
You only live once



2 Years
01-12-2018, 03:21 PM (This post was last modified: 01-12-2018, 03:23 PM by Nyx.)
Jade was pretty sure it was time to come home. Not.. that this place really felt like home as much as it once had. She'd scouted the borders for awhile, catching no sign of her family's scents. No dad, no mom, no brother or sister. She'd noticed that her father had been distant for awhile, but it wasn't like him to just.. up and leave, either, was it? Hell, maybe they'd come back looking for her - she really wasn't sure what to expect at this point. The lanky female spent a long while lingering near the edge of the plains staying out of the marked pack borders, but coming close to them.

After a long while of thought, she tipped her ashen snout to the sky and let loose a fall for Dragon. She presumed he was still the ruler; his scent was strong here, plainly familiar even after a few seasons away. He'd always been kind to her, someone she'd spent more time with than most members of Talis.. and she supposed if he was still around, this was as close to home as it would get for her, at least for the present.



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
01-15-2018, 04:33 PM

He patrolling the borders with the aid of his companions. Though he didn't really need their help while on Talis lands, he knew his home inside and out. With the exception of the unexplored parts of the castle, that...he still needed help navigating. But the plains? He knew this part of the lands like the back of his paw. Though he missed his sight, he knew he could do just fine without. Or at least, as fine as he could anyway. He would have to relearn how to fight, it was just one of many potential roads he would have to travel. He sighed, wondering how the rest of the pack felt about disability. Would they start to think him incompetent? Would they lose all respect for him? Did he even have their respect to begin with? He had brought them here and they'd been here for a long time now, and these thoughts did nothing but harbor in him the feeling of inadequacy. He would just have to wait and see...

As he stopped to sniff at a strange smelling plant (A herb he assumed, though he had no idea what it was since herbs weren't his thing), his ears twitched and his head lifted when he heard a howl at the borders. He cocked his head to the side, scarred visage turned in the direction where the howl had come from. Something about it sounded vaguely familiar, like he knew who it belonged to but hadn't heard that voice in what seemed like forever. He thought about it for a moment, and then it clicked. Jade! She was back!? He broke into an easy lope, the male excited that someone had returned. He didn't know what had become of the Bade family, and was incredibly saddened when they had all disappeared. He figured maybe it was his fault...the family had disappeared sometime after the raid, and thought that perhaps that was what drove them off.

It didn't take him long to reach the borders, though he wasn't quite sure exactly where she was, Kimahri guided him with his shoulder until the trio stood before her. "Jade! It's been a long time, how are you?" He questioned eagerly, though he wasn't mad or upset with her, he was...happy that she was safe. Or at least, he hoped she was. He didn't smell any blood or injuries on her, and figured she was doing well. Out of Esarosa and Steel's kids, Jade had been one he spent the most time with. Or tried to, anyway. He remembered the hunt they did together, and he was proud when she had caught her first tiny deer.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



2 Years
01-18-2018, 07:54 AM
It was hard for Jade to not feel at least partially uncertain about this. Talis had been a fine place to live, and it had been basically all she'd ever known growing up.. but there was so much world she hadn't explored and she hoped she wouldn't regret coming here. At least being in one stable place gave her a chance to reunite with her family again, if that was what they wanted. She really wasn't sure about anything anymore, not entirely, at least.

It didn't take all that long for Dragon to respond to her call, ambling in her direction from the distance. She beamed, excited to reunite with him, but she couldn't help but let her expression wilt slightly when he came closer. His face was scarred, and his eyes were... vacant. Not looking right at her. Jade wasn't quite sure what to make of it, but she'd ignore it for now while she tried to make sense of what had happened to him. "Dragon," she greeted him gently in return, feeling her tail beginning to wave behind her.

His question made her pause for a second, considering. "I've been fine. I'm sorry I left without an explanation," Jade started tentatively, hoping he understood - but almost understanding if he didn't want to. He'd always struck her as a reasonable and kind man, though, so she had a feeling he wouldn't react badly to her return. "I started to feel a bit weird without my family around, so felt the urge to wander off for awhile though. But I'd like to return to Talis, I think." Her ears flicked, standing up a bit taller as she waited. "I understand if you say no, but I can promise I won't disappear this time without letting you know first." A smile quirked her lips as she spoke, glad to be back here despite her worries.