
Deep breath, relax.



5 Years
03-17-2018, 03:41 PM
He sat by the water, chin dripping from the drink he'd just taken for the last... while. Summer was not his friend, so finding water had been a blessing, truly. Silver eyes were drinking in the sight of the bright flashes below the surface of the lazily moving river. Fish. He licked his lips, stomach growling it's assent, food sounded real good right about now. He was kind of out of practice fishing, so this would be... interesting.

Once the man found a good spot to wade in, he began the main part of fishing - waiting. This would be why not many opted to become fishers when hunting went so much smoother with other game. He couldn't guarantee the fish would even approach striking range. All he could do was wait with the sun inf front of him so his shadow didn't frighten them away and wait. A soft exhale was the only sign of his boredom as he watched the fish dart through the water. They were getting steadily closer...



2 Years
03-17-2018, 04:53 PM

Mischief. It was in high demand in her book and the only way to give it was to mess with everyone she met. Iskra had sort of vanished as well as cat man. Well if they didn't want to play and be around her then maybe she didn't need them. She had only recently left auster finding less fun to be had there with the lands being taken over by those titanic jerks.

She padded on, her paws in the shallows. She'd chased goats, sheep, antelope, and even an orox. Currently it was the shiny scales of fish that caught her eyes. She paid little attention to the man sitting up ahead and in just a short moment she was bursting to life. She sprinted after the flashes of silver, slashing and stirring up mud and silt without a care for the hungry man that had been watching the fish. She didn't even want them or act like she was hunting. She was just finding enjoyment from frightening and stirring them up.


[Image: giphy.gif]

As her sister and voice, Ithiliel is allowed in any and all of her threads regardless of tags.



5 Years
03-24-2018, 06:33 PM
He was being so patient, and grew pleased to see his efforts in remaining entirely still being rewarded with braver movements from the silver flashes that signaled approaching fish. One was almost in perfect striking range when- SPLOOSH!

What in the world?! Water was spraying up everywhere, his face was soaked, and there were no fish left to be seen in the wildly churning waves left by whoever did this terrible thing. Ears flattened as the brown and white marked man turned to see an interesting spectacle that somewhat lessened his irritation. A small, blue-pelted girl was racing through the water apparently having the time of her life. Silver eyes widened a bit as he took in her unnatural appearance, but he recovered quickly. Say, this kid reminded him of another blue child he met a while back... How interesting that there were several such wolves running around here.

"Ya having fun?" he called with an uncertain smirk, shaking off his previous annoyance at his spoiled fishing.



2 Years
04-14-2018, 11:15 PM
She definitely wasn't the classiest girl ever as she came running towards the man that had just called out after having his fishing ruined. She did come to a sliding halt as she got close though. She aimed to splash his ugly mug with water as she did so. Had she succeeded her grin would be huge. This one needed a nickname too. She'd have to give him one that suited that ugly face. What could she call someone so hideous though? That really was the question. He looked kind of like he lost a fight with a cliff face.

Well she'd figure it out eventually. Right now the guy needed to have his day ruined so she could have her fun. Iskra would be downright proud of her favorite hobbies. Though she did learn them from Iskra anyway.

She let her grin drop as she tried to imitate his messed up face, lifting her lip some and poking her bottom jaw out enough to catch her lip under one fang. Then after she did that she silently snickered and let her face go back to normal. Manners were not given to him right now.

[Image: giphy.gif]

As her sister and voice, Ithiliel is allowed in any and all of her threads regardless of tags.



5 Years
04-27-2018, 12:57 AM
Initially, he was nervous having someone be so close by. He preferred to avoid strangers, they made him terribly anxious and self-conscious for fear they'd dislike him for his less-than perfect facial features. The scars that ripped across his face were, sadly, always effecting his life in one way or another. It was his burden, an unfortunate and difficult one to find himself carrying since the incident through which he gained such maiming really didn't take that long. It was over before he knew it, but the effects afterwards never did stop.

This was why, when the girl came tearing through the water, splashing him hard and clearly on purpose, he was immediately sent into a foul mood. Ear erect and muzzle wrinkled, his tail lifted in a display of dominance. His hackled might have rose, but the layer of water drenching much of his coat by this point would see that it wouldn't be visible to the brash yearling. Silver eyes fixed on her sassy, snide little face with simmering aggression bubbling beneath the surface, easily seen by an observant viewer though he somehow doubted the child would catch on.

On the outside Lerato would give the appearance of calmness, tainted with irritability, but still relatively relaxed considering the situation. Her actions had him prepared for the worst. At least, he thought he was ready for it. But when the snot-nosed little pipsqueak decided to mock him he felt a shift within. At first he tried to stop it, wishing to let her actions go and leave without being harassed further. Unfortunately while he thought he'd gained control of himself in the last few years, he found that it would easily be undone.

"Now you've done it."

His eyes squint slightly, face moving in a way that suggests a smile, though his lips aren't all there to make the expression in full. The larger male looks the girl over carefully, silver eyes warm, deceptively so. "Hey, kid," he began, all warmth and openness, in a voice that would send anyone's alarm bells a'ringin, "Wanna know how I got these scars?" His words come out slow, spoken carefully to minimize the effect of his broken speech.

"I got 'em by acting like you," he growled, as he sought to launch himself at the girl through the water.

-fight starts here-

Water surged up around him as the man burst forward through it, ears pinning, eyes narrowing, and muzzle wrinkling to the best of it's ability though the tattered and mostly missing lips meant it didn't take much effort to show every one of his ivory fangs. His tail moved even with his spine and flagged behind him, sopping wet and streaming water, while his head also moved even with his spine and chin tucked neatly over his throat. His weight would distribute evenly over his limbs, knees bending a bit to aid his movement and lower his center of gravity.

As he aimed to close the distance, the man would seek to come at her face to face, head on. His aim was to slam his chest into hers, angled slightly to his left so that he would hopefully be able to drive the bony point of his right shoulder into the right upper portion of her chest.

He'd try to draw near as his head would quickly snake over to his left and angle hard the same direction. His jaws parted, looking to bite the blue girl on the right side of her neck, where her skull met it and the flesh was tender. His upper jaws sought a hold just behind her right ear, while the lower jaws aimed closer to her jawline. The goal was to leave some moderate puncture wounds for her to think about.

Simultaneously, his weight shifted to his hind legs as he lifted both front limbs, seeking to wrap both limbs around the girl behind her neck, just in front of her shoulder blades, with his left paw aiming to wrap around her right side, and his right limb aiming to wrap around her left side. The digits of each paw spread to the best of their ability, flexing in hopes of grasping the younger wolf more effectively. Meanwhile his tail would raise, swing slightly to one side as he maintained his balance, compensating for not having the front limbs available at the moment.

Lerato vs Arwen for Dominance
Round 1/?
Height: 35"
Build: Heavy



2 Years
04-30-2018, 05:21 PM

Ugly face seemed perterbed by her actions. Good, it was working. The gremlin she was becoming would make Iskra proud, or at least she thought so. His words earned him a quick perk of her ears before she saw him pull his lips.

-begin fight here-

Well now she had done it. For the first time in the girls life, she had pushed the wrong wolf's buttons it seemed. She'd never trained before or been told how to fight. The closest she'd witnessed was Starry bastard getting his ass kicked by her mother, Iskra. Though that was the shortest thing she'd ever seen. Regardless she tried to do her bes and mock Iskra's stance and such. Her ears pressed and her hackles rose, bristling along her spine. she wasn't completely certain she had that right though. HEr lips peeled back and her muzzle wrinkled as her maw opened, exposing her gums and pearly whites. Her eyes narrowed though there was still to much playfulness in them to really show much malice. He was coming at her and she raised her tail in her own show of dominance, to show him he didn't scare her and she wouldn't back down easily. Her legs spread to balance out her weight to perfection. Was this right? She wasn't sure. She didn't have time to reflect on it though.

As he came at her she aimed to turn her body enough to place his shoulder ram into the largest part of her shoulderblade. His teeth landed upon her scruff as a consequence of her pushing it into his mouth in order to aim a bite of her own for the front of his being, on the right side of his neck, slightly off center so as to not gain hold on his jugular. After all she didn't want to kill ugly face, merely just try to make him either back off or think again.

As their bodies collided no yelp was given not even as his teeth punctured her. Merely only a outlet of breath was given to any indication of pain, after all how could a mute girl give anything else. She could feel the slight trickle of blood from his teeth, that would need something she was sure of it.

As he lifted she sought to do the same, so as to keep her scruff from tearin with the man's greater height. She felt his paws wrap and she aimed to simultaneously shove forward, hoping to throw him backwards with both her fore paws on either side of him. He was much heavier than her so she needed to add all her body weight into the shove, meaning both back paws spread as she basically tried to walk him backwards with one great shove.

She wasn't even sure what she was supposed to do but this felt at least a little right.

Walk "Talk" Think
Arwen vs Lerato for Dominance

Round: 1 | 2
Height: 23"
Build: Light


OOC: Sorry this took so long, hope its at least a little bit understandable <3

[Image: giphy.gif]

As her sister and voice, Ithiliel is allowed in any and all of her threads regardless of tags.

Head Judges


05-14-2018, 07:32 PM

And the winner is...

ARWEN! Due to Lerato not posting in the allotted time the fight has been defaulted in Arwen's favor. Lerato must now give up by either submitting, fleeing or passing out.