
Free to Good Homes



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022Rapid Poster - GoldCoder - RainbowToys for Tots
11-19-2017, 09:42 PM
My schedule just does not allow for me to be here as much as I'd want to. Two jobs and graduate school will definately do that. I have so many characters that I love but just don't have the time to give to them. Of course I will be very picky about who these guys go to. Any purchases or art they have will go with them. They may only be used on this site. If they go inactive I will take them back.

Amaia - She has a sister named Carletta who is played by Keno. She's a free spirit that loves her sister more than anything else and has a silly, prankster side. She primarily speaks Spanish and some broken English. She was living in Fiori before it disbanded, but nothing has been decided as far as what she's going to do now. Of course she's more than welcome to come along to wherever Carletta and Leo end up... if I ever get around to posting Leo x_x

Oria - Oria loves all things healing and herbs. There's a plot in the works with Lolaf with her and some pups that were born off site that I would love to see get off the ground. I wish I had the time to dedicate to it, but I don't think I do :c Please keep that plot going if you adopt her!

Sandpiper - Sandpiper is a spitfire and is as headstrong as she is dedicated. She loves her family, but has had a hard time feeling connected to them, especially now that Bass is gone. She was very much a daddy's girl so him leaving was really hard on her. She is still currently living in Abaven, but she hasn't been active with the pack in quite a while.

I'll start with these ladies first and see how that goes. Who knows, I might have a change of heart tomorrow and take this down xD I also have quite a few characters that are inactive that I might add to this list.

To apply for one of them just list who you're applying for, what changes you would make to their personality if any, and some ideas you have for their futures. I might ask for a RP sample if I'm not familiar with your writing.


03-24-2018, 12:00 PM
Sandpiper please, if shes not taken. I see no posts for her here, so i didn't think she was. :3