
Rolling Girl

Kaitlyn I


6 Years
02-15-2018, 06:58 PM
They had left the North with time, and the further Kaitlyn got away from it the better she felt. She wasn't at full strength, pushing herself to go farther than she probably should. But Clay was getting even better about reading her energy levels. Of course the fact she had taken the demon’s seed inside her and was now pregnant made the going a bit slower to begin with.

Currently in the East Kait found peace at a lakeside. The water was beautiful, shimmering brilliantly in the warm sun. She was lying next to Clay in rest, having not moved for a good half hour or so. She felt safe… and not even Proxy had managed to surface again. At least yet. Kaitlyn was trying her best to put complete faith in the male… it was hard, but if she could trust anyone it was Clay.

“Mnnn?” She had been dozing, but a shift in her belly brought her to a state of wakefulness. “ active already…” She murmured, pressing into the dire sized wolf at her side.

“Do… do you think they’ll be okay, Clay?” The femme asked softly. “They… they're his blood but…” Kaitlyn closed her eyes, still resting on the other. Since reuniting in the North she tried to stay as close to him as she could. “I want them to know happiness… to know safety… I don’t want them to be broken like I was…” She added softly. But then again what sane parent would want their children to know pain and suffering?

Kaitlyn's current avatar is by Fox on Ardent. Stock is from CastleGraphics on DeviantArt.

Clay I


5 Years
Dire wolf
02-22-2018, 12:06 PM
They had left the North and he had willingly stuck by her side once again. He was content that she was safe again and that her mental health seemed to improve the further away they got. He had been careful to keep an eye on her, make sure she didn't push herself to hard, and of course to make sure she was well fed. Their travels had been slower, but that didn't bother him. The slower pace made things a lot more enjoyable as they spent a lot of time in each other's company.

They were taking a rest stop today, enjoying the warm sun on the shore of the lake. Clay was sprawled out with Kait dozing at his side. He too was finding himself relaxed enough that he was dozing, the warm sun making him feel lazy with the darker hues to his coat. At first he hadn't heard her more softer tones, but as she shifted and pressed into him his awareness kicked in. Waking him from his dozing and making his eyes open.

When she spoke the dire male shifted himself, wrapping himself around her more. She was already laying her head on his neck so he didn't move his head. She questioned if they would be alright and his eyes looked to her abdomen for a moment as she continued to speak. Truly he didn't know what was wrong with the male, if he had mental illness or if it was just how he was raised. Though he did believe with their influence the kids would turn out alright.

"As long as we show them happiness and just do our best when raising them, they should turn out fine," he said quietly.