
Big Kids Break The Rules


12-30-2017, 12:58 AM

Okay, so Mama was definitely going to be mad at him if she found out about this. But that wasn't gonna happen, right? Nope. Definitely not, because he had been extra stealthy when sneaking out of Dauntless' borders. He hadn't gone far! It was just, the world seemed so big and the area Mama wanted them to stay in was stupid and small! Plus, Jupiter wanders off all the time so why can't I? Orion thought with a sullen sigh, and then told himself that he was absolutely as brave as Jupiter and Aerndis.

So he'd crossed the stream Artemis had forbade him to cross and wandered towards the strongest smell he could find. Over the pack scent and over the damp, musty smell of the nearby stream, he detected something sharp, crisp, and sweet. Wandering north, the boy eventually came up a forest of towering trees. They clawed higher into the sky than any living thing he had ever seen. Mouth agape, he walked amongst their titanic roots and wondered if this part of the world was huge, or if maybe he was just obnoxiously small. He hoped not!

His hackles rose suddenly, wondering if maybe the animals that lived here were as big as these trees. He would be a like a squirrel to them! He took a deep breath as a wave of panic nearly engulfed him, fur standing on end and bioluminescence flaring. No, no, that was no good. He could always go home, but that would feel like running away and Orion could not, would not run away. He grit his tiny teeth and squared his paws, trying not to let his legs wobble. Or... maybe he could stay put, and stay hidden. The idea came to him suddenly, and his fear began to ebb away as the lad started seeking somewhere snug and secure to bunker down, excitement beginning to fill in the gaps.

The roots around him offered a plethora of nooks and crannies for him to choose from, and Orion finally settled on a long-abandoned burrow of some sort. Whatever animal made it must have been about his size, but for all he knew that could be a chipmunk in this weird, gigantic forest! Whatever it was, Orion wanted to stay until he had proof! Then he could tell Jupiter, and he bet his brother would be super jealous if Orion found monsters before he did! A sprig of withered partially obscured the burrow's mouth, and Orion peered up until just the tips of his ears to his eyes were showing, and commenced waiting as patiently as a pup is capable of waiting. This had better be worth it!

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
Dire wolf

1KChristmas 2019
12-30-2017, 01:16 AM (This post was last modified: 12-13-2019, 01:16 PM by Darya.)

Darya was rummaging around in the roots of a great big tree, her rump high in the air and small tail wagging fiercely as she explored every nook and cranny of the hulking thing. Lately Divo had been wandering away more often and as much as Darya loved Dom she simply didn't want to explore so Darya had been left to find her own fun by herself. Which was just fine by her, she loved her family but sometimes she wanted to have exciting stories to tell them... Like the time she and the blue boy had fought monsters!

Speaking off, Darya had just pulled her nose out of the earthy smelling cavern when a familiar scent reached her. It wasn't exact but to her young and unknowing mind the smell could only mean one thing. Jupiter! Tiny tail wagging the girl bound after the scent. "Jupiter?" she called in lightly accented tones. "Where Jupiter?" Hellfire gaze swept the forest looking for her friend. Then it occurred to her that maybe he was hunting a monster! Suddenly dropping into the most stealthy crouch she manage the girl crept through the forest, rump high and nose pushed into the dirt.

Finally she tracked the scent to a burrow and with the wild abandon only a child who has yet to face any danger could summon pushed her head directly into the mouth of the hole. "Darya found Jup-" As her eyes adjusted she suddenly faced the realization that she hadn't found Jupiter. Instead she was face to face with a boy very reminiscent of her friend but quite clearly not him. Her tiny face turned from a grin to shock, her mouth forming a silent O before she was suddenly overcome with shyness and began to backpedal, panicked.

Walk "Говорить" Think

Lineart by TaruFaolchu


12-30-2017, 01:57 AM

Orion was reconsidering his plan to stake out this forest. It was beyond creepy, because Orion could swear he heard a voice somewhere calling for his brother. It wasn't Aerndis or his mother, it seemed to lilt and tilt with an accent Orion had never heard before. Wellp! That's that! Orion stood and stepped out of the bracken, shaking his coat to free it of debris before leaving this hellsforsaken forest once and for all, and never returning for as long as he lived. It seemed like an excellent plan, as far as he was concerned.

Until a girl with a blue nose stumbled out of nowhere and scared the bejeezus out of him. Orion yelped and stumbled sideways, hardly expecting her to have appeared so suddenly when he'd been expecting creatures twenty times her size. "Holy-!" His sudden intake of air seemed to jam up in his throat, causing the boy to cough and hack. During the spell he realized that it was this girl who had been calling for her brother. What?! How did she know Jupiter? Did this mean his rat brother had gotten here first? "How do you know my brother?" He wheezed, obviously grumpy and not afraid to let his tone of voice show it. This day was quickly going from bad to worse!

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
Dire wolf

1KChristmas 2019
12-30-2017, 10:51 AM (This post was last modified: 12-13-2019, 01:17 PM by Darya.)

Darya was on high alert as she finally managed to put what she considered enough space between her and the unknown boy. He was wheezing and despite her sudden unease at having stumbled upon a complete stranger the girl felt strangly bad about his sudden coughing fit. Still she wasn't going to let him fool her, no siree! Clearly this boy was an imposter, he had lured her into dropping her guard by mimicking her blue friend's scent, he was probably a monster of the highest caliber out to stop the expert monster hunting duo of Jupiter and Darya. But she had seen through his ruse!

Or maybe he was just her friend's brother. Or at least that's what he claimed. Sensing his displeasure Darya backed off a bit more, her tiny tail curling between her legs and ears pulling back. She could not imagine why this boy who claimed to be Jupiter's brother was so upset. Darya loved her sisters so to her there could be no other sort of feelings one could have for their siblings.

"Darya met Jupiter at... пляж ? She struggled to find the right word... Dang, and she had been practicing her English too! "Sand... Place?" She finally settled on that and just hoped he'd understand. "Fought water monster." She explained hesitantly.

The girl watched the other pup with open caution, her eyes wide and her unease plain in her posture. She had just wanted to go on an adventure and now she was being questioned. It was the worst day ever!

Walk "Говорить" Think

Lineart by TaruFaolchu


12-30-2017, 09:26 PM

Orion noticed the girl wilt, initial optimism replaced with fear, and he was immediately filled with guilt and regret. The soul he housed was innately gentle, and perhaps even fragile, and to some degree he felt her hurts as his own. Orion soured further, his own ears pinning as he recoiled ever so slightly. He didn't want to scare her, it wasn't her fault his brother kept... kept doing everything! And it sounded like she and Jupiter had gone monster hunting, which meant this other pup was probably pretty cool. He could be upset with Jupiter but not with her, right? It seemed so, anyways.

So Orion deflated, and tried to look as sorry as he felt. "Hey, I didn't mean to be a jerk or nothin'," he tried to explain. "It's just, Jupiter is my older brother and he keeps doin' things and I wanted to be the first one to see a monster, is all." What did a water monster even look like? With a gasp, Orion realized that this girl must have seen it, and all thoughts of his brother faded away. "Could you tell me about it? Please? I really am sorry about being all mean and stuff! I'll make it up to you! By, uhm..." Well, he didn't really know what he had to offer this weird blue nosed girl. "I'll help you hunt something!" He wasn't particularly good at hunting, but it sounded fun so he hoped she would want to do it anyways. And either way he hoped he would get a good story out of it. With a newfound excitement he wriggled and smiled. "My name is Orion Aeris. What's yours?"

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
Dire wolf

1KChristmas 2019
01-21-2018, 10:18 PM (This post was last modified: 12-13-2019, 01:17 PM by Darya.)

Even as the boy deflated Darya felt guilty again, she certainly didn't like feeling maybe she had made him feel bad; still she wasn't sure how to react to him. He spoke and it took the girl a few seconds to work her way through the words he said, and she only stared at him blankly. "Could you tell me about it? Please? I really am sorry about being all mean and stuff! I'll make it up to you! He continued and despite herself Darya took a single tentative step towards him. His excitement certainly made her feel a bit better, her tiny tail wavering ever so slightly.

He offered a name, Orion, and then asked for her own. "Am Darya Ilari Lunashka-Morningstar!" She said, her voice still soft and a bit tentative still she gave her name with little hesitation, unaware as of yet that listing all her names was probably not what he was looking for. She screwed up her face for a moment, digging through her memory to find the image of the monster she and Jupiter had fought on the beach.

"Monster big, lots of claws, never stop moving. Tried to claw up to dry land and almost ate Darya and Jupiter! Her tiny voice grew a bit more in volume as she spoke, her nervousness forgotten as she recounted her adventure. "Darya not let monster climb up land, Darya protect everyone!

Walk "Говорить" Think

Lineart by TaruFaolchu