
Rite Of Election



4 Years
01-15-2018, 02:42 PM

Tyranis looked at his pack, feeling his stomach clench. No one had offered to take the role of Quartermaster and it seemed the role of Chief Infantry officer would be closely fought for. Very well. Tyranis had his own opinions on who should be placed where but knew that such comments would be unwelcome if not hypocritical.
“Let each of you now cast your vote for the ranks of Chief Intelligence Officer, or Chief Infantry Officer. Your nominees are Acere Praetor, Ashmedai Imperialis, or Naudir Finnvi” He declared to the pack at large. “The rest of you may select a tier 5 rank of your own choosing once your vote has been cast.” He said finally and sat back to wait for the voice of his people.

OOC; This got buried by the Holidays but it’s the last post of the previous meeting. Your character must vote for both the Chief Intelligence Officer and the Chief Infantry officer, as well as select a rank for themselves. If your character wishes to become Chief Quartermaster it must be done in a separate thread. Once your character has finished they may exit. Naudir, Acere, and Ashmedai may not vote, the pups haven’t been born yet, and Iolanta had not yet joined. DUE BY JANUARY 30th

Speaking Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



7 Years
Chrono I

01-16-2018, 01:51 AM
Walk | "Talk" | Think

Seeing the wolves as they thought or mumbled among themselves, Aranea would stand gently and come closer to the group. She was beginning to not feel well and just wanted to get it over with and be about her day. An eye to Tyranis, her alpha and lover, and would speak as loud as she could but with little accomplishment.

"I'd like to vote for-" a quick turn of her head as she was holding back from the sickness growing in her belly, "Naudir as Intelligence." She seemed to have a great deal of knowledge coming from the pack she spoke of, of traders and raiders.

As for the two men, she had a hard time choosing that herself. They were both fine, strong looking men and in Aranea's opinion, that was all that mattered. Well kind of, but she was young and dumb and whatever else the youngin's were known for. Ashmedai had been involved in a winning war, and Acere seemed to have a little more experience despite his so-close but younger age. She had yet to meet any of these wolves... Only Storm and a glimpse of Cloudburst. So who was she to know anything? "And I'd like to vote Acere for Infantry."

She wouldn't even stick around ten more minutes before almost silently dismissing herself, "I really must excuse myself, I am sorry." Looking to Tyranis the whole time. He knew what was wrong with her and besides, she was beyond embarrassed at herself by now.

-Exit Aranea-

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead


01-20-2018, 11:03 PM

Legion was still doing his best to keep up with all this pack infrastructure stuff. He'd only just begun to learn the rules and now there were confusing ranks and elections to go with it. He didn't really know what to make of it all, but Tyranis clearly thought it was important so he supposed he should too, right? What didn't help was that he didn't know any of these wolves personally. He had no idea of their strengths or weaknesses or what they were even like personality wise. How was he supposed to make a calculated decision based on what they thought of themselves? He didn't see what else he was supposed to do so he scrutinized the nominees for a good minute while Aranea cast her vote.

"Naudir seems like a good choice for Chief Infantry Officer." He said with a fair amount of confidence. He'd never heard of this pack called Yfir, but he was envious of her birds and they seemed like they'd be useful for many things involving that particular rank. "Acere seems like a good choice for Chief Infantry Officer, but honestly this is a hard choice. I wouldn't mind seeing them spar it out." He doubted that would be an option, but it would have given him a clearer idea of who to choose after seeing them fight one another.

As for himself, well what was he good at? He could fight, his mother had at least made sure her children could do that, and he was a decent hunter too. Being a loner all his life had ensured that he at least knew how to feed himself, especially since he'd been a child prone to wandering. Really he just wanted Tyranis to tell him where he needed him and Legion was happy to do it. He'd already made two important decisions today, why did he have to make a third?

"I guess just place me as Infantry Officer?" He supposed if it didn't work out he always had hunting to fall back on.