
Hello My Name Is Human



2 Years
02-14-2018, 12:42 AM
Highly Suspect - My Name Is Human

It was roughly mid day, the sun was high in the sky, the air was humid, and life all about the land was doing it's thing, going throughout it's daily activities. It was that very thing that the black furred wolf was trying to make since of, too. This land, it's name, it's pulse, it's flow. Such was a necessary knowledge to be had if one was to survive. The turning of gears and how violently or smoothly they meshed together as they spun. Was it clean, cooling oil that lubricated them as they collided together? Or was it something much less reliable? Was it something combustible and volatile with a low cooling quality that coated them as they made their friction, making it only a matter of time before the whole module exploded into shrapnel and maimed everyone?

You can bet he wasn't going to dedicate to a pack before he knew for sure. Nafsi wasn't afraid of a storm, no. The grump didn't believe in the world like that. He fully expected the tinderbox to burst aflame at some point. Likely always would, unless someone wanted to prove him wrong. Maybe one day he'd be pleasantly surprised.

It was very broad shouldered that he emerged from Gambit Briar, head held high in the daylight sun and stride strong and tall, a song upon his lips as he entered the Prairie. It had been a dead end, going through Gambit, it was likely he'd never return unless it was to hide. He hated that place, after only visiting once, and the new collection of cuts and scrapes along his shoulders and hips were more than reason enough. But he refused to show it. No. It had challenged him, and he had won. In fact, it was nice, to be reminded every now and again, how strong you were, how firm your fortitude was. "Get Up Of Your Knees, boy! Stand Face to Face with your God! And find out what You Waaaaaant!"

There was a passion as the words left his lips. An energy. Pain. Pain was a fact of life. And surviving pain, something about it just... Reminded you you were Alive! "Hello my name is human. HELLO!
My name is Huuuuman! And I came down from the Stars!"
He'd go a little further before finally sitting down and giving himself a good shake, getting the thrones out of his fur. He'd turn his head and grab a section of thorn vine stuck in his right shoulder and slowly pull it out, mumbling a low, very aggravated 'Ow' as he did, before spitting it on the ground, before finally lifting his right paw up to look at his left front leg. A heavy huff would escape his nose as he frowned at it. About halfway up his foreleg was a fairly nice gash from a lower hanging vine he'd nearly tripped over, bright red crimson slowly running down from it still. A very explicit word would escape his maw in a low voice as he brought his head back up and started looking around, continuing to mumble a little. "... I need to do something about this..."