
Memories Long Gone



4 Years
Extra large
11-19-2017, 10:38 PM

He was lonely, but this time it was different. This time he could only blame himself for his solitude. What was wrong with him? He'd left Delaney, telling her that he had something personal to do, but he'd promised her he'd be back. In reality he'd had a panic moment. He'd gotten anxious that he was going to get close to her and that she'd leave him like Ray had. So logically the best course of action, in his mind at least, was to get away for a little while. Eventually he'd been gone for too long and he was painfully aware that he'd promised her he'd returned, and yet he felt like he'd disappointed her in the same way Ray had disappointed him. Rather than face seeing the pain that was inevitable (or anger if she was that type) he'd just stayed away. It'd be easier on her, right? Rather than having to deal with him if he had decided to go home.

Instead his paws had led him to the beach he'd once called home. He hadn't intentionally come here, but he supposed there was just subconscious part of his brain that wanted to come back here. It wasn't as though he'd wanted to, but he just couldn't let things go. He stared out at the waves as they lapped at the blackened shores. A soft sigh fluttered past his lips as every painful memory from this place came racing back to him. Playing with Ray on the beach, enjoying Glacier and Anais company, learning what a crab was from Voltage, and then ultimately getting into more trouble with Ray. A bitter chuckle escaped him as he thought about all the lies Ray had told him to get him to go on an adventure with her.

The nostalgia didn't last for long and he closed his eyes as the irritation came back. He felt broken and he hated it. He didn't want to be broken, but he didn't now how to fix it either. He'd been hurt far too many times by those closest to him though for him not to be the way he was. So now the question was, what was he supposed to do now? What was he supposed to do about Delaney? There were too many questions that he didn't have answers to.

[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
[Image: OLU8WZY.png]



5 Years
11-20-2017, 09:07 PM

She didn't even know how long it had been. Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months, and before she knew it the seasons were changing again. He had personal business, at least that was what he had told her. They had separated for a time before so why wouldn't she have any reason to trust him? She gladly let him go knowing that he himself let her take care of personal business and she had no reason to not trust him. But as the time grew longer she felt the ache of loneliness beginning to pester her. She had done her best to remain positive, telling herself that he would be back soon and continuing to live in the range in wait for him. Though if anyone were to hear about this they would probably tell her that she was stupid and that the male would never return.

She had thought about that a time or two, but then the anxiety of what could have happened to him would take over her mind. Being a healer she worried about what medically could have happened, fearing he was holed up somewhere dying because of injuries. There was times the thoughts kept her up at night. She could have went to look for him, but stayed put fearing that as soon as she did he would return to find her gone. Mortar had been her close friend for a while now and she didn't want him to think that she had left him in the dust like his pack had. The only time she had left the range was to hunt and being one body she was only able to hunt smaller game.

She had thinned out some, but her thick coat hid it well. Today she had decided to go to the shores and do some scavenging. With winter finally here the prey in lands were getting scarce. Through the sands she quietly trotted looking to make her way closer to the waves to see what it had washed up. She was hungry and hadn't had a decent meal in a day or two. She had long since cleaned out the rat population in the barn. Bright green eyes looked around and when they fell on the dark form in the distance her body halted. Was it really him? The thought made butterflies dance in her gut. She held her breath for a moment, wondering if perhaps she was daydreaming. There was only one way to find out.

Pushing forward she quietly approached, still unsure if it was really him. As she got closer the details of his form became more clear and without her realizing it, her tail began to dance back and fourth with excitement. Quickening her pace she couldn’t help but be eager to close the distance between them. Nose twitching she didn't smell any new or healing wounds which told her that he was alright, it didn't explain the drawn out absence, but at least it brought her relief.

"Mortar" she called happily before coming up beside him and pressing her face into the fur on his right shoulder with her tail thumping the sand. "I was worried, I'm so glad your okay."

"Talk" & 'Think"

[Image: 8GuozRR.png]
[Image: TxH2KFf.png]