


07-22-2014, 02:05 AM

Dawn breaks over the Tortugan lands, and she leaves the warm confines of her den. She saunters towards the lake- the space where she has taken claim to calling her meetings. Her steps crunch on the light frost that riddles the thawing ground- beside the sounds of her movements the earth is an eerie quiet. Her breath billows in the air, cascading around her like a wreath of glory. She comes to the edge of the lake, her violet eyes studying the land around her before she tilts her head into the sky. A song leaves her, a summons for all of those who reside in Tortuga. She is prepared to wait a little longer, aware she is waking most of them, but she's confident that they will heed her call. Regally, she stands- her head high, the sun rising on her back as she waits for them all to come to her, to hear what she has to say.

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak

ooc: THIS IS MANDATORY FOR ALL TORTUGAN WOLVES. PLEASE POST BY 07.24.14, by 11:59 pm ALA TIME. NO SHOWS RISK SEVERE DEMOTIONS/PUNISHMENTS. (Pups under 6 months, are exempt, but may attend if they wish.)


07-22-2014, 04:59 AM

Dawn was in the air, and his slumber was interrupted by the song of the snowy queen of Tortuga, Roman Armada. Orange ears would flick silently as he would arc in his den, a yawn streatching inky lips wide. His canvas rolled out then folded in a stretching motion, before the summer child would begin to thread the lands toward the source of the call, honey gaze slowly becoming alert. It was so easy to pick the queen out from amongst the cover of snow, despite it's recent fluctuation in the upbringing of spring. With his arrival, the summer child would give a respectful dip of his head to the queen, and quietly go to his place, reclining directly five to six feet from the tempest, orange ears raised and alert for any speech from the queen.


ooc. that avatar is just g r e a t roamer. xDDDD. I must get one, omg.



07-22-2014, 05:47 AM

Dayton had been up early that morning, like he was every morning since Pacifica had come to visit. He had hunted down a small rabbit and was finishing up with his breakfast when a call sang through the trees above his head. He immediately dug a quick hole to bury the carcass and keep any other predators from finding it, and then he took off toward the lake. Dayton had finally come out of his depression and was determined to be a good and helpful member of Tortuga. So he sprinted, light on his feet, to the location of the meeting, hoping to be one of the first to arrive. And he was, coming second only to August, who he held no grudge with. August was a friend of his, and a far more admirable member of the pack. Dayton bowed to him briefly before dipping low to the royal queen, where she sat tall and proud and beautiful, like the alpha she was. "Lady Roman," Dayton greeted. "I trust that you are well?"He paused briefly to hear her response, and then he took a seat in his usual spot nearby. He wasn't sure what this meeting was about, but he knew Roman would tell them soon enough.

In the meantime, Dayton looked up and smiled at the summer child. "Good morning, August. I don't think I've gotten a chance to congratulate you. I'm very happy about your promotion. No one deserved it more than you, my friend." His soft tenor chords would fill the space between them, and his smile grew a bit as he sat up straight again and waited for the meeting to begin. Everything was silent after that, and the three sat listening as the forest came awake.




8 Years
07-22-2014, 10:03 AM


in defense of the innocent

It was early, and Qanik had been craving sleep more and more of late. She was undoubtedly just getting old, though her joints had not begun aching as she would have expected for the amount of tiredness. When the call came she was curled in sleep, but the sleep was light and fitful, so Roman's voice woke her immediately. The white female stretched her way out of her den, yawning, before loping toward the lake where Roman had called from. The brisk run cleared the cobwebs from her head, at least, before she stopped next to her alpha. August and Dayton were already there, Dayton looking much better than he had at the last meeting. She greeted each of them with a nod, then turned her attention to Roman in curiosity. She didn't seem to be distressed about anything... "Is everything all right?" she murmured to the alpha in a low voice to keep her words from the ears of their pack mates. No doubt she'd find out the reason for calling the meeting when the rest of the pack did, but she couldn't help but ask.


cowardice is the only sin



5 Years
07-22-2014, 10:06 AM

"Eyy Lassy, wake up!!" She would feel his paws push on her backside, trying to shake the fae awake. "Uggh, Sven what is it?" She had grown close to her new pal, the Arctic Ground Squirrel being Misha's newly found companion. "A wolf howled, she's calling 'er pack to gang up on us, we're gon' an' be their breakfast!!" He would exclaim to her, his amber gaze full of terror. "I am part of that pack," she would say with a playful growl, watching as the small brown squirrel would hide himself behind a small rock. "Oh don't worry, it was my Queen Roman, we should get there quickly before we're late," the russet woman would say with a yawn, stretching her slender body. "C'mon, hop on, Sven." She would say as she would pull him out behind the rock with her paw. "Okie milady, whatev'r ye say," He would quickly climb up her leg onto her back, the fae used to his claws digging into her scruff. "Onward, milady!" She would run out of the den, slender legs carrying wolf and squirrel quickly to the place of the howl- the Kennocha Lake.

She would slow down to a trot, looking at the four wolves already there. Roman, of course. August, Qanik, and.. A wolf that she barely remembered the name of- Dayton. "Lassy, there all gon' an' eat us alive!!" He would say with a shriek as he would shake the girl's scruff, watching the other wolves in horror. "Hush up, Sven." She would say with a warning growl, pacing over to the Queen. "Roman, my Queen. Good to see you, and you as well, Qanik," she would say politely as somehow Sven did actually hush up. She would place herself close to the other wolves sitting there, looking at Sven when he would hiss at them. "'Ye better keep yer paws off mi Lassy, understood?" He would tell the two male wolves with a puff of his chest. "Oh my gosh! Sven, stop," she would say with an embarrassed whine, her sapphire blue gaze dropping to the ground shyly.

"Misha's speech" "Sven's words"



6 Years
07-22-2014, 02:20 PM

Azalea padded away from the den, leaving the pups to head for the meeting. She had tried to make sure they knew to stay there but there was really no harm if they managed to find their way to the meeting. If they did, she supposed she should be proud of them for finding it on their own.

She arrived to see several wolves, three of which she already knew. Azalea smiled politely to the wolves who she didn't know, moving to greet Roman and Qanik. She dipped her head to both, and cut a smile to August (she wasn't sure his rank yet but was fairly certain he was important).

"Qanik, Roman, thank you again for welcoming me into Tortuga. Now that the pups are weaning I would like to become more involved in the pack." Not to mention, she had puppy fat to work off. The amber eyed woman moved back a few steps and looked around, a bit uncertain about where she should seat herself.



07-22-2014, 09:23 PM

Chamomile rested precariously between razor sharp fangs as the small, agile femme traversed the terra. Ebony paws, picked a careful path practically from muscle memory alone as Gossamir let her mind shift upwards to entagle itself with the clouds and shrouds of her memory. She was so lost in thought that she nearly disregarded the howl of her alphess as the phantom of some far off memory. Whatever it was it sounded terribly important.

Feet took to flight as she soared over the terra, paws pounding into the eart before she came upon a gathering at the lake. Panting lightly she set down the herbs she'd been gathering for that day. "Lady Roman, you called?"


Chrono I


5 Years
07-23-2014, 02:48 PM

Slits of mixed orbs would gently open to the sound of Roman's call. He would raise his head slowly of his mate, ears perked toward Kennocha Lake knowing what the voice was asking for. Tortuga had many meetings lately, this one being a bit early. Chrono hadn't been sleeping well lately and the thought of getting up just tired him. But he would rise to his paws and poke at Esper's shoulder to endure she was awake.

He would leave the den, letting her take her time to wake up as well. So he would begin to walk to the lake where Roman was waiting the arrival of her pack mates.

As always others had arrived before the male. He noticed a fae that was not at the last meeting, tipping his head as he walked by. He would stand near the center of the wolves, not too far and not too close to Roman. But he wouldn't speak. He just eyed her waiting for what news she needed to bring. Hopefully Esper wouldn't take too long to get here too.

Walk "Talk" Think


07-23-2014, 04:53 PM
An early morning call would bring Ritsuka to a halt. He had been tracking the herds since before the sun even rose, making plans for a hunt, but Roman?s call would pull him away from that duty and call him. The male would scent the air one last time before turning away, leaving this task to arrive at the meeting. He was hoping that Haruka would arrive, and that perhaps things could be smoothed over with her absence. Suka would stand up for his sister, his ?Epic?, until the very end.

He would arrive, green eyes shining when he saw the others again. He was in much better spirits now that he had been reunited with his sibling, though he felt horrible that he was the cause of driving her away. Surely Roman and Qanik would understand this... And be able to forgive her for it. She could be a working member of the pack just the same as him, and he would stand by her side until she accomplished that goal. He would give a nod to Roman as he arrived. ?Good day to all of you.? He would sit, tail curling around his toes as he waited for the rest of the pack to arrive.




4 Years
07-23-2014, 05:20 PM

The peculiar marked oddity is but a sway of illusion against the misty throes of Tortuga?s water-lands; an unforeseen flare of African adventure amidst an environment that would know only the chilled existence of northern ice. Sunshine radiates from the gentle blush of her heavy pelt, contrasting ebonies and blistering whites standing as herbivore-disguise upon the small, compact figure. Perhaps the only resemblance to her Armada bloodline is the golden jewellery that bares her ankles rigid; and per say, the hidden determination and ferocity buried deep within the blueprint of her mind. Daintily the gazelle-darling will find her way close to Roman?s call, though still offering her a respectful distance. Golden gaze remains sharp to the pack members who have arrived, coat bristling with obedient intent as she remains strapping by her queen.



4 Years
07-23-2014, 05:21 PM

[Image: O2SqJTo.png]

The call breached her ears and so she would place it with importance. She had regained her strength thanks to Ritsuka and Misha helping her out when she could not focus enough (symptom of her ailment) to help herself. She arrived at the meeting with a faint smile. She was not late but she was not early by any means. "Queen Qanik. Queen Roman." She greeted with a dip of her head. "I hope all is well within the kingdom." Her spicy redish-brown fur was a bit disheveled but no more then usual. Her paws as grazed the ground before she fell back onto her haunches to sit down and relax while she awaited the start of the meeting.

[Image: p6FO9J3.png]



6 Years
07-23-2014, 05:36 PM
Esperanza could hear the Queen's cries. eyes showing kindness for she knew that whenever the leaders call, the matter must be important. She listened in at her leader's howl and soon arrived. She did not be on time, but at least she could hear what was important. "Sorry I am late Queen Roman and Queen Quanik, I apologize," she dipped her head and sat down to listen to the queens. Her emerald gaze stayed focused on them and listened intently to the matter at hand.


07-24-2014, 02:21 AM

The white and now fully grown she wolf was on her way, finally returning after what had seemed forever. She had gotten sick and had to leave in order to keep the pack as safe as possible. Hopefully, her Praetors would not be angered in any way. She had good intentions. It was gone now and all that was left was her underweight frame. It was good to be back in familiar territory. Could she make the meeting in time? Valice was now at a full sprint, her legs a blur as she rushed to where scents remained concentrated, and nervous as she was, the dame knew it had to be done. She had to approach them eventually if she wanted to be a pack member again.

"I do hope it isn't too late!" the she wolf would think, sliding to a halt as she neared the pack, debris flying around her. Valice would pant, looking around before making her way to the crowd and sitting quietly, hoping things wouldn't go too downhill.

OC:Sorry. xD Moving to a new place.

Your Speech,

Talon I


4 Years
07-24-2014, 08:38 AM

Though he had only recently joined, Talon would not hesitate to answer to the leader's call. She had been kind to much -- much more kind than any leader he had ever met before. Slowly he would rouse Kangi from sleep, nuzzling into the fur of her neck before telling her they needed to go. She was unfamiliar with the etiquette of packs, having lived alone for so long, but he was happy to help her with what little he knew.

His arrival came a bit less quickly than many of the others. As a child, his gait had been slow and lopsided; now it was awkward at best, though he could increase his pace to a quick walk if necessary. Still he limped quite obviously, and running was a difficult feat, though certainly doable if he was in the right state of mind. Nervousness tended to make him slower and clumsier, and he found himself stumbling even now as he approached the gathering of wolves that Roman had called.

None of them looked remarkable, but in a good way. There was no sense of threat emanating from any of the wolves here. His colorless gaze swept over the wolves individually as he came to sit beside Kangi, taking them all in quietly. Many were quick to state their greetings and even to begin question as to why she had called them here. Talon would never dare speak before she did; so he settled into an uncomfortable silence, waiting his his head bowed and his posture submissive, ready to hear what she had to tell them.


07-24-2014, 12:43 PM

They had found a den within these lands, had settled in nicely and Kangi was finally beginning to relax in their new surroundings. They had gone to bed early the night before and she had curled happily into Talon's side. But this morning she was roused by him, a gentle nudge to accompany the fading echoes of a howl. What did that mean? She looked uncertainly to Talon but he would smile and she would take a deep breath before standing and following him out of the den. She kept close to his side, half for reassurance and half for support as she noticed him struggling to walk more then usual. The group of wolves the came across was more wolves then Kangi had met in her entire life and immediatly her heart began hammering heavily in her chest. Wide eyes would dart to and fro as she seated herself next to Talon near the back of the pack hoping to go as unnoticed as possible. She would glance to Talon then to Roman, before leaning back into Talon slightly and waiting for whatever was going on.WORDS HERE


07-25-2014, 12:24 AM

ooc: meeting begins at ***

Her call echoed about her, and she stood waiting. The first to heed to her call is August, and she is impressed at the Optio's quick appeareance. He nods, a respectful greeting, and she replies in kind- her eyes moving to stare across the lake lands, waiting for the rest. Dayton appears, seeming more himself at this meeting then he was at the last meeting that was called. She notes this with pleasure, but she has not the time to dwell on such simple things now. He questions her wellness, and she replies with a light smile. "I am, Dayton- thank you." She says lightly.

Next to apepear is Qanik, Roman's secondary praetor of Tortuga- its second Queen. The white woman comes close to Roman and speaks. Lowering her own crown, and exposing the scars bestowed upon her, she speaks. "It is not, but it will be." She says simply, wanting to save the news for the rest of the Tortuga. She doesn't want to repeat herself and doesn't want to speak until she is ready. Misha appeared then, with a small creature- that seemed to be her companion. This reminded the Queen of Greek, and she looked around for the small fellow- wondering where he had gotten off too.

None other than Azalea was next, and Roman smiled in greeting at the Adravendi- and the wolf she viewed as an odd version of family. She nodded at the ladies words, and spoke. "See one of us after the meeting, and we'll talk specialties, if you feel ready for that. Roman invited with a warm tone. She wouldn't rush the mother, though Roman knew that if Azalea was ready to participate- there would surely be enough wolves to help babysit around. Next would be Gossamir, who Roman would smile and nod at, then Chrono and Ritsuka- the hunters had probably been busy already this morning. Satis arrives, coming close to her- and Roman nods again in greeting.

Next is Elli and Esperenza- both females looked slightly ruffled as if they'd rushed to get there, but she welcomed them with an approving smile- none the less. Valice would appear, a wolf Roman hadn't seen since her acceptance and the queen felt some worry lift from her shoulders. She had wondered where the girl had gotten off too, but there would be time for those questions later. Talon and Kangi were next, the newest arrivals to Tortuga, and Roman gave them a welcoming smile, as they came into the mass of wolves. Faust hadn't yet arrived- but she wasn't worried, he would come. He perhaps was the only wolf here, she'd not rag on for being late. He was always there, when she needed him.

***She remained where she was, for the moment, her gaze warm. "Before I begin, I would like to welcome Azalea and her children, Talon, Kangi, and Esperanza to our ranks. " She paused, and smiled at Valice and glanced at Satis. "I would also like to welcome Valice back home, and to announce the return of my sister- Satis- who has stepped up to take a legionary position." She announced, her expression firm- as she stared out across the wolves for any argument in the appointment.

She looked out over her wolves- her violet eyes resting on each of them for a moment before she would take a breath and step forward. Lowering her crown, she exposed the scars bestowed upon her from the Covari queen, for a few moments before she would lift her head to speak. "Tortuga has been shamed, disrespected- and now I fear we are in danger." Roman began, her eyes narrowing. "I'm sure you have all heard of the pack Covari? Their "Queen..." Oh how she sneered the word. "has committed too many crimes against this land- to be allowed. She has poisoned us, and then trespassed into our home- like we are no more than a band of rouges, a move I'm sure she will be hesitant to make again." She pauses, inhaling, (possibly for dramatic effect). "Though I stood for each and every one of you, when I maimed her for her crimes of trespassing and poisoning- I fear Covari may seek retribution."

She speaks into the sky. "That is why, we must strike first. I have called you here, to prepare for a siege. A war against the fox-hearted wolves who seek to mock us. Our allies are prepared, Glaciem and Elysium will aide us in our endeavors." She pauses to let them soak in this news- this bomb of information. Are we mice or men?

"I will not force all of you to participate, however I extend and open invitation to you. Join me, and our allies in showing this filth that their crimes will be punished- that we will be respected for the strength that we have as a pack- and in our allies." She pauses, again, her pride growing. "I am going to call our allies to us, if you seek to be involved in the siege, now is the time to voice it. If you do not, feel free to leave and carry on with your day. Again, I will not force any of you. For those of you who will stay- I ask you to fight for our home" She finishes softly. Enough will stay- she's sure of it, enough will stay to make sure that they will triumph. She waits several minutes, to let those who want to leave- go, before she moves to call for their allies.

Standing at the head, of the Tortugan pack- she tosses her head into the sky calling for Glaicem and Elysium- calling for their allies- there comrades in war.

It's the day in the life and I'm ready to ride||
Got the spirit, I'm feeling like a killer inside

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak

ooc: OKAY. No Tortugan wolves are being forced to participate. If your wolf doesn't want to participate, post and exit post and feel free to go on with your life. If your wolf does- then you may post a second post acknowledging that they do and wait for the allies. ALLIES ARE NOW WELCOME, BUT MUST WAIT FOR THEIR LEADERS TO POST FIRST.


07-25-2014, 12:36 AM

Valice would nod to her queen, the she wolf remaining vigilant and attentive to hear the words that would remain ever-so important to her. The news was not bright in any way, but the dame's heartbeat would being to pick up as the meeting began to unravel. War. Valice would swallow, looking around before standing up. She would look up to her ruler and inhale before speaking.

"Count me in, my Queen. If I am to return in an hour of need, you may guarantee that I will serve under the name of Tortuga and under yours just as importantly." With that, she would nod and await permission to be seated again, her eyes wide and shining with determination, and a bit of excitement. She had always dreamed of proving herself, this was a chance, but she hoped that none of the pack members would be harmed in this siege. If Valice was to go down, she would go down with a bang and take as many of Covari wolves as possible.

Your Speech,


07-25-2014, 08:40 AM

Walk ? "Talk" ?

Shortly after the summer child's arrival came the golden boy he had come to know as a close friend. A gentle rumble in his chest would he greet the boy with before his speech would come to deaf ears. "Believe me, I don't think I deserve it that well." A chuckle came from inky lips as he bumped Dayton's shoulder playfully, before settling beside him, his ringed tail curled about his side neatly. Soon after the ochre eyed boy's speech followed the secondary Praetor of Tortuga?Qanik. The Queen's words were met by a question, but the pearly queen had dismissed them with a wish of waiting. Many other wolves gathered and awaited the words of the Queen, which would hold some mixture of shock and electricity for the summer child.

The queen's voice would rise above all others, whispers seemingly silenced by the power she spoke of. Her speech welcomed the arrivals of Azalea and her children, Valice, Satis, Talon, Kangi, and Esperanza. Each name read off would bring the summer child to give a nod of greeting to the respective wolves, should they be in attendance. Her next verse of lyrics spoke of disrespect and of war. Within the confines of his mind, he growled at the mention of Covari. 'Those bastards...' Russet orange ears were erect, seeking to take in all the sound eliciting from the pearly queen's inky lips, before his own voice would rise with Valice. "For my home?I will fight. I will bring hell upon those who have brought disrespect and sin upon our name." Perhaps the alter ego of his personality would aid in this siege, and the bastards in the rogue band of Covari will learn Tortuga is not to be fucked with.



07-25-2014, 08:42 AM

Many other wolves arrived after Dayton, quite a few of whom he had never met before. The brute smiled lightly, happy to see that Tortuga had begun to thrive. But something was off here. He could tell that much by the way Qanik arrived and the two queens spoke in hushed, worried tones. Dayton felt a frown forming on his lips. He wondered what was going on.

Then everyone had arrived, and Roman began to speak. Her proud voice would ring across the lake, covering her subjects as she discussed the latest pack affairs. The "Queen" of Covari, as she put it, had been responsible for poisoning them with the epidemic. The russet man felt his jaw fall open at this news. There had been a pack that was actually responsible for that? They could have been killed! Dayton felt a small growl beginning to grow in his chest. Roman went on to explain that the Queen had trespassed, and the Tortugan leader had maimed her as a result. Dayton was proud to hear this. But the biggest news was yet to come.

Tortuga was declaring war on the guilty pack. It was a siege. Their allies, Glaciem and Elysium, planned to attend and be at their aid. But lives could be lost. This was a huge risk. Even so, as Roman called for volunteers... Dayton was one of the first to step forward. "I shall go with you as well, my lady. I will fight with all my strength and protect the pride of Tortuga."




6 Years
07-25-2014, 12:54 PM

Azalea was welcomed to speak with her or Qanik after the meeting, to discuss moving into a more fulfilling position than wet nurse. Honestly, with how the pups clung to her, she welcomed an escape from them. Hell, make Soren a full time baby sitting. Azalea took that thought back quickly, no way was captain depression going to be able to handle a litter of puppies that only seemed to want her.

Azalea seated herself among the wolves, not by anyone in particular, and watched the wolves arrive to great their Praetor. When a sandy colored she-wolf walked in, Azalea felt her body grow stiff and her breath catch. Satis Armada. The Adravendi contained herself, shifting her weight a bit as she watched the wolf approach Roman. Glaciem and Tortuga were allies, family, Satis being here was nothing she could get offended about.

When the meeting started she was introduced to the pack and it was revealed that Satis was a Legionary, a beta of sorts. Azalea didn't have time to dwell on it, however, as Roman brought word of siege. It was a word that struck Azalea hard. Why would anyone want to start a war? Azalea felt apart from everyone, sitting among all these wolves she didn't really know, but she WAS a part of this pack now and she would take part to keep her family safe.

Azalea stood up, "I will fight."