
Marshal Dear



3 Years
12-16-2017, 02:13 AM

The woman was furious, the pounding pain her chest she transferred to the seething bubbling rage she harbored within her heart. She had promised she’d destroy those that had hurt her, even those she had once loved, it had been true about her false family and it was true for her father… but her Levi? That had been the one person she’d not expected to hurt her. 

Some part of her worried she might stumble upon his corpse somewhere, mangled and destroyed just as Bel had been… but that hurt more and that pain couldn’t as easily be transferred to rage… after all he’d always been the perfect kindling for the fire in her soul. So instead she had convinced herself he had run off without telling her, so shortly after the death of their brother, and she could easily fuel her anger that way.

A growl rumbled in her throat as she approached the cavern she had found the strange yellow girl in a few days prior, right now she wanted to stew in her anger and what better place than a mouth to the depths of hell? The Demon slunk towards the mouth feeling the blazing heat of the lava flow beneath the earth. This, yes this was where she belonged.

"Sweet nothings" & Dangerous thoughts

Image by Risketch
Leviathan or "Levi" as Mammon's brother and lover is welcome to crash all her threads regardless of tag rating.[Image: GMZH5Ns.png]

Iscariot I


6 Years
12-17-2017, 03:31 PM
Ain't no place for no hero,
ain't no place for no better man!
A pale red glow touched a pelt made for sin as he moved along the banks of a very interesting river, the glow emanating from a current that was made from lava rather than water. Bright, piercing eyes seeming almost purple from the light the hellish river cast as they scanned about the terrain to settle on a shadow that moved toward the source of the slow moving lava. Black ears tilted forward as he halted and watched the body language of the creature, seeing the tension in the wolf's frame from his distance. Ohh, maybe I get a fight...ooorrr...I could be nice...share my stash. With that thought, he raised his tan tipped tail and trotted off to meet this new stranger, he'd had so much fun with the last one! There was an odd thrill that washed through him as he made his way faster and faster toward the dark pelted wolf, hoping he didn't lose sight of the creature before he could make it up to the cavern. 

He ran for a short distance, then as he got closer, he slowed his pace and caught his breath. Riot moved closer, making sure to remain mostly respectful in his distance from the tension-riddled wolf. Now that he was within a few yard of the other, he could tell it was a female, and that she was well-built. If it came to a fight, she would be a formidable opponent, her size was almost enough to rival his own. "You seem tense, love. I can offer my assistance, I have an herb that will help ease whatever troubles your mind." The monster kept his tone even and almost sweet, hiding behind his gold and black mask, pretending to simply be a wolf who cared. Within the labyrinth of his mind lurked a hope that she would try to fight him, even though she seemed to be seriously young. He gave the female a smile and spoke once more, "I am Iscariot, by the way." He waved his painted tail and dipped his head in a relatively formal bow. He wasn't sure if she would attempt aggression or take his offer of drug-induced relaxation. 

"You." Walk. "Talk."
'Riot is not a nice wolf. There is alot of swearing, violence, gore, drug use and other things in his posts that others may find offensive. Please use caution when threading with this character, and remember, Bird loves you! 

Help me keep track of my threads! Just click Here and add your thread, be sure to pm me and let me know!!



3 Years
12-17-2017, 09:22 PM

The vixen was too wrapped up in her own fuming to notice the approaching of a stranger, for surly if she had she’d have slipped behind the facade of calm, but as it was she wasn’t aware of him til he spoke. She almost jumped but managed to suppress it, instead whirling around her brilliant gaze ablaze with fury. As she drew in the sight of the unknown male she forced a reluctant calmness to settle over her frame and face. Mammon eyed him with open suspicion. Still the smile she let slip upon her face was a masterful mask of cautious relief and curiosity, her suspicion leaving as if it had never been there before. 

"Mammon." She intoned sweetly, taking a single calculated step towards the man. She cocked her head to the side and frowned quizzically. "What sort of herb?" She hadn’t ever indulged in the particular type of “medicine” he was offering but she certainly wasn’t ignorant to its existence, not that she was overly keen to take an unknown substance from a stranger. "I’ve only known one cure for my tension," she quirked a brow and fixed Iscariot with a meaningful look, "but color me curious as to what it is you’re offering." She glanced away for a moment, letting the warm glow of the molten river wash over her face, then without turning her head she glanced back at him. Brilliant blues reflecting the glow as she gave him a sidelong glance. 

"Sweet nothings" & Dangerous thoughts

Image by Risketch
Leviathan or "Levi" as Mammon's brother and lover is welcome to crash all her threads regardless of tag rating.[Image: GMZH5Ns.png]

Iscariot I


6 Years
12-18-2017, 12:45 AM
Ain't no place for no hero,
ain't no place for no better man!
'Riot felt the smile widen on his face as she tried to hide the fact that he had startled her, seeming to relax rather than tense, and the monster knew she would have been the perfect opponent for a fight. Though her look and words seemed to hint toward the other end of the spectrum, bringing a small laugh to the surface. "Now, I must know, what is your usual method? These are cannibis buds, they often make others relaxed. I usually reach a euphoric state where I am likely to talk about or do almost anything. The buds are eaten and your mind goes a bit fuzzy, but not enough to harm you." Tucking his nose into the pouch at his chest, Iscariot pulls out one of the last buds he held on his person. He would have to go back to the caves soon to pack more into the blue bag on his neck.

He sat the bright green herb down and broke it in half with his teeth, chewing his side to show her that he wouldn't be killing her with it. Her sapphire gaze met the bright blue of his own in a sidelong glance, making the male wave his tail in a friendly manner. "I don't usually share, but you seem stressed, so...I figured I would help." Whether it was anxiety or anger, he wasn't really sure, but there was an odd need to help her regardless of her situation. If she needed to talk 'Riot would always let a female bend his ear or chase his tail. He was just a nice guy like that.

"You." Walk. "Talk."
'Riot is not a nice wolf. There is alot of swearing, violence, gore, drug use and other things in his posts that others may find offensive. Please use caution when threading with this character, and remember, Bird loves you! 

Help me keep track of my threads! Just click Here and add your thread, be sure to pm me and let me know!!