
still doll


07-19-2014, 04:29 PM

Walk ? "Talk" ? 'Think'

What was he to do now? Erani had fallen and even though he had learned long ago that she didn't exactly breath fire he had still thought highly of the older woman... His dad had told him that it was his aunt who had taken the pack, that she had her reasons but still... Rage would bubble to life inside the boy. He had left after the challenge, not waiting to see who the new queen would be, not staying with his family. He couldn't be around them yet... He couldn't let them see him like this. At first he had set off in search of Isis, but then he had stumbled across this place. It was where he had emerged from the tunnels beneath the earth with Alpine when he had broken his leg. Some small part of him wished to go back within, slip into the darkness of the scarred earth and to disappear beneath the surface. What if he never emerged again? Would anyone miss him? His parents maybe but the boy had struggled with making friends, allowing his whole world to revolve around Alpine and Isis. But where were they? Alpine had left him and he hadn't seen Isis in so long. Maybe he should just go back and explore the tunnels for a while...

He had seated himself at the edge of the scar, the crack in the earth that lead to the underground tunnels. Shoulder were hunched and brilliant orange eyes flickered as he stared down I to the darkness. What was in there? Erion didn't remember the adventure well, didn't remember what had happened under there. Despite it only being 6 months ago it all seemed so hazy, like a blur. A sigh would drop from his lips, shoulders rolling back as he looked upwards towards the sky. Emotions rolled and crashed around him varying from rage to sorrow. What was he to do now? Was he simply to take it and go back to Valhalla with his tail between is legs? No. He was a knight, he had to do something about this, he had to set it right.