
Everywhere and Back


07-21-2014, 05:26 PM

The boy had seen many places but none quite like the place he had stood right then. It was a magnificent bay that opened up to the rocky shore. He stood there upon the rocks and looked outward. The warrior, the paladin, was going to be resting there for quite a bit. Perhaps he?d spend weeks or months taking in the beauty. He looked into the water that slowly lapped at the rock he stood on. An occasional drop or two of water would reach his paws and he would sigh. He was at peace it would seem. No, he was never at peace. How could he be at peace with so much malice and hatred in the world? He loved fighting, this was true, but he could not stand the evil and he knew he was the good that had to vanquish it. He couldn?t do it alone though.

He needed help and lots of it.

His eyes cast glances to each side before he found his paws entering the water, cool to the touch. His fur up to his lower belly was completely submerged as he waded through the calming spring air. It felt good. He would give a shake of his head as he saw a fish in the water. He didn?t care for fish but as a young pup he had learned that any bit of food counted, especially when you were a rouge. He caught it in his paws and gave it a swift bite to the neck to kill it. He would wade ashore and set his fish down on a rock as he climbed out of the bay. He would shake his pelt to get as much water off as he could before he would sit down and begin his feast.

"Talk." Think.



3 Years
07-22-2014, 04:40 PM

Freyja watched the man fish from on high, perched ever so delicately on a grassy rise that fell away sharply at her paws. A brisk wind off the ocean, salt and a cold front, tugged at her gold and cream plumage. Her eyes narrowed in something akin to bland interest, perhaps like a small pup overseeing an anthill. What was he doing, and why, and where would he go next? She allowed herself a demure grin. With her tail lifted in a banner of confidence and ego, she minced her way down the slope and made her way on light footsteps to the water's edge, passing the man with no sideways glance. "Good fishing?" she would quip in an airy purr as she came of a longitude to him, before passing on. The day's heat was fleeting rapidly as the sun sank, and she felt that tonight would be closer akin to late winter than mid spring. It would be best to get some food into her, and chill be damned if her fur was still wet by the time she denned down for the night. She cast a glance at last over her tawny shoulder, gaze flicking at first over the brute and then over his catch, hoping to guess what she herself might find. It was not one she recognized, unfortunately, and she turned away once more to begin wading in.

"Talk" "You" Think


07-22-2014, 05:50 PM

He looked up to the sound of a voice piercing the crisp and cold air around him. His eyes swerved up to see a beautiful femme placed before him on the shore as she asked about the fishing. ?Yes, it seems alright but it took me a while to find this one. Would you like the rest of it miss?? He offered her his meal because he could find himself something else later. She was a lady and deserved the respect. He nudged the fish towards the woman as she walked past him and towards the water. He had a small look of dismay on his face as he watched her wade into the water. He drew a small breathe, his chest tucked out slightly as his tail waved slowly from side to side. He was going to help because it was the least he could do. If he could catch her a fish then he would feel a sense of calm inside him.

It was an instinct at the very least to treat her such as that was how his mentor had taught him to behave. Kovu would shame him if he didn?t treat her well while he was still alive. Until she proved that she was evil or a bitch then he would treat her with respect. That was one of his defining features and so he would live by it. He would always live like that. His long grey fur blew slightly in the wind as he felt the cool water rushing at his paws. He looked down at the water in search of more fish and then he sent a quick glance to her. He hoped she would not mind the intrusion or the help.