
Ancora-Hellstrom-Armada puppies for grabs!



10 Years
Dragon Mod
02-02-2018, 03:05 AM (This post was last modified: 02-18-2018, 07:08 PM by Paradox.)
That's right, Paradox is having babies, something she never really thought about but in her desperation for some adult "fun" she didn't quite think things through and is now pregnant! The father in question is Dragon, and in his moment of weakness (He was hallucinating at the time and thought he was talking to spirits for advice), ended up doing the do with her after she tricked him into thinking she was this spirit. She also decided to go the extra mile for fun and tricked him into thinking that she was Iskra because let's face it, Para is a total jerk and completely toyed with him, so of course one thing led to another and in his drive to prove to "Iskra" how much he loved her, fell for Para's tricks.

This sorta ties into a plot that just sprang up in my head out of nowhere (we all get "shower thoughts" and this was one of those random ones). Paradox won't really want to raise kids, she values her independence too much and with her being a loner for as long as she has and with her family history, she's more than likely going to dump them off somewhere Dragon (or Avalon, haven't decided) to find and for them to raise in a pack/family setting. (She won't admit it but she can be a softie sometimes, maybe it's just old age, we'll never really know :'D) Paradox knows Dragon is the father, but Dragon doesn't know that he is and Para probably won't tell him, either. She has no attachments to him, he was just a one night stand sort of thing. Whether or not she'll be involved later, I can't say. Depends on how she starts to feel ICly I guess.

Dragon will more than likely take these kiddos in because let's face it, he can't just leave pups on their own in the wilderness to get eaten by bears or something, and since he knows he needs an heir at some point so he can retire from Alpha-ing and stuff, will more than likely raise one of these kids to be the heir. By the time these kids are born, then he should have already raised another pack (hopefully). Since he has no biological kids of his own (or so he thinks) and since he and Iskra have yet to have kiddos, then as mentioned before, one of these ones will be raised as the heir to the pack. (Unless an Iskron kiddo proves to be more leader material then this may change later).

Dragon may also end up giving them the Ancora name since the kids will start to grow on him and is gonna end up "Adopting" them, (again, since he doesn't realize they're biologically his XD) later on when or IF para decides to appear in their lives, then she may end up telling them about the Armada history where they can then decide if they wish to keep the ancora name or take on the armada name, or both!

That's pretty much the gist of it, he may find out later that they are in fact, his. But I haven't decided when that will be if at all. and if anyone has any juicier plot ideas, please tell me. I'm all up for drama!

Anywho, on to the adoption info!

There will be two pups available now~ (I decided to just take one). Paradox will also choose not to name them, so this will be left up to Dragon when he comes across them.

Drake is the one kid I decided to keep!

Adoption rules
-Must remain active. I reserve the right to reclaim the adopt should there be an inadequate amount of activity in a month, or if it is set inactive. UNLESS we've talked about it. I'm usually pretty lenient and tend to give second chances, but if I feel that's being abused then that's it.

-No alignment below...I don't know, I guess lawful evil or chaotic neutral. I understand development happens, but no super dark personalities OR a kid that's gonna be super spiteful/hateful/cold and that starts hating everyone for no reason. These kids will have plenty of attention, so there's really no reason this pup should turn out that way.

-I prefer you use a design that I provide, but if you really want to use your own, then feel free to create your own provided it follows the family genes. Anything that isn't from the fam will not be approved!  This is just for the reason that it's easier to adopt out again if I have to so the design/appearance isn't constantly changing. If you decide to purchase artwork such as from da, then that artwork is expected to stay with the char. Any designs I provide are to remain on Ardent simply for the fact that I've purchased them, thanks <3

- Names: Dragon themed! Wyvern, Dracul, just to name a couple. Here's a list of name ideas click

Design traits that run on Para's side (Armada line) are Albinism, Melanism, slate blues, whites, greys, browns, silver, russet, And a whole huge variety. Para's entire family lineage can be found here

Design traits on Dragon's side generally follow the same pattern, most of them have the halter like marking that goes down the shoulders and back, (see Dragon, Afrit, Avalon, etc.) And I will also be linking the whole Ancora family tree for this too. Colors vary as well. To make it easier stay tuned for both family trees! ;D

Available designs
(Eye colors may be changed)
Designs 1-5 require Regular shaped markings: 400 gems
Design 1
Design 2
Design 3
Design 4
Design 5
Design 6
Design 7 -May need odd shaped markings: 300gems
Design 8
Design 9
Design 10
Design 11
Design 12
Design 13
Design 14
Design 15

ALSO You get a 25% discount on height up to 39" from Dragon :3

<b>Gender:</b> male or female
<b>Appearance:</b> (at least site minimum)
<b>Personality:</b> (site minimum)
<b>Alignment:</b> Ic development happens so I imagine this may or may not change at some point in life.
<b>Plans:</b> kinda curious to see what sort of path they might take ;)
<b>RP Sample:</b> 200 word minimum

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



10 Years
Extra large
02-03-2018, 06:36 PM (This post was last modified: 02-10-2018, 12:51 AM by Lirika.)
lemme just... put this here...

Name: Chimera Ancora Armada
Design: 3
Appearance: ??? - Medium Build
Personality: WIP
Alignment: Chaotic Good? Chaotic Neutral? Who knows
Plans: -pounding fists on table and chanting- Armada stuff Armada stuff Armada stuff Armada stuff
RP Sample: 200 word minimum



7 Years
Extra large
02-09-2018, 11:57 PM
Name: Wyvern
[Image: q51YXNx.png]
Appearance: Wyvern's Armada lineage is clear on her frame, while not as tall as the famous patriarch of the line, standing instead a slightly shorter 32" inches, she has her great grandfather's bone structure. She is a beast made of elegant angles and high born features. It is easy to claim she is royal just by looking at her; she possesses an almost fragile look, any musculature she has is not evident. She is almost always well kept,

Draped upon her elegant frame is a luxuriously thick pelt, it flows down her body like a river of molten fur. She is swathed in dappled browns, broken only by the clean, pure, white that paints the end of her muzzle, extending down the bottom of her jaw onto her chest and under belly as well as marking her tail tip. Similarly her limbs are all painted with a deep coal color, that starts at her paws and extends up to near her shoulders on her front limbs and just past her knee on her hind legs, where it fades into the dappled browns on all four limbs.

Brilliant, intelligent cerulean blues peer out from her fine face.

Personality: Wyvern is a little princess, and seems to exhibit all the traits that tend to go along with that. To begin with she's a bit of a snob, she has no time for silly games, particularly anything that could potentially get her messy, and may often be at odds with more adventurous wolves, particularly as a pup. Similarly she spends a decent amount of time preening, too much time some might argue, she has a large ego and her pride demands she be looking her best in all situations!

Wyvern's favorite wolf in the whole wide world when she's a pup will be her father, she will be glued to his side whenever possible and will both suck up to him a lot and try to play on his affection. While she may not always get along with her siblings she will be fiercely loyal to her family, after all while she may find them silly, but they are still her family.

Wyvern can be judgmental, very few others are worthy of her attention or being around her. She quite literally views herself as a princess, after all her dad is a king isn't he? So that makes her royalty and when she doesn't quite get what she wants tantrums will not be uncommon.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Plans: Regardless of if she's best suited for it or not (and she's probably not) Wyvern would really really want to be Dragon's heir. A lot of her self of identity is going to be based on her relationship with Dragon so I can see her becoming more insecure later on in life is/when Dragon and Iskra have kids, or if the circumstances of their birth comes out since she'll think she's some kind of bastard child.

Otherwise, mostly just see her going about her life demanding people treat her like royalty and getting annoyed when the don't, she'll be especially demanding of siblings.

Probably get her a big cat companion like her dad, who'll be a lot more in touch with reality and try to help her be less... spoiled.

RP Sample: Wyvern huffed and puffed out her chest. She frowned, her lips pulling into a pout as she waited less than patiently at the mouth of the den. She had sent one of the various pack members out to hunt for her, she didn't know which one; they had laughed and nodded almost dismissively, but surely they would be back soon. The notion that she had been ignored hadn't even crossed the princess' mind.

The girl finally rose to her paws, gently shaking the dirt from her pelt. "When I find them they are soooo going to be in trouble." Wyvern, huffed again and stomped off in search of her missing hunter. The princess' gaze swept over the packlands, narrowing every time she saw one of her pack mates, doing her best to try and remember if it had been them she had asked.

Suddenly an idea clicked in her mind, and the girl stopped short. Her tail pulled high over her rump and a big shit eating grin spread across her face. "Daaaaaaaad?" She called out in a sing-song voice, bouncing through the territory, seeking out her father. She would tell him that some wolf had been mean to her, and then he'd figure out who it was and they'd be in soooooooo much trouble. After all, she was certain Dragon would ever refuse her, that'd be impossible. Right?



7 Years
02-11-2018, 04:57 AM (This post was last modified: 02-22-2018, 11:33 PM by Sterling.)
Name: Tharos
Design: #8
[Image: 9D4xXZZ.jpg]
Gender: Male
Appearance: The male will be a tall thirty-nine inches at the withers, and weigh in at an impressive 180 lbs, just short of his father's muscular build. Light, silvery-blue eyes peek out from his well-developed skull, ever-observant and displaying his intelligence, as well as his inquisitive nature. His muscular but well-balanced frame is easy to see beneath his short, thick fur, muscles rippling around his neck, shoulders and thighs. Although he is a hefty man, there is obvious definition from his neck to his chest and shoulders, and rib cage to waist - his handsome body is shaped and sculpted to perfection.

His coat is short but thick and soft, with a base colour resembling pure white snow. His markings are strewn about chaotically, none of them symmetrical, in hues of rust and tan. There is also a barely noticeable, off-white hue draped over his neck, ribs and hips. The most noticeable marking upon his face is the brilliant rusty red patch encompassing his left eye and the side of his muzzle. Patchy markings of light tan are seen on both the left and right sides of his face, as well as his ears. His left ear is splotched in rusty red as well, although the colour is lacking on the right side of his face. There are tan and rusty colours across the back of his shoulders, splotched over his spine, and on the topside of his tail. Each paw is coloured differently - both left paws are white on top, but differ underneath. The left foreleg is splashed in tan and rust. The hind is tan at the knee and rusty at the back of the hock. Right forepaw is mostly tan, the colour running halfway up the foreleg, while the back of the wrist is wrapped in that vibrant rusty hue. The right hind is mostly white, just barely dipped in red. He carries a look that more closely resembles his mother's lineage.

Personality: Competitive. Confident. Proud. Perceptive. Polite. Intelligent. Bright. Curious. Obsessive.

As a pup, Tharos will shine brightly with a natural intelligence and inquisitive mind. He'll be brimming and bubbling with questions, and he will go to great lengths to get answers that satisfy his curiosity. This includes annoying the adults until they give in and tell him what he wants to know. He's definitely not a quitter! The boy will be very perceptive, even at a young age, learning a lot by merely observing others. Don't try to hide anything from him, because he can pretty much tell what you're thinking, and he will not stop prodding and prying 'til you tell him your secrets!

He will certainly be competitive, wanting to be the best of the best in any lesson, activity or event. Not at the expense of his friendships, but he'll try to best you if he thinks he can show off without hurting your feelings. Well, maybe he gets carried away from time to time. He just loves being the center of attention. He's confident in himself, whether it's in his ability to win in a competition, impress others, or even in getting a laugh from others. He trusts his own perceptions and judgement, never doubting his own abilities.

Tharos understands that manners and diplomacy go a long way, no matter your endeavors. He will be polite during all initial meetings and any time he is involved in official matters. However, when he is amongst familiar faces, he enjoys being able to flake off and be a little less formal. He loves to goof off, and enjoys a good frolic with friends or family. He also possesses a strong sense of adventure, an extension of his insatiable curiosity. This may get him into a little bit of trouble, but there's no trouble he can't get himself out of. He's a thinker and a problem-solver, enjoying a good challenge.

He will develop some obsessive qualities. Although he may not know it, he'll have taken on his mother's quality of fastidious cleanliness and grooming. His coat is short and won't require a lot of grooming, but he will still pay particular attention to it, ensuring that nothing is out of place, and the only colours splashing his coat are the ones he was born with. He may also obsess over certain trains of thought, or certain topics or activities he is learning about. Perhaps he may even obsess over select individuals. Until satisfied, he may pursue these things tirelessly, and to the detriment of himself or others.

Alignment: True Neutral
Plans: Hoping to do some fun things with him eventually when he's old enough to get out there in the world! He'll be a bit of an adventurer, and will probably get into mischief.
RP Sample:



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022Rapid Poster - GoldCoder - RainbowToys for Tots
02-13-2018, 12:16 AM (This post was last modified: 02-21-2018, 10:41 PM by Shelby.)

Name: Rhaegal Ancora

Design: Design 5 but with green eyes like Dragon if that's okay!

Gender: Female

Appearance: A light shade of tan is what makes up the majority of Rhae's coat. This base color makes for the perfect background for her mildly intricate markings. The most noticeable ones are the dark, chocolate brown stripes that mark various parts of her. This darker color runs up the front of both of her forelegs, comes to a point at her elbows before continuing up around her shoulder blades to another point, meeting in the middle of her back to form a open diamond shape. More of this color forms a curved stripe around her thighs and down the top half of her tail. Lastly, she has a chocolate brown stripe along the top of her muzzle, around the edge of each ear, and each toe on her back paws are dipped in the color. A darker shade of ivory covers her throat, chest, stomach, the toes of her forepaws, the underside of her tail, and the lower half of her back legs. The same ivory color rings each of her eyes and shows up in the insides of her ears, and fills in the diamond shape between her shoulders. Small dots of white accent each brow above her vibrant green gaze, only adding to the focus that her eyes receive as the only source of a real color on her entire form. Once she reaches her full height, Rhaegal will stand at thirty four inches tall and will have a build that can barely be considered medium. She's athletic in the sense that she has lean muscle and barely any fat on her bones. Perhaps if she ate more she could put on some weight, but that's never her main concern. It all makes for a wolf that is quick and light on her feet, but not necessarily the strongest or toughest.

Personality: Rhae can work the room and chat anyone up like the best politician out there. Her personality is as outgoing as it is calculating. No one is a stranger to her in the way that she will greet everyone like they are an old friend. However, her warm greetings do not always mean trust. She takes after Dragon in the way that she watches how others move, interact, and speak so she can best decide how to react herself. No action goes without at least a little bit of thought. Because of this, it makes her cautious and unwilling to make any sudden choices. Times of stress that require split second decisions can be hard for her.

Rhae always weighs what she thinks is the best solution. Her choice might not always be the "good" or "moral" choice, but it will be the one that she thinks will benefit herself or her family the most. A white lie or two here and there won't keep her up at night if it puts those she cares about into a better position. She won't go so far as to harm anyone without cause or reason. Deep down she is truly caring and loving though she very rarely shows that side of her. Loyalty is her number one priority. Loyalty to her family, to her pack, to herself. Anything she does has that as the center of her concerns.

What she lacks in physical strength she makes up for in mental abilities. She is always looking for ways to better herself, including her training and studies. She can soak up knowledge like a sponge, but she has a bit of a hard time nailing down exactly what she wants to learn. Because of that she can be a jack of all trades but a master of none in most subjects. The only thing that really seems to click with her really well is conversation and languages. She has the brain of a linguist and learns foreign languages really easily. She also dabbles in healing mostly out of the sense of necessity in order to help keep her family safe and healthy since fighting isn't her strong suit.

While she does tend to act fairly mature for her age, she does have a bit of playfulness in her. It is rare to see her completely relaxed, but around her siblings and family she tends to act more like herself and will joke around with them and play games. She has a witty sense of humor that a lot of wolves might miss. Her jokes are usually fairly subtle and dripping with dry sarcasm. At times she can get herself into trouble with other that might mistake her jokes with real insults.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Plans: She'll definitely stick close to her family where ever they end up settling. If there are plans in the works to recreate Dragon's pack I can see her wanting to help and work her way up in the ranks and be a diplomat or spy of sorts. If not then she'll probably end up doing something similar with whatever pack she eventually ends up living in, but more motivated by her own drive to be better than by family ties. If I can find her a mate that'll put up with her snark I'll probably get her a little fam going as well! (Also thinking maybe she needs a Eurasian red squirrel friend to grow up with?)

RP Sample: Thin as a rail and standing on legs that resembled the disproportionate legs of a colt, Rhae certainly was no match for her siblings or other kids her age when they started play fighting and such. But they couldn't pick on her if they couldn't reach her! At least that's what she told herself as she watched a squirrel scramble up the side of a log with ease and then perch itself there while it ate a nut of some kind. A minute or two later another squirrel showed up, looking like maybe it was trying to take the first one's nut or something along those lines, and the first one darted up a near by tree with the other one right on its tail.

If she could just climb like those squirrels... She walked over to the fallen tree trunk, which was a bit taller than herself, and eyed it with a thoughtful squint of her eyes. Couldn't be that hard, right? She coiled her legs under her the way their dad taught them to do when they were ready to pounce on a piece of prey. She leapt up and got her front paws onto the top of the log, but wasn't quite as lucky with her back paws. They slipped a bit on the bark and she had to frantically scramble for a moment to keep from sliding back down to the ground. Luckily, she caught herself and pulled herself all the way onto the top. She carefully steadied herself before grinning triumphantly. There! Surely they couldn't reach her up here! She could nap in peace here no problem.

Suddenly the two squirrels from before came running back down the tree and across the log she was standing on. They weaved around her legs and startled her, making her jump with a soft yelp. The two rodents disappeared among the roots at the end of the log while she teetered till she finally slipped on the damp bark and went tumbling back down to the ground with a thud. The fall knocked the air out of her and she laid there for a moment while she tried to regain her composure. She was so glad no one was around to see that! When she blinked her eyes open there was a little pointy eared squirrel right in front of her eyes. "What-" she started, but before she could say anything else the squirrel took off in a flash.



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
02-20-2018, 07:31 PM
Heads up guys! Apps will be chosen in the next week or so, two pups are available now as I've decided to just take one :)
Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
02-28-2018, 06:16 PM
Alright! Time to choose players for these pups!

Congrats to Lolaf with Wyvern & Shelby with Rhaegal! Pups are born on 3/2, pup passes will need to be purchased for both slots!

Most of the plot/plan I had outlined is still in effect but since I've fallen behind on posts it may be pushed back just a tad. Couple weeks at most lol. Be sure to get them into acceptance by their playable date! If you changed your mind and no longer want to take a pup let me know asap!


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!