
Come With Me Now


07-21-2014, 10:58 AM

He could remember a time when he was happy, when he knew that there was more to life than hate and anger. A time when he loved and happily knew what his future had in store for him. Pups, a mate, a high place in a pack he could respect and live in happily. But it was all gone now. At one point he had considered finding a new mate, but quickly shoved the idea away, convinced that no other woman would love him as Luce had. He stared into the pool of water lapping against the desert sand and felt his heart grow heavy with sorrow. His dear Luce had been on his mind more than ever now. He couldn't exactly place why, but deep down he knew it was because of how lonely he had become.
Walk this way

Talk this way


07-23-2014, 11:59 PM

The woman had been forced to leave her home for the winter, the harsh climate proving difficult to hunt for the first time in her life. It was also only the second time she had left the north? It was almost time to go back, back to her submerged woods and back to everything she had ever known. But still. Something had drawn her out and it wasn't just hunger. It had been over a year since she had seen her brother, longer since was the last time she had seen her mother or Jaques. Not to mention her father? At one point she had spent months just searching for him. All she had was a name to go by and her mothers stories of him. All Silana knew was that she kind of looked like him? But that wasn't a lot to go on after all so the search had ended up turning up nothing. Maybe it was time to go back to searching for her brother? She was heading north, back to home and to the only place she had ever seen him, the trip took her through a desert and to a strange pond seemingly in the middle of nowhere? And at the pond was a man. He seemed pensive and thoughtful yet Silana would still halt a good distance away, wide blue eyes staring at the man who's back was facing her. That old part of her screamed at her to run, to turn around and take a wide birth around this place. But the sand was hot and her mouth was dry? Slowly she would slink forward, head lowered and shoulders rolled up as if to make herself look as small as possible. The woman would approach the pond from the side, away from the male but within sight. "Bonjour?" Heavily accented word would slip softly from her tongue, head dipping in quick greeting before skull would dip to allow pink tongue to lash at the surface of the water. Cautiously she would study him out of the corner of her eye. He looked rather familiar...


07-25-2014, 10:06 AM

His heart skipped a beat at the word. "Bonjour." It rang through his ears like a sweet sound, and for a fraction of a second the face of his lover entered his mind. He wheeled around quickly to see the person who had said the lyric and was crushed when he found it was not his Luce. "Bonjour." he said, sadly. What little french he knew had become a reflex for him after his time with Luce. He didn't even see the other wolf's face. He just knew who she wasn't, and that blinded him.

Walk this way

Talk this way