
Chasing visions of our future

Dutiron i


8 Years
07-19-2014, 03:49 PM

The plans for Novella's wedding had been in the works all of a short night. Truth be told he hadn't slept all that well since discovering the news the previous evening and had crept out in the early hours of the morning to distract himself with any possible task he could thing of. After a check of the borders he had made his way back to the den, hoping that Novel hadn't yet woken up he would make his way back to the den. Mind was still buzzing, the walk hadn't really done it all that much good though after that good talk with them and the discussion of a wedding he had certainly been far more at ease than he had when they had first told him the news. Truth be told the man was a little guilty for his temper though couldn't help but wonder how bad a state he would be in now if Novel hadn't been there to help him reign it in. It was very unlike him really, he could easily list the few occasions he had lost his temper before, perhaps the worst being Arelahn's ridiculous notion that getting herself pregnant was the best way to get over Ilthlarn. He loved his nieces and certainly even cared for his nephew though he still thought her a fool for having made that mistake. He prayed now that Novella wasn't making a mistake and even more hoped that his doubts had been mistakes.

He neared the den now and would discover that his mate had indeed woken up and was now sat outside in the morning sun awaiting him. At least he assumed that was what she had been doing anyway. He would hide any sheepish notions that he felt for having left that morning and would instead move straight to her side, nuzzling her in greeting. "Good morning my love." He responded, his voice hopefully cheery enough to fool her though she knew him far too well sometimes and he wouldn't be surprised if she saw past it and guessed why he had been up so early. Perhaps he should have tried to hunt, bring her back some breakfast as an excuse.

Novel i


8 Years
07-19-2014, 04:21 PM

She knew how well he was sleeping. Every time he tossed or turned in his sleep she'd be disturbed, but she knew that her reasons for being easily stirred and his were very different. She could only guess that he was still feeling conflicted about the news, while she hadn't slept well the past week. Their new babies would be here anytime, she could feel it. They were becoming more restless and oh so big now. It was hard for her to sleep in one position for any length of time, she would very easily say she was ready to get them out.
She would notice his presence missing in the early morning, but she would try and and lay there a bit longer to get some more rest. Of course she wouldn't make it much longer, her form slipping from the den awkwardly. She would find herself a seat and greet the sun's first rays. "Good morning my love." A smile would form on her face as she turned her features to nuzzle into Dutiron's soft fur. He sounded much better than he had last night, but she couldn't help but think he was still trying too hard. Novella and Frith were still bothering him. "Good morning, you." She'd kiss him lightly and reflect his tone, if he wanted to talk to her he would.


Howl 1


07-19-2014, 07:36 PM

The male had been out for a rather long walk. The last few days spent in deep thoughts. The last few days...the time since the last meeting, since he had seen Song's still child, changed something in him. He would not admit to anyone what chord had been struck, but it made him think. Today, he sought to speak to his parents. Unsure as to why exactly, but he just had to. He held in his jaws, a plump hare to give them, his excuse for seeing them. It wasn't much, but it had been caught unawares and he simply couldn't pass up the opportunity. His mind reeled with what he might possibly say to them, and wondered if he'd be able to. It had been quite a shock when they arrived, because he had thought they'd remain in their old home. But of course, they would all reunite here.

As he walked, he would take several deep breaths to calm his mind. He wanted a place here, to no longer be the brooding loner who kept out of pack business. Heavy paws walked hesitantly, the scents of his parents growing stronger as he walked towards their den. Soon, he would see them sitting just outside their den, his mother plump from pregnancy, his father seemingly worried. He swallowed again, the sight of his mother pregnant was strange, considering the last time he had seen her that way was with his younger siblings. But now, he had more siblings on the way. Their family was growing, and fast. Slowing his steps, he looked from one to another as he placed the hare on the ground. Glancing up, he stood there in uncertainty, wondering how they would take to his constantly absent presence. "" It was all he could say, unsure of himself about what to say.

Talk like this

Dutiron i


8 Years
07-20-2014, 03:58 AM

Even if the man had wished to discuss his worries on Novella and Frith it seemed that now was hardly the time to do so. He hadn't noticed Howl before hand, though now his son's scent would most certainly be in the air and out of the corner of his eye he spotted the man walking towards them. He hadn't exactly had the greatest surprise with Dutiron and Novel arriving either and automatically the first thought to spring to mind would be that he was here to confront them as Symphony had a few weeks ago.

Uneasy tone would call out to them and Dutiron would shift his gaze from his mate to his son and move his thoughts from his daughter and the unexpected wedding to whatever problem it was that Howl had. As if he needed more trouble really, he was certainly hoping that they would be able to work through any problems now rather that create more of them. "Good morning Howl, is everything ok?"

Novel i


8 Years
07-21-2014, 07:28 AM

The would be little time to speak with Dutiron that morning, or even just spent the much needed alone time with him. Not that she had a single thought against talking to her eldest of sons. She would nuzzle her mate as he returned to her side, but she would not get a greeting as Howl's strong scent would wash over them. Chocolatey gaze would shift to take him in, wondering what he'd been up to the last few years. She could tell by his voice that he had something on his mind, but Dutiron would beat her to the question. She would smile encouragingly, readying herself for a talk similar to his sister's.


Howl 1


07-21-2014, 10:04 PM

He approached his parents, the pair acknowledging him. He glanced from one to the other, worry about something clear in their eyes but he wouldn't press on it. He was not entirely involved in the pack and often absent from the family, why would they start telling him anything now? He was the social outcast, the black sheep of the family. Why did they care anyway? He nodded curtly to his fathers question. "Yeah, everything's fine...thought that maybe I'd just talk to you a bit. It's...been a while since I've seen you two after all." He took in a deep breath, calming his pounding heart.

How would he begin? He was never one to start small talk easily, much less important talk such as this. Although he wanted to apologize for the way he'd been the last few years, he wasn't sure how to go about it. It was a struggle all it's own, evident in his eyes and the way he shifted uncomfortable. He glanced at the sky, wondering then if he had disturbed his parents at all. "M-maybe I'll just come back another time..." Oh Howl, such a lame excuse to prolong things.
