
Two Worlds into One



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-18-2018, 12:37 AM (This post was last modified: 01-18-2018, 12:39 AM by Paladin.)
Paladin 'Knight' Ancora

He’d dragged his patient for the several miles northwest of the ravine she’d crashed into, moving steadily. During the trek, he’d found that poking the hide providing him cover from the rain against the sharp ends of the travois shaft until there were holes to slip them through made it so the hide wouldn’t jostle loose and fall off from his movement.

As he reached the southeastern perimeter of the wall, he breathed a quiet sigh of relief, and angled himself to trot alongside it until he arrived at the passage way in Druid’s Moor. The pack’s scent was strong, here, splashed all over the outside of the wall and along the flora, and where prey passed through, with nowhere else to cross the border, their scents were thick as well.

He stopped at last, gazing across the moor for any sign of the familiar vibrant form of his cousin and leader. Seeing none, he tipped his head back, howling for the Archangel, though without an immediate sense of urgency. He didn’t need Regulus to be in a mood for protecting his family.

He tossed a calm glance over his shoulder at Sterling, nodding quietly. "Stay calm. He won't harm you."

Paladin has a thick, Educated Irish Brogue type accent. It's understandable.



12 Years
Extra large
01-20-2018, 07:43 AM (This post was last modified: 01-25-2018, 06:15 AM by Regulus.)
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

He was patrolling, bringing Aurielle with him to explore the Druid’s Moor at last. He could see that she was excited by the expansion of her horizons, but she was collecting herself with that regal comportment he’d trained into her. He was glad that Amos’ influence had helped her keep that puppy good humor, but she knew when to indulge and when to settle into working mode and learn.

Today, apart from patrol-work, he was teaching her how to move silently through the fog, and she was showing an aptitude for it. With her shimmering coat, growing mane and tail, and dual toned blue eyes, not to mention her long upper canines, she would be an impressive sight in the open, and stepping from the mist like an ethereal, glimmering ghost? Even more impressive.

He was lowering his head to point out the softest patch of peat to set her paws when Paladin’s call filtered to his ears, not far away. His head lifted, head tilting. Then he tipped his head toward the call, murmuring, come along, ‘Rielle. Let’s see what your cousin wants.”

It hadn’t been an urgent call, so he took his time, enough to help his daughter find her silent way through the mists, until they reached Paladin’s location. He stopped, just at the edge of visibility, studying his young cousin and his burden. Wasn’t that one of the wolves from Talis on that travois?

He gave a light flick of his tail, ushering Aurielle to stay shrouded in the mist as he stepped forward, raising a brow at Paladin as he circled to come to Sterling’s side. She looked a sorry sight, and in pain. And when he took in her scent, he also took in the fact that she no longer bore the scent of the Austerian pack.

His head rose to cast a look at Paladin, then that fathomless gaze turned to lock with the rich emerald eyes of the young wolf on the Travois. “Well?”

Clearly, he wanted an explanation, and would be willing to settle for a brief one over the long version, though it was also clear that the query was directed more at Paladin than Sterling.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



7 Years
01-21-2018, 03:14 AM
All she could do was watch her surroundings as they became more familiar, remembering the trek she'd made here with her pack - well, her former pack - and the battles that had raged all around. That incident had sparked a change within her. Now helpless and at the mercy of Celestial, Sterling remained rigidly silent, as though awaiting judgement. She knew she would need to maintain an apologetic stance, even if Paladin had assured her that all would be well. Her stomach flipped, and she could nearly feel the life drain out of her face when the male called for Celestial's leader. Would it really be okay? Sterling had no choice but to believe that Paladin had really meant everything he'd said - after all, he'd never struck her as dishonest - and she clung to the instinct that told her she needn't fear, so long as the healer was there with her.

The waiting was killing her, but between the pain in her body and all of the nonsense flooding her anxious mind, she was too exhausted to pay much mind to her thoughts and worries any longer. Her adrenalized state had given way to trembling weakness, and all she wanted now was to rest. She could feel her eyelids growing heavier, and it was getting harder by the minute to keep herself from dozing. However, the last thing she wanted was to be approached by the Alpha male while she was half-asleep.

At last, the massive, crimson form of Regulus broke through the mist, his imposing gaze revealing nothing as he eyed Paladin, then circled around and came to stand beside her. The much smaller female had to crane her neck back to look up at him, feeling dwarfed not just in size, but in pure presence. There was a regal confidence surrounding the Alpha, which made Sterling wish that she could just disappear. But, such was not the case as his sapphire gaze bore into her wide-eyed, emerald stare. When a single word from him broke the silence, the she-wolf scrambled to answer. "I-I had a nasty fall," she explained hastily, "Paladin was the only wolf nearby." Her ears folded back as fell silent, waiting for what would come next - it never occurred to her that Regulus had really meant for Paladin to explain.



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-21-2018, 11:38 PM
Paladin 'Knight' Ancora

Paladin smiled as Regulus appeared like some crimson wraith from the mist, and a quick glance behind the Archangel hinted at a much smaller, ghostly pale form, shrouded in mist. So Aurielle was in training, today. Excellent. This was going to be a wealthy lesson she’d learn, today. How to be merciful to one who once walked on the side of a foe.

He didn’t move as his Cousin circled to look down at Sterling, until Regulus’ question. Paladin turned his head to study Regulus, but it was Sterling who spoke first. It was a short explanation, and he couldn’t blame her for being a little flustered. Who wouldn’t be in her position. She was, quite literally, at their mercy, it could be said.

He caught Regulus’ eye as those fathomless sapphire eyes flicked to his own, and he nodded, adding his own part to tell. "Bhí mé i gCroí Riabhach, ag foscadh ón gcluasán nuair a thit sí." He answered easily, the Old Tongue dancing off his tongue as he tipped his head toward the way he’d come from.

"Leagadh as a chéile í, agus tá sé ag súil leis, mar sin ba mhaith liom fanacht ar feadh tamaill sula iarr sí ar aon sonraí níos iomláine maidir le cén fáth go raibh sí chomh gar do theorainneacha Celestial." His dual colored gaze ran over Sterling’s face before flicking back to Regulus.

"Táim i muinín nach bhfuil scout aici chun tabs a ghlacadh uainn." The tone was firm, confident in his own judgement. He would, naturally, be keeping an eye on her, both to heal her and make sure the healing was going well, and to be absolutely certain of her lack of motives to gather intel on Celestial for Talis.

He paused, then asked thoughtfully, "Chuir tú do chompánaigh leis an abhainn dóiteáin sin a dúirt tú go bhfuair tú, tá? tá siad ar ais go fóill?" During his time wit the Nomads, they had taught him and his fellow young students about the virtues of fire, and how heat helped some poultices sink in better to release their properties. He hoped to use that method with Sterling’s ribs.

Paladin has a thick, Educated Irish Brogue type accent. It's understandable.



12 Years
Extra large
01-22-2018, 12:20 AM (This post was last modified: 01-22-2018, 12:21 AM by Regulus.)
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

Regulus took in Sterling’s stammered explanation, nodding lightly. There was that intense gaze of his, locking with hers, with that impression of her being extremely important and… on his level. He’d seen her fight, in that half of his mind that was apart from the actual fighting he was in. Despite having lost, she showed some promise of being a good fighter, and had given her all.

His gaze turned away from hers as Paladin caught his eye and he listened with interest as his snow based cousin gave his more detailed explanation, glancing back to Sterling as Paladin spoke of a concussion. He didn’t envy her the headache she must be in for, if she didn’t have it already. ”Ouch…”

Paladin’s judgement he took readily, nodding. His own gut said much the same thing about the girl. He doubted a scout would have been so unobservant as to fall into the ravine, and he doubted even more that she’d have thrown herself in as an act to get into their borders as a patient.

Paladin’s question gave him a pause, and he tilted his head, nodding slowly, throwing a glance toward the plains. He was too far away to see whether the smoke was still curling from the hill through one of the natural chimneys in the cave system, but they’d been working on it when he and Aurielle had left.

"Tá. Bhí siad ag obair ar thine a thosú nuair a d'fhág muid cúpla uair an chloig ó shin." His eyes flicked back to Paladin, a grin crossing his features as he spotted that healer’s expression of a wolf who was making mental treatment plans of a hapless patient.

The grin faded, yet a faint smile remained as his eyes turned to lock with Sterling’s. But, even with the smile, his words were serious. “Dragon made a foolish decision, one I believe was led by hubris and not desperation, when he raided my pack. He came away with nothing he came to steal, and one of my pack members.

“However, I will not turn you away from my resources. You came without hostility, and you are in true need, and you no longer bear Talis’ scent. You are welcome to stay as long as you need, but I will ask that you keep Celestial’s information, secrets and count to yourself should you wish to leave when you are well enough.

“But should you decide you like it here, and wish to join, you are welcome to ask for a permanent place here. What is your name?”

His head cocked slightly, those sapphire pools glinting with a gentle curiosity as he waited for her response.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



7 Years
01-23-2018, 12:50 AM
Strangely, although Sterling had at first felt small and insignificant under the gaze of the massive red male, something about the way he looked at her started to make her feel at ease. He didn't make her feel like unwelcome vermin, and in fact he seemed curiously observant of her. Still, she was glad when his attention moved toward Paladin, and she was out of the spotlight for a moment. The exchange that began between the two was unexpected, in a language Sterling could not understand. She was surprised at first, but then she remembered long ago when she'd first met Paladin, he'd said something in similar tongue, and she had asked him about it then. She was fascinated as the two males spoke back and forth fluently, wishing she could understand the intriguing language.

At last, the attention was back on her. Weak from exhaustion, Sterling tried to usher a smile in return to Regulus, though it was faint and momentary. She maintained eye contact with him as he spoke, but her ears folded back just slightly. She knew now that there had been no true purpose to the raid Talis had initiated, and yet she couldn't help but to feel a little bit defensive. Not angry, but somewhat resistant to admitting she'd once sided with foolishness. It was a difficult thing to let go, but she knew she would have to. Pushing her feelings to the back of her mind, she focused on the Archangel's words. She was grateful that he was allowing her to stay while she recovered. "Thank you," she said softly, ears lifting as she heard him request that she keep all information about Celestial private. Just as Paladin had informed her previously. She nodded in understanding. Of course, she was not here to gain information, and had no intention of sharing anything with anyone.
Even if she went back to Talis, she had no desire to betray Celestial, particularly Paladin. She'd already hurt him before, and she never wanted to do that again.

Sterling was of course surprised when Regulus extended an offer for her to stay permanently, should she wish to. She was not sure yet, she really wasn't sure of anything right now, but she would keep the offer at the front of her mind. When asked for her name, she spoke quietly, but just enough for him to be able to hear her. "I really appreciate your offer," she responded, tail twitching uncomfortably, "My name is Sterling Bade."



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-25-2018, 04:34 AM
Paladin 'Knight' Ancora

Paladin had to grin as he learned about the fire, and he hoped that the two cats had also found some kind of vessel that wouldn’t crack under the heat of coals as long as it held water. Now that he’d filled a few deer stomachs with water, he knew he would be able to transport water from the spring to such a vessel and heat water. And with Sterling’s ribs, that heat would be highly beneficial in her healing.

He came back to earth as Regulus turned to speak to Sterling, and he listened as well, nodding silently to himself at Sterling’s response. He could see she was starting to fade from the exhaustion and pain, but from the body language of the Archangel, he could see that Regulus was just about done, so he prepared to put his weight into the traces as it were and begin pulling again.

Paladin has a thick, Educated Irish Brogue type accent. It's understandable.



12 Years
Extra large
01-25-2018, 04:43 AM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

Regulus gave a gentle smile, nodding at Sterling’s honest responses. He’d always been a good judge of character, and with his experience in leading, that innate ability had only become more refined. He knew she wouldn’t betray the pack without being forced to, certainly, and he was content with that. And, he could, admittedly, say that he wouldn’t be upset if she decided to stay as a full-on member of the pack.

As she introduced herself, he smiled easily, sketching a light bow as he answered in kind, “I am Regulus Anatolli Adravendi. It is my pleasure to meet you as well.” Now that the serious part was passed, some of that mask that was the Archangel fell away to reveal the friendly, playful nature below, and as he straightened, a soft *ahem* from the mist turned his head.

“And this is my daughter, Aurielle. I’ll send her along with you two, alright Paladin?” At a nod from the young healer, who had already begun to ease his weight into the breast strap of the travois, he dipped his head even as his young daughter ghosted from the mist to join them.

“I have a patrol to continue, and Aurielle’s lesson is complete for today, so I’ll leave you to it. For now, Sterling, you will be ranked as a Unit, which is our common rank, since I have no set guest rank for the pack. Focus on getting well.”

He gave her a last easy smile before turning and slipping into the mist, rump slightly bouncing until he was completely hidden from sight.

-exit Regulus-

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
01-25-2018, 06:06 AM
Aurielle Adravendi

The Future had remained in the shrouds of fog, perfectly hidden by her small size, her father’s powerful presence, and the thick mist that almost always covered the Moor. So far, she had to say, the Moor was one of her favorite parts of Celestial’s claimed land.

For now, though, she watched with rapt attention as her father handled the interesting situation with his usual wonderful ease. She was taking notes, listening closely, and storing it all away for when she, too would be greeting wolves at the borders.

Eventually, when she saw that her father was ready to leave, and the woman – Sterling, was it? – had been accepted, she cleared her throat, ready to go. As her father glanced her way and gave a sign that she could come out of the fog, she spotted the opportunity to practice her ‘first appearance’ skills.

Her father’s lesson of today had been, aside from teaching her how to move silently through the moor, how to seemingly appear from the mist like a ghost—one second, nothing there, and the next, there she was. They’d practiced as he’d patrolled, with him forging ahead and waiting, then giving pointers after she’d stepped out.

So she took a breath and rose, slipping forward through the mist as her father took his leave. She hoped she’d had the same materializing effect he’d learned to do as she stepped into sight and padded to come along side Sterling and Paladin as her cousin started forward.

She gave the emerald eyed woman a smile, long haired tail waving in her typically friendly manner, if still somewhat shyly, soft-spoken voice offering a gentle, “Hello, I’m ‘Rielle. Welcome to Celestial.”

Her accent was a heavy lilt, much like Paladin's, but with a different flavor.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: bkRAV4d.png]

At first glance, Aurielle's coat is pure white.. Her fur has an iridescent quality (like moonstones) where the fur shimmers different colors under various angles of light: in this case, the colors shown by rainbow moonstones. Not one hair on her hide is a solid unnatural color, but, ya know, it's really hard to convey that in still art :P
Aurielle's English is heavily laden with an Irish, Swedish mixed accent.
Her family is allowed to crash all her threads, Private and Open.
As of Autumn Year 14, Aurielle glows with a bright blue-white bio-luminescence in her fur, and bears a marking over her left eye - see profile and reference.



7 Years
01-30-2018, 12:58 AM
Sterling mustered a small smile one more time to Regulus as he introduced himself, giving his full name. It was a tongue-full as far as she was concerned, and she hoped she would remember it. But, as long as she knew his first name and his rank, she was sure it would all be okay. As he introduced a young female whom Sterling hadn't even been aware of, she blinked slowly, wondering if her eyes were playing tricks on her as the shimmering princess stalked out of the mist like specter. Her pounding head ached as she tried to understand what she was seeing, but it was just too much for her to figure out. It was all a little bit surreal for her.

She looked away from the girl and nodded one last time to Regulus, thanking him again in a low murmur. Wow, she would have a rank within the pack. It may have been a low rank, but it still meant she'd temporarily be a part of Celestial, and she certainly couldn't say she didn't like that. She could never have predicted this, but the turn of events were certainly proving to be interesting to say the least. She watched Regulus as he left, until his brilliant red form disappeared. Then she felt the travois begin to move again, and her eyes coursed over Paladin's frame for a moment, before she looked to Aurielle.

The friendly but seemingly somewhat shy girl introduced herself with a nickname, and Sterling offered her a little grin, despite her pain. "Thank you," her strained voice came forth; she couldn't help but to humor the girl a bit, "Nice to meet you 'Rielle. That's a cool affect you've got, coming out of the mist like that." Regulus had materialized from the fog as well, but with Aurielle's white, gleaming coat, there was just something different about it. As they moved along,
Sterling observed the she-pup some more, curious as to how she'd acquired such a beautiful long and shimmering coat. And, not wanting to leave a bad impression with the younger female, Sterling tried to ignore the pain in her ribs and head as she continued the conversation. "So, what did you learn today?" she asked, a pained chuckle escaping her, "I learned to watch where I step, and that falling down ravines isn't very much fun."



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-31-2018, 02:24 PM
Paladin 'Knight' Ancora

He had to grin as his young cousin materialized from the fog, clearly having practiced for most of the day with her father. A glance over his shoulder showed him Aurielle had managed the effect very well, judging by Sterling’s expression. “Don’t worry, she’s real.”

His tone was joking, a soft laugh underneath the words as he pulled steadily onward. It would take an hour or two to get through the Moor with his travois-borne patient, but he paused as he spotted a plant he needed and smiled. It was a common plant in this area of Celestial, and he bent to nip a few stems and fronds in passing.

He tucked those under the hides over his back and continued through the moor, humming a Nomad song under his breath, pausing occasionally to gather a plant.

Paladin has a thick, Educated Irish Brogue type accent. It's understandable.