



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
01-16-2018, 08:34 PM
Everybody Wants To Rule The World

Moonlight loomed low on the horizon as the evening sun was swallowed by darkness, it's remaining light flickering red and faded in the distance. The moon was full and bright as Ashiel stepped into the Boneyard, taking a deep breath of cool air. Tonight was the night he stepped through the gates of destiny and made his mother and his uncle proud. Tonight was the night he'd be crowned an emperor.  Ashiel scoped out a decent flat area with few rocks or bones and carefully primed himself for the battle to come. Griff, his black-winged kite, was perched in a tree that was growing just outside the battle ring and doing his own preparing. A blind mortal alpha wasn't something Ashiel could understand. The moment he'd caught that weakness he had an pulsating instinct to snuff it out. After all, was his family not put on this earth to take power from such as these? They did not deserve to be leaders in this land.

Even so, Ashiel was wary. His time spent with Valdís had him questioning the nature of magic. Her people believed that if a warrior were true and lost a part of himself in battle that he might gain a gift in its place. Was it possible that Dragon held some sort of second sight now? Valdís… she was going to be pissed and he felt a sting of regret at that but it swiftly passed. They barely knew each other. They'd only met a few times and one of those times had ended in a battle. She'd be just another mortal if it weren't for her sorcery.

Of course proximity had been the main factor. Ashiel was looking to set up a pack in Auster and so it was in Auster he would make his challenge. It also helped that he'd toured Talis with his mother. They'd joked about it afterward. The thrill of it, being led right into the heart of that poor pack with only their own interests in mind. Ashiel's mind had been set to conquest. Pyralis was a free spirit and had no strong feelings toward the mortal pack one way or another. When he'd named his target to her she laughed. The mortal alpha was no more than an amusement to her in the way a pup might find excitement in a one-winged bird.

Tipping back his head he howled, a strong, low note that summoned the alpha of Talis to the battlefield to defend his pack. It was an old way of doing things but Ashiel wanted this to be about him. He didn't care to have his family go waltzing into Talis like they had in Dragoste. He wanted them at the Boneyard, watching, witnessing him. Besides, he planned to give Talis the same offer as Dragoste had been given before their alpha's foolish insistence on a death match.

The last light of the sun vanished and the moon rose full, bright and beautiful as Griff rustled his feathers. Ashiel whispered a silent prayer and prepared for the battle at hand.

ASHIEL vs DRAGON for TALIS (Pack Challenge)
RD. 0/?
Height: 42"
Build: Heavy


-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
01-16-2018, 09:01 PM
Not usually one for hurry, Malleus somehow managed to make it to the boneyard in a jiffy. He was pleased with his young cousin's initiative and wanted to be there during the challenge to support him. It was no small feat to manage a pack, but if anyone in their ranks could do it, Ashiel could. The boy - no, he wasn't really a boy anymore, was he? - was smart and capable. He had the temperament of a leader and the intelligence to rule cunningly. With him at the head of another pack the Abraxas would be well on their way to owning Auster. It was only a matter of time before they had it all.

Reaching Ashiel, Malleus sought out his gaze and gave a firm nod of approval. He then moved to stand a few yards away, just close enough to make his support clear. His cool, calculating gaze swept over their surroundings in search of not only the challengee, but the packmates he was about to lose. For the sake of those who would undoubtedly come to support their alpha, he hoped they got through the challenge without too many fights.

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.



7 Years
01-16-2018, 09:18 PM

She had been out an about exploring more of Auster and also finding trails for prey. She hadn't had vary much time to settle in and had felt like she hadn't really gotten to know many of the pack members. The only one she had really interacted with had been Dragon the alpha and the one who accepted her into the pack. She wasn't even aware that her own sister had attempted to join the pack. She hadn't really formed any relationships, but she had been hard at work attempting to get into her rank and prove her worth to the pack.

When the howl started she didn't think much of it, but when she stopped to listen she realized the true intent behind it. It was a challenge call, summoning Dragon. Her eyes widened slightly realizing what this could mean, but it also made her feel jittery. Being part of a nomadic clan, she had never seen challenges. Really other then sparring with her siblings she had never seen a true blue fight or the results that could come from it. So she was Jittery to see what exactly this challenge meant. Plus she should be there for support.

She switched directions she burst into a run to get there as quickly as she could. Her lean form smoothing smoothly over the land, a body built to run. As she hit the borders she slowed to a trot and approached with slight caution, unsure what she would find. When the male who called came into view she was surprised to see the male she met a few weeks ago with the dark pelted female. Seeing him made her vary unsure how to act, but her curiosity got the best of her and she sat far back, facing the male with a curious gaze.

"Speech" & 'Think'



5 Years
Dire wolf

01-17-2018, 11:08 AM

Hearing his nephew's call on the wind was a jolt of both surprise and, perhaps most surprisingly, respect. Pyralis had told him several times that she saw the spark of a leader in the boy. It would appear that she had not been mistaken. Amon tipped his head back and let loose another howl in response, alerting the rest of the Empire that something was afoot, spreading the message along. Beside him Gulo grinned, flashing his impressive set of teeth. The wolverine's ferocity and lust for battle was one of the many reasons Amon felt fit to allow the beast to travel along with him, and he was certain Gulo would not want to miss this either. Amon turned towards the boneyard.

Both Ashiel and Malleus were there already by the time Amon and Gulo arrived, along with a Talis wolf who was certainly not their alpha. Amon had heard the mortal was blind now, apparently the same man he and Malleus had fought the mutant bear alongside. Well, if he believe two felines were protection enough from the reach of the Fallen God, he would be rather unpleasantly surprised. Amon moved to stand behind his son and his nephew, approval and pride radiating from him. These two boys were worthy heirs of the Fallen God's blessing, and Amon was certain their patron would not let him fall this day.

"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



5 Years
Extra large
01-17-2018, 02:01 PM

After their talk, Razi had kept Ashiel's plans in mind. Among a group of fierce and ambitious wolves he managed to stand out, becoming a source of interest for more than just her. When the woman heard her nephew's call it was difficult for her to decide if she was truly surprised or not. He had more than proven himself to be full of surprises, yet Razi hadn't expected him to make his move so soon. Abandoning her pondering over the whys and other unimportant details, the dark pelted woman made her way to observe this challenge and offer support to Ashiel.

When she entered the scene Razi found only a handful of wolves present, a sight that pleased her because it meant she would not miss any of the action. Settling herself near to Amon and Malleus, Razi glanced over at the Talis member who'd also arrived and found herself awaiting the arrival of the Talis Alpha. Looking over to Ashiel, she called, loud enough for him and their kin to hear but not the wolf who sat further away, "Fight well, Ashiel." She wouldn't wish him luck, since all her kin knew luck would have nothing to do with it.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: r4X4w1S.png?1]



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
01-17-2018, 03:23 PM
As soon as the call rang out, Archon couldn't resist running towards it. This was history in the making; The Fallen God's takeover. Though Archon had confidence in their bloodline, he knew victory was not yet assured. He had seen many fights and knew it was not wise to underestimate the mortal beings.

Still, he couldn't help but feel relaxed. Perhaps it was a sign that things would go their way.

As Archon arrived, he saw many of his family members present. He offered each a respectful nod as he went and settled by his family. He felt there was nothing he needed to add in terms of commentary, so he simply waited, a small, proud smile on his lips.

The Fallen God would be pleased today.



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
01-19-2018, 04:23 PM

He was finishing up his last round of patrols for the evening, the earthen male heading back to his room in the castle. Though it seemed that as soon as he had reached the castle steps, a howl would pierce the air. Head turned, ears alert as the howl faded away. He vaguely recognized the voice, but couldn't quite put a name to it. The intent behind the call, however, was as clear as day. Someone was challenging him for his pack. Nearby, he could hear the thuds of both Kimahri and Shiva's paws as they jumped down from their perches on the stone walls and he could hear their growls. "A call to arms, it seems..." Dragon nodded, taking a deep breath as he then decided to head out to the boneyard.

Never before had he been challenged, nor had he participated in such an event. But there was a first for everything, right? On his way there, he couldn't help but think about who it might be...a stranger? Someone he knew? Someone who maybe had a vendetta against him? Was it Celestial? So many questions, but he would let his mind go clear as he focused on the task at hand. Shiva walked along his shoulder, guiding him towards the field of battle (not that he really needed it since he knew Auster like the back of his paw). And once they arrived, he could smell a few wolves present already. Most were foreign, though they did smell"Ashiel..." Kimahri hissed. What? So it was Ashiel who had called him here? Nearby, he could smell Zinnia, ears falling back slightly with her presence. He knew she hadn't been around too long, and regretted that he hadn't tried a little harder to help her integrate better into the pack. Beyond her, however, there was nobody else from Talis present just yet. Not that he minded though, it was less distraction and less to worry about.

He recognized another scent there, the male he had fought mutant creatures with on two separate occasions. He was here too? Man, this was turning into some weird reunion huh? Attention turning back to Ashiel, he couldn't help but think about the time he and his mother came to explore his lands. Was this the purpose? Had he been stupid enough to trust them and let them infiltrate his lands? Man, he had a lot to reflect on after this. Ashiel knew his weakness, and though he was blind, Armai had taught him a few things and his mother had trained with him. Likewise, Kimahri and Shiva had helped him out a great deal. He was confident, but even he knew he had his limits. He had gone to visit the spirits on several occasions, requesting their aid and guidance. Now, it was time to put all that faith to the test. "Ashiel, why am I not surprised?" He had been....just a little bit...but he wouldn't let him know that.

Dragon VS Ashiel for TALIS
Round: 0/4
Height: 39"
Build: Heavy


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
01-20-2018, 01:23 PM

Valdís was working her way through the dusk patrol. She'd caught the scent of a pair of loners that had skirted around Talis territory and she wanted to make sure they hadn't permeated the perimeter.  She was halfway through her circuit when a haunting call floated across the plains. It made her fur stand up and she knew immediately what it was. It was a challenge for Talis and she was almost certain the voice sounded familiar but she was uncertain. Why would someone be challenging for Talis? For a moment she wondered if it was someone from Celestial breaking from the pack to target them.

Swiftly she made her way toward the Boneyard and when she arrived she felt her stomach clench as she glared at Ashiel. That rat!  She couldn't believe he was the one challenging. They weren't close but she'd rather enjoyed the few times they'd met. The only wolf she recognized apart from Dragon was Zinnia. That meant the rest had to be Ashiel's family. Stars there were so many of them!  She moved to stand protectively near Zinnia in case any of Ashiel's family decided to pick a fight. She snarled. "I can't believe you Ashiel. I don't even know what to say. How dare you!  We were kind enough to let you into our territory and this is how you thank us? By attacking a blind alpha. I'm sure your family must be so proud." She let the sarcasm drip from her voice.  She was practically shaking with anger. She didn't know Dragon super well, she'd joined right during a raid and then after kept mostly to herself. She'd been in packs where the alpha had been defeated before, she'd been through regime changes. On the surface it was really no big deal but there was something about the fact that it was Ashiel challenging that made the whole situation feel like a betrayal. But then… what had she been expecting?

"Talk" "You" Think



13 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipDouble MasterLegendaryPride - BisexualAuster Explorer
Treat 2019Famous
01-20-2018, 01:29 PM
Chasing Twisters In The Canyon

Pyralis had been lounging about near the creek when she heard her son's challenge ring out through the air. Her golden eyes opened lazily to the night air as a toothy grin split her face. She'd been expecting the challenge to be made any day now and while part of her still felt he was to young she was pleased to see him taking such initiative. The Risen Empire had quickly become crowded as the family moved in and to maintain a healthy pack population they needed a new pack swiftly.

She rose to her feet and stretched. Well, this would be entertaining. She arrived just as Dragon had and was pleased to see most of the family was there. When Valdís arrived and tried to set Ashiel on fire with her stare Pyralis could only laugh. "Well, hello to you too, Valdís." She liked the fiery young woman. She wouldn't have asked her to play coyote ball if she hadn't but it was just like her to get a bee in her bonnet. She moved toward the woman to take care of this little conversation. "I don't remember declaring us friends or allies so that was your mistake.  The tour was simply a mutual little thing. A chance for me to explore, for my son to ask questions in return for our family not invading your pack. Who would've expected that we'd take the opportunity to inspect your territory, your numbers, the state of your alpha…" Really, how could they not immediately use that information to the advantage of the Abraxas? It was like asking a cat not to chase a fleeing mouse.

"As for Dragon's blindness, that is lamentable but if he felt it such a disadvantage he was free to step down and put a more physically capable alpha in charge. He did not and we will not let pride blind us from pressing an advantage." Well, mostly. The Abraxas were truly a proud family and there would be more credit for fighting a fully-equipped opponent then one who was weakened but that was far from the point. Conquest was a thing of strategy and over-confidence was a terrible adversary. If an opponent presented a weakness it was to be exploited and that was exactly what they were doing. Though of course, as Pyralis had just recently learned, nothing was quite so straight forward. "And as for that blindness, Ashiel told me that you personally believe that when a warrior loses a part of himself, be it sight or a limb, that if he is worthy, a new skill will resurface in it's place. Consider this a test of that." After all, in her family there were a select few who would be spared from culling if they exhibited gifts to make up for the disability like the ability to see into the future, or converse with the spirits of the nether realms. Even Seth was allowed to remain despite his dwarfism for his intelligence and skill in healing. In many ways it made her jealous. She remembered her conversation with Dragon and the question had stayed with her. Should she be blinded in battle what would her family do? Could she really be a successful warrior without her sight? And without it what could she possibly offer in place of that missing ability? She'd come to the conclusion that she would not be killed off as she feared but the question still bothered her. She'd be watching this fight with intense interest. In many ways this was a case of curiosity. What would a blind alpha do when it was all on the line? Had he found a way to compensate? She couldn't wait to find out.

Valdís seemed reasonably satisfied with the answer though still clearly not happy. Both women fell silent as Pyralis took her seat to await the beginning of the battle.

My Cathedral Is The Badlands

Please note that Pyralis is a ghost. It is up to you to decide what level your chars can see/hear her. She was killed by having her throat ripped apart. At times the wound may be visible and be actively bleeding.

Hear ye!  Hear ye! Beware her Ladyship, her Excellence (etc. ad infinitum), Captain Pyralis Abraxas.  Thread with at yer own risk!  This cutthroat savage stands accused though not convicted of heinous crimes including murder, maiming, brawling, cursing, kidnapping and an unspeakable event involving a newt, two coyotes and a distressed potoo.  Ye've been warned!



6 Years
01-20-2018, 10:41 PM
She heard the call ring out and immediately felt a wave of displeasure and frustration run down her spine. It took little effort to remember the name of the caller; Ashiel, the boy who was all business. Now she understood his attitude, though she had no time to mull over her feelings about this family bent on conquest when she had a battle to observe and a man to offer her support to.

When Iskra arrived her sole focus was Dragon, to whom she would find herself rushing towards, strides long and confident as she ignored all else for the moment. Seeking to come and stand at his side, Iskra moved to nuzzle the man gently, now making sure to keep an eye on Ashiel's presumed relatives as she spoke, "Dragon, these wolves... I wish I'd have more ample time to speak with you about my run ins with them. They give me a bad feeling, but there isn't time to get into discussions now I suppose. I hope you know I'd happily fight alongside you if I could. But for now, I'll leave you with this," Moving and seeking to press her face into his neck just behind his ear she would then whisper for only him to hear, "Come back to me in one piece, and show the boy what I know to be true. Your blindness is a part of you now, but it is not all of you and you are more than capable of returning to me victorious. Let any overconfidence on his part work to your advantage. And know that I... love you." Was this the time to say that for the first time? She wasn't sure. But then again, Iskra was well known for letting her impulses take her where they may. Saying that felt right, so she did it.

Stepping back and standing at the sidelines with the other pack members Iskra found there was a tension in her frame that would not go away. The ethereal fae did not like this, not one bit.



5 Years
Dire wolf
01-21-2018, 07:27 AM
"I mean, his family is proud." Astaroth's voice cut through Valdis' words as she strutted in, eyes sparkling mishieviously as she cocked her head at the other woman. Pyralis' words were much more diplomatic than Astaroth's would have been, and truthfully, she was still going to speak when her aunt was done. As is, she hummed thoughtfully. Actually - no, she wouldn't speak. She didn't need to cause another fight when her cousin was challenging this alpha. Besides, it made her curious, this Valdis and her beliefs. That if you lose something, you gain something in return. If that was true, did Dragon gain anything? She'd heard rumours of members of her family being blind and being gifted with a different type of sight, a sight that let them see into the ever-changing future. Now, she'd never met these parts of her family, so she wasn't sure if they had been put down later on or what.

Truthfully, she didn't think her cousin could lose to a mortal, especially a blind mortal. The moment he lost his sight - in battle, it looks - he should have immediately stepped down and appointed someone else as alpha, or someone beside him who could fight. To remain alpha and physically disabled left a blinding target on his back, and his pack was pissed because someone took advantage of it. In fact... hmm. Would Ashiel gut this guy, or would he give the weak mortal a chance? Would the mortal even put up a fight? One worthy of them watching? Eh, they'd find out.
Circe has a male spitting cobra companion named Gwydion. Unless stated otherwise he is always with Circe.

Wanna plot with Circe? Check out the miscellaneous section on her profile!



4 Years
Extra small

Trick 2019
01-21-2018, 01:04 PM
The sound of a determined howl rose from the Boneyard, that intriguingly strange place of death and battle that had been a monument of violence for untold generations. Seth tilted his head, listening with a faint smile growing on that stunted muzzle. Well if it wasn't young Ashiel, taking the initiative that none of the older generation had bothered with. Amon had left the door wide open for them to flood out and take control for themselves, yet here it was his generation that was making that first move. Ah, not for him, though, not Seth. No one would follow a dwarf as their alpha.

He may not have the depth of healer training as he would want - he regretted Pyralis' decision to drop her healer-slave, but that was her decision to make, after all - but he had enough experience with fresh wounds over the years of making himself useful to his uncle while his cousins trained in battle that he felt himself competent enough in this case. He gathered up what herbs, bandages, and other paraphernalia might be useful for a ruthless battle and set off for the Boneyard with them gathered in a bundle.

Upon arriving at the scene of the call, though, he was quick to revise his opinion. Apparently, the mortals would be willing to follow ANYONE who was willing to take control. Listening to the back and forth between the various wolves, watching the alpha of the challenged pack, he was amused to realize that the alpha was... well, BLIND. And they followed him? Allowed him to lead them? Expected him to actually fight for them? Though he was obviously not of the opinion that all physical flaws should be culled (he preferred not to be killed, clearly) he also found the whole idea of being led by the handicapped to be... laughable.

With the biggest eyes, the most innocent expression anyone could possibly have mustered onto that malformed face of his, Seth padded over to sit alone between the two groups, sending a hidden wink to his male cousins where they'd gathered. They knew well enough what he was like, undoubtedly, and Ashiel would know that the dwarf supported his claim despite the implied rejection of avoiding the Abraxas. It was a dangerous game for him to play, with the touchy tempers and easily-pricked pride of some of his crazier relatives, but if the way Dragoste had scattered and panicked after Amon's takeover was any indication, someone would need to manipulate things and appear sympathetic and kindly to this other pack to quell some of the inevitable reactions.



8 Years

Trick 2019
01-21-2018, 04:11 PM
Gryphon blinked and lifted his head, listening in faint confusion to the howl calling for his brother. Not having really been witness to a pack challenge before, it took a long moment for it to register what the call meant. His first reaction was indignation at having his hunt interrupted, because obviously he would need to go to the boneyard with the rest of the pack to give their support to Dragon while he treated with the challenger. Immediately on the heels of that came a faint burst of 'I told you so', because hadn't he told Dragon time and again that his policies and his idiocy would just cause trouble for the pack and the family? Hadn't that, in fact, been what had gotten him demoted to omega in the first place? If he'd just followed through with taking control of the family and the pack when he'd first realized the danger, when Dragon had lost it with Lykos, maybe now they wouldn't be losing their home.

He became aware of his hackles slowly raising as the knowledge of what was to come sank in. Dragon had already paid for the foolishness of that raid with his sight - he couldn't possibly fight for Talis. He'd assumed at first thought that Dragon would give up the pack quietly without a fuss, because that would be the smart thing for a wolf with Dragon's particular handicap to do. It would suck for them, they'd be loners again, but they'd move on and survive and take care of themselves until they could rebuild, right? But no, that wasn't Dragon. Dragon was impulsive, and overconfident, and he was going to try to fight for Talis, wasn't he?

And he was blind.

With a noise partway between anger and worry, the ranger swiftly turned to lope towards the boneyard, concern and fury growing in equal measures as time and distance passed and he managed to convince himself that yes, that was exactly what Dragon would do.

He came to a hard stop at seeing the two separate groups gathering. Nothing had begun yet, just Dragon and his jaguar friends squaring off with a sturdy-looking yearling, and two packs gathered to support each of them. It was interesting that the yearling had a pack behind him, but it wouldn't have taken a hunter's sensitive nose to pick up the pack-scent that rose from the wolves who'd come to support him. It made Gryphon's uneasiness explode into full bloom. Granted he didn't have a lot of personal experience with pack challenges, but that didn't seem normal somehow. What was going on here?

The gold-brown coated male began to pace silently with raised hackles, keeping a sharp green gaze upon the other pack. They were up to something strange, he knew it. He wanted to interfere, to stop Dragon from getting himself killed, but Dragon was Talis' alpha and whether or not he fought for the pack was his call, not Gryphon's. He ground his teeth in frustration; he should have taken the pack. He should have taken over the family. Dragon was going to get himself killed because Gryphon had hesitated to protect the family when he had the chance.



3 Years
Extra large
01-21-2018, 04:25 PM (This post was last modified: 01-21-2018, 04:30 PM by Asharya.)
OOC: Language Warning

Asha had been far afield once she heard her brother's call. It surged through her body as if she had been struck by lightning. She was surprised at first, and then irritated. He couldn't have told her about any of this? ...Well. Okay, maybe he really couldn't have. The freedom of her yearling body had flung her to every horizon. Perhaps inheriting her mother's wild spirit, Asharya had decided to serve her family by gathering intel, and by learning the ways of the world beyond Auster. She had spent precious little time in Boreas and as such had focused her attentions there. It was sheer luck that she had been near enough at all to his Ashiel's faint song on the wind, and even while racing there as fast as she was able, she was far from the first there.

To her subtle surprise and immense pride, Abraxas wolves outnumbered the Talis representatives almost two to one. Her love for her family swelled within her, and it was with her chin held high that she would strut onto the scene, her coat a glorious and blazing representation of the inferno of emotion inside. She was hungry for battle, thirsty for blood, and so fucking proud of Ashi she thought she might burst. It was everything she could do to contain herself, to control her impulse to run and leap onto his back, chew on his ears and muss up his pelt. It would hardly be a fitting display, but that didn't mean the urge wasn't there. So instead she came briefly to his side and said, "My, my, what a surprise. I always knew you were meant for great things." She tossed him a quick wink. "When you are proclaimed the victor today, know that I'll be with you every step of the way."

Her bond with her brother would not part her from his side, not over her cold dead corpse. She would join this pack of his, she decided. Hopefully Uncle Amon wouldn't mind. After all, his litter mates stuck by him, right? She moved to sit next to Pyralis, giving her mother a broad smile. From the corner of her eye a flash of color caught her attention. A mottle of scarlet and ruby, a woman appeared who's visage was startlingly similar to her own. Asha's gazed snapped to the other woman and there it stayed, transfixed for the moment. Who the hell was that...

"Talk" "Listen" Think

Asharya is chaotic and occasionally hotheaded. Thread at your own risk!

Come Plot with Fox



7 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
01-21-2018, 05:05 PM
It was with very little fanfare that Apollo slipped in beside his brother and the wolverine who guarded him. Pale, ghostly form held at the ready, he swept his eyes over those assembled in a neutral, but precise, scan. So the challenged alpha was blind. Apollo approved of Ashiel's desire to remove such a weak creature from power rather than simply creating a new pack, or removing a stronger mortal they might potentially ally with. Why would the pack have been foolish enough to leave such a liability in charge? Though it seemed that the alpha's pack may have abandoned him to his fate after all. Not many of the other pack's wolves seemed to have gathered, a mere handful. Certainly not enough to make up a full pack. Where, then, was the rest of the pack hiding? Consideringly, he kept his gaze moving over the growing crowd, keeping watch for the missing pack wolves.



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
01-21-2018, 07:24 PM
Everybody Wants To Rule The World

Ashiel was breathing slow and deep, easing his nerves as one by one the audience arrived. He grinned at Malleus and dipped his head in greeting as the older man moved to take a seat. Ashiel owed him for the fight lessons and he hoped to make his tutor proud. Next to arrive was Zinnia. Ashiel wasn't quite sure how to address her. What would she think of him challenging for her pack?  "Hello Zinnia. It is good to see you again despite the circumstances." He wanted to be cordial. After all he was hoping one or two of the members of Talis might stay with him as new leader, however unlikely that was. She'd been curious about his religion when she'd caught him offering sacrifice to the fallen god. He did hope his family would leave her be and that went for most of Talis. He didn't want any potential members maimed before this was all said and done.

Next to arrive was Amon, Ashiel smiled at his uncle, his chest swelling with pride as he caught the approval in his uncle's eyes. Yes! Now he just needed to make sure the man's pride was not misplaced. Ashiel had to win this fight. He felt the pressure mounting and fought it back down again as Razi arrived. "Thank you Razi, I will do my best."  Archon was the next to arrive and Ashiel nodded respectfully toward the older male. Grateful to see yet another member of his family. The Abraxas were out in full force it would seem.

Then the alpha arrived. By this time Dragon was indeed completely blind and escorted by his jaguars. Ashiel carefully took in their movements, watching the way those bodies moved. He had a healthy respect of mountain lions and the same would hold for the cats. They were not something to mess with lightly and Ashiel knew their presence would make up for Dragon's handicap. Sooner or later he'd get caught by the jaws or claws of these creatures but he had long since made himself comfortable with pain. His battle with Inverno had been the catalyst to clear that obstacle. He would let his spilled blood being an offering to his god.

"Ashiel, why am I not surprised?"

Ashiel grinned. "Because it was logical. Obviously, this is nothing personal. Just a matter of simple math. I am expected to expand our empire by conquering one of the mortal packs. I wish to establish another strong hold in Auster, your pack is in Auster. You lead us into the heart of your pack and I learned much. Now I am using that knowledge to my advantage." He continued to grin certain that this was destiny. Fate had led him to Talis which was ripe for the picking. Win or lose this was meant to be.

Ashiel winced though as Valdís arrived and began to screech at him like a cat in heat. He couldn't even pretend to be surprised by her reaction though he did find himself wondering about her. She was such a strong and intelligent woman. Why would she fall submissively behind a blind alpha and allow him to lead her? Goodness, was this a case of the blind leading the blind? Thankfully, his mother stepped in. Ashiel had a battle to fight. He didn't really care to get into a verbal argument with anyone right now. "Valdís, we can talk about this after the fact." Dangerous, he knew. She probably wanted to maul him. "Besides, if you've ever fought a mountain lion you know there's more to this than picking on a blind man. Who knows, maybe your precious leader has learned to compensate. How generous of me to allow everyone present to find out." Further more his mother was right. Dragon could've stepped down or appointed a second at any point since his injury and he didn't. Ashiel believed it was overconfidence and now that pride would be his downfall if the godling had his way.

Ashiel was surprised to see Iskra arrive. He hadn't caught the scent of Talis when they'd met but it seemed she worked fast and had already gotten in good with the alpha. He resisted the urge to roll his eyes at their romantic gushing and coddling. He did let out a chuckle though. She could ignore him if she wanted but that wasn't going to make him go away.  "I'm glad the spirit of fun has joined us. Now, dear Iskra, I can show you my idea of fun." Astaroth arrived then and he grinned and dipped his head in greeting as she stated that his family was indeed proud. Yes, it was all coming to fruition! This battle would mark his passing from child to man. He also greeted Seth as the other arrived, stifling a chuckle at the win from the young male. He appreciated the dwarf's sharp wit and in his opinion there was no one cleverer. Even his mother agreed despite her enjoyment of harassing the shorter Abraxas. Another male from Talis would arrive and again Ashiel would dip his head in greeting. This was the first stranger to enter his midst in this challenge.

Ashiel was ready to start when Asharya entered and for a moment the mask of cold, calculating, leader-to-be fell. His eyes lit up, his tail wagging just slightly at the sight of her sister. Spirits it had seemed like forever since he'd seen her! Now she was here, witnessing what he hoped would be his triumph. Having all of his family around supporting him, he felt like he could burst with happiness! "Asharya, it is so good to see you! I will make you proud sister. When this is over we should catch up. It seems like it's been ages." Asharya was followed by Apollo and again Ashiel would nod in greeting to the man. It was important for him to feel like he'd acknowledged everyone present. Soon enough it would be time to duel.


Ashiel waited a few more moments for anyone else to arrive before he moved to face Dragon, leaving a space of ten feet between them. "Well now, I think it's time we begin."  Griff, his companion, took off into the air and began to circle overhead. Excitement sparked through Ashiel's limbs as he prepared himself for this battle. Ashiel's head and tail lowered to align with his spine. His chin would tuck slightly as his neck scrunched back and his shoulders rolled smoothly forward, pushing fur and flesh over his vitals. Ashiel's hackles rose sharply as his limbs spread just a bit more than shoulder and hips width apart. He shifted his weight evenly over them, his limbs bending slightly to lower his center of gravity as well as to prepare him to spring.  His toes splayed as his claws dug into the earth. His jaws parted, eyes narrowed. His ears would pin tightly to his head. Adrenaline coursed through his veins. For a moment he felt as though the whole world had stopped breathing…

Ashiel kicked off suddenly, powerful limbs sending dirt flinging into the air as he attempted to close the distance between himself and Dragon. Ashiel sought to approach the other man nearly head on, but slightly to his own right so that the front of his left shoulder lined up with the crease where Dragon's right shoulder connected to the right side of his chest. Ashiel attempted to jut his left shoulder forward into the crease and hoped to build up enough momentum that the force of the impact would strain the ligaments and partially dislocate his opponents shoulder.

Hoping to capitalize on his momentum, Ashiel simultaneously attempted to drive the front of his chest wholly into the front of Dragon's chest (though slightly off to Dragon's left due to Ashiel's earlier shift to his own right). He hoped to collide with enough force to knock the breath from his opponents lungs and cause a reasonable amount of bruising. Ashiel hoped to time his own breathing so that he could exhale before impact so he wouldn't knock the wind out of himself as well. In addition, Ashiel also sought to shift his weight to his left foreleg and his hindlegs when he threw his left shoulder forward so that he could raise his right forepaw and attempt to slam it down onto the outermost toes of Dragon's left forepaw. He hoped his weight and momentum would enable him to sprain Dragon's toes and further aid him against his opponent.

Ashiel sought to coordinate his movements and at the same time he tried to crash his shoulder into his opponent his head would rotate to his left and tuck slightly as he attempted to bury his fangs into Dragon's face. Ashiel's upper fangs sought to pierce Dragon's left eye. While it was true the man was already blind and such a move would not cost him his sight it would still be painful and cause significant bleeding. Ashiel's lower fangs would seek to dig into the lower portion of Dragon's left cheek in a snapping motion meant to shred the masseter, one of the key muscles that aided in opening the lower jaw. His hope was to leave severe lacerations while partially crippling his opponents jaw.

Ashiel vs Dragon for Talis [pack challenge]
Rd. 1/4
Height: 42"
Build: Heavy


-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.



9 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
01-22-2018, 12:59 AM

She was well on her way looking for something to hunt when a howl split the air that night. Confusion settled in her head, what was that call for? It sounded like it was for Dragon, but she had no clue who it was or why. Blue eyes were clouded with confusion, and it was clearly painted all over her as she tried to figure out what was going on. It wasn't until she spotted her mother emerging from her den and heading straight for the boneyard that she registered it as something important. With only a moments hesitation, she followed after Avalon. It didn't take long to match her mothers fast pace, worry clear on her face as she watched her mothers movements. Avalon's fur was bristled with what seemed like agitation, and she had a stone cold look on her face. Whatever was going on, it must be serious...

The moment they stepped foot into the boneyard, she smelled a few of her packmates and a lot of other wolves, none of which she recognized. She followed her mother towards where some of their packmates stood, making it in time to hear the speech of whoever had called. Who was that? Why were they challenging her brother? She had never witnessed a pack challenge before, but she at least had the sense to know that if her brother lost, they would lose their home. It didn't settle well with her, but she put on a brave and fearless face to help support her brother and alpha. Though Dragon was blind, she had faith that he would give it his all...that's all he could do, right? She didn't speak against the strangers, merely stood there in silent support and hoped her brother would come out victorious.

"Talk" "You" Think

Arrow is allowed to crash her threads, regardless of the tag



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
01-22-2018, 01:34 AM (This post was last modified: 01-22-2018, 02:17 AM by Dragon.)

She was resting in her den after a long day out. She hadn't seen much of Aodhan, or anyone else for that matter, but that was alright. She had more or less been doing her own thing, but part of her knew that she had to get up and get going. To get her life back on track before she got too old. Granted, she already was old, but...old to the point she couldn't do anything anymore. As she was just about to fall asleep, a howl pierced the night air and immediately her eyes flew open. She recognized the tone in that howl. What it meant. Though she had no idea who it belonged to, she knew who they were calling for. Someone was challenging Dragon for Talis, and it set her on edge. For a couple of years now, Talis had lived her peacefully and undisturbed, but she didn't fail to notice the new-ish pack that had moved into Auster not too far from them. Could this be their doing? Or perhaps it was someone from Celestial coming to take their revenge? Either one was a possibility, and she wasted no time in leaving her den and headed straight for the boneyard. She was so focused on her task that she didn't even notice Okami was following her. Tan had flown ahead and not long after had returned with the numbers of rival wolves present. A low growl escaped her. So the challenger dared bring nearly a whole pack to outnumber her son!? Not if she could help it!

Quickening her pace, she arrived soon enough to catch what the challenger had said, her hackles bristling. Though she was old, she could still fight and would if she had to. But this challenge was between Dragon and the challenger, and though she would have liked to fight in his place, she knew he wouldn't allow it. Even with his blindness, he had still proven to be a good leader, at least she thought so. She couldn't speak for the others, but he had done his best for the last couple of years. "Have faith in yourself, son." She knew he was strong, maybe not the strongest but he had the heart of an Ancora, and that was all that mattered. Knowing him, she had the feeling that if Talis fell tonight, they would rebuild and start anew. She stood defensively with the rest of Talis, anger clear in her eyes and her lip curled in a half snarl. If anyone dared try to attack them, she'd definitely give them a piece of her mind. Fiery amber gaze flicked briefly to the form of her companion in the sky before falling back towards the unknown wolves...she would simply have to wait and see how this played out. Though the fight had begun, she would focus on those around her. There was nothing she could do for Dragon now.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

Lykos I


5 Years
Extra large
01-23-2018, 05:50 PM
A moth to flame, and a prickling, insatiable curiosity drew the wolf. He knew what packs were in Auster - a new one, recently formed, of large wolves of similar stature or taller than him, and Talis. This - he knew what this was; it bespoke of a challenge, and one for Talis, at that. And so, his curiosity was piqued. After all, Talis was now led by a blind alpha - something he discovered when he had talked to Dragon again. He hadn't quite known how to respond to. He didn't think that his brother would be so stupid as to get wounded like that, but he apparently had thought wrong. And it made him think - who had made such a wound? It would have been hilarious if he had known it had been a little girl, but alas, he did not.

Now though. He ghosted into the challenge quietly, spotting two groups of wolves: those of Talis, and those of... another group, the other pack he had seen around. And then one seemed to sit apart, in the middle. It was there he went, his eyes landing curiously on the dwarf that was sitting there. dipping his head in greeting of the other. This one smelled of the other pack, yet sat in the middle. Interesting. Then again, he was as well. He wasn't a member of Talis, but it wouldn't be hard to put it together with the similar appearance of the brothers - and their mother.

For a quick moment, he glanced over at the Talis section, and really looked - quickly spotting Gryphon, whom, if Gryphon had noticed him, he would greet; his mother, in all her righteous fury that had caused his separation to begin with; a whole group of wolves he didn't know. Kharnage was remarkably absent. That in itself was interesting.

He also glanced over at the other pack - now that was odd. A pack, supporting a challenger for another pack? That wasn't quite something that he had seen before. Why? Why was a pack supporting a pack challenge? The support behind this wolf was huge, and yet, they all belonged to a different group - one that the challenger had been part of? But if the wolf was abandoning his old pack to go after a new one, why was his old pack supporting him? Odd. Very, very odd.



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
01-23-2018, 06:45 PM
Using fight pass

More would flood in, but by the scent of it all, the Abraxas seemed to outnumber those of his pack who had arrived. No matter, it wasn't a war that was happening after all. It was a one on one challenge, and though he knew he might have a better chance at losing, he wasn't going to lie down and roll over for the yearling. What would they think of him then? A coward? No. He wouldn't let them see him as a coward. He would fight for his pack like any alpha would, to try and protect what he had built. But even if he lost, Talis would rise again. Valdis would arrive, it seemed. Dragon flicked an ear as she spoke, his own gaze hardening as he listened. So, she knew him too? He supposed it shouldn't really come as a surprise, right? He himself had been running into Abraxas left and right, and he recalled his time spent with Ana...however brief it might have been. And he had learned what had come of it. Did they know? He only wondered...Taking a deep breath, he heard Pyralis speak next, and he only felt cold anger and regret in his soul. So, she had used him too then? He had been kind enough to let them in thinking they were some sort of...friends, or something. But in the end, it seemed the woman he thought might be a friend, turned out to be no more than an enemy. Oh well, you lived and you learned. He definitely would learn his lesson after this. All they seemed to focus on was the fact that he was blind. They neglected the fact that his blindness didn't make him who he truly was. He was a fierce warrior. He had trained day in and day out until he couldn't anymore, trying to come up with new ways to defend himself to compensate for his lack of sight. Though having Kimahri and Shiva at his side helped a great deal, he hated the fact that all anyone saw was his lack of sight. He'd show them, one way or another, he'd show them that he was still capable of being a fearsome opponent.

Through all the back and forth, Dragon had remained quiet. He had been gathering his bearings, carefully tracing Ashiel's scent to where he stood. He and his companions had come up with a way to communicate non-verbally, and so he knew exactly where Ashiel and every other wolf stood. Not only that, but it seemed half the Abraxas wolves (if not all) were far larger than he was, and their footfalls were not hard to miss. With his blindness, came a more acute sense of hearing and smell, and he'd use his heightened senses to his advantage. Taking a deep breath, he was about to speak when he felt Iskra's presence stand beside him. He felt her nuzzle into his neck, and in turn he would nuzzle her back. He listened quietly to her words, and he hadn't realized that she had already met some of them as well. Had he maybe seen it sooner, he would have realized sooner. And maybe this could have been avoided, but alas, it was too late. "It's okay, Iskra. In hindsight I should have known, but..." He trailed off. He had been naive. Too trusting. He had let his guard down and in turn, they had decided to try and use his weakness against him. No matter, he'd still fight his hardest and he'd give Ashiel as much hell as he possibly could. What Iskra said next took him completely off guard, though he guessed she should have expected that at some point, too. Right? Even with all eyes on him, he couldn't help but turn to Iskra and bury his face into her neck, giving her a soft kiss to her muzzle. "I love you too, Iskra. I promise I'll do my best, and I'll come back to you." That was a promise he intended to keep.

As she moved away, he returned his attention back to the matter at hand. Eyes burning straight into Ashiel, "Y'know, as much as your family talks about being Gods, it's kinda sad when you decide to pick on someone else weaker than you. I would think Gods would prefer to fight someone worth a challenge, so where's the pride in that?" He scoffed. He figured that all their talk of being Gods was probably just some facade. He didn't get it. Were he a proclaimed God, he'd go around wiping out those who were seen as a threat, but here they were trying to take his pack because he what? Couldn't see? Would Ashiel still have tried even if he still could? He didn't know. They were just as mortal as he was. And he would prove it the moment he made Ashiel bleed. "Just know that should I fall tonight, Talis will rebuild, and we will come back stronger than ever. My blindness doesn't make me who I am, and the spirits I have spoken to can attest to that!" Yes, Talis would return in full force win or lose. If he won, they'd stand their ground on the lands they called home, or relocate...whichever the members of his pack felt more comfortable with. Should he lose, then he would work to bring them back together and raise the pack once more. Hoping that his pack members would choose to still follow him, or at least...some of them, anyway. He wouldn't blame them if they so chose to abandon him after this, but if he managed to rebuild, wouldn't that prove he was a capable leader? He had the heart and desire to lead, and when Talis rose again he would put an heir in place. Assuming he found someone suitable...there was so much crossing his mind, but for now he let his words hang in there between them. It was a promise to himself and to those who might still have faith in him in the future.

"Well now, I think it's time we begin."

"Prepare yourself," Kimahri's voice was a low rumble, Dragon could feel his companion's tail tip flicking against his his left hind leg, Shiva's fur brushing against his right shoulder. "He's got a bird with him, feel like having a snack, Kimahri?" Her amethyst gaze followed Griff's movements, her tongue swiping out to lick her jowls as a rumbling growl emanated from deep within her chest. With the aid of his companions, they would fight off their challenger. Or so he hoped. If he did lose tonight, he was serious when he said he'd raise Talis again. He would hold onto that little bit of faith that his pack members would follow...or maybe they'd follow Ashiel should he win. He supposed he would find out. He would be saddened if they did choose to follow the Abraxas though, he cared a lot for his pack members and did everything he could to try and keep them happy. They had been through a great deal together, surely that would mean something to them, right? Of course, maybe it didn't help that his duties as an alpha often kept him from socializing, but each and every one of his pack members was special to him. He wanted to continue to help them grow, and by the power of the ancient spirits he spoke to, he would do his damn best to prove to them he was still capable. He would fight and show them today, and win or lose, he'd show them after. He wasn't just fighting for his pack, but for his family. All those within Talis he considered family, and some part of him hoped they thought the same...even if just a little. Then he smelled Lykos, what was he doing here? Had he come to mock him if he lost? Part of him wished his brother wasn't so...well, cold. But he knew that after having pushed him away before, it wasn't surprising. Lykos couldn't be there to support him, why would he? If anything, he wouldn't put it past his estranged brother to follow Ashiel if the younger male had won...

Fight starts here

He closed his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath as he set his defenses. His hackles raised along his body, ears tucking tightly to his crown. Tail flagged out and head lowered to perfectly align with his spine. He spread his legs hip and shoulder width apart for even balance, toes splayed and claws curling into the earth for traction for when he made his move. His chin tucked to guard his throat, shoulders rolling forward and head pulling slightly back to bunch up his scruff. He was ready. As soon as he heard Ashiel's paws hit the ground running, Dragon's eyes snapped open though just enough to where they narrowed. His lips peeled back, teeth showing in a fierce snarl as the skin around his face and eyes wrinkled into something fierce. A guttural growl slipped past his teeth, letting Ashiel know that he wasn't going to play. Kimahri and Shiva slipped away, both in separate directions, aiming to put themselves on either side of the pair, waiting for their moment of attack. Dragon would hold his ground, hind legs coiling as he simply listened as Ashiel got closer...closer...

He listened intently to Ashiel's heavier footsteps, gauging his opponents position. Once he figured out Ashiel was attempting to come at him head on, he made his move. Finally with the last two feet of distance, Dragon lunged forward. He took a step to his left, hoping to keep them centered. His right shoulder jutted forward like a javelin as he uncoiled his hind legs and shot forward with all the power he could muster. He sought to drive his right shoulder straight into the upper part of the taller male's throat, aiming to drive Ashiel's breath right out of his lungs and make him gag, though he wasn't entirely sure if he'd hit his mark. His gut told him he was aiming in the right spot, or at least somewhere in that region. Due to his movement, Ashiel would fail in trying to dislocate Dragon's right forelimb. They would collide, a moderate bruise blossoming on the center part of his chest  where Ashiel's chest had hit him. Dragon would then rise onto his hind legs, seeking to wrap each forelimb on either side of Ashiel's neck. His hind legs spread to offer him better balance, weight redistributed evenly upon them.

Right foreleg sought to wrap around the left side of Ashiel's neck, and his left foreleg sought to wrap around the right. As he attempted to pull this off, he would seek to thrust himself up and forward, attempting to smash the upper part of his chest into the underside of Ashiel's jaw. Maybe he'd get lucky and he'd smack Ashiel right in the nose. It was, after all, one of a wolf's sensitive parts, wasn't it? His aim was to bruise Ashiel's jaw, or snap it shut to where he'd bite his own tongue, or even bruise his sensitive nose and make him tear up. It was all or nothing, the possibilities were endless here. Thanks to his own change in position, Ashiel's attempt at slamming on his toes would ultimately fail the moment Dragon had lifted his forelegs.

At this point, Dragon wasn't completely sure where Ashiel would try to bite him. But given the nature of the fight, he wouldn't put it past the yearling to try and take advantage of something. Just like he took advantage of my kindness... He thought bitterly. It was this act of betrayal to his trust and sought after friendship that would drive him on. He growled when Ashiel's fangs cut into the topmost part of his left shoulder where it met his neck leaving behind moderate lacerations. He could feel the warmth of blood seep into his fur, but it wouldn't make him falter. With adrenaline coursing through him, Dragon tilted his head to his left with jaws wide open. He sought to drive his upper fangs deep across the right side of Ashiel's face just above his brow bone, while his bottom fangs sought to cut across the left side of his face just below Ashiel's left eye. His goal was to shred the skin on Ashiel's face, to permanently disfigure and severely scar his visage and hopefully making him bleed enough to blind him if even for a moment. Though he wasn't actively seeking to blind Ashiel, he couldn't help if he missed his intended target and accidentally hit an eyeball or something. He was blind, after all. For all he knew he could end up biting Ashiel's nose off, but that would be gross and hoped he didn't end up doing that on accident.

Dragon VS Ashiel for TALIS
Round: 1/4
Height: 39"
Build: Heavy


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.