
It’s Treasure I Seek



4 Years
Extra large
02-13-2018, 10:06 PM
He stood looking into the territory, his ice blue eyes taking in what he could see. It felt strange, this place seemed to lack any life and the male was regretting the fact he had come here at night. He should have just stayed in his temporary den in the knolls, but he couldn’t sleep. He had the bright idea to go waltzing around in the middle of the night to explore and to search for things that interested him. The moon happened to be full tonight, giving him lots of light to try and pick out more shiny objects, but as he stood there taking in what he could, he questioned himself about this territory. He should come back when it was daylight, when he could see better, when he didn’t feel like there was a chance of some monster coming out of the shadows to eat him.

His eyes narrowed at the thought, he wasn’t a pup anymore. No there was no such things as monsters, just living breathing animals. The spirits may be around here, but they were harmless and couldn’t do him any ill harm. So he pushed himself forward, lowering his nose to the ground to take in the scents. He would find some trinkets tonight and horde them away somewhere. He needed to get the lay of the land and he planned to do so as quickly as he could manage. He had tasks to complete.

He moved along slowly his nose working to pick up the faintest scent of metal, looking for anything that could be of value to him or anyone else. Things that could be used to heal or to hunt, to wear or to even decorate ones den. Things that he could use or trade with. Anything at this point could be useful.



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
02-24-2018, 01:22 PM
Swallow the Sun

Guided by moonlight Ashiel sauntered across the plateau. His companion Griff soared above him as the pair went for a midnight walk. Even at night the temperature was warmer here in Boreas than it had been in Auster. The walk would be nice to clear his head for a bit. Griff flapped his wings to slow himself and hover near Ashiel's head. "I take it you delivered my prayer successfully?" The bird nodded and Ashiel grinned. He knew it was risky to be on the look out for signs. Anything could be taken as a sign to a searching mind but he felt good about this place and this territory.

Ashiel's pack was small, worryingly so. He'd hoped more of his family might join him but it wasn't entirely unexpected. After all, he'd fought a blind alpha. There were only so many props he could be given for that but he hoped as he began to rule that the rest of his family might see his strength and join him. He knew his mother had been debating about joining. He didn't know how to feel about that.

The young emperor continued on his way as his companion rose higher into the sky and called out, alerting him to the presence of another young male. "Looking for something?" He called out.

-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.



4 Years
Extra large
02-26-2018, 08:53 AM
He was slowly move around and when he thought he had a spot the male would begin to delicately dig the earth. The first thing he had dug up with this leather satchel that was still in vary good shape. It was a great find for him because he would be able to carry more things home without making so many trips. This find was definitely his for the keeping! He tossed it onto his back as he moved on his steps slow as he let his nose do all the work. He dug up a few more trinkets in the earth and put them in his bag making sure they would be well secured as he would move around.

Soon though the male was pulled from his task as another wolf called out to him. He lifted his gaze to land on the slightly lighter colored male before gently putting her bag of trinkets on the ground. He smiled to the male, his tail lightly wagging in a greeting.

"Hello.. Well I'm looking for anything that is just plain useful such as this bag," he stated as he pointed to the leather bag with his trinkets.



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
03-11-2018, 12:05 PM
Swallow the Sun

The stranger was looking for anything useful and gestured to a leather bag. Ashiel gazed at it for a moment trying to figure out how it would be useful. It seemed like an odd, dried, chunk of hide to him at first but as he considered it he realized it would be useful for putting things in. "Ah, what do you intend to use it for?" He could see a healer using it for herbs or a hunter using it to carry horns, teeth or hooves. Perhaps a holy man might use it to carry trinkets for rituals and he hoped the man's answer would give him a clue as to the other's profession.

"My name is Ashiel Abraxas, leader of the Eclipse Empire. What is your name?" Could the man himself be a sign? It was hard to say. He certainly couldn't imagine what the bag would mean.

-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.


03-11-2018, 10:18 PM (This post was last modified: 03-23-2018, 06:27 AM by Ashiel. Edit Reason: fixed another broken table, missing </table> tag )

The sire heard, one sniffing closely to him his first reaction was to growl.  His lime orbs narrowing,  into slits as he lept at the smaller male.  His wip curling over his spinal cord,  before relaxing seeing it was only a wolf.  His crimson stained enamels,  slowly being recovered over by his velveetens. "Sorry sire,  you surprised me you should becareful, shouldn't your alpha warn you of this?" he hissed,  his glare caught on the other sire,  he had the raging scents of a superior his hermione's indacated so.  Than as he returned to sniff the smaller,  healer? He caught a whole different pack scent,  ,"Hmm,  you two are from different pack weird.... " he sighed,  his lime orbs staying locked on the sires bag,  with a quick snarky sigh he asked,  ,"What's inside,  herbs?" his broad maw,  pointed to it, his torn aud flicking. As he began to circle the sire with a level yet, cautious as if to attack look. Only in case he had to, but he would try not to let his urges talk. His owl flung herself to her masters, shoulder with a slight click of her beak before saying. "Got anything that can attrack mice?" she croaked, she flapped her wings. Her small forum landing on the other sires shoulder and sayed, "Please give me, the poppy seeds." she could smell, the tangy scent of poppy seeds. Her talon drawling slowly over the sires shoulder, that might leave a scratch. "Or mint leaves, hmm maybe even a little of both..." she was practically ordering before, Xander snapped his maw in a signal to the owl. She rolled her inlarged orbs, flapping to her master shoulder. "Sorry she is just hungry, she knows i could always get her some food. Well maybe...?" His zeth twitched, crimson dropplets trickled from a small cut. He winced as his owl, grabbed ahold of it pulling with all her might. She tried but lost grip, she caused her wings to frail and hit the thorn deeper into hid pad, he yelped and snapped at the air. He licked the swollen pad he had'nt been able to find herbs he had, been resting alot.
Does,"Speaks" Thinks

Take my soul,  dear light.
A thousand firefly,  can't  light up my soul.



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
03-25-2018, 02:51 PM
ooc: having Ashiel exit this thread again keep the timeline sensible since having xander and ashiel meet before the joining thread screws it up and I can't really reply to xander without knowing if he makes it into the pack or not. xD Sorry again!

Swallow the Sun

Ashiel was about to turn when he caught the sound of a stranger approaching but at that moment his companion, Griff let out a screech and swooped down near him. He felt his hackles raise at the sound. Something was wrong. "Ashiel! I have word from your mother, you need to return at once. Something has happened to your uncle!" Ashiel felt his stomach drop. No… what had happened? Had his uncle fallen ill. He turned to the woman and dipped his head. "My apologies, I must go!" Taking off quickly he raced after Griff, praying that the situation was not as serious as he feared it to be.


-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.