
Strange sights



2 Years
10-11-2017, 02:38 PM

Well this sucked. There was no Ily and the snow was slowing her down so finding Iskra was proving impossible. On top of that it was starting to get dark out. Her nose was cold, so was her toes and ears. Why had Iskra come this way? Ily wasn't here, though ily never seemed to be anywhere anymore. Should she forget and just move on? Should she just follow Iskra around more and hope she didn't lead her into trouble? She sat, the snow almost deep enough in this bank to cover her. Her ears and the top of her head stuck out though. Would Iskra even notice that Arwen was so far behind? 

Arwen had started to look up to the woman as a motherly figure so she hoped she would come back. There was some kind of light overhead and she looked up as it slowly came to life. Her mouth opened in surprise and awe of the spectacle playing out overhead. The northern lights were glowing brighter than her and she was awestruck that the pelts of her ancestors might be overhead tonight. There was no moon to dull this light with its own so she watched, barely noticing the cold that seemed to sweep in with the last rays of light sinking far below the horizon. The trees blotted out portions of the sky but even they created an amazing foreground for this natural wonder. 

It was like looking at a galaxy with stars sparkling behind the colors and glow of the lights. 

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: giphy.gif]

As her sister and voice, Ithiliel is allowed in any and all of her threads regardless of tags.



7 Years
Dire wolf
10-11-2017, 06:29 PM

ooc. pp approved by Asena <3

She had lingered here, in these woods. They were safe, shrouding her from the outside world while she recovered from her journey. Her encounter with Mithras' daughter had left her feeling strangely. Now, she caught the scent of someone else. There was a faint odour of milk, carried by the young. A lost pup? Gods above, that was not good. Trailing along, nose to the ground, she sought out the youngster. It was far too cold out here in the dark for a child. Overhead, the spirits were making their voyage across the sky. This happened a lot this far to the north. She was warmed by the sight, every single time.

There was a tiny glowing thing in a snow bank. Gods, what was that? Wariness bade her keep a low profile. The scent was strongest here. Had she tracked down another spirit? They seemed to run rampant in these parts. The three headed spirit with the ravens, and now a glowing child spirit. She could see from even here that the tiny thing was trembling with the cold. Fuck it, what did she have to lose? Muscular limbs would push through the snow, forming a path towards the creature. "Дојди, малку. Тоа е премногу студено за вас овде." She rumbled, jaws parting carefully in hopes of lifting the child out of the snow. No doubt it was too frozen to walk. Hot breath streamed across the top of the celestial child's head.

Raising her head up above the snow bank, she made sure the child was not going to touch the snow. No need to get her any colder than she already was. Gods, this was not a very young thing, apparently. There was a density to her and hinted at age. Regardless, the child needed help. Plowing through the drifts, she made her way south through the woods. It was less snowy there, and that was where she was currently holed up. The roots of an ancient tree had been unearthed during a storm, and hollowed out by another creature. It made for a warm spot to rest. Moving through the darkened woods, she felt the kid swinging to and fro between her jaws. The chill of her tiny body was evident against her tongue, and she hoped the heat of her breath was warming at least her scruff and back.

Finally, neck screaming from the strain of lifting a young wolf, she arrived at her den. She dropped the kid a little more roughly than she probably should have. The snow was barely to her own ankles here, and that was hopefully little enough for the child. A grunt was offered with a jerk of her head, gesturing towards the den. She would warm the little sprite in there, and keep her safe until dawn. Then, they could find her parents.

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years
10-16-2017, 07:45 PM
"You IDIOT!" Iskra found herself internally screaming that and other self-depricating insults non-stop as she bounded through the snow that was gathering under her paws. It kept getting deeper and deeper, but that wasn't the source of her frustration with herself. She should have known. Should have known better, should have realized. Ugh, why she was such a dumbass she'd never know, but it seemed to be her curse to constantly find herself with issues of her own making chasing at her heels. Today though, she was chasing something. Chasing after her own tracks. It hadn't really occurred to her that Arwen was padding along after her, but it probably should have and Iskra wouldn't be letting herself live this down any time soon. She'd been out exploring and going from one end of the earth to the other when a hint of a familiar scent had hit her nose. It was so faint she knew it's source was very far away, but when she realized what it was her eyes went wide and she proceeded to race after her own tracks in hopes of finding the source. The tiny, possibly now frozen source.

At first she almost panicked when she found the tiny puppy tracks at their end, stopping where a new set had converged with Iskra's faint trail. Whoever it was had obviously grabbed the child up out of the snow. Once Iskra took a deep breath and searched for a scent, she was relieved to find it was not a stranger who had collected the child but someone she'd met quite recently. Setting off after them, Iskra still continued to berate herself for thinking she could continue in her explorations like normal when she knew this kid might be following her. When she finally saw the tracks leading right to a den up ahead, Iskra called out loudly before reaching it, "Arwen!"



2 Years
10-16-2017, 11:32 PM

There was a sound then a voice. Her head moved to find the source, though with the snow this deep it wasn't quite what letting her see much. With the sky above her ablaze she hadn't even noticedhow cold she was. She was shivering and numb. A bad combination when one was mute and couldn't tell someone what was wrong. Were her teeth chattering? She wasn't sure. One minute she was in the snow though and the next she was being lifted by some purple and pink woman. Another spirit? Was she like iskra? 

No not quite. She spoke some strange tongue and wasn't quite as much fin as iskra seemed to be. Plus iskra didn't lift her like this, iskra didn't lift her at all. They were moving and she was curled up in a ball as best she could. Puppy instincts told her to do that. This woman wasn't going the right way though and she soon had a struggling ball of want on her paws. Iskra was the other way and this woman wasn't making it easy for Arwen to go the right way. If only she could make some sort of sound. 

As soon as they were where they were going though her numb backside met the ground. The air pushed from her in a silent grunt. She felt that one extra since her butt was numb. She shook the drool off quickly and sent a glare at the foreign lady. When she grunted and gestured towards the den Arwen looked but did not budge. In fact she stood and started on her way back from where they came, until a shout reached them. It caused her to stop only feet away and she perked her ears. Her tail moved quickly despite its numbness. Exactly who she was looking for was coming this way. 

Hre rump met the ground and  she waited for iskra to join them. Excitement at being reunited finally ran through her. Of course she couldn't do more than sit there and glow to get her attention. Though she was shoving quite a bit. The north was one of her least favorite places right now since her puppy coat was still fluffy and light. Though by spring she'd have a brand new pelt and be able to stay in the north for really long periods of time. 
Walk "Talk" Think

[Image: giphy.gif]

As her sister and voice, Ithiliel is allowed in any and all of her threads regardless of tags.



7 Years
Dire wolf
11-14-2017, 10:54 PM

The little child squirmed and flailed, irritating the starry giant. When dropped, the child didn't listen. Didn't obey. What an irksome little runt. A low growl rumbled in her chest, auds tilting backwards in irritation. Children were more trouble than they were worth. The glowing runt started waddling back from whence she came, searching for something she wouldn't name. Was she trying to kill herself? That seemed to be the intent, given that she was wandering aimlessly in the freezing cold. Her tiny paws barely made it over the thin layer of snow that covered everything already. Yet, she kept on going. Stubborn and annoying.

From somewhere behind her, a vaguely familiar voice called out "Arwen!" The titan turned her head slowly, lazily. There was her niece, Iskra, looking quite frantic. Brows would rise, expression a little stunned. Birds of a feather, right? Pivoting to face the reddish constellation on legs, the giant watched the two with interest piqued. The little runt was wiggling her ass with glee, and then plopped down on the ground. Of course, it was just Caia she didn't want to listen to. Sounded about right. No one ever listened to her.

"Belonging to you?" Gruff vocals questioned, brow quirking.

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years
12-14-2017, 05:52 PM
Her heart pounded harder than it probably ever had before, to the point Iskra was certain it might just explode! Racing towards Arwen and her Aunt Caia, Iskra came skidding up to a halt, chunks of snow flying in all directions as she knelt down to nuzzle Arwen and lavish her with affection. Thank goodness the little glowing kiddo had been picked up after her stupid guardian got too far.

Looking up at Caia with a half-hearted smile Iskra mumbled, "Sorta, I've been watching her." She may owe a slightly better explanation of how she came to be in charge of the little darling, but for now Iskra was preoccupied with gathering the little blue child up against her chest so she could try to warm her while nibbling at her little cheeks.

Looking up at Caia again, she added, "Thank you for picking her up."