
[Aaliyah]Shine bright



2 Years
01-27-2018, 07:42 PM

She padded into the circle of stones, her eyes alight with wonder at the mere sight of them. Strange things they were, stuck in the ground as if giants had put them there. They even made a perfect circle. What even was this place? She had no way to describe it as the stones glistened in the moonlight.

She seated herself directly in the center and scanned over each stone. They were smooth and stood long ways upright. Such a strange place, what secrets did it hold? Did this place hold some sort of magic? She didn't think it did but her imagination was still childlike in nature. It never hurt to have a little imagination. She eyed the way the stones seemed to glisten and then looked to her pulsating glowing fur. It was close but not the same. Though this place was seriously too quiet and felt otherworldly to her. This place was just wow. She bet if one of those wolves that were always calling her a spirit found her here they really would believe her a spirit, that would be fun she bet.


[Image: giphy.gif]

As her sister and voice, Ithiliel is allowed in any and all of her threads regardless of tags.



3 Years
Dire wolf
01-28-2018, 03:26 PM
Seizure warning: If you have issues with seizures or any other health problems that are triggered by flashing lights, please do not use the scroll over function on Aaliyah's table! It uses a lightning gif that has flashing lights, please use caution!

we're all devoid believing we're fallen gods when really we're all just empty vessels
It was with a confidence that was unrivaled that the young goddess made her way out into the world. She left the carefully placed borders of her home pack and made her way out, though she made sure to stick close to home in case anything bad happened. Not that it could, of course, she hadn't met trouble yet and didn't believe it could come to her. With this firmly placed in her mind, the young godling made her way towards a particularly interesting formation she was able to just barely make out from the southern border of the Empire. Bright red eyes were markedly on her target as she jogged on long charcoal colored legs that seemed to eat the ground she walked upon. In her wake she left a trail of tracks that held the faintest scents of lavender and rose, making it easy to identify where she went if any of her family would come searching for her.

Upon her arrival at the odd rock formation, Aaliyah found herself instantly mystified and made a mental note to mention the stones for a future ceremony site for the Empire. With her tail waving proudly above her hips, the brindled heathen grinned and moved around the large circle, studying each rock face as she did so. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught the flash of blue light pulsating off the side of one of the monolithic stones. Now she was definitely curious! What is that? She wondered silently, and something within her urged her to figure it out. Moving with a silence that was preternatural, Aaliyah made her way to get a look at whatever the glow came from. It couldn't be the rocks, none of the others held this light, and it was moving.

It didn't take long for her darkened legs to take away the distance between her and the strange thing that made this light, but shock filled those garnet eyes as she rounded one of the hulking stones and set eyes on the creature that made it. Completely mystified, the young goddess moved forward with a stealth that was unnatural, watching the wolf spirit as she too looked over the rocks. Could this be one of those gods her mother whispered about in her sleep? Or, could it be the same kind of spirit that Aunt Pyralis claims helped create her children? Either way, Aaliyah had to know which one. Who knew this place spawned spirits! She would definitely have to tell her father now! Following the other wolf around at a distance of five or so feet, Aaliyah let a smile spread over her darkened lips. "Hey, wait up, I'm getting dizzy going around this circle!" She laughed, though her tone was authoritative and edgy as if she blamed the other wolf for her following behind. Would the spirit stop for her, talk to her? Aaliyah certainly hoped so, it would be nice to know where spirits or gods came from!

"Spoken." "Thought." "You." Walk.
Beware: She has a god-complex and really only likes family, mystical beings and gods like herself. You've been warned!

The character you are currently reading is Aaliyah, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Aaliyah's profile!