
Making Things Homey



4 Years
Extra large
11-09-2017, 09:47 PM

Artemis had spent days hunting for just the right den. The mountain offered her no ends of choice, and she had scoured every crag, ridge, and valley on offer to her. She had spent enough time among jagged peaks to know that rockslides were frequent enough to be a matter of concern, so she would stick to the tree line. The peaks were already coated in snow, and she was certain it would press into the valleys before long, so avalanches were another concern. She kept an eye out for swaths of felled trees. In the spring the valley would likely flood, so no where too low until she saw how the melt went in the spring or early summer. If she felt the need to move then, she could. For now? She sought perfection.

Artemis believed she had found it in an unassuming cleft in the mountain's side. It's entrance was manned by a long, flat piece of rock ideal for sunning herself in whatever sparse sunlight might come their way. The entrance was well guarded by an ancient slab of rock which must have fallen into place long ago. The cavern behind expanded into a spacious, simple cave. It was small enough to retain heat in the winter, though large enough that a bear might have been able to sprawl about unhindered. Thinking of that, she made a note to mark it well, to deter unwanted neighbors from introducing themselves.

Content with her find, Artemis sprawled out on the stone slab at her den's entrance. It was a beautiful day, one of the rare few that had seen the fog depart to only the lowest reaches of the valleys below. The clouds were sparse, and the horizon foretold that the break in weather would not last, but for the moment she wanted to enjoy it. She could only wonder if any of her new pack mates were about to enjoy it with her. She wanted to get to know them... and to let them know that this particular bit of mountain side was claimed.

"Talk" "You" Think
Artemis' family members are always allowed in her threads!



4 Years
11-10-2017, 07:17 PM

Naudir gazed out to the north as Branwen nuzzled her neck. A winter storm was building but she still had time to secure a few things before she needed to hunker in her den. Scrambling down the mountainside she made her way toward the location she'd found an elk shed. She'd left it for the time being, not knowing if she would have a place for it but her den search had been fruitful. She'd managed to find a good sized, shallow cave whose opening faced to the east. She'd enjoy the sunlight streaming in to wake her and the shade in the summer afternoons.

Nimble and deft Naudir moved swiftly down to elk shed. Eyeing it for a moment she reached out her jaws and carefully took hold of it. It took a careful touch for her to balance it but soon she was trotting along, doing her best not to scrape the antlers along ground.

As she neared her den she spied the sultry form of the strange blue spirit she'd first met at the battlefield. Gingerly Naudir set the antlers down and padded closer to where the spirit-touched woman was dwelling. "Good afternoon, taking in the last bit of sun before the storm moves in?"




4 Years
Extra large
11-29-2017, 02:59 PM

Artemis cracked her eyes open to find a soot and cinder fae staring back at her. The woman seemed to have found herself quite the prize, based on the pair of antlers she had alongside her. Whatever it was that had inspired the other woman to undertake such a task, Artemis found herself impressed. "Must have been quite the stag to drop those," she said by way of greeting. "And yes, that was the plan." Artemis swept her tail across the slab of rock, loosely gesturing to the other half of it. "There's more room if you'd like to join me. I'm Artemis Aeris, by the way. I remember you from the meeting." The comment was neutral as she continued her assessment of the woman.

Artemis was not necessarily prickly, it was that she didn't see the use in tolerating what you did not want to tolerate. She did not have the will or time to suffer fools, and some called her unsociable for it. She preferred to call it 'standards.' Either way, she did not want to give off any aura of companionship until she knew the merit of the woman before her. Artemis hoped she would take her offer to join her for what it was; a polite contrivance to pry into her past and personal life, and find out what manner of wolves she had signed on to work beside.

Besides, whether she liked the woman or not, the looming clouds made Artemis nervous. Pleasant as the warmth was in the moment, she was well aware that mountain weather could change in a heartbeat. The roiling thunderhead could harbor gale force winds, hail, snow, thunderbolts, or all of them and all at once to boot. If it broke upon them Artemis would rather know her pack mate was protected in her own spacious den than loose upon the slopes. That could very well be a death sentence.

"Talk" "You" Think
Artemis' family members are always allowed in her threads!



4 Years
12-03-2017, 02:18 PM (This post was last modified: 12-03-2017, 02:19 PM by Naudir.)

Naudir watched as the woman lazily opened her eyes and commented on the shed that Naudir had found.  She nodded. "Indeed. I hope to find a good use for it." Whether as decoration or in rituals she would not let such a gift simply pass her by.  She smiled as the other woman offered part of the rock slab to rest on. She turned her eyes to the horizon, doing her best to calculate the weather. "A pleasure. I'm Naudir Finnvi. If it's not to much trouble I will take you up on your offer to rest a few moments."  She stretched her jaws and neck then climbed up to rest next to her packmate, Artemis.  Carrying the elk shed was proving to be more of a work out than she'd fist thought.

"Are you originally from this area Artemis?" She was curious what the other woman thought of the pack as well as her plans and ideas for the future but she wasn't sure how best to begin asking such questions.  Branwen had hopped down to nestle into her belly fur and she jumped just slightly before settling back down.
