
Rebel Yell



2 Years
Extra large
11-25-2017, 04:09 AM
I'll show you how a heart can never fail

No bad thoughts. Noooooo bad thoughts. He'd come out here to relax and that was exactly what he was going to do. He'd been under so much stress with the pack that he absolutely needed a break and he tired of worrying about it. It was time to live a little and stop thinking so much. He wasn't going to figure out a solution overnight and he doubted taking a day off of pack duties was going to affect much. He wouldn't allow it to taint his thoughts on his day off.

The south had many interesting things to offer and he found himself pausing at an old piece of machinery. What would have been a tractor to an older and much wiser wolf, was just this odd hunk of metal that look like it served no purpose. It was eroded, and rusted, and overall was rather odd to him. He studied it for a moment with a fair amount of wonder before he moved to the strange den thing (the barn) that was overgrown with ivy and dead weeds.

Her peered inside of it to find a rather homey looking place. It was abandoned other than the stale scents of wolves that had been here. If he'd been a loner it looked like the perfect place to escape the cold of winter. He took a few steps inside and glanced around at the rafters noting the old birds nests before sniffing around to find that a rat population had taken hold as well. A stray chicken had even made its way inside the barn, but it didn't appear overly bothered by him considering there was enough distance between them. Overall? It was a pretty nice place.


[Image: VZK9Ywk.png]