


07-21-2014, 04:23 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Keno
How did you get here?: Somehow
Age: 21

Character's Name: Hypnos
Age: Pup
Season of Birth: Spring
Adult Height: 36"
Appearance Description:

Like his mother, Hypnos stands tall, reaching her height of 36" inches. He weighs one hundred and fifty seven pounds. Though he is heavy Hypnos does not bear a bulky build, but rather than look big and bulky his form fills out nicely, giving him a fairly handsome look. Though not the most attractive male, he cares for his personal appearance enough to keep his fur nice and clean. His features are more soft and rounded, except for his ears which are pointed and tall. His tail is long and fluffy, sweeping up behind him.

Hypnos carries himself with pride, though a lot of the time has an almost sleepy look on his face. He tends to move at a slower pace, more of a relaxed walk than one that is in a hurry to get somewhere. When angered he does not look incredibly intimidating, save for his size, though he will make others regret underestimating him. There is one flaw that this male will have to overcome as he ages, a birth defect in his back right leg. It will be much weaker than his others, having thinner bones as well, and will take time, work and patience to get him to make the most out of using it. As a pup it will be slightly smaller than his other legs as well, a trait that will be less noticable as he grows into his adult body.

Hypnos bears a coat that is a mixture of light and dark. A color of rust lays across his dorsal half, darkest on the tips of his ears, back, and top of his tail. As it goes down the sides of his head, body, and tail it fades down. Cream covers his undersides, legs, and backs of his ears. Rings of rust surround his eyes of sea green, making them stand out a bit more. A spot of cream also graces his crown among the rust. His body, overall, has a more gentle and relaxed appearance to him providing that he is not in an angered state.

Proof of Purchases:

Pending Character Slot in Gem Store.
Pending Pup Pass in Gem Store {by Raii}

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07-21-2014, 09:07 PM
I love how organized keno is with her character slots.... <3

he will be accepted tomorrow


07-22-2014, 10:53 PM

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