
And Your Father Smells Of Elderberries! [Gathering]



6 Years
12-01-2017, 04:58 PM

Wandering through the ancient crater was a magnificent thing. Everywhere Aggie turned there was something new and worthy of her attention. She found shatter crystals at the rim, layers upon layers of rock exposed for her observation, and soon she hoped some other goodies as well. The season had progressed heartily into winter and while her hopes were not high of finding much in prime condition, she would gladly accept some withered berries or perhaps a root or two. One would heal and the other would poison, but those were minor details. Both useful, in their own ways.

Aggie made her way along the gently curving crater's bottom, appreciating the remnants of life present in the basin. She made a note to return in the spring or early summer to see it in bloom. As she walked amongst the trees Aggie drew in a deep breath, listening for telltale whistles on the wind that would hint at any spirits who had decided to join her for the day. Of course, the wind never really stopped there, and it's wailing made it difficult for her to pick up on anything distinct. In the end Aggie shrugged, knowing that she ought to hurry. She had left Ylva in a more sheltered outcropping where it was not quite so cold and bitter, and didn't want to leave her friend unoccupied for long. The sooner she found a bit of elderberry, the better!

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
12-03-2017, 09:41 AM
Build me up from bones, Wrap me up in skin, Hold me close enough to breath me in

Hunkered down in the gale Lydia let her head rest on her paws.  It had been one thing after another.  She'd gotten free from the Abraxas only to get caught in a blizzard and then in an avalanche and in her mad dash to free herself she'd only wound up deeper in the north where winter was moving in fast and heavy.  At this point she was debating if it was even worth trying to wander down farther south or if she should just stick it out here.  The sun was making its way into the sky and for now the day was clear if cold.  Lydia got to her feet and shook out her pelt.  If she was going to travel it was best to do it now while the weather was giving her a bit of respite.  

She marked the position of the sun and started heading south, down through the gorge.  It was a rather lovely area and she came to a halt.  Perhaps she could explore a little bit here?  There was a chance there were some interesting plants still clinging to life in this sheltered area.

As she made her way deeper in her heart leapt in her throat when she realized she wasn't alone.  Up ahead she saw a beautiful yearling working her way through the gorge.  Not an Abraxas.  Not really a threatening presence at all. Lydia took a few deep breaths.  She needed to stop this, she was fine, she'd gotten away and though Pyralis had been irritated she'd made it clear that Lydia had outlived her use to the Abraxas and that she wasn't worth hunting down.  Lydia believed it… mostly.  She'd lived with Pyralis long enough to know how quickly that femme's mind would twist back in on itself.  "Good morning!" She called out, realizing how painfully lonely she'd been… for so long.  Her voice sounded foreign to her own ears and she resisted the urge to flinch.



6 Years
12-03-2017, 11:18 AM

Aggie's ears perked upwards at the sound of another voice. She turned, beads jangling along her neck as she did so, and found a dark coated woman standing a ways off with a friendly look on her face. Ever perceptive, Aggie saw her hesitation and noted the distance left between them, and wondered if there may be something else below her friendly exterior. Willing to brush it off for now, the dusky young fae smiled back at her. "Morning! Out enjoying the beautiful weather?" As if emphasizing the sarcasm in her statement, the wind kicked up and cut through her pelt with its cold fangs.

Aggie couldn't imagine anyone wandering around here without some sort of purpose. Was the woman hunting, she wondered? Or perhaps just traveling? Aggie cocked her head towards her. If she'd been in this area for very long she might know where Aggie's quarry waited. "Do you by chance know of any patches of elderberry nearby? I know it's out of season, but even some withered berries would do." Or the stems, which contained a certain sort of cyanide, but Aggie didn't really feel compelled to share that with the stranger. "I'm Aggie, by the way!"

"Talk" "You" Think


12-05-2017, 08:59 AM

Winter was again here and she had found herself back in the north with her stash of winter apparel. Once again she was adorned in her large grizzly hide cape topped off with her coyote skull mask. Trudging through the winter chill the women occupied herself mentally, mulling over things to do with the lovely voices within her mind. She had grown quite close to the three, finding companionship when she failed to come across others. It was a shame that she hadn't come across anyone because the women desired to have living companionship and relationships. Living alone was growing old and growing old fast.

She was searching for leftover herbs, building the stock she had in her cave. She had a bit from all over, but knew there was no way she had collected everything. Once Winter was over she would start to travel again and to collect herbs again. Maybe then she would find some new friends and gain more knowledge of these lands. She wanted to explore every territory that she could and learn all that she could. That was why her tribe had left her go in the first place. They had felt that her purpose was to gain knowledge and new ways so that she could return and teach the tribe new things.

Her ears perked as distance voices reached them and she paused a moment to try and decide if it was real or her mind playing tricks on her. Then she heard voices again and decided to go check it out. Moving forward at a more quicker pace, the tribal healer headed towards the voices hoping that for once her mind wasn't playing tricks on her. When at least one form came into view her tail began to wag under the grizzly pelt she used as a coat. She had broken English and hoped that this women would understand her.

"Hello!" she called out in greeting before her silver-blue eyes caught the sight of another form. She probably looked awful strange with her Grizzly pelt coat and the coyote skull covering her face so hopefully she wouldn't frighten them away.

"Namid Talk", & 'Namid Think"
"Hilde Talk", "Taika Talk", "Sanuye Talk"



5 Years
12-16-2017, 12:56 PM (This post was last modified: 12-16-2017, 12:56 PM by Lydia.)
Build me up from bones, Wrap me up in skin, Hold me close enough to breath me in

Turning towards her the girl called out in greeting.  Lydia shrugged lightly at her question about the weather. "I guess… I mean it is nice, though I wish the wind would die down." It felt strange to be making small talk like this again but as the woman smiled at her Lydia would try to softly smile back.  Suddenly, she realized the woman was being sarcastic.  Crumbs. Way to come across like an idiot! Honestly, she should've been better at picking it up. She'd lived with the Abraxas long enough to be an expert on sarcasm.

Lydia was relieved when the girl asked about elderberries.  A healing question, finally something she was somewhat competent in. "Nice to meet you Aggie.  I'm Lydia. I haven't seen any elderberry bushes but I bet we can find some in the gorge. I'm afraid you won't find any berries this late in the season but there are uses for its bark. What is it you need it for?"

Another voice called out hello and Lydia jumped slightly at the creature before realizing it was a wolf wearing a skull and a pelt. She stared at the stranger for a moment before dipping her head slowly in greeting.  Was this stranger some sort of shaman?