
Sunset Sublime



5 Years
Dire wolf

01-15-2018, 04:13 PM (This post was last modified: 01-15-2018, 05:31 PM by Amon.)

Ranging beyond his borders was not something Amon thought overmuch off. The fate and safety of his Empire was of paramount importance, above all else, but that did not mean he could not trust the rest of his kind to love and protect it as ardently as he himself. The Fallen God would love and protect all of his children, so what did he have to fear? With a lightness to his gate, the titan seemed to flow over the terra as he ran, exulting in the feel of cool, dry air rushing through his lungs.

He found it beneficial to be as aware of the surrounding lands as he was of his own. Anything less would feel complacent, and so he made a point to patrol them regularly. That day he turned his course north and west, following the land as it rose. Misty air from the ocean coalesced against the cliff face, its precipitation paired with the past seasons rainfall combining to create an elaborate series of falls. The land was verdant yet, even as the dry season had arrived, the greenery growing ever more verdant the closer he drew to the falls. Amon slowed as they came into.

He had been in this place several times before, but he had yet to tire of the view. He stood on the shore of the small pool, looking up at the cascade as he pondered where to go from there. Amon had a mind to climb the cliffs and overlook the shore, and so he set off away from the falls, climbing ever higher as the land rose and picking his way amongst jumbles of slick stone as he went.
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



6 Years
01-15-2018, 08:54 PM
Navigation - Lazuli Falls

Being a member of a pack seemed to have ups and downs. Things looked up when she reunited with Dragon and got to spend a potentially excessive amount of time with him, pestering him when he tried to do alpha type things and convincing him to sleep in late and be her pillow. It was a pretty good time, really. She'd yet to tire of it, which was a bonus. But, the downs came when Arwen got upset about Iskra deciding to join Dragon's pack and Iskra wasn't sure if she should try to convince her to join too, or just let the girl be for a while. Growing weary of thinking about such matters and wanting to enjoy more of Auster since it was now her home, Iskra had opted to set off on yet another grand adventure in hopes of having some fun and clearing her mind for a while.

The woman made it a fair distance in a relatively short amount of time, moving swiftly on those red legs wrapped in ivory ribbons of markings, appreciating how beautiful Auster remained even as things began to warm up and dry out. How often did the continent contend with things like wildfires? It wasn't even the peak of the dry season and she could see how it could get to be exceptionally warm. For now though, the plant life stayed strong in the rising heat, holding onto its lively verdant appearance for dear life. Wandering past Wraith's Woods, she's found a place where a small stream coming from a lake ran into a larger creek, but that territory was claimed. Turning slowly and moving a bit north towards the water, she first faintly heard, and then saw the falls. Her eyes grew wide with excitement and the red woman charged forward to investigate this exciting new landmark at a quick lope.

Without hesitation she'd climbed up part of it, and when she was lass than halfway up she turned to look down at the pool below her. It had been quite deep where she'd been, and the water was just beautiful. She was so close to the waterfall where she stood that it's spray hit her shoulder and sprinkled bits of water over her coat. Out of the corner of her eye she noted a larger man also climbing the falls, but she ignored him. Gathering her body under her, Iskra tensed like a coiled spring before jumping forward and down from her perch, flying through the air and falling down, down, down until she hit the water and sunk several feet through it. She was near enough to the bottom to decide to swim down a little and push off of it with her hind legs to help herself resurface quickly. When she at last could breath she took large gulps of air for several moments, grinning like a fool at what she'd just done. That was fun!



5 Years
Dire wolf

01-27-2018, 08:13 PM

Amon had not covered more than a handful of yards before a blur of red materialized. He froze, watching as the scarlet blob launched itself over the edge of the waterfall's mouth and plummeted into the water below. To his credit, Amon gave no outward sign of his astonishment other than the widening of his eyes. Teal orbs were locked onto the churning surface of the once-clam lagoon, waiting for whatever it was to resurface. When it did, Amon felt a breath slither out of him. Of course it would be another one of the strange astral wolves which seemed rampant here amongst Auster's lands.

It did much to endear Amon further to the small swath he could call his own. Clearly the land was riddled with magic and oddities and a presence of something more. Of course, that didn't mean this foreign-patterned wolves had been anything but a bother at his every interaction with them. His teal gaze fell on the small scarlet woman with as much impassivity as he could channel there. He quirked a brow, not deigning to speak, merely inquiring as to her sudden appearance.

"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



6 Years
01-27-2018, 09:57 PM
Treading water where she was for a moment the flame-like woman caught sight of the smokey black male who stood statuesque and oh-so boring looking up there. Still with her wide grin parting her jaws Iskra would let her tail wag, slapping the surface of the shimmering water with it's drenched fur and making a fair amount of noise. "If you turn that frown upside down and jump in the water, I'll catch you lunch," she offered, blue eyes glinting with mischief as she had to raise her voice a little over the sound of rushing water.

Swimming towards the falls, she reached with her front paws each stroke seeking firm ground to stand on again. When she found it she was halfway in the falls, her left half being sprayed by the white water coming down. Pacing at the base of the falls, she nearly forgot the dark colored man up above as she tried to decide if she wanted to climb the falls again. If she did she might forget to climb to the top and just leap into the water below again.

At one point in her indecision she sought to lean up against a rock but quickly realized there was a space there cast in shadow and she fell awkwardly into the gap with a not so attractive "Ack!" oops... Wait what was this? Where was she? Peering into the dark passage Iskra narrowed her blue eyes and stood, shaking out her fur a bit as she eyed the space, the man forgotten while the born wanderer debated exploring whatever this was.