
Appeasing the king[Asmodeus lineage 2 available]

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
01-08-2018, 02:52 PM (This post was last modified: 01-08-2018, 07:56 PM by Lucifer I.)
So Lucifer and Vianni are at it once more. This time we will be offering up two kids for adoption. We will be extremely picky with the players, and we will not be buying the pup passes for you this time. We have designs a plenty for you to use but you are free to make your own. Same rules as last time. White masks/faces are mandatory. Discount on height of up to 42" at 25%. They are cannibalistic so this is a trait all their children would learn so don't make one that goes against this for no reason should have icly developed reason if this happens. Beware if these kids irritate Vianni icly or are not "perfect" may end up dead before a year old. She is trying to get back into the good graces of Lucifer after disappearing for over a season on him. These kids should fall in the darker alignments. If u want later in their lives Lucifer is into incest so that is always a possible thing if you want.

[b]OC name:[/b]
[b]Personality:[/b] 200+ words
[b]Appearance:[/b] 150+ words
[b]Rp sample:[/b] 200 + words
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.


01-08-2018, 05:08 PM
OC name:

Agoston Basil Asmodeus


200+ words

Design #4, only without brown spots on mouth

150+ words

Rp sample:
200 + words



4 Years
01-14-2018, 06:06 PM (This post was last modified: 01-17-2018, 01:22 PM by Vianni.)
There was only 1 free pup awarded for this litter, and as player of the mother I am gonna take that slot, provided Asena doesn't want it. Any other pups from this litter must have pup passes.

I'm keeping design 14, also, because it inspires me! ^^
His name will be Baphomet Asmodeus, and he will be an albino lol



02-01-2018, 04:48 PM (This post was last modified: 02-01-2018, 05:34 PM by Visitor.)
[Image: ga1XZ8c.png]

OC name: Rasta
Name: Rex Asmodeus
Gender: Male
Personality: Rex was born itching to cause trouble, despite his name translating directly from Latin to English to 'King'. He thinks no different of himself really, but he has no boundaries, no lines he shouldn't cross, nothing. Rex will do anything he wants, he doesn't care what's in his way or who tries to stop him. This rebellious behavior is immediate at birth, quick to try and shove his brother out of the way if it means he gets the change to get someplace first, especially to food. Rex has little care for others in the world, only him and his desires.

As he ages, there's little change. He's just as selfish as he was as a child and it's unlikely anything will change that. He was out to please his parents as a child, trying to be perfect in every way. He learned everything he knows from his parents, including cannibalism, which he favors greatly. Even a bit sadistic at times, the man enjoys quite a few things most wouldn't and isn't the ideal 'friend' for most. Any friends the man does make certainly walk on eggshells around Rex, as he's known for his temper and to take things to the max when he's angry. The man never feels remorse, or hasn't yet, and doesn't things simply because he wants to or because he can, simple as that.
Appearance: Built like a tank even at birth, Rex isn't small or light weight. He'll grow to be thirty-six inches at full height, even though he'll be packing on more pounds than inches for a long time. As a pup, he's roly-poly and quite round, and he actually won't grow out of it for a while. In face, the chubbiness will instead turn into sheer bulk and muscle in time, so anyone calling him fat better start digging their own graves now. As he ages, he'll remain stocky giving the illusion that he's actually shorter than he really is. All of this weight bears down on him and slows his agility down, but he packs a mean punch.

He resembles his mother more so than his father, but like all of the Asmodeus lineage, he bears the white mask across his face. Like few others, his portrays the skeleton mask with the dark circles encompassing each rose pink eye, but the mask ends before his bottom jaw, leaving it entirely dark as with his ears and nape, like he were wearing a hood that stretched down his chest towards his underside. The rest of his body is primarily a dusty taupe color, save for some stockings that fade up his legs matching the hood. White toes match his face as well as a solid white tail that trickles down towards his nethers, bathing the whole area as well as only the longest hairs of his naval towards his chest before splitting into a V shape on his point of his sternum.
Rp sample: Rising before the sun was hard for a young pup to do, but not for Rex. He'd been rising early for weeks now, practicing on the early morning rabbits long before the others knew he was gone. He hadn't caught anything yet, nor had he received any proper hunting lessons, but he'd seen it done. That was all he needed right? Apparently, not. The child had been practicing for weeks on these rabbits, so much that he was sure they were learning to not stick around these parts anymore. Rex puffed his cheeks up in disappointment and trudged on through the trees, abandoning the den in hopes of finally catching a prize to surprise his parents.

He wandered for a few minutes, but he didn't want to get lost and not be able to find his way back. He may still be young, but he wasn't stupid. Knowing he'd taken so many paces, he looked back behind him and saw the den. He was still close, as long as he could see it anyway. While his head was turned, there was a rustle in the shrubs near him that jerked his head back around. He nearly scrambled to hide, hoping he wasn't seen, and peeked out from behind a tree to see a medium sized rabbit strolling out into the clearing he had just been standing in. This was his chance. Now or never.

Rex took a deep breath, but was careful to be as quiet as possible with it. He didn't want to give himself away just yet. Creeping out from behind the tree, he looked silly and awkward, such a round puppy stalking a rabbit. Though if anyone stopped to laugh at him, Rex would certainly have their head on a platter in about two seconds, even if he wasn't the one that severed it. The rabbit seemed unsuspecting at first, but he could see in it's beady black eye that he'd been spotted. For some reason, the rabbit just froze and stared at him, seemingly trying to judge the treat. Run from the fat puppy or just sit still and it'll probably miss like last time??

This time won't be like last time.

A little prematurely, but with everything the little pup had, Rex leapt forward at the rabbit and somehow managed to catch it! He wasn't sure at first, but dry feeling of fur on his tongue completed by the struggling of something not dead in his jaws made it certain. A little puppy growl later and a bit of a struggle and the rabbit was dead, lifeless in the pups jaws. The warm blood pooled in his mouth and he swallowed what he could, but the rest dripped out, marking his trail back to the den.

"Mom-ma, Dad, look!" He exclaimed, parading into the den with his catch, nearly shoving the rabbit into theirs and his siblings faces, so proud of himself. Certainly there was everything wrong with how he went about doing it, but that's not what matters, what matters is that he killed.


02-04-2018, 11:12 AM
Alright I'm going to go ahead and announce our choice for the pup

Rasta with Rex