
Counting down the minutes till my heartbeat stops


07-19-2014, 10:28 PM (This post was last modified: 07-25-2014, 10:58 AM by Ubivat.)

The rain would fall from a darkened sky across the mans pelt, standing in the field like some sort of ghost. If only he could feel the rain against his skin and fur, but the feeling did not exist for him. Though he was hoping to find Schon, the beauty of the pack in his eyes. While he was not attracted to her, his sexuality made it almost impossible for his love to exist any longer. But that did not keep from others becoming important to him for the heartless beast. Next to him, was the mangled body of a brown lithe man. Ubivat had found him sneaking around trying to find a way in and murder Schon. That would not do, Ubivat had snapped his neck, though he hadn't emerged unscathed. On his right shoulder was a large bleeding gash. It wasn't serious, the rain washing out the blood, but Ubivat could not feel it. Even if he was aware he was bleeding. He didn't know anything about herbs either for that matter.
Looking at the corpse with his glowing orange eyes in the rain, soaked fur he then looked up again in search of the princess. This deserved to be addressed no? Would she believe him? Or not? It was the truth after all, and this male had been trying to corner her for some time, so possibly she had noticed him but thought nothing of it. Regardless, he waited patiently for her to show up, even with his bleeding shoulder. His gray and white tail flicking behind the complicated man.




9 Years
07-19-2014, 11:47 PM

The scent of the crimson liquid that gave each and every animal life filled her narrow nose. Her mouth shamelessly watered as the girl let her mouth hang open. Though, it began to sprinkle from the skies above. It was a sign, but was it good or bad? The delightful girl would try to track the scent of the blood from her spot. For she would not have anyone harmed on her watch. The girl slithered with ease but the scent was fading due to the rain picking up. Drops of water pelted down upon her skinny form as she bounded to the source. Though, as she urged on, the girl smelled Ubi as long as another. But the other was wrong, it was dead. A little growl would bubble within her chest. Yet, as she urged on her crimson eyes began to make out the hazey forms of her cobalt warrior and a bloodied wolf to his side. The Princess sauntered quicker before she stopped close to them. Her eyes would skip to the dead duo before they landed on his orange flares. "Ubi, I am surprised to see you like this upon our second meeting." Schon took a moment to size up the situation. "Who was the fool you ended?" A brow would raise as she awaited an answer. Her jowls nearly dripped with drool due to the intoxicating smell of her next meal.

Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.


07-19-2014, 11:56 PM

The man's orange eyes would widen themselves when he saw her, though maybe simply to make it so he could see her better. His bulky shoulders would sit back, spine cracking slightly. As his back paw stepped across the tail of the deceased. Her words would reach his dark ears, making his russian tongue slightly slip out. "да, вы похожи на Луну"(Aye, you are like the moon) he would say. But then would relax himself. The shivers that she sent down his spine were different. Not of love but rather in interest of his loyalty. A slight pain would rise in his empty chest cavity before he would answer her.
"He was trying to get closer to your throat, he was a threat so I disposed of him, and now offer him. Proof of my loyalty." he said. He sought power from her, sought that craving for the possibility of spreading more blood. This was what the gods had presented to him was it not?




9 Years
07-21-2014, 09:51 PM (This post was last modified: 07-25-2014, 10:46 AM by Schon.)
m for gross blood licking of dead body. for now on each post shld be read with caution. cannibals yo.

The woman would stare into his flaming orange eyes he proclaimed dead. But, she saw a living creature, for he was blessed with life, just a twisted mindset. It must have been Loki. The lady watched for a few moments before his tones filled her lovely audits. Schon obviously did not understand but she breathed them in with delight. "да, вы похожи на Луну" Her eyes studied him some more. I do not understand your native tongue, my gargoyle.. " The babe would wait a few moments before he began to speak in the common tongue. "He was trying to get closer to your throat, he was a threat so I disposed of him, and now offer him. Proof of my loyalty." The scent of the blood wafted into her nose. The lady often did not crave Wolf flesh, but she had not tasted it in so long. It made her feel powerful, as if the Gods were chanting her name as it slid down her skinny throat. But, why would someone already trying to cut her throat. The tyrant would think on such for a few moments before letting out more delicious vocals. "A noble offering and a noble deed. You make a wonderful mercenary and member of this pack so far, Ubivat Corteir." The lady would move to brush past him and circle behind him to the body on the ground. Her very skinny form would bend down to sniff it before lapping at some of the blood. Though, she would refraim from feasting just yet. "I thank you, warrior. For you may have granted me a second life. The Gods have truly blessed me with your loyalty. Now, shall we take his soul into our paws, devour the very flesh of the being you removed from the earth, and make his passing forever?" The woman would lean up to look at him. For the babe did believe that the only way to put a creature to rest was devour a little bit of its flesh for that person shall be a part of you forever, the person you forced the life out of. Schon believed the Gods urged such on, but in reality it was only her sick mind twisting a harmless religion into an occult.

Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.


07-25-2014, 10:56 AM

Second life. Funny, the man could have sworn he was on his third maybe. If he counted his loss of the love he thought he had after he was burning in a fire. Regardless his empty cavity of a chest was howling with pain on the inside, if he were to have feelings his heart would ache for her somehow. A mere child she was, a yearling and what he didn't see before as the gods strive for something greater somehow. Her words brought old memories slapping him in the face that he would have had trouble remembering so long ago. Like so many times before, his orange dead eyes would look and follow her with curiosity and detachment. It was true, the living were something else completely, and he was not to compete with that. Devour the very flesh of the being you removed from the earth, it would amaze him. Eyes widened suddenly as he had to take a step back, had he ever thought of such mercy upon an enemy. Most of the wolves he killed within the past would rot, not ever seeing another day again. Sometimes when he was in his younger years he would have even stared wondering if they would rise from the dead just as he had. Ubivat wouldn't look at Schon his gaze still kept on the spot she had moved from, as his darker tinted ears pulled back and his head tilted. Suddenly coming to crane towards the body and Schon, devour, devour and conquer the fear. The fear that did not exist as far as his body was concerned. His breathing shallowed out, not needed, but still the memory of living burned into his skull. The ever reminding memory that he was not like the others.
Nervously, like a kitten he would lower his head and turn his body to the corpse. Settling paws on either side of one shoulder, his jaws opened full of saliva. His canine would settle into the flesh, the sickening crack of it filling his ears and the feeling sending shivers down his spine as his muscles proved to be more than they were worth. The fresh blood of the deceased would start to fill his snout as he tugged back, ripping, and tearing, the sound was nearly intoxicating as the blood poured out. Devour, yes, the gods forgiveness would be given to him. Even if it was Loki looking down on him, look at him now. How he wished that this was his beloved cousin, and one day maybe he would see her again, and be able to give her the revenge that she deserved for tearing out his heart and making his life a living hell. Anger fueled him as he ate into the flesh, the shoulder nearly becoming bare as he ate through arteries and more veins along with the meat. How delightful the taste was, never in his life had he had the desire to consume meat not like this. Perhaps it was not the fact that he was eating it was more of the releasing emotions onto tearing the flesh apart.
Ubivat would catch his breath, stepping back his maw dripping with the new sullen blood of his fallen enemy. Orange eyes staring at Schon, such a corrupted mind in the least. His paws settled on the ground, he could not feel, and this was as close to the bliss of feeling pain he would get. In the hopes in battle that he would feel it again, but would not. But it also made the man more at danger for injury since he could not tell if he was badly hurt until he passed out from blood loss in most cases. He would hone his skills however, and this would be his demise, or his loyalty to seek the gods guidance. Schon surely was a fallen angel that he was following.




9 Years
07-26-2014, 12:00 AM

The lanky woman stared at her pawn with a little smirk upon her tinted lips. Ivories flashed in those moments, still savoring the rush that tasting the blood gave her. Yet, she would watch him react to her words. The fae eyed him with curiosity. Though, after moments of hesitation, he would act. His body moved to the corpse. Hovering over the body. He would slowly moved his frontals down. Jaws opening and ripping it the tender flesh. Blood would spew everywhere. The Gods chanted their names! The fae was excited to the very core. Her bodice nearly shaking. Crimson eyes observed as he devoured the being below him. Taking in as much as he wanted before backing away. She continued to watch with keen eyes. Though, there were consequences to such a lifestyle. Later he would experience shakes and shudders from the flesh and blood. It was worth it though. The Viking moved closer to him before emitting her own lovely voice. "You please the Gods, Ubivat." She would smile a horrible smile before her attention was switched back down to the dead.

Small paws carried her light body to the dead body. A paw lifted, gently pressing into the blood covered corpse. Blood spewed out, being pushed out by her paw. The fae would then lift her paw, turn it and observe how the blood soaked into her very pads. Schon would smile a little more before leaning over. Her nose sucked in the perfume of the metallic blood and rotting being. Though, slowly, the fae moved in closer. Her lips quivered as they slid up, exposing her sharp teeth. The Finnvi girl then went to town. Her jaws snapped, ripped, and destroyed. Blood splattered all over her light yet tall body. Flesh was every where. It slid down her throat with ease. A rush filled her to the core, making a chill flow down her spine. Though, when she had enough she would lean up, swallowing the last bit of her meal. The vixen turned back to Ubivat but did not smile. Vocals filled the air instead. "We are now one with the being who was slaughtered for our selfish causes. The Gods are pleased. I am glad we have shared this, my knight. But, we do not speak about this to anyone." The fae had no time for her members knowing of her diets in those moments. "Does that sound good, little blue?" She would take a step forward and stare into his eyes. There was an obvious allure there for she had yet to share such a private moment with anyone before.

Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.


07-29-2014, 12:33 AM

Warmth, a word so foreign to his rock cold body would come to mind. His eyes tempted to look away from her, but they stayed put. And for a moment he would believe himself special, as his orange eyes flickered for a moment giving off a soft shine that was rare ever since he had lost all sense of feeling. His toes spread into the dirt, the feeling of blood across his gray muzzle disgusted him somehow. But the angel in front of him had himself convinced that it was for the best to somehow be forgiven among the sins they had dealt within their lifetimes. Living one tell him, the tongue she spoke across her vocals was not like his own. He wished to know it, he longed for that connection. Ubivat didn't quiet know yet what he was feeling, even if it was a simple word as love, emotional conduct had left him bruised and broken on a river's edge. His tail flicked back and forth as he lowered his head closing his eyes for a moment. A slow nod to the question she had asked.
"Schon, there are words you speak that are not of my native tongue nor of this one. I am curious, living one, would you teach me? If you wish to know of my native tongue, Russian, I would be honored to teach you it's words as well." Ubivat's tongue was still slick with his accent. It was amazing how no one noted how different his voice sounded to theirs. Highly considering the russian was thick onto his vocals, like a coil. As he took in breaths, feeling his empty chest nearly cave in. Would his emotions trick him this time as well. He was struggling, but refused to say that he was dying a second time.




9 Years
07-30-2014, 08:55 PM

A small nod had been received as her question slipped from her maw. Yet, he had more to come. "Schon, there are words you speak that are not of my native tongue nor of this one. I am curious, living one, would you teach me? If you wish to know of my native tongue, Russian, I would be honored to teach you it's words as well." The babe perked up. To know another language would be exciting. To already know English and German was nice. But, Schon knew every leader should know many languages to speak their members native tongue. It was an easy way to impress members and become closer to them. Therefore, as he finished speaking, the femme nodded lightly. "I would love to learn Russian and I would be pleased to teach you of my native tongue. German." Schon moved to get closer to him and sat, blood still covering her divine bodice. "What words would you want to learn first?" Schon was interested, there was no doubt at all. She grew quite fond of Ubivat in those moments but it took a lot to win her over

Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.