; she had no reputation following her around. She had cast off that burden the moment she left her former pack. Surely the wolves here would be more friendly and kind to her. Surely she would not become an outcast as she had before.

A cool breeze swept over her as the sun began it's descent to the horizon. The girl shook her head. She was crazy if she was seriously considering putting herself right back into the situation she had just escaped. There was nothing guaranteeing that these wolves would accept her. The would likely not be open to outsiders like her... But then, there was nothing guaranteeing that they wouldn't like her, right? The girl gave a frustrated sigh and began pacing back and forth between two trees. Was she going to spend the rest of her life without any definite home, without any real friends? Couldn't she give this thing a shot? There would be no loved ones keeping her in one place this time; she could walk out as soon as it got too hard. If it got too hard. Azura shook her head. She would just talk to one of the leaders, see what she was kind of people were in the pack. She could just get some information...

She thought back to how lonely she had been the last few days, and after taking a rather shaky breath, she raised her head and let loose a howl. She was calling a leader of the pack, someone to talk to her. After an uncertain pause, she lowered her rump to the ground and waited.



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
12-01-2017, 05:26 PM

A howl in the night roused him from sleep. Blinking open his eyes in confusion, he yawned as he remained there for another minute. Was he dreaming? "Are you going to answer it?" He turned towards Kimahri, groggy and confused. Oh, so it wasn't a dream...Slowly pulling himself to his feet, he gave himself a good shake to try and wake up before leaving his room. It was a slow, clumsy trek to the borders, though the closer he got the more he started to wake up. Still tired and groggy, he spotted the stranger on the borders. He was curious as to what she was doing out here at night, though he supposed it wasn't that late to begin with. He was just overworking himself, he was sure.

Approaching the caller, he peered at her with curiosity, head tilting as he stopped. "Good evening, stranger. Is there something I can help you with?"

OOC//short crap tag i'm sorry T^T


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.