
Time to Think


07-21-2014, 09:06 AM

The dainty woman took careful steps as she made her way over the volcanic rocks. They trembled and shook, even under her slight weight, so it wasn't long before she decided to take a break from walking. She found a black boulder that seemed more stable than the rest and climbed gracefully up one side. Then she settled onto her haunches with a sigh. On most days, Kitsune would have avoided such a dangerous environment. But today she came here in the hopes that no other creatures would come her way. She wasn't against having company, as long as they were nice creatures. None of those big bad wolf characters.

But Kitsune also favored the silence today. She needed to think things over before deciding whether or not she wanted to join the pack nearby. After all, did it really seem like a good idea to jump into something without a second thought? She wouldn't be rash about this decision, nor would she join just to spend time with Dart. She needed to be honest with herself. Was this the life for her? Surrounded by wolves when she had so often feared them?



2 Years
07-21-2014, 01:10 PM

Short post sorry:(

he would quickly pull himself rock to rock, careful as to not trip upon some of the more unusually narrowed ones. his claws would grip the surface, though soon he would give up on his travels. His large crown would swivel side to side; fiery gaze locking upon a rather delicate and dainty figure. A devious grin would pull upon his maw as he nears closer, his sweet tongue licking eagerly upon inky lips. " You look like an interesting sort of prey." He would tilt his crown to the side, hoping to near closer to her. His claws would click against the dark rocks; scraping against them to make a strange screech noice " Can i try?" He would not advance, though his mouth would drool, his gaze devouring her existence. How pretty she was, a shame he only saw her as bait.

Table by oasis, image by away

[Image: G6jciao.png]


07-22-2014, 07:24 AM

The woman had just begun to feel at peace, lost in her own thoughts, when a dark voice seemed to hiss in her ear. She flinched, silver eyes flying about to find the source of such a sinister voice. She then noticed the large blue wolf that was staring at her with bright, hungry eyes. His words sent chills rolling down her spine. She had always been wary of wolves because they were larger and stronger than she, but... "No. You won't eat me." Kitsune seemed to insist, her voice trembling uncontrollably. Wolves didn't actually eat foxes, did they?

She had never been more afraid.

The silvery vulpine skittered backward as the beast grew nearer, asking if he could have a try? Kitsune yelped as she reached the edge of her boulder, nearly slipping off and into the sea of turbulent black rocks. If she fell down there, it would surely mean tumbling to the bottom of the mountain. But which would be a more merciful death? Eaten by a savage wolf or crushed by rocks after falling down a mountain?

Kitsune didn't want to experience either of them.



2 Years
07-22-2014, 02:23 PM

He would continue looking upon the small woman, not caring in the least if it made her feel all the more uncomfortable. She would tremble in fear, but of course there was every reason to be cautious within the precense of a wolf- But alas Novaro felt no need to hunt down his prey; he had already eaten a few hours before. But why would this pretty little thing need to know that? Once more he would lick at his lips, stepping forwards as she goes back, though finally letting out a rather dramatic, unneeded sigh. " I can spare your life if you become my little.... pet? I can put you under my protection if you behave, all i ask is if i need a favour you can hop to it... apart from that you could do whatever you wanted. Im sure my offer is much kinder to the next rouge who may try to claim you." She would be able to roam freely if she so wishes it, as long as each day she finds the way back to him. In due time Novaro was sure he would need a messenger, one quick on there toes, and this little creature seemed rather perfect. " What are you?" though he was trying to keep the conversation going there was no denying the threat he held within his eyes, warning her to make the wise choice or risk getting hurt in the process. He would always take care of his little things, no harm has to come of them. " Im Novaro Red" he would coo gingerly, as though the previous startle really meant nothing.

[Image: G6jciao.png]


07-22-2014, 03:19 PM

This encounter was becoming more frightening by the second. The little woman shook with fear as the beast slipped his tongue across sharp ivory fangs, that hunger never leaving his eyes. He moved closer as she backed away. There was no escape. Suddenly, he let out a dramatic sigh and seemed to make her some sort of offer. Her trembling ceased for a moment, and she furrowed her brow. Be his pet? Was he joking? The more he spoke of what would be her responsibilities, the more offended and ticked off she got. Kitsune was raised to be a lady, but now was not the time for manners. What are you? he growled. "I'm certainly not your pet," she spat back at him. "I'm a fox, you idiot. Who do you think you are?" Her voice was indignant, but seemed to be answered with a deadly coo. His name was Novaro Red. That was a name she would be happy to forget. "Maybe you should have started with that." Kitsune hissed at him, growing larger as her pelt fluffed out. She knew the male would laugh, as he very well should. She was a fox, after all, facing off against a very large and angry wolf. The odds weren't exactly in her favor. That little tumble down the mountain was looking pretty good right now. And in hindsight, it probably wasn't wise of her to mouth back the way she did. But her adrenaline was pumping. She was scared for her life, and wasn't thinking straight. How would this beast retaliate?
