
How far I'll go



3 Years
11-09-2017, 07:43 PM (This post was last modified: 11-09-2017, 08:27 PM by Mammon.)

The viper hadn't been able to hold in her grief for long, just enough to be away from the site of her brother's murder before she had suddenly broken into a run, the pain and anger mingling together in her chest and finally spilled over as tears. Her paws ate at the ground as she fled, grasses turned to hardened stone and the air cooled and even as she tore a paw pad open on a sharp pebble she didn't stop, instead she used the pain to drive her ever forwards. Finally she could run no more and she slowed to a stop before a large hole in the ground, she could feel heat radiating up from within it's bowels and for a moment the woman wondered if she'd found herself at the gates of hell. 

Mammon swiped her face along her forelegs, wiping her tears away. "Alright fuckers!" She muttered to no one in particular. I am done letting you get away with the murder of my family." She whirled around so that the hole was behind her. "Come and get me assholes!" She roared, half expecting Abba himself to emerge to rise to her challenge. 

"Devil in me"

Leviathan or "Levi" as Mammon's brother and lover is welcome to crash all her threads regardless of tag rating.[Image: GMZH5Ns.png]



6 Years
Dire wolf
11-11-2017, 02:24 PM

The light Bringer heard the girl’s furious call and started on his journey toward her, gliding soundlessly across the north. He had seen Gabriel and had marked Michael for a reckoning for his own, knowing their apparently crazed brother had done something that was wildly out of his jurisdiction. Lucifer was still the target, his unnatural grip on Gabriel’s soul would need to be exorcised before it festered and devoured him, but he would die before standing behind Michael after taking The Father’s justice into his own hands.  

The last time he had seen the girl she was nothing more than a squabbling pup, blind and deaf, unknowing to the blight Lucifer- then Samael- had brought upon her simply because of his own lustful hedonism. She as completely innocent in her own right but for the sin of her father, but that was not her cross to bear, Raphael knew this, in spite of what Abba may have believed The Light Bringer was just as merciful as Gabriel. He would relinquish the hold The Lord Of Flies had placed upon her, free her from the original sin of her father in a baptism. She would be free to find her own destiny, so long as she did what her father had been too proud to do; turn her back from Lucifer, and join him in bringing the vile creature’s end.

Finally, she came into view, he walked toward her, calmly, unthreatened and unimpeded. He kept his head low, tail wavering fluidly behind him, attempting to appear as non-threatening as he could, The Light Bringer could be quite the sight to behold and no doubt she would need a moment when she realized who he was.  “Child.” His booming voice called once he was a safe distance away; close enough to be heard and address her, but far enough that he could run if she came at him immediately. “Child, do not fret. I do not wish to hurt you.” He rumbled. “I simply wish to talk.”

Speaking  Thinking You



3 Years
11-11-2017, 05:03 PM

He approached as an angel from over the horizon, the brilliance of his pelt almost felt blinding to a child so used to the shadows. Still Mammon knew if he was an angel she'd rather throw her lot in with hell and all it's demons. She knew him by his scent, it's stench ingrained in her memory and she couldn't help but laugh, high and loud and maniacal, that one of Abba's agents would show himself before her now as she craved so desperately to tear them apart. 

Mammon might have been tempted rush him and tear his throat if she wasn't suddenly very much aware of the aching of her torn paw and that it would be suicide to attack as she was now. The viper might have thought highly of herself but she wasn't a fool and she had so much more she wanted to do; so instead she watched him with narrowed eyes and barred fangs, her hatred plain upon her face. 

"I simply wish to talk." Mammon snorted in derision, venom dripping from her lips as she spoke, her voice clear and loud, it's very tone stained with her pain and her anger. "Is that what you told Bel- Belphegor before you sons of bitches ripped his heart from his chest?" Her voice hitched slightly as she spoke her brother's name. "Or was he not worth even speaking too before his brutal murder?" She spat the word as if it was poison in her mouth. 

In truth she did not know which of her "uncles and aunts" had been there, had done the deed and she didn't care. She and her siblings hadn't been given the benefit of a doubt for their father's sins and so she wouldn't give them one for the sins of one of their own. "I'm sure you cowards feel so good about yourselves, killing a wolf who never once fought back." The most slothful of her siblings she could just imagine the wolf in front of her attacking him as he napped. 

"Devil in me"

Leviathan or "Levi" as Mammon's brother and lover is welcome to crash all her threads regardless of tag rating.[Image: GMZH5Ns.png]



6 Years
Dire wolf
11-11-2017, 07:43 PM

 “I played no role in any murder of you or your kin.” He said solemnly, his bright eyes never wavering from hers.  “Michael acted alone; he has taken the lord’s justice into his own hands and therefore committed an atrocity.” He explained, his deep voice calm and relaxed in the hopes that it would bring her solace.  “I harbor no ill will towards you or your siblings,” He said before his features darkened and became more serious  “However, your sire has manipulated my brother into having unnatural thoughts that torment his soul and will not give him rest. I feel he has also driven a madness onto Michael, which caused the death of the young one.” He sighed deeply and closed his eyes, tempering his thoughts, reigning in the anger he felt for The Demon.

 “You should not suffer for your father’s sins, nor answer for your father’s crimes, you are innocent.” He looked at her sympathetically and stepped closer, careful to watch how she reacted in case she shrank back or lunged forward.  “You were born from damnation, but you are not beyond salvation yourself.” He explained, pinning his ears back in a subtle act of submission, in the hopes that it would calm her further.  “Turn against your father, join me, and you shall be saved.”

Speaking  Thinking You



3 Years
11-13-2017, 12:52 AM

She did not trust him when he claimed no fault for Bel's murder and gave no care for his deflection of blame onto her other "uncle." Mammon narrowed her eyes as he spoke of her father's relation with Gabriel, she had not yet forgiven her father for his misstep either but she would not let that show on her face. 

The last thing the vixen expected from one of her righteous "family" was sympathy. Almost out of instinct her face shifted to a mask of confusion and wariness. He stepped towards her and Mammon twitched her ears back briefly, her gaze widening but her aggression was tempered, fizzling out to cautious defensiveness... Or at least that was what she played. On the inside she was astounded and overjoyed. She hadn't even had to do anything, he'd offered himself up her of his own free will and now all she had to do was play into his expectations as the shining savior. She had no real intention of accepting his olive branch but it couldn't hurt to have him think she would back him... 

Better make it convincing!

"Wh- Why?" She asked, her voice softening into a mixture of fear and pain. "Why now?"

"Sweet nothings" & Dangerous thoughts

Image by Risketch
Leviathan or "Levi" as Mammon's brother and lover is welcome to crash all her threads regardless of tag rating.[Image: GMZH5Ns.png]