
You say you want a symphony


01-08-2018, 08:32 PM
Sand. Miles and miles of sand.

Adedayo hated it. They hated whatever had pulled them here, and they were past the point of regretting it. They had been lost for what seemed like forever, and at this point they weren't sure if they weren't just wandering around in circles. It was hard to tell, when all they could see was sand. Maybe they were going somewhere, and maybe they weren't. Either way, they needed someone to help them get out of here. And fast, at that. Even if it was as hot as it probably could be, walking for what seemed like hours was not good at all. Annoyance filled them as they wandered again, stopping for a moment to kick up some sand. "Ugh!" Nobody was around to see their annoyance, right? At least, none that they could see. Casting a glare at the sand they had kicked up, slightly shifted from the movement, they almost debated kicking it again. Instead, their ears flattened against their skull, and they hesitated for just a moment.

With annoyance practically radiating off of them, they collapsed to the sand dramatically, legs folding underneath them as they rolled onto their back, legs flailing in a puppy temper-tantrum as they opened their jaws to complain, loudly, to anyone who may be passing by. Or nothing at all. Either way, it felt good to complain about how much they loathed the area they had wandered into. "This place is so stupid! It's dumb and all the sand is dumb and I hate it!"



5 Years
Extra large
01-14-2018, 12:32 AM

The desert was covered in rolling hills. Wind stirs up the wispy sand and the sun’s never ending rays beat down on him mercilessly and there was no way in hell he did not enjoy it. After a unfortunate encounter and a moment of weakness he was almost completely back to normal. His long travels must have been the cause of his faint moments and after days passed within the desert he came to call home he never felt better, who knew there was such land that mirrored Egypt. Salty sweat rolled off his nose and stang his eyes, he had been walking for a half a day now, getting familiar with the strange land she stumbled upon before making any decision of staying, however the encounter played over and over within his skull. The stiff, dry desert breeze blew sand into his eyes and before it happened any further the golden pools squeezed to protect his sight. The sun that was orange only an hour ago, shining warmly upon the night-chilled soil has become a yellow inferno. There is no more softness to the world, no more hint of the night as it ebbs away. Now there was only the day. The sun was the fire and until nightfall his home will be the coolest place to be, set deep in the earth, taking the refrigeration of the soil. Before she could decide on such spot before golden pools, with their own magnetic pull, a scene would be performed. Something of a tantrum thrown by a child. What was a child doing here? A dark aura surrounds this male. Everything about him screamed of power, dominance and a confidence that would put even the devil to shame. Shoulders were broad, his chest wide extending down into a slim, yet masculine torso and feline waist. Hips were narrow, as are most males, and his legs seem endless as he moved towards the child. Thick, firm muscle covers almost every inch of this incubus as they rippled underneth his soft tissues of skin, carrying him into a gracefull, regal fashion. Crown held high, the sun above did nothing more but bring him justice as his luminescene fur glimmerd brighter, a glow that surrounded him whole, accentuating his carnal beauty.  "Ssssire, do we really want to interact with ssssuch weak child? "

" words of a god"
"words of ramses"

html by castlegraphics; image by vethysnia
Flowers in Chania
Mature themed character; thread at your own risk
Ramses is a 50" venemous Cottonmouth snake present all the time unless stated otherwise